The Kyoto Accord and the Durban South Africa climate summit are nothing more than attempts to bring about a form of global governance. They have nothing to do with climate change or global warming. The proponents of this new global governance system even have plans that would raise huge amounts of money to fund their new global government. By making the rich nations fork over trillions of dollars in recompense.
The federal government is entirely correct to withdraw Canada from the Kyoto Protocol. If the international climate treaty was ever about saving the planet from global warming, that ceased to be its goal long ago. As demonstrated by the final agreement signed over the weekend at the United Nations climate summit in Durban, South Africa, Kyoto is now mostly about punishing rich countries for being rich and forcing them to pay vast sums — up to $1.6-trillion a year — to the UN for redistribution to poorer nations (after, of course, the UN has taken a healthy cut off the top to support its own wasteful bureaucracy, nepotism, cronyism, incompetence and corruption).
Durban climate summit was the right time to walk away from Kyoto
‘Carbon dioxide has zero effect on global warming’
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