PLO Executive: Full Steam Ahead With Unilateral Track

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PLO Executive: Full Steam Ahead With Unilateral Track

Prophecy Sign: Peace in the Middle-East, (the seven year covenant of Daniel 9:27)

While there is much talk of war in the middle-east, let’s not forget that these wars will lead the world to a coming seven year covenant of peace between
Israel and the rest of the world. This agreement will also allow for the construction of the Jewish Temple, (which the Antichrist will desecrate by entering the holy of holies and declaring himself to be God).

We do not believe that the current Palestinian game plan of a unilateral quest for statehood is going to lead to peace, (we in fact believe it will have the opposite effect and be a factor in the coming Psalm 83 war). However a time is coming when the Antichrist will sit down with Israel, the Palestinians and the remaining players of the world and broker a seven year treaty of peace. Once that agreement is signed, the seven year Tribulation period will begin. At the halfway mark of this agreement, the Antichrist will enter the rebuilt temple and declare to the entire world that he is God and is to be worshiped. This event will then begin what the bible refers to as the Great and Terrible day of the Lord, the Great Tribulation, the last half of the Tribulation period.

He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. Daniel 9:27NIV

From the article:
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) announced Monday it would drop the "land swap" formula in negotiations with Israel. Taysir Khalid of the PLO Executive Committee and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror organizations told Gulf News the land-swap formula was "mere talk" by Israelis and international mediators. "We will seek a non-member state status for Palestineat the UN General Assembly as per the European proposal (Sarkozy Plan)," he said.
"A UN General Assembly resolution highlighting the two-state solution formula, the need to resolve the core issues, upgrading the status of Palestine to a non-member state, and the right of Palestine to be admitted to all the UN agencies will be an effective tool in Palestinian hands when they return to the UN Security Council to seek full UN membership," he explained. "Armed with a resolution from the UN General Assembly, it will be the ideal timing and position for the Palestinians to return to the UN Security Council seeking full UN membership," he said. Khalid also admitted the PA has no interest in reaching a bilateral agreement with Israel- that is, peace - and plans to continue on its current unilateral track.

PLO Executive: Full Steam Ahead With Unilateral Track

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