NONE of 12 US Government 'Fukushima Task Force' Recommendations Have Been Implemented By NRC, 3 Years After 3/11

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NONE of 12 US Government 'Fukushima Task Force' Recommendations Have Been Implemented By NRC, 3 Years After 3/11

maybesomeday June 27, 2014 "Some good news: The country's largest nuclear plant operator, Chicago-based Exelon, plans to announce "plant closings by the end of this year if market conditions don't improve". None of its 6 Illinois nuke plants turned a profit in the last five years. The bad news: 21 Republicans and 26 Democrats have delayed the post-Fukushima upgrades recommended by NRC staff until the end of 2017. 

The upgrades required installation of "filters on hardened vents at 31 boiling-water reactors to help prevent radiation discharges into the environment in the event of an accident. Those reactors are similar in design to the six at the Fukushima facility". Exelon has spent nearly $8 million on political campaigns since 2008, and $34.6 million on lobbying."


Obama's Carbon Order Increases Nuclear Energy's Odds
Mandating the reduction of carbon emissions could result in the increasing use of nuclear energy

The nuclear companies are pushing for this carbon credit plan, because it potentially can turn all those money losing plants that would have to be closed, into money makers again. And to go along with this Christmas present, the politicians also proposed putting off the safety improvement mandates for many years.. to boost profits for the nuclear industry even more.


Via Heart of the Rose December 13, 2014 U.S. In The Hotseat Because Of Convention On Nuclear Safety, Described “Biggest Obstacle” To World Security Dec 13 2014
"But the U.S., according to the report, doesn't want the European proposal solely because "an attempt to amend the convention could weaken the rules, because some governments would be slow to ratify changes." Allison Macfarlane, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said the proposal could all the more "damage" global nuclear safety because it's a "difficult and long time-consuming process."

"Senators Barbara Boxer and Edward Markey, in a Dec 3 Senate testimony, said they find the U.S. resistance to the European safety proposals a "serious concern." The report said what the U.S. wants is for the treaty signatories to just "reaffirm" their commitments to undergo rigorous peer reviews from international nuclear regulators."


It has been three years since the mega multiple nuclear plant meltdown nuclear disaster called Fukushima. Hearings were held and a commission was formed to recommend safety modifications from the lessons learned due to analysis of the Fukushima disaster. The Fukushima Task Force held hearings, took testimony and researched what caused the multiple meltdowns of nuclear reactors, despite promises from the nuclear industry that this 'could never happen'.

As a result of those hearings, investigations, and research, the Fukushima Task Force tasked 12 things to the NRC to be adopted and implemented by the nuclear industry. The NRC was specifically asked to do it, because they are the regulator that is the body authorized to require the nuclear industry to implement those 12 items.

Three years after the 3/11 disaster, NOT ONE of the 12 recommendations provided by the US Government Fukushima Task Force has been implemented. Instead of strengthening nuclear plant safety standards and providing more safety to communities in order to prevent another Fukushima mega nuclear disaster, the NRC nuclear regulator and the nuclear industry 'experts' in their great wisdom and caring for the health and safety of communities, did the exact opposite.


The nuclear industry worked on weakening safety laws and rules around nuclear reactors by demanding that evacuation standards be eliminated or relaxed. They also got the EPA to increase the allowable amount of radiation a person can be exposed to raised by 26,000%, in case of an accident or spill, thus eliminating the need for evacuations completely. So instead of preventing nuclear disasters, the nuclear industry is basically saying that nuclear disasters will continue to happen, and they don't want to be responsible for evacuating people or ensuring that the food and water protects the health of children or adults after that. 

"And in the time since the March 11, 2011 disaster, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), led by Chairman Allison M. Macfarlane, was tasked by Congress and the NRC with implementing 12 post-Fukushima “recommendations” for the nuclear-power industry to follow. This included everything from upgrading plants to “prevent or mitigate seismically-induced fires or floods,” “improve spent fuel pools” and “improve reactor inspection and oversight process.”


Of these 12 recommendations, the NRC took no action – none whatsoever – to require U.S. nuclear plant operators to implement a single recommendation from the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee via the “Fukushima Near-Term Task Force. One of them blandly stated he was not worried in the least about nuclear safety issues and had plans to take trips around the world rather than stay at home and address the critical issues that the NRC should be addressing. -

VIa nuclear pollution June 10, 2014  In more recent C-span “Fukushima Task Force” hearings…..

(1) Sen. Boxer of California was stellar reminding everyone that NONE of the 12 'Fukushima Task Force' recommendations have been implemented yet.

She also showed a frightening photo of the recent fire blazing within 1/2 a mile of San Onofre nuclear power plants' spent fuel pools, which are at double capacity. (3600 spf's)

(2) Sen. Markey of Massachusetts was also stellar. He said whistleblowers contact him all the time, and 75% of whistleblowers who go through the formal method of whistleblowing end up with poor performance appraisals.

Sen. Markey also sponsored the “Dry Cask Storage Act” to get spent fuel now in water into dry cask storage.

REMINDER: 4 of 5 NRC Commissioners voted AGAINST dry cask storage.

He was also concerned that Chinese nationals were allowed into U.S. nuclear power plants.

(3) These pro-nuclear Senators were vocally supportive of the nuclear industry. Vote them out if they are your senators.

- Sen. Cardin (D) Maryland

- Sen. Vitter (R) California

- Sen. Whitehouse (D) Rhode Island wants to promote advanced nuclear technologies like small modular reactors.

- Sen. Sessions (R) Alabama was particularly pro-nuclear…stating the old lies that there have been “zero deaths” due to nuclear energy and that nuclear energy has a “tremendous safety and environmental record” and is “no carbon”

Sen. Inhofe (R) Oklahoma said dry storage of spent-fuel is not substantially safer and would cost the industry $4 billion dollars to put spent-fuel into dry casks. He criticized Germany’s transition away from nuclear energy.

Sen. Barrasso (R) Wyoming said he believes storing nuclear waste in wet pools is “safe” and Wyoming has a lot of uranium so we “must continue to build new nuclear power plants”"

WATCH the hearings in video above, or at;


What is the take away? The nuclear industry ignores the public servants sent to Washington to represent the public. The nuclear industry keeps making empty promises and guarantees, but then takes no action to prevent nuclear accidents and melt downs, so they keep on happening and getting worse and worse. Now it is not just one reactor melting down, it is multiple reactors and spent fuel pools as well. 

List Of All 30+ Global Nuclear Reactor Melt Downs; via @AGreenRoad

Because the NRC is staffed by nuclear industry 'insiders', they have no interest in actually protecting public and community health or safety, but are more concerned with promoting the nuclear industry by flying around the world on junkets paid for by US taxpayers. 


The New Yorker published an article titled; The Fallout; they discuss how many countries abandoned atomic power, but Japan didn't. In Japan, they kept building plants, and started five more within two years of the Chernobyl meltdown. The public had to be convinced, so the nuclear industry responded by investing in a huge PR campaign, visitor centers, atomic museums, swimming pools, golf courses, gardens and theatres. They focused on women and children specifically, "according to Noriya Sumihara, a cultural anthropologist at Tenri University, who studied the phenomenon. “The companies believed that mothers were key decision-makers in the family,” he said. “If women felt the plants were relatively safe, then men would, too.”

In the Tokaimura complex there is a tourist attraction called Atom World, where children are taught nuclear propaganda through cartoon characters like Uranium and Little Pluto Boy, who teach children that radioactive contamination in food is ok, and up until 1993, a video showed Pluto Boy, teaching kids that it is ok to drink plutonium, that it has NEVER caused any cancer in anyone.


Nuclear experts promised everyone that Japanese nuclear reactors were different from Russian reactors and that five layers of protection would not allow a nuclear reactor meltdown in Japan. They guaranteed that a nuclear accident like Chernobyl would NEVER happen in a million years with Japanese reactors. 

A 2002 report by Tokyo Electric and five other companies declared, “There is no need to take a hydrogen explosion into consideration,” the Yomiuri Shimbun reported. (After the third hydrogen explosion at Fukushima, a company official conceded to the paper that “we were overly confident.”) ....To some extent, Taro Kono blamed the fact that the agency charged with policing power plants—the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency—was part of the very ministry in charge of promoting them. “There’s no reason for you to regulate something, because when you go back to the ministry everyone’s going to be mad at you,” he said. Moreover, staff members are reluctant to change rules laid out by predecessors. As Kono put it, “Even after top bureaucrats retire, they have influence on personnel changes, so you have to have a good relationship with the old guys.”


Japanese nuclear regulators, like their American counterparts, have frequently been criticized for following a revolving door into lucrative jobs in the industries they police, and vice versa. Moreover, power-company executives are some of Japan’s most generous political donors; the utilities have not made corporate donations in a generation, but in 2009 individual executives gave seventy-two per cent of all personal contributions to the Liberal Democratic Party. In the late nineteen-nineties, a Tokyo Electric vice-president named Tokio Kano left the company to run, successfully, for parliament, where he led an effort to prevent the adoption of new textbooks until the Education Ministry removed references to the anti-nuclear movement in Europe. After leaving parliament, he returned to Tokyo Electric as an adviser.


Nuclear-safety scandals began to emerge. In June, 2002, Tokyo Electric was forced to reveal that for two decades it had faked hundreds of repair records, at the Fukushima Daiichi plant and at several other reactors. Five years later, it conceded that it had lied in its previous acknowledgment of lying and owned up to six more emergencies at Fukushima Daiichi that had been concealed. The gravest error, perhaps, was underestimating the risk of tsunamis. The Nuclear Safety Commission’s official guidelines declared that, in the event of a big wave, “safety functions of facilities shall not be significantly affected.” But experts inside and outside the government had warned authorities about new research on the speed of meltdowns in the event of a power loss and the acute threat posed by storing diesel generators in a basement.


NONE of 12 US Government 'Fukushima Task Force' Recommendations Have Been Implemented By NRC, 3 Years After 3/11; via @AGreenRoad

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