Palestinian statehood recognized by more than 100 countries

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Palestinian statehood recognized by more than 100 countries

Prophecy Sign: A covenant of peace between Israeland the many

Lest we forget that the Palestinians are still pounding the pavement in order to bring about the new state of Palestine. A state that would require the further division of the Holy Land, including dividing Jerusalem. This will either lead to a future treaty of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, (the seven year treaty of Daniel 9:27), or war. Given Israelwill not relinquish even parts of Jerusalem to another nation, we suspect war is more the likely outcome.

He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him." Daniel 9:27 NIV

From the articles:
At least 112 countries around the world have formally recognized Palestine as a state, stretching from Africa to Asia, Europe to Latin America. In Latin America, Uruguay and Peru joined the growing ranks of countries which recognized Palestine this year, with 12 out of the region’s 13 countries formally recognizing it as a state.  Only Colombia, a key ally of the United States in the region, has not followed that path. In Central America, the Palestinian state has been recognized by Cuba, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. Arab countries have also recognized Palestine, including Syria in July of this year.  In Europe, Iceland has become the latest country to recognize Palestine, joining the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta and Poland. Around 150 countries maintain diplomatic relations with the Palestinians in one form or another.
The Palestinian flag was raised at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris Tuesday, in a ceremony attended by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. The Palestinian leader was also to hold talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The flag-raising ceremony at the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization takes place at noon local time. Abbas was scheduled to give a press conference afterwards. UNESCO members voting by an overwhelming majority to admit Palestine as the agency's 195th member state on October 31.

Palestinian statehood recognized by more than 100 countries

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