Pandora's Promise Movie Review And Synopsis, Part I

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Pandora's Promise Movie Review And Synopsis, Part I

Pandora's Promise; Written and directed by Robert Stone; directors of photography, Mr. Stone and Howard Shack; edited by Don Kleszy; music by Gary Lionelli; produced by Mr. Stone, Jim Swartz and Susan Swartz. The movie is available on Netflix and other locations. Who paid for and financed this movie? It would be interesting to see who put up the money to make and produce this movie...

Via Jebus July 14, 2014 Nuclear energy film overstates positives, underplays negatives
By Ralph Cavanagh and Tom Cochran, Special to CNN
updated 5:25 AM EST, Wed November 6, 2013


One of the people who watched the screening of Pandora’s Promise at Sundance this year was Bonnie Benjamin-Phariss, director of Paul Allen’s Vulcan Films division. She thought it was so well done that she showed it to Paul Allen, who, after several months of “vetting every detail in the film,” according to Stone, decided to finance a big chunk of the cost of distribution. Allen’s sister, Jody Allen, who is president and CEO of Vulcan Inc., the investment firm she and her brother cofounded, is backing the film as well. UK billionaire Sir Richard Branson also came in as an executive producer after the film was complete. Branson’s representative did not respond to a request for a comment.


(CNN) — The new film "Pandora's Promise" is a love song to nuclear power that claims to be a documentary, but like all good propaganda it omits key parts of the story, overstates the positives and underplays the negatives.
For a more in depth synopsis and review, dive in via the article below. 

A famous artist's video movie review of Pandora's Promise..

This movie claims to be about “environmentalists who are for nuclear energy.” The supposed environmentalists who are featured in this movie either got hoodwinked by the pro nuclear experts and/or they need to do some more research, before putting out a movie like this.

Close to the end of the movie, the producer asks Helen Caldicott MD why the IAEA and WHO would put out false and misleading figures about radiation dangers and numbers of deaths around nuclear reactor meltdowns. She said that she did not know why they did that. The answer about how and WHY they minimize casualties is contained in this article. The movie makers managed to catch her on a bad day, when she was obviously really stressed out and upset, and not thinking straight. 

What is an environmentalist? By definition, an environmentalist cannot support a destructive, extractive, non sustainable technology or industry such as coal, oil, gas, or nuclear. Nuclear is VERY destructive if one analyzes it deeply enough, which is where this article will take you, if you want to go there. That one simple fact makes Michael Moore suspect... and he makes it clear that he support nuclear power 100%, and is against any 'environmentalists' who don't.

Michael Moore: Thank you so much for making pro-nuclear movie — What a risky, brave idea — France doesn’t seem to have problems with it — I hear ‘Solar and wind are not going to save us’ — I’m concerned about statements by environmental groups against nuclear power (VIDEO)

The problem is that the people who made this movie did not dig deeply enough and took everything that the IAEA and WHO reports as being the gospel truth.. Do you believe everything a used car salesman says? Why would any environmentalist believe anything a pro nuclear sales/marketing agency like the IAEA says? How does one tell the difference between a documentary and a propaganda movie? 

Nuclear Movies/TV Shows Can Be Industry Propaganda Or Truth - How To Tell The Difference; via @AGreenRoad

The fact that this movie presents only the view of the marketing/sales arm of the nuclear industry is suspicious and alarming, especially when it is combined with the premise that all environmentalists need to listen to the IAEA, as the sole and only body that tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Maybe there is more to the IAEA than is available in the mass media and they deserve some closer scrutiny, available at the following link, if you do not know what is being pointed at yet.

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

To their credit, in the movie Pandora's Promise, they admit that no other energy source except nuclear can contaminate large areas with radiation and have the huge negative impact that nuclear power can. AGRP agrees with this fact, and it cannot be disputed. This should put nuclear out of business, immediately, all by itself. The movie is also aptly pictured above, because the horrors of nuclear power can only be compared to what is coming out of Pandora's Box, in a never ending cascade. The box is open, not closed. The 1,200+ different man made heavy metal and radioactive poisons are the horrors, and they negatively affect all life on the planet, as well as the environment.

Pandora's Box Opened; 1,946 Lethal Radioactive Man Made Elements Created By Nuclear Industry Coming Out; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Power Is EXPENSIVE, Dirty, Dangerous And Toxic, Even More So AFTER Decommissioning; via @AGreenRoad

3 Nuclear Reactors Were Bombed; All Reactors ARE Nuclear Bombs; via A Green Road

This one indisputable fact alone should be enough to convince anyone that nuclear is not the answer for the future of humanity. Nuclear power plants will eventually result in the destruction of the human race if the technology is not abandoned.

In addition to the above, the nuclear industry is not ready for and have not planned on the Carrington Effect. They admit in the movie that if electrical power is lost, that all light water reactors will melt down. Well, that day is coming soon, and no nuclear power plant is ready for it. The Carrington Effect will make Chernobyl and Fukushima look like a movie preview.  For more information, click on the following link.

Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth - 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode; via @AGreenRoad

09 min. - The subject is about an experimental breeder reactor called the EBR -1, and the movie claims that "everything went as planned". The only problem was, that this reactor melted down, as did more than 30 nuclear reactors. They do admit that the whole nuclear energy industry was started to make a nuclear bomb, and this created the negative image. (AGRP agrees that the nuclear industry has a very negative image and that it is getting worse.)

1955 EBR - Experimental Breeder Reactor Melts Down; via @AGreenRoad

List Of All 30+ Global Nuclear Reactor Melt Downs; via @AGreenRoad

13 min: Stewart Brand is talking about the nuclear bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and say that those things "cut pretty deep". The picture fades to a bunch of armed forces sitting next to planes as a nuclear bomb goes off near them.. These are part of the 300,000 armed forces downwinders. They also talk about the 2,000 open air nuclear bomb tests. 

AGRP response;  The nuclear industry from beginning to end does nothing other than releasing hundreds of cancer, disease and DNA altering man made radioactive elements into the air, water and soil, which then concentrate back up the food chain back to humans, but the nuclear industry experts ignore and deny this.

The 'testing' of nuclear bombs has resulted in an estimated 60 million deaths globally, from all of the man made radioactive elements released just from this source alone. To claim that no one died and no one got cancer in the US from nuclear power in this movie boggles the mind, because that takes a lot of hubris. But it is good that the physicist claims this, because it points directly at how and why the industry manages to cover up and deny deaths. This is a perfect example of one of the methods they use.

2400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998; via @AGreenRoad

300,000 Atomic Bomb Testing Veterans and 1 Million Agent Orange Victims; via @AGreenRoad

40 - 60 MILLION Deaths Due To Global Open Air Nuclear Weapons Testing 1945 to 2003; via @AGreenRoad

14 min; To their credit, the movie does make the point that all nuclear weapons need to be destroyed, so everyone is in in agreement on this point. Dr. Caldicott makes the point very clear for anyone who is still in doubt about that and AGRP agrees that all nuclear weapons need to be destroyed, as soon as possible. 

Dr. Helen Caldicott MD On Nuclear Weapons, MAD/Nuclear Armageddon; via @AGreenRoad

15 min;  Michael Shellenberger said that the definition of a pro nuclear advocate in his family was to 'be a dupe'. When he went on a tour of the nearby nuclear plant, he and his friends laughed, because these nuclear workers are all 'tools', part of the pro nuclear propaganda campaign. And of course the Homer Simpson story was about the evil owner and the bumbling Homer Simpson would could not figure out how to turn off a melting down nuclear reactor.  Mark Lynas says he is an environmentalist and that he participated in protests against nuclear power, because it was 'evil'.  was a battle to save the Earth. 

AGRP response; The human operators of nuclear plants are typically the weak link and make mistakes, despite the best of intentions and caring, assuming a nuclear plant is built perfectly, and has no defects, which is almost impossible.

As Arnie Gunderson says; you can have 40 years of normal operation and then just one bad day ruins thousands of square miles of land, permanently. No other energy source except nuclear power does that. No other energy source has that kind of unacceptable risk. This is another opportunity to point out how the nuclear industry deceives people.

What Is The Statistical Probability Of A Major Nuclear Accident Like Fukushima In The USA, Or In Your Country? via @AGreenRoad

They say the risk of a nuclear plant meltdown is so low, it is impossible that it would ever happen, but that is a lie, because there have been over 30 nuclear plant meltdowns globally. The IAEA, WHO and other nuclear experts claim that there have been only 3 meltdowns, but that is how these organizations work; through denial, minimization and cover ups. 

List Of All 30+ Global Nuclear Reactor Melt Downs; via @AGreenRoad

18 min: - Richard Rhodes claims that he was a journalist and believes that the mass media only covered the anti nuclear side because that is what they wanted to believe. He changed his mind because he talked with the pioneers of nuclear energy until he got it through his head that is was not what the anti nuclear folks 'felt' it was, or 'believed' it was. 

AGRP response; Richard Rhodes has not done his homework. He was basing his anti nuclear stance on feelings and 'beliefs', not facts. Facts are what good environmentalists operate on, not just blind 'beliefs and feelings'. The facts presented by the AGRP article database show and prove that nuclear power is more dangerous, toxic and planet destroying, compared to any other carbon based energy source. Richard and the rest of the movie crew obviously did not investigate these facts or they have 'forgotten' them. Better take the money and run, as the song says, because that is what nuclear power is all about.

It seems Richard has was hoodwinked by a one sided, biased and misleading representation of how safe the nuclear industry is. There are so many deceptions in this movie, it is hard to know where to start, but let's focus on aging reactors that are being relicensed to operate another 20 to 40 years, shall we? 

Aging Reactors, Lies, Deceptions, Profits And Earthquakes

Another problem with the claims made in this movie is that the mass media is owned and controlled by multinational corporations, not be anti nuclear hippies. The business of the mass media is to air advertising for other multinational corporations and make a PROFIT. They are not going to bite the hand that feeds them. The mass media is owned and controlled by the 1%, who are all about money, not about saving the environment. Again, Richard is either naive, being misled or he is being deceptive and misleading.

Bernie Sanders on Why Big Corporate Owned Media Shouldn’t Get Bigger; via @AGreenRoad

The mass media will feature only the 1% viewpoint, not the other way around. The lack of investigative reporting or any meaningful news about Fukushima, which is an ongoing and worsening mega nuclear disaster, is clear evidence of this very basic fact. The movie claims that the media is controlled by anti nuclear hippies, which is patently ridiculous, even outrageous. If he can make that claim stick and show where the anti nuclear hippies are the 1% in control of the mass media, AGRP wants to see that and meet those long haired, bead carrying, tie dye shirt wearing executives. 
Fake Mass Media News; The Many Ways The Viewing Public Is 'Programmed' And TV Programming Is Censored; via @AGreenRoad

Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism; via @AGreenRoad

The Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons, Faux Media and Fraudulent Science; via @AGreenRoad

How Corporations Control Governments, Media, Politicians; Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man; via @AGreenRoad

20 min; Charles Till, a physicist; describes a breeder reactor as something that can recycle all of it's own fuel, and make plutonium at the same time. A light water reactor is much simpler, but it produces more waste. Admiral Rickover was responsible for making the the light water reactor the commercial model used to produce power. President Eisenhower was responsible for 'sharing the benefits' of nuclear power with other countries, and it was called 'Atoms for Peace'.  The reason nuclear power plants were built is put squarely on utility company executives playing golf and all of them wanting one, because there was one down the road, so they had to have one. In addition, it would be 'clean' energy, because it would replace a coal fired plant.

AGRP response; The impression is given that breeder reactors are the desired nuclear reactors by all physicists, and that the power industry sold out for second best, and that breeder reactors are the 'next step' and are somehow better than light water reactors. Breeder reactors have been tried all over the world, and failed miserably. Their failures are the REAL reason that they have been shut down in the US, for a very good reason. Of course, the movie completely ignores ALL of the failures of breeder and liquid sodium reactors and then makes false promises based on one experiment that we do not get to see any details about. 

A Global Overview - How And Why Fast Breeder Reactors Never Lived Up To The Hype Or The Promises; via @AGreenRoad

LMFBR - Liquid Metal Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor Problems - Too Expensive, Too Dangerous; via @AGreenRoad

All nuclear reactors make plutonium. The next generation reactors are all supposed to operate with plutonium as part of the fuel, despite claiming otherwise. Plutonium is the most dangerous man made radioactive element on Earth, but no mention in made of this.

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Again, this is another opportunity to point at how the pro nuclear crowd likes to deceive and mislead about the actual facts, and make promises that they never actually deliver on.  

Fukushima Lies Movie Part I and II; via @AGreenRoad

25 min: Gwyneth Rayes; TMI happened, announcer talking about operators making numerous mistakes and the consequence was a radiation leak. She was afraid the 'rays' were going to get her and her daughter in New York City. The movie the 'China Syndrome' had come out 2 weeks earlier. The movie described a full melt down and out of a nuclear reactor core, creating an Apocolypse. At the time, she combined nuclear bombs with nuclear plants and said they combined in her head, as being one and the same thing. They both rendered large areas of land uninhabitable, through different methods. Nuclear anything is a bad idea. (AGRP agrees that nuclear anything is still a bad idea.)

TMI - Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant Meltdown And Radiation Release Coverup Exposed - 1 Billion Curies Released; via @AGreenRoad

27: min. Ralph Nader and other movie stars came out to large, cheering crowds in a speech saying that fighting nuclear was a good idea for many reasons, such as fighting cancer, being a good patriot, fighting inflation, and that it would save this country. (AGRP agrees and the points still apply.)

27: min Gwyneth Rayes; Women are hard wired to protect families, it is a natural impulse. If something looks bad, we are holding up our hand and saying NO. She protested against a new nuclear plant being built right after TMI happened. She said the only reason the protests happened is because the oil industry put in large ads in the paper, scaring people about nuclear power. The ad says solar is the answer, not nuclear. But then she goes on to claim that solar cannot replace nuclear power or oil because the sun does not shine in the winter. She blames the fossil fuel industry for it's cynicism.. Shoreham was finished, started up and then was shut down by the governor of the state and then mothballed. People were so afraid of it, they just said "SHUT IT DOWN", and the government complied.

AGRP response;  People should be very afraid of nuclear anything, because all of it is deadly dangerous. Gwyneth obviously does not know anything about nuclear energy or renewable energy options, despite writing a book about it, or she would know that solar and other renewable energy sources provide more than enough energy to replace nuclear power, without any of the risks posed by nuclear energy. 

Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Environment And Renewable Energy

30: min... Charles Till, a physicist makes the claim that anyone who is against nuclear, that person is for more fossil fuel burning.

AGRP response; Just because an environmentalist is fighting the nuclear industry does NOT make them a fan of fossil fuels either, as Charles claims. What is happening is that both the nuclear industry (via this movie and others like it) and the carbon fuel industry fight the implementation of renewable energy tooth and nail. Every chance they get, these huge 1% controlled industries put TRUE environmentalists down, attack them, and put down those who advocate for it as Charles is doing here, despite carbon free renewable energy sources offering all of the answers. 

The nuclear industry is part of the military industrial complex, and it is worth 5 Trillion dollars. They are not going down without a fight, and this movie is an example of how the nuclear apologists operate and are now fighting back with pro nuclear propoganda in the mass media, movies, newspapers, blogs, etc.. They are lying about renewable energy and the denying all dangers of nuclear energy. Obviously, none of the people involved in this movie have listened to Jeremy Rifkin, who is an advisor to heads of state all around the world. 

5 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is A Dead End Technology, by Jeremy Rifkin - Advisor To Heads Of State Around The World

33: min; the movie makes the statement that climate change caused by human activies will wreak havoc on human society, (admitting that global warming is caused by carbon fuels), but that he, a very passionate environmentalist was too 'scared' to believe that nuclear could be the answer and it was 'pathetic' really. 

AGRP response; The conclusion is that all environmentalists are scared of nuclear power and are to blame for 'blocking' nuclear power. And if you are an environmentalist and you make the leap and became a pro nuclear advocate, you won't be scared anymore. Maybe that conclusion was true for him in that moment, without more information and facts and because he is in a state of denial, but that is not the truth. He did not pursue the facts on the anti nuclear side. Actually, if you pursue the facts and find out about all of the coverups, the deception, the lies and minimization, odds are you will be MORE scared of nuclear power and the whole industry, not less. You will also have to go through a grieving process, and work through denial, which is one of the stages of grief. This specific segment is actually pointing at normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance and denial, which the makers of this movie seem to be stuck in, if they are not consciously trying to deceive people. For more information, click on the link...

Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad 

What is the real reason nuclear power is dead? Nuclear power is too expensive and dangerous, pure and simple. As Jeremy Rifkin explains there are actually FIVE reasons why nuclear is dead in the linked article above, but this movie did not mention ANY of those reasons, at all. Trying to blame environmentalists for the failure of nuclear energy is ridiculous and nonsensical. 

34: min; Ted Nordhaus and Michael Schellenberger worked with all of the major environmental groups like Sierra Club, NRDC and Earth First to save redwoods and were the consultants to the big green groups. Tjeu described the Kyoto Accords as a universal, seductive narrative that wind and solar would save the day. The idea was that the US would sign the Accords and everyone would ratchet down their emissions was a fairy tale. The whole premise was all based on making fossil fuels more expensive and that is just not going to happen. They got clear on how big the gap was between renewables and oil, and that got them to look at nuclear power.  The problem is intermittent power from renewables. The wind doesn't always blow and sun doesn't always shine. You have to put in a gas power plant as a back up power source. They ended up feeling like a sucker, because wind and solar cannot replace oil, it is a hallucinatory delusion. They got angry at others who were propogating that myth. Amory Lovins is shown with 3 small devices that he said would replace all nuclear power plants, just with energy saved by using these devices, and that solar and wind are cheaper than nuclear. The other part of this is to use less energy, but they claim that 'you can't use less energy forever.' They show a unamimous Kyoto Protocol vote being approved, but then claim that the global climate change treaty process has run aground and that there will be NO universal global climate change agreement, ever. They walked away saying no one has a clue how to do this. And that is why they came up the plan; for nuclear power.

AGRP response; This segment gets to the heart of the matter but avoids the key root issue, which is that huge pro nuclear, pro carbon fuel monopolies blocked all progress at the UN Kyoto meetings. The partnership of large fake environmental groups that have been taken over by people like this, plus the carbon fuel and nuclear monopolies, continue to block all meaningful movement towards a sustainable future both nationally and regionally.

TRUE environmentalists are fighting for implementation of the solutions that exist today, here and now, but those same people are blocked at every turn by fake environmentalists who are greenwashing nuclear power as some sort of 'clean' energy. Nuclear energy is anything but clean; it is actually one of the worst global warming energy sources, but this fact has also been covered up and denied. 

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming; via @AGreenRoad

The pro nuclear, pro carbon fuel people have infiltrated and coopted the larger environmental groups, making them into part of the problem, because they too are now blocking meaningful reform. He fails to mention that these same individuals are spearheading an alliance of huge multinational corporations, partnering with these environmental groups, to push 'clean' power. The problem is that their definition of clean power is... you guessed it, NUCLEAR.

Bottom line, be careful who you support and where you send your money. Just because an environmental group says it is for clean energy, unless it is says it is AGAINST nuclear power and then actively fights and lobbies against it, odds are 99.999% that they are part of this fake 'partnership' that is pushing nuclear power as the ONLY solution by making vague, general statements about 'clean energy'.  AGRP's advice; If you hear the words 'clean energy',  run for the nearest exit. 

How Pro Nuclear And Anti 99% Corporations Control Eco Environmental Organizations Like Greenpeace, Sierra Club, via @AGreenRoad

41: min. They say that using less energy is a myth, and that people will just find more and more uses for it. They claim that an IPhone uses as much power as a refrigerator as one example of how this works. Charles Till claims that the quality of life in any civilization depends on the amount of energy produced and that unless humanity wants to condemn 50% of all humans on Earth to perpetual poverty and digging in dumpsters or garbage, we are going to have to produce more energy. Third world country slums are shown... As soon as you get electricity, people's lives improve.

AGRP response; The claim is made that the best quality of life is in the countries that consume the most electricity. If you could have vast quantities of clean energy in the developing world, that is something that takes your breath away (inferring that nuclear energy is the ONLY way to take your breath away). 

The assumption is that renewable energy cannot supply enough energy for any country, even a developing one, but that is a complete and absolute lie. Iceland is 100% powered by geothermal energy, and most if not all other countries could do the same thing, if the will was there to do it. Renewable energy production could be ramped up enormously, but the nuclear and carbon fuel monopolies are resisting this as hard as they can, such as with this pro nuclear propaganda movie. The battle is on for control of people's minds, and so far, the nuclear and carbon industry seem to be winning. But maybe, just maybe, that tide is starting to turn... 

Amory Lovins - Global Decline Of Nuclear Energy - Renewable Energy Production Now Outpaces Nuclear; via @AGreenRoad

Green, Zero Carbon Sustainable Geothermal Energy Could Supply ALL Power Needs Of The USA; via @AGreenRoad

44: min; By 2050, we have to double the amount of energy we produce, and double it again by 2100. To stabilize emissions, all of that energy has to be clean energy. That is nothing that anyone has been talking about or dealing with in the last 20 years.

AGRP response; Global energy use will grow. But the choice of which energy source to choose is where the fight is. Both the nuclear and carbon fuel monopolies are fighting hard to keep their name in the game, when both of them are obsolete and dead dinosaurs that should be phased out and shut down ASAP. Renewable energy sources can provide 100% of that growth in energy need, but it has to be CHOSEN. People cannot be scared away from clean zero carbon energy sources that are not toxic like nuclear, with fear mongering movies like this. Fake greenwashing environmental groups don't help matters either, and are holding up the progress towards a sustainable future as well. 

Sonoma County Clean Power - One Of First In Nation To Go After 100% Deep Green Local Energy Sources; via @AGreenRoad

45: min; Coal is the most widely used and fastest growing energy source in the world, and it's use is accelerating globally.  No one knows how bad coal is. No one knows that it kills people. 3,000 people die a year from coal plant emissions, and 3 million die each year from emissions due to fossil fuel plants. The death rate from each energy source; claim is made that nuclear is the second safest right after wind, and is safer than solar panels. Making solar panels is incredibly toxic process.

AGRP response;  Environmentalists look for all truly clean carbon free renewable energy sources, that do not use precious water resources that are meant for food, fish and human use. Nuclear energy plants use and pollute more water than any other energy source, at a rate of 30 million gallons per day, per nuclear reactor. What kind of power do you think it takes to pump that much water through the reactor? Do you really believe that they include this in the calculations about how cheap nuclear power is? What are they leaving out of the cost calculations? There are plenty of much cheaper options on the table besides nuclear power, when one truly compares all lifecycle costs, accident costs, clean up costs, health damage costs, storage costs, and risks posed.

Excessive deaths in the nuclear industry start with the uranium miners, the the uranium processors and refiners, then goes on the nuclear plant operators. Making and dropping bombs results in deaths too, as do accidents, spills, military/civilian accidents, storing of the nuclear waste, processing it, and then cleaning up the sites where all of this stuff happened. 40 to 60 million downwinders were injured and killed from the birth of the atomic industry up to today, just from 'testing' of the products of the nuclear military industrial complex.

The whole industry from top to bottom, side to side is full of excessive deaths and injuries. Why else would the government have numerous compensation payment programs in place for nuclear industry workers who were injured or killed by radiation? To claim no one was injured or killed from anything nuclear is just another ridiculous and outlandish claim. The renewable energy industry does not have these kinds of deaths, injuries, problems or expenses that are transferred to the public taxpayer to pay for.

It is becoming painfully obvious at this point that this movie is all about promoting nuclear power, while putting down or attacking all other forms of renewable energy solutions. True environmentalists do not talk or act like this. Bottom line, this movie presents fake environmentalists, offering a fake solution, which does not work. Beware of wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. 

Water - Why Coal, Gas, Nuclear And Oil Fired Power Plants Are Dead Enders; via @AGreenRoad

47: min; The claim is made; "There has not been a single death from the operation of a nuclear power plant in the United States, in the history of nuclear power."  They talk about how the anti nuclear people say that there are health consequences to nuclear power, but they disagree, and say that there are NO health consequences, even with nuclear plants that are leaking Tritium, which they admit to.

AGRP response;  There is nothing else to say, except bollocks. Either these fake environmentalists are VERY poorly informed, or they are purposely misleading the viewers of this movie. Tritium is a dangerous, cancer and disease causing man made radioactive element and it does cause numerous deaths, every day as a result of the huge increase in cancers and genetic diseases. Bottom line, the closer a child lives to a nuclear power plant, the higher the odds of death, birth deformities, diseases, cancers and other problems. 

Nuclear Power Plant Studies Show Child Leukemia, Breast, Thyroid Cancer Rates Increase RADICALLY; via @AGreenRoad

75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. John Gofman M.D, Ph.D -There Is No Safe Dose Of Radiation, Tritium Is Hazardous To Health; via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Tritium Rain Falling Downwind Of All Nuclear Reactors, Fukushima Rapidly Getting Worse And Worse - Dec 2013; via @AGreenRoad

48: Min; They compare banana potassium radiation to being equivalent to the radiation you would get from drinking all of the water with tritium in it that comes out a reactor in one day. The claim tritium is a 'naturally occurring' hydrogen isotope.

AGRP response; This false equivalency about contaminated water being compared to bananas is so ridiculous, it is difficult to keep from laughing. 30 million gallons go through a typical reactor in a day. It is impossible to drink that much water. Trying to equate 30 millions gallons of radioactively contaminated water, or the tritium leaking out of a reactor with a banana is a specious argument. Radioactive hydrogen is not 'natural', anymore than cesium, plutonium, strontium or the other hundreds of man made radioactive elements are that come out of all nuclear reactors. If tritium were natural, it could not be used to measure ocean currents. 

Radioactive Potassium In Bananas Compared To Cesium, Plutonium, Uranium And Iodine via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Bananas? Peeling The Mystery; via A Green Road

Nuclear Plants, Tritium And Radioactive Water Contamination; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Lyman PhD at the Union of Concerned Scientists goes into the actual numbers of how much radiation is in reactor water per day compared to eating a banana; he reports that the figures quoted are off by either 250,000, or 25,000.

Either way, there is no rational way to compare potassium in a banana to man made radioactive heavy metal elements. The body is not made or designed to handle these man made elements. Cesium mimics potassium. Plutonium mimics iron. Strontium mimics calcium. But when these toxic, radioactive man made elements get into the body, they act like machine guns going off on a cellular level, inside the body, on top of being heavy metal poisons to boot.  

This is the end of Part 1, continue on with Part II, available at the link below...


Pandora's Promise Movie Review And Synopsis, Part I; via @AGreenRoad

To see Part II, click on link

Pandoras Promise Movie Review And Synopsis Part II; via @AGreenRoad

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What is Needed? Top Down Champions Of Sustainability With $; via @AGreenRoad


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