Japanese Government Radiation Monitoring Posts Do Not Match Citizen's Radiation Meter Readings

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Japanese Government Radiation Monitoring Posts Do Not Match Citizen's Radiation Meter Readings


At about 4: minutes in, the narrator goes into holding a citizen radiation meter next to a government radiation meter, and it shows a higher reading than the 'official' government meter. Another view is given of radiation readings around the meter, showing double or higher radiation readings in a school play yard, when compared to the radiation monitor set up by the Japanese government. 

This Fukushima low dose radiation caused public health disaster is just starting, because the Japanese government is not only downplaying the radiation levels in supposedly 'decontaminated' areas, but it is also raising the amount of radiation allowed for civilians by large orders of magnitude, much like the EPA did in the US in 2014; by 26,000%.  

It looks like a huge profit wave is in the works for the cancer, chemotherapy, and medical radiation industries in Japan and elsewhere. Better get in now, and buy stock in the dis-ease nuclear and chemo industry, which is a partner for the nuclear industry. 

Both make profits off of sickness, cancer and dis-ease. But hurry, while there are still healthy people left in Japan. Pretty soon, it will look like Belarus, where there are many homes filled up with radiation caused deformed and sick kids that parents have given up because they are too hard to take care of. Radiation does not care what a person thinks or believes, anymore than gravity cares if a person believes in a flat Earth and that the sun revolves around a stationary planet. 


Japanese Government Radiation Monitoring Posts Do Not Match Citizen's Radiation Meter Readings; via @AGreenRoad

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