2015 - NASA Finds 'Amazing' Amounts Of Arctic Methane And CO2 Being Released As Arctic Permafrost On Land And Under Oceans Melts

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2015 - NASA Finds 'Amazing' Amounts Of Arctic Methane And CO2 Being Released As Arctic Permafrost On Land And Under Oceans Melts

2015 - NASA Finds 'Amazing' Amounts Of Arctic Methane And CO2 Being Released As Arctic Permafrost On Land And Under Oceans Melts



Arctic permafrost soils contain more accumulated carbon than all the human fossil-fuel emissions since 1850 combined. Warming Arctic permafrost, is starting to release its own CO2 and methane gases into the atmosphere, with potentially catastrophic results. 

NASA Finds 'Amazing' Levels Of Arctic Methane And CO2, Asks 'Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic?'



Because of global warming, permafrost -- the frozen ground that covers the top of the world -- has been thawing rapidly over the last three decades. But there is cause for concern beyond the far north, because the carbon released from thawing permafrost could raise global temperatures even higher. 

Permafrost temperature, historically. 

The first chart shows normal temperatures of permafrost historically. As of 2007, permafrost temperatures had changed to the graph above. A huge amount of warming is happening and melting of permafrost is starting to happen in areas that have never experienced melting before. 

The Changing Planet series explores the impact that climate change is having on our planet, and is provided by the National Science Foundation (http://science360.gov/series/Changing...) & NBC Learn (http://www.nbclearn.com/changingplanet

The prediction is that by 2050, permafrost frozen ground will be actively melting in all the areas in red, with that area gradually moving north until practically the whole state will be affected by it in 2100. 

The result of melting permafrost is that it will greatly increase the amount of CO2 and methane released into the atmosphere. 

This methane gas is being released all over the Arctic region, globally. The evidence of this happening are the pictures above. A scientist punctures a hole in the ice over a small pond or lake, and then lights the methane gas on fire that comes out of this hole. Every pound of methane released has 20 times the global warming effect that one pound of CO2 does. 


Aug 1, 2014

Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Melting Ice and Global Impacts (1080p HD)

9:00 min. in, scientists talk about how permafrost consists of 1700 GIGATONS of carbon, which will be released into the atmosphere, once the permafrost thaws out, and releases trapped frozen carbon dioxide and/or methane. 

20: Methane deposits trapped under the 20 million square kilometers of the Arctic ocean are close to being released, because the temperature of the ocean bottom permafrost has been warming up. The methane ice deposits have been trapped beneath the permafrost ocean bottom, but that protective cap is now melting and disappearing, allowing millions of years of trapped methane gas to be liberated and released to the atmosphere. 

*** Addendums to credits are located at the bottom of video description ***

This film brings you the voices of climate scientists - in their own words.

Rising temperatures in the Arctic are contributing the melting sea ice, thawing permafrost, and destabilization of a system that has been called "Earth's Air Conditioner".

Global warming is here and is impacting weather patterns, natural systems, and human life around the world - and the Arctic is central to these impacts.
Scientists featured in the film include:

- Jennifer Francis, PhD. Atmospheric Sciences
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University.

- Ron Prinn, PhD. Chemistry
TEPCO Professor of Atmospheric Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

- Natalia Shakhova, PhD. Marine Geology
International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska-Fairbanks.

- Kevin Schaefer, PhD.
Research Scientist, National Snow and Ice Data Center.

- Stephen J. Vavrus, PhD. Atmospheric Sciences
Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison

- Nikita Zimov, Northeast Science Station, Russian Academy of Sciences.

- Jorien Vonk, PhD. Applied Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University

- Jeff Masters, PhD. Meteorology
Director, Weather Underground

- At 16:15, the footage of methane venting from the seafloor was captured by Ocean Networks Canada / CSSF. It is venting from a place called "Bubbly Gulch" near one of their seafloor observatory nodes called Clayoquot Slope (a.k.a. ODP 889), located off the coast of Vancouver Island, BC. The footage was captured in May 2010 at a depth of 1257 m.


Amount of old ice in Arctic, 1987-2013

Watch to the end, as the dramatic decline starts happening and is very obvious in the last couple years..

Animation by NOAA climate.gov, based on research data provided by Mark Tschudi, CCAR, University of Colorado. *Revised on 2/21/14. Caption originally said "old." Revised to "multi-year" to reduce ambiguity.


Multiple global warming negative feedback tipping points have been triggered in the Arctic, including:
  1. Burning large areas of forest or tundra
  2. C02 released from warming melting permafrost on land
  3. Methane released from warming melting permafrost on land
  4. Melting of glaciers and ice masses that serve as a cold sink reservoir that serve as moderating influence on hotter, drier weather extremes
  5. Melting permafrost both on land and under the Arctic oceans
  6. Ice disappearing from the Arctic oceans, thus increasing the amount of heat trapped by ocean and land
Bottom line, the Arctic serves as the canary in the coal mine, warning humanity that things will get much, much worse, fairly quickly, if things are not done right now, in a massive way, to move away from global warming nuclear and carbon fuels.

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NASA Finds 'Amazing' Amounts Of Arctic Methane And CO2 Being Released As Arctic Permafrost On Land And Under Oceans Melts

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