Prophecy Sign: Iran, (Persia), and the Gog/Magog war
We've have already mentioned in another blog entry for today of the coming wars in the middle-east. One of those wars is the Gog/Magog war which we read about in Ezekiel 38/39. Persia , (Iran ) who are named in this prophecy will be a very key player in this coming war.
Why Iran's Top Leaders Believe That the End of Days Has Come
From the article:
According to the briefing given to a closed meeting of Jewish leaders in New York Sunday, Nov. 13, the window of opportunity for stopping Iran attaining a nuclear weapon is closing fast, debkafile's sources report. It will shut down altogether after late March 2012. The intelligence reaching US President Barak Obama is that by April, Iran will already have five nuclear bombs or warheads and military action then would generate a dangerous level of radioactive contamination across the Gulf region, the main source of the world's energy.
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