Prophecy Sign: War in the Middle-East, (Psalm 83, Gog/Magog)
It would seem that everyone from Rep. Michele Bachman to Carleton the Doorman have an opinion as to whether or not war will break out in the middle-east in the very near future. While no one has the answer to that, it certainly would appear that what is now happening in the epi-center is leading to the fulfillment of several prophecies in the bible.
From the articles:
Syria 's growing isolation from its neighbours has raised the prospect of a regional war, according to Arab analysts and newspapers. Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based pan-Arab nationalist newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi, raised the prospect of a conflagration in which a Turkish attack on Syria would coincide with an Israeli attack on Syria 's closest ally, Iran . Other newspapers renewed claims, first raised in the summer, that Turkey was on the brink of ordering its troops to create a "buffer zone" on its border with Syria as a safe haven for refugees from the crackdown on protest by President Bashar al-Assad, _______________________________________
Arab press predicts regional war overSyria
It would seem that everyone from Rep. Michele Bachman to Carleton the Doorman have an opinion as to whether or not war will break out in the middle-east in the very near future. While no one has the answer to that, it certainly would appear that what is now happening in the epi-center is leading to the fulfillment of several prophecies in the bible.
These prophecies warn that at the last days, several wars will devastate the middle-east region. We expect that the first war to come is the Psalm 83 battle which will see the bordering nations of Israel come against the Jewish State. That will be followed sometime thereafter, (some say immediately, some say up to 3 1/2 years later), with the Gog/Magog war which is an alliance of Muslim nations, along with Russia, coming against Israel with intent to conquer and destroy.
An Israeli unilateral attack on Iran 's nuclear facilities might be the match that sends this whole region into flames. Should Israel attack Iran , Iran would likely then order its proxies, (Hamas and Hezbollah), to attack Israel . It’s a good bet that Syria , Lebanon , Egypt and the Palestinians will join the fray. The book of Obadiah and Jeremiah 49 indicate that Israel will win a major victory against these nations, (the Psalm 83 war).
A further war, which may well be much more devastating, the Gog/Magog war, (Ezekiel 38/39), will follow sometime thereafter. An alliance of nations from Libya to Iran , Turkey to Ethiopia , Sudan to Somalia , along with Russia and many of her former satellite states, will attempt to rid the world of Israel once and for all. It won't happen, as God will intervene on Israel 's behalf and destroy the armies of this alliance. This divine intervention will be the key event that will begin to restore the relationship between Israel and Yahweh God.
On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your troops and the nations with you. I will give you as food to all kinds of carrion birds and to the wild animals. You will fall in the open field, for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign LORD. I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the LORD. Ezekiel 39:4-6 NIV
From the articles:
Hizbullah has canceled leaves and is preparing for war, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper As-Seyassah. “Hizbullah cancelled the vacations of all its militants, summoned thousands of its members and gave orders to its prominent officials to remain unseen in case a war broke out,” the daily said. It added that the terrorist army and political party put its combat units, including missile units, on extreme alert.
______________________________________Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann says developments in the Middle East are setting the stage for nuclear war against Israel . In a Republican debate Saturday, Bachmann warned that Iran ’s attempt to develop a nuclear weapon is part of a regional push against Israel .She said Iran is working with countries like Syria and groups like Hamas to push its agenda. That means “the table is being set for worldwide nuclear war against Israel ,” she said.
_____________________________________A U.S. or Israeli military aggression against Syria and Iran will spread war throughout the Middle East, said the leader of the Lebanese resistance movement, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, in a widely reported speech here today. Nasrallah broke the silence for the first time since Israel 's president, Shimon Peres, said last week that an armed attack against nuclear facilities in Iran was "very likely" and the U.S. president, Barack Obama, escalated his rhetoric against Damascus . "I'm not threatening, but anyone with common sense can see that an Israeli-American attack against Iran or a military intervention in Syria , will lead to regional war," remarked the Shiite leader on the occasion of Martyr's Day commemorated by the resistance movement.
Arab press predicts regional war over
'Hizbullah on Alert, Preparing for War'
Hizbulah: War Against Iran or Syria Will Regionalize Conflict
Michele Bachmann: Stage set for worldwide nuclear war against Israel
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