Monarch Butterfly Die Off; Radiation And GMO Promoting Monsanto Pesticide Roundup

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Monarch Butterfly Die Off; Radiation And GMO Promoting Monsanto Pesticide Roundup

Medical and scientific data from Chernobyl reports that internal radiation contamination from food or liquids taken in is the quickest way to disease, cancer and genetic deformities, whether it is a human, animal, plant, insect or sea life.


Lead researcher, Dr. Joji Otaki of University of Ryukus, experimented with butterfly larvae from Okinawa. He fed them highly contaminated leaves from Fukushima. Results: Not only did they die at an abnormally high level, but the mortality and genetic abnormality rates for 2nd generation butterflies was much higher. Things got even worse for 3rd generation butterflies.
(sorry, video deleted, pro nuclear forces are constantly 'scrubbing' the Internet of things like this) 

Numerous other studies confirm that radiation harms not just insects, but also birds, plants and insects.

Fukushima, Chernobyl, TMI Radiation Caused Mutations, Deformed Butterflies And Other Insects; via @AGreenRoad

The take away is that low dose radiation from places like Fukushima is killing or harming insects, and among them are our beloved Monarch butterflies. But it gets worse from there. As if low dose radiation was not enough, other poisons such as Roundup pesticides are also affecting this and other miracle filled species.


SumofUs; "Our monarch butterflies are vanishing -- and all signs point to Monsanto as the main culprit. Major press outlets worldwide reported earlier this month that the butterflies are in "grave danger". Their population has reached the lowest numbers ever recorded. Now, an independent study has linked the monarch's decline with Monsanto’s Roundup pesticide. 

This corporate giant knows what it's doing. But Monsanto says we should balance the butterfly's survival with what it calls "productive agriculture" (read: Monsanto's bottom line). We need to fight this now, before it’s too late for the butterflies. 

The same thing is true of bees; toxic insecticide is killing bees..

The annual mass migration of 60 million monarchs from Canada to Mexico is one of the most beautiful phenomena in the natural world. But it's now on the verge of being a relic of history, and a key link in our food chain is under threat.


The monarch butterfly is in a serious, decades-long decline. The WWF has reported that this winter, the monarchs are only occupying an area of 1.7 acres in Mexico, down from 45 acres in 1996. An evolutionary strategy based on eating a common weed seemed smart -- until Monsanto came along. Just one state along the monarchs' migration route, Iowa, is reported to have lost 98 percent of its milkweed. 

Monsanto products like Roundup dominate the agricultural market worldwide. This corporate giant sells matching genetically-engineered plants resistant to its pesticides -- and encourages factory farms to douse fields with gallons of Monsanto's herbicides. 

But sprayed over vast areas, these poisons effect the entire ecosystem. Monsanto's Roundup is also wiping out the monarchs' primary food source -- a plant called milkweed. Scientists have linked the monarch's rapid population decline to the spread of Monsanto's pesticides. Losing these butterflies means wiping out insects, birds and small mammals that rely on the monarch and its place in the food chain. 

Every second we wait is another second closer to the monarch’s extinction. We helped wake up the world to the danger of Bayer's pesticides on the bees. Now let’s harness that awareness to save the monarchs from Monsanto! " From Taren, Angus, Hanna, Melanie and the team at

In summary the combined threats of radioactive and other poisons, habitat loss, food loss, and climate change are all threatening the species we value the most, such as our butterflies and bees. They are experiencing a mass die off that involves the losing of 300 species per day, globally, due in large part, to the 45 plus negative tipping points that humans are creating through modern civilization. 

2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad

Is there still time to save this and other species? Will humanity make it through these cascading tipping points without becoming just another species lost? Time will tell...


Monarch Butterfly Die Off; Radiation And GMO Promoting Monsanto Pesticide Roundup; via @AGreenRoad

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