A bright, hope filled, loving and harmonious future awaits humanity, but only if we can believe it, and reach out for it. Humanity can thrive and prosper beyond our wildest imagination.
It is possible to create a future that is carbon free, nuclear free, and chemical free, but only if we imagine it and feel it to be so.
What are the steps involved in getting from here to there? Tony Robbins provides one powerful lesson below....
What makes people excited about the future is progress. Fear, apathy and doubt stops all progress. Love is what inspires people and gets them to change and take actions. People have to hit rock bottom to make progress. If you had to make a change because someone held a gun to your head, you would more than likely do it. Fear will hold back progress forever, and keeps people stuck where they are. Fear leads to denial, anger, violence, hatred and normalcy bias.
Hitting bottom on a global basis means that everything has to look very dark indeed, to force people into making the drastic changes necessary, which they would not do unless it got very, very dark indeed. Change is feared almost as badly as death, so death has to be a very real possibility for people to make drastic changes. Globally, humanity is facing that specter of death in a number of ways. Has humanity hit bottom?
Planet Earth 911 Emergencies
We can have a better, greener, more sustainable world, but refuse to make any changes because of normalcy bias and everything seems ok for the moment, so why change?
Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
Fear, denial, apathy, greed and normalcy bias are all mechanisms that trap and hold not only an individual, but a whole community, a nation and a world full of billions of people who are stuck in a very painful negative downward spiraling situation.
These hegative belief systems and negative emotional responses results in a negative spiral that keeps getting worse and more painful, along with all of the negative emotions that go with it, both individually and collectively, globally. It is literally a self fulfilling prophecy.
People are more afraid of their own power and afraid of freedom and a positive outcome, than anything or anyone else. We don't need to have our backs against the wall or have a gun to our head to make positive changes happen, or to set a HUGE goal that can be reached. This is life changing information and emotionally freeing.
Untying The Gordian Knot - A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor For How To Solve Personal And Global Issues; via @AGreenRoad
Untying The Gordian Knot - A Spiritual Warriors Metaphor For How To Solve Personal And Global Issues; via @AGreenRoad
The breakthrough to making positive things happen that can change the world into a more green and sustainable fashion is the dropping or going past the fear and apathy, moving into love and then having the fire in the belly to do whatever the goal is. The momentum builds from there.
Love has unlimited power. There is no limit on the power of love, when expressed in a healthy way.
We have only begun to scratch the surface of the power of love. How does one express infinity? How does one feel love, to the point where one realizes that there is nothing else that exists that is real in the universe, and that nothing else really matters or has any permanent effect? That is the potential of agape love in it's higher form, and it is possible to both experience it and express it in very real ways.
What else makes the difference?
Certainty.. If you know that absolutely for certain that this will work, you will do it. If you know that it MUST work, that creates the certainty, and the followup. This is the holy grail of belief, imagination and mindset.
Love has unlimited power. There is no limit on the power of love, when expressed in a healthy way.
Greg Braden; The Science Behind Miracles And Heart Based Living; Proof of Healing With Prayer, Using Power Of Love
We have only begun to scratch the surface of the power of love. How does one express infinity? How does one feel love, to the point where one realizes that there is nothing else that exists that is real in the universe, and that nothing else really matters or has any permanent effect? That is the potential of agape love in it's higher form, and it is possible to both experience it and express it in very real ways.
What else makes the difference?
Certainty.. If you know that absolutely for certain that this will work, you will do it. If you know that it MUST work, that creates the certainty, and the followup. This is the holy grail of belief, imagination and mindset.
There is always some kind of potential better future for us individually or globally, but the potential also depends on the massive actions that get to be taken to get us there. The action determines the results that a person or a planet full of people get.
Minimum action = minimum results.
No action = no results.
Massive action = success and reaching the goal.
Minimum action = minimum results.
No action = no results.
Massive action = success and reaching the goal.
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” -Albert EinsteinStay positive, focus on and imagine a bright hopeful future for humankind. It will happen, one way or the other.. Use your power of imagination and put positive feelings behind it; joy, peace, happiness.. Imagine this future when you are happy.. It is our destiny and birthright, and it is why we are here. This does not mean staying stuck in denial. It is accepting reality as it is, but not being limited by it. This is a spiritual distinction, and it is very important.
It is much like an addiction.. the addict has to stop using choice of addiction (drugs, gambling, nuclear power, greed, negativity, lies, fear and hatred) FIRST, and then ask for help. He or she will get it and recovery is almost always possible.
The addict is lying to themselves and to everyone else, but cannot stop because it feels so good; power high, money high, status high, energy monopoly, etc. But the temporary high from non sustainable things and outer pleasures wears off quickly and then an empty feeling is left over.
There are multiple ways once the addict turns over their lives to a Higher Power goes through the 12 step process, that the FUBAR personal or global mess can and will be cleaned up, but first the addict has to hit bottom and ask for help, while surrendering to a higher power, God or the Mystery that is beyond our understanding.
Of course, there are also other possibilities like the 100th monkey consciousness shift, but it is not worth waiting for.
Whatever the mind of man can conceive, man can achieve
Napolean Hill
Einstein said that our most powerful faculty is imagination, not logic.
Imagine a positive future for the whole world, hold to that and be a spiritual warrior, fighting on that level.. Add prayer if you desire and have time.. for more effect. It does not take that many people..
Most people believe something about themselves, no matter what they are told, either good or bad, positive or negative. It does not matter much what they are told. This inner belief (a certainty) affects their actions, which then affects their results, which then reinforces the potential that they believe inside of themselves. The resulting outcome, no matter what it is, reinforces their belief and the feelings associated with that belief, positive or negative.
If a person believes very little in their potential success, or in humanity's successful potential, then the action that results from that belief will be very little and the outcome will be very little. The cycle then reinforces itself in a negative way, because it reinforces the negative belief, fear, few weak or uncertain actions and then little or no potential.
That unconsciously self negative belief system person will say things like; see, it is useless to try, I told you it wouldn't work, and see how depressed I am? It is all your fault, because I knew it wouldn't work. We might as well give up, because there is no hope, I am sure you will agree, right?
That person may 'try' something, but because there is no inner certainty, others feel that on an unconscious level and react to it. The result is failure, which reinforces the belief that there is no hope, no way to make it and no potential, in a downward spiral that keeps feeding negativity, FUBAR and destruction globally.
Remember the old nursery rhyme saying:That unconsciously self negative belief system person will say things like; see, it is useless to try, I told you it wouldn't work, and see how depressed I am? It is all your fault, because I knew it wouldn't work. We might as well give up, because there is no hope, I am sure you will agree, right?
That person may 'try' something, but because there is no inner certainty, others feel that on an unconscious level and react to it. The result is failure, which reinforces the belief that there is no hope, no way to make it and no potential, in a downward spiral that keeps feeding negativity, FUBAR and destruction globally.
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Most of us know this rhyme, but how does it apply to the average person? Most people are unaware of how much power they have, much less what effect they have on the world and on other people. A simple smile or a positive affirmation said to someone who is thinking of committing suicide can save a life. A simple action such as everyone changing their lightbulbs to LED can eliminate the need for many nuclear power plants in just one country.
Population Dynamics - Domino Theory, And The Butterfly Effect; Why Civilizations Fall; via @AGreenRoad
There is a huge power in paying attention to even the smallest things, such as the missing shoelace or the nail in the horseshoe. The smallest things lead to a progression from small positive actions or inactions to larger positive results, or larger negative consequences… Even one person can make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things on a planet filled with billions of people, even if it does not 'feel' that way. Not caring, being cynical and/or fatalistic is an example of how this nursery rhyme may apply to people. A person who does not vote is an example of how this works in practice.
If just ONE person believes that there is unlimited potential, it makes a difference. If just one person sees the world as being filled with positive miracles, huge changes can happen in a positive way both personally and overall in a larger sense for humanity. Small beginnings can and will result in huge actions, large miraculous looking results and success both personally and for the larger community and the global village. A person can see the world as being filled with nothing but miracles every day, or deny that there are any miracles at all. The difference is all in between the ears, not outside in the world.
Eternal Life And Lessons From The Tallest, Largest, Oldest Life On Earth; The Redwood Tree
Absolute certainty, belief and taking massive action can be infectious. It does not take many people doing and accomplishing positive things to make huge changes and success happen very fast. The only thing required is a sense of certainty and absolute belief in a positive, green future, and that it WILL HAPPEN, no matter what the physical level looks like.
If you need some more convincing that miracles are possible, even after the point of death, click on the following link and read this article.....
Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience And Healing Terminal Cancer; via A Green Road
Both Tony Robbins, Napolean Hill, Einstein, Abraham Hicks, Course In Miracles, Jesus Christ, Margaret Mead and many other spiritual and motivational coaches and teachers state that anything is possible and that there are no limits for humanity in general and for individuals specifically.
The only thing we are here for is to unfold and expand into who we really are, which involves paradigm shifting out of old ways of thinking, believing and acting, into new, positive, higher, better, and more sustainable ways of being, thinking, imagining, feeling and living.
What would happen if a small group of people pictured with absolute certainty, a world full of people living in a sustainable, green, and sacred way, that is in harmony with Natural laws, and Nature's laws? There are no limits, right? What happens if people start thinking and acting in ways that benefit 7 future generations, while doing no harm to them?
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve - Napolean Hill
There is no order of difficulty when it comes to miracles - Course in Miracles
The only thing we are here for is to unfold and expand into who we really are, which involves paradigm shifting out of old ways of thinking, believing and acting, into new, positive, higher, better, and more sustainable ways of being, thinking, imagining, feeling and living.
What would happen if a small group of people pictured with absolute certainty, a world full of people living in a sustainable, green, and sacred way, that is in harmony with Natural laws, and Nature's laws? There are no limits, right? What happens if people start thinking and acting in ways that benefit 7 future generations, while doing no harm to them?
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve - Napolean Hill
There is no order of difficulty when it comes to miracles - Course in Miracles
Dr. Goodheart Teaches How To Make Stone Soup That Will Feed Seven Future Generations
The only thing that changes the world is a small group of people anyway. The public has no clue how to make positive changes happen, because schools don't teach this, and neither do colleges. It is the absolute certainty, combined with inner 'practice' or visualization combined with feeling that makes anything positive happen.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Tony talks about a study of basketball players divided into three groups. One group practiced every day for hours. Another group did not practice at all, and did whatever else, but nothing to do with basketball. The third group did not practice physically, but they did an inner emotional and visualization 'practice' session daily, throwing only 'perfect' shots, swishing into the basket with every shot, with a feeling of absolute certainty.
After a month of doing this that actually had each group toss basketballs towards the basket. What do you think happened? Which group did best? The result is that the worst performing group was the one that did not practice at all, and they also did not do any visualizations.
The second best group was the group that practiced daily by shooting baskets.
The group that did the absolute best was the one that pictured the basketball going in every time with visualization practice and an absolutely certain belief in that. Think of what would happen if they combined the visualization with the daily practice.. They created absolute certainty that this would happen on the inside, and then it was expressed or mirrored on the outside.
The second best group was the group that practiced daily by shooting baskets.
The group that did the absolute best was the one that pictured the basketball going in every time with visualization practice and an absolutely certain belief in that. Think of what would happen if they combined the visualization with the daily practice.. They created absolute certainty that this would happen on the inside, and then it was expressed or mirrored on the outside.
This same process happens with people who are making a positive difference in the world, with a goal of a bright, green, sustainable future. The END goal has to be visualized, FELT and it has to be PERFECT, each time it is pictured. No work has to be done outside for this future to happen, because the interior work is way more powerful than any outer 'trying' to make something happen.
The best outcome will be doing daily visualizations of a bright, happy, harmonious, peaceful future where the world is healthy, balanced and humans are working within Nature's laws, while also taking daily actions to make this certain outcome happen, with no doubts or fear.
Introduction To Non Denominational Interfaith Prayer Partnering; How It Works And Why It Is Necessary
Elder Wisdom Council; What Is It? How Does It Work?
Prayer can also help accelerate us into this future, and an elder wisdom council can also be added for more positive effect. Are you one of the 'chosen' few what will create this future for all of humanity? Join us, and help teach the Science Of Sustainable Health, while creating it on the inside, for the whole world. Remember, there are no limits. You can move mountains and part the oceans if necessary. And keep on taking massive action, with absolute certainty.
State and feel positive feelings around the following intent statement or your own version, worded the way that you feel comfortable with...
"Everyone in the world is living in sacred, loving, sustainable Oneness."
Introduction To Non Denominational Interfaith Prayer Partnering; How It Works And Why It Is Necessary
State, see and feel positive feelings around the following prayer or your own version of it, worded the way that you feel comfortable with...
"Everyone in the world is living in sacred, loving, sustainable Oneness."
Elder Wisdom Council; What Is It? How Does It Work?
Prayer can also help accelerate us into this future, and an elder wisdom council can also be added for more positive effect. Are you one of the 'chosen' few what will create this future for all of humanity? Join us, and help teach the Science Of Sustainable Health, while creating it on the inside, for the whole world. Remember, there are no limits. You can move mountains and part the oceans if necessary. And keep on taking massive action, with absolute certainty.
Humanity Has A Bright, Green, Sustainable Future And Destiny; Here Is How You Can Help Make Solution Happen
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