Prophecy Sign: The 7 year covenant between Israel and the many
It is our opinion that the seven year, Antichrist brokered, peace treaty betweenIsrael and the world will not come before there is war in the Middle-East. Out of these wars will emerge the agreement that Daniel the Prophet was told would kick off a period of time unequalled in human history.
However we should pay particular close attention to any and all negotiations betweenIsrael and any of its adversaries, including the Palestinians. From these negotiations will develop the framework that will ultimately become the final seven year agreement which we read about in the book of Daniel, and which the prophet Isaiah indicated would not go well for the Jewish nation.
From the articles:
Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are meeting face to face for the first time in 16 months inAmman , Jordan . But expectations are low for any progress in the talks. Analysts say mistrust runs deep on both sides. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said if the international Quartet - the United States , European Union, United Nations, and Russia - doesn't get the two sides back to the negotiating table by Jan. 26, then it will have failed. "If so, we'll then have our own position, which will be studied and discussed by all the Palestinian institutions of the Palestinian leadership and then we will come up with an answer," Abbas said.
It is our opinion that the seven year, Antichrist brokered, peace treaty between
However we should pay particular close attention to any and all negotiations between
He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. Daniel 9:27 NIV
Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the grave will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it. Isaiah 28:18 NIV
From the articles:
Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are meeting face to face for the first time in 16 months in
Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will face each other across the table in Amman on Tuesday for the first time in 16 months to discuss how, and indeed whether, diplomatic negotiations will proceed. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat reiterated on Monday the Palestinian Authority demand for a full Israeli cessation of construction in the settlements and east Jerusalem, and acceptance of the June 4, 1967, lines as the basis for a two-state solution, saying this would pave the way for the resumption of serious negotiations. Israel ’s position, said Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s spokesman Mark Regev, was that the talks should be held without any preconditions, and that they should deal substantively with all core issues. “We sincerely hope that the meeting in Amman heralds the beginning of direct ongoing Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to achieve peace,” Regev said.
Israel, P.A. Resume Talks, Expectations Low
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