AMAP - First Ever Arctic Ocean Acidification, Seawater pH Report

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AMAP - First Ever Arctic Ocean Acidification, Seawater pH Report

AMAP - First Ever Arctic Ocean Acidification Report

Assessment of Arctic Ocean Acidification studies seawater pH

The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) working group has released the first ever comprehensive assessment of Arctic Ocean acidification. The assessment was approved at the Ministerial Meeting in Kiruna 15 May 2013. In the Kiruna declaration Ministers welcomed the assessment and also requested that Arctic States continue to take action on mitigation and adaptation as well as continue to monitor and assess the state of Arctic Ocean acidification.

Ocean acidification – a long-term decline in seawater pH – is a result of oceans absorbing large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted to the air by human activities. The Arctic Ocean is rapidly accumulating CO2 leading to increased ocean acidification. This ongoing change impacts Arctic marine ecosystems that are already affected by rising temperatures and melting sea ice.


Ocean Acidification - byThe Ocean Portal Team; Reviewed by Jennifer Bennett (NOAA)
In the past 200 years alone, ocean water has become 30 percent more acidic—faster than any known change in ocean chemistry in the last 50 million years.

Scientists formerly didn’t worry about this process because they always assumed that rivers carried enough dissolved chemicals from rocks to the ocean to keep the ocean’s pH stable. (Scientists call this stabilizing effect “buffering.”) But so much carbon dioxide is dissolving into the ocean so quickly that this natural buffering hasn’t been able to keep up, resulting in relatively rapidly dropping pH in surface waters. As those surface layers gradually mix into deep water, the entire ocean is affected.

Such a relatively quick change in ocean chemistry doesn’t give marine life, which evolved over millions of years in an ocean with a generally stable pH, much time to adapt. In fact, the shells of some animals arealready dissolving in the more acidic seawater, and that’s just one way that acidification may affect ocean life.


Preliminary Data: OR and N. CA
Posted July 31, 2013. These are preliminary data processed by Oregon State University PISCO-OMEGAS scientists, with support from National Science Foundation and Oregon Sea Grant. Do not cite as final data. For complete list of all OMEGAS sites, visit our site inventory page.


Acid Test; The Global Challenge Of Ocean Acidification; via @AGreenRoad

Acid Oceans; NSF Reports That Oceans Are Acidifying Faster Today Than in Past 300 Million Years

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Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming, Acid Rain, Acid Oceans And Super Storms; via @AGreenRoad

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AMAP - First Ever Arctic Ocean Acidification Report

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