Pentagon spending bill includes sweeping detention measures

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Pentagon spending bill includes sweeping detention measures

Prophecy Sign: The global surveillance/police state

As Canadians, we love our American brothers and sisters. We have visited the great nation of American on several occasions. However, recent events are making any further treks south of the 49th parallel something we would have misgivings about. From snarly TSA agents that insist that you either take an enhanced pat-down or go through the full body scanners, to now this; The possibility that at some future time, even a Canadian that runs afoul of some predetermined terrorist definition could be rounded up and tossed away in some American military detention centre indefinitely.

Ya but those are only real terrorists, we need to keep our country safe, might be the argument. But the problem is who decides what the definition of a terrorist will be in the future? Could it be a Christian that refuses to go along with the agenda of the State in the not to distant future?  Or perhaps someone that refuses to take the mark of the Beast and bow down before the False Christ of the future?

The system is now being put in place.  Perhaps faster than anyone can even image.
It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. Revelation 13:7-8 NIV
From the article:
Even American citizens arrested in the United States could face perpetual detention in military prisons without charge or trial under draconian new presidential powers unless Barack Obama vetoes a massive Pentagon spending bill. The sweeping new “antiterrorist” measures could also ensnare Canadians or other foreigners picked up in the United States or overseas. "The homeland is part of the battlefield and people can be held without trial whether an American citizen or not,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, one of the key backers of the new authority. For instance, U.S. agents tipped off by their Canadian counterparts as part of new intelligence-sharing pacts could detain a Canadian, ship him to Guantanamo and imprison him there forever. If Mr. Obama signs the legislation, it will make the United States “an outlier in the international community,” legalizing indefinite detention without charge in military prisons for citizens and foreigners alike, said Andrea Prasow, senior counterterrorism counsel at Human Rights Watch

Pentagon spending bill includes sweeping detention measures

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