Prophecy Sign: A new economic world order and the Revived
The current events that we see happening in
The collapse of the Eurozone, (or more likely the major restructuring of), will be the event that brings about the final world empire, the Revived Roman Empire that we read about in the books of Daniel, (chapters 2 and 7), and in the book of Revelation, (chapter 17). This empire will be the entity that the Antichrist will arise from.
Secondly, the collapse of the Eurozone and the resulting collapse of the world markets will be the key event that will lead the world to implement a brand new economic/financial world order. The system which will ultimately be headed by the Antichrist and his cadre of 10 Kingdoms, (Daniel 7 and Revelation 17).
We see all over the world, calls from groups such as Occupy Wall Street, as well as from the progressive elements of the super rich, (eg; Michael Moore, George Soros and Al Gore), for a new world order; An economic, financial and religious congruence that will unite the world under the leadership of the coming "Man of Sin".
From the articles:
Though the daily market gyrations might indicate otherwise, realization is beginning to creep in that the European debt crisis and its effect on the U.S. will not take days, weeks or months to unwind—but years. How many years is up for debate, but a common range bandied about among investment experts is two to five. That prolonged time frame — which entails the period it will take to reduce government spending, come up with workable debt repayment plans, and, most likely, witness the contagion that will follow — means that the market tumult that the crisis has brought also won't be going away anytime soon, either.
_________________________________________Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has told the BBC the collapse of the euro would be "catastrophic" - and Europe must get behind it. Mr Blair said he hoped it would not collapse, but European leaders faced "very difficult and painful" choices. A "long-term framework of credibility" was needed, he said, which included "strong fiscal co-ordination". Chancellor George Osborne told the BBC there must be more co-operation on tax and spending in eurozone countries.
The eurozone could be falling apart at the seams. At what German Chancellor Angela Merkel called its “toughest hour since World War Two,”the UK and Germany offer competing visions of the European Union’s future as the debt crisis continues to deepen. Doubts that new leaders in Greece and Italy will have the political will to push through tough reforms continue to plague the eurozone.
European Debt Crisis: You Haven't Seen Anything Yet
Tony Blair: Euro collapse would be catastrophic rites for euro? Europe in 'worst crisis since WWII'
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