Prophecy Sign: The Psalm 83 war and Saudi Arabia - The future destiny of Iran
The radical Shiite Iranians have approached the Wahabi Sunnis of Saudi Arabia in hopes of bringing the two together to fight their same enemies. That being Big Satan, (American and the West), and the little Satan, (the Jewish State of Israel).
This is amazing because the Shias and Sunnis don't exactly like each other. In fact, wars have been fought between the two branches of Islam. But as they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Bible prophecy informs us that
In addition, the Iranian situation with regards to its nuclear ambitions continue to heat up as a former White House official has said that Iran obtaining nuclear weapons would increase the likelihood of nuclear war in the middle-east. The book of Ezekiel seems to describe a coming nuclear conflict as part of the Gog/Magog war.
For seven months the Israelites will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. All the people of the land will bury them, and the day I display my glory will be a memorable day for them, declares the Sovereign LORD. People will be continually employed in cleansing the land. They will spread out across the land and, along with others, they will bury any bodies that are lying on the ground. After the seven months they will carry out a more detailed search. As they go through the land, anyone who sees a human bone will leave a marker beside it until the gravediggers bury it in the Valley of Hamon Gog , near a town called Hamonah. And so they will cleanse the land.’ Ezekiel 39:12-16 NIV
From the articles:
A large Iranian delegation led by Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi visited Riyadh Monday, Dec. 12 and put a proposition before Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz: Why not bury the Saudi royal house's historic feud with the ayatollahs of Tehran and form an anti-US and anti-Zionist pact for leading the Middle East? The Iranians boasted that after the seizure of America 's top secret drone technology by a successful cyber attack they must now be accepted as the superpower of the region.
The greatest danger posed by a nuclear Iran would be the increased likelihood of a Middle East nuclear war, Dennis Ross said on Tuesday. "If Iran has nuclear weapons, the potential for nuclear war in the Middle East goes up dramatically," Ross, who just retired as the White House's top Iran policy official, said during his first post-Obama administration address at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.The danger, Ross said, lies in the complete lack of communication between Israel and Iran, as opposed to open lines between earlier nuclear antagonists, like the United States and the Soviet Union.
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