Power shifts push Mideast closer to war

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Power shifts push Mideast closer to war

Prophecy Sign: War in the Middle-East

The Middle-East will be the battleground for a series of wars that will extend over at least a period of seven years, (we believe longer than that). Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38/39, Jeremiah 49, Daniel 11 and of course the book of Revelation all describe various wars fought in the Holy Land. These wars will unfortunately take many millions of lives, and may even go nuclear, (taking even more lives).

The stage is being set and even the mainstream media can't help but notice that war looks to be imminent in this most volatile of global regions.

You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Matthew 24:6 NIV

As Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad clings to power with the quiet backing of regional powers Iran and Russia, the Middle East may be sliding slowly into war.  Squeezed between the rebellions of a bloody Arab Spring and growing fears of a possible military response to Iran’s growing nuclear threat, the region is becoming increasingly unstable. “I would be very surprised if it turned into a Russian-American war, but this could be a Mid-East war: Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria, Israel all having at each other,” said Jack Granatstein, military historian and senior research fellow at the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute.
Ramazan Gözen, an international relations expert at Abant İzzet Baysal University wrote this week in the Turkish newspaper Zaman, “A process of steadily sharpening polarization is being experienced … [and] it does not bode well…. In short, the polarization over Syria and Iran can turn into an uncontrollable conflict between the polarized countries and their supporters.”

Power shifts push Mideast closer to war

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