Are Unions Evil Socialist Plots That Must Be Made Extinct, Or The Best Thing Going?

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Are Unions Evil Socialist Plots That Must Be Made Extinct, Or The Best Thing Going?

The US mass media is full of stories and news casters who attack unions as the worst thing since Communism, and commies are now our best friends, according to those same newscasters. Really? American red blooded union members are the source of all problems in the US? This is the gospel, according to the corporate controlled news channels. Do you believe this? Are unions really that bad? What is the alternative solution?

If unions are so bad, and they are going to be gotten rid of, what are they going to be replaced with? Are huge multinational corporations and their dogma plus total control of all mass media because they are the owners of it, really what we want to follow and believe, like a new religion that worships the golden calf?

Corporations are the best thing going, right? Well, what does that belief system cost the average US taxpayer? See the chart below... And listen to Roseanne talk like it is to the rep that visits her at home.. 

Roseanne owns state rep on fair wages, taxes, labor rights, and plight of the middle class; via @AGreenRoad

The obvious and clear goal according to corporate 'free market' dogma is a world with NO unions in it. Better yet, the ultimate 'free market' Capitalist Heaven would be where the 1% can control politicians, the media, regulators and create a world where unions are completely ILLEGAL, correct? 

In that corporate Heaven, where unions don't exist, corporations can do their 'free market' thing, unhindered by pesky unions, regulators and those darn investigative journalists. Well, that Heaven exists, right here and right now, in Communist China, where more and more corporations are moving millions of well paying union jobs with benefits. But those same corporations are not going to give up their corporate welfare entitlements, no siree bob. 

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Thanks to the The Bitchy Pundit for the image.
Daily Kos Thanks to the The Bitchy Pundit for the image.


Is it any wonder why corporations are moving their operations to Communist China and Communist Vietnam? Why are they doing this? Could it have anything to do with the fact that unions are ILLEGAL in Vietnam and China? There is no free press. There are no investigative reporters. There is no one demanding their rights or complaining that someone is violating their Constitutional freedom. If someone shows up and starts complaining, that person or group is thrown in jail, or disappeared permanently, pronto. 

Huge multinational corporations have basically become Communists and adopted their viewpoint. All unions are bad and must be made illegal. Dissent to absolute corporate power and profits at any cost must be abolished and squashed. 

The best thing, according to the corporate dogma being taught on mass media, is that unions be made illegal, so that they cannot exist at all. This means in effect, that the US will become just like Communist China. The US is on that path, as union membership is shrinking fast and is almost extinct, thanks in large part due to corporations moving those union jobs to Communist China. What do these huge corporations think of US union workers and US citizens?

Corporations believe that they have the right to live in a world where workers rights and safety concerns can be ignored. Human lives are to be valued as ZERO. Workers are to be treated like cogs in a machine. If one breaks, replace the cog with another and toss the broken one on the trash heap. Force the workers to work non stop until they do break, to get the maximum last cent of profit out of them, while paying them less than slave wages. Don't offer any benefits. Don't offer a fair wage.

The new corporate controlled norm is that workers do not deserve a living wage and will get less than US slaves did when black slavery was the norm in the US. (Back then, at least they got free healthcare, housing, clothing, and food). Those 'benefits' all got tossed, because now slavery with no benefits and no protection, is the norm. These worse than slavery definitions of workers are what the huge corporations are saying through their actions are now the new norm. Do you really agree with these things?

Do you agree that Communism is the best way to run the world and business? Isn't that what the huge corporations are saying is the best thing going, through their actions? Remember that Communist China and Vietnam do not allow unions, free speech, worker rights, democracy, or any of the rights that unions fought so hard to get in the US. In effect, the huge corporations are now allies of Communism, which is spreading like a virus through the whole world.

Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad

Having no unions is the new corporate model for labor and it is being pushed in many ways; through the free trade agreements, the mass media, schools, colleges, business associations, non profits, foundations, politicians and more. The concept of not having any right to bargain collectively and demand worker rights was born in the Shirtwaist fires, but not many people are even aware of that, since that is what created the NEED for and birthed the union movement in the first place. Those people who do not understand the critical need for unions, and why they came into existence in the first place, will be condemned to repeat history and learn the same lessons all over again. 

PBS; New York Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - The Reason For Worker Rights, Unions, Voting Women, Safety Laws, And More; via @AGreenRoad

The big myth is the 'free market' Capitalism works, when it clearly doesn't work at all, any better than Communism does. The 2008 collapse of the US financial Capitalist driven system proved with happens when you allow corporations free reign to do whatever they want, with no limits or controls.

Free market apologists believe Socialism is evil and should be rubbed out, along with all social safety net systems and unions. But at the same time, the pro corporatocracy apologists are in favor of corporate entitlements, corporate welfare and a huge military industrial complex that keeps growing, no matter what.

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The US military industrial corporate complex feeds off of public taxpayer funds, and it is the largest entitlement program in the world. (It is the combination of the military and corporate welfare $$$ in the chart above.) The definition of the ideal world according to corporations is called Fascism, which is exactly what Hitler created; a top down 1% controlled military industrial system that is highly efficient and bent on world domination and control. How are multinational corporations any different from this, other than they dress in suits and ties and carry briefcases instead of guns?

1,000 US Foreign Military Bases In Foreign Countries - 2 Trillion Dollars And Rising Cost; via@AGreenRoad

What Milton Friedmann followers still believe is that Capitalism and Socialism cannot coexist. The proof is that these two systems can and do coexist and work well together when they balance each other out and work in harmony with each other. The US and many other countries are an example that both can coexist in the same space and time.  The problems happen when Capitalism becomes unbalanced and takes too much power, or when Communism/Socialism takes too much power, by getting rid of the bottoms up democratic process along with the unions that represent the commons.


As Iceland's banking system went into meltdown at the start of the global financial crisis, it came under enormous pressure from the rest of Europe to accept crippling austerity measures that would have burdened its people for generations to come. And yet the tiny island nation stood up to the European Goliath, defiantly opting for democracy even as it stood on the brink of bankruptcy. What can Iceland teach the world about the power of the people and the rule of law? To discuss these issues, Oksana is joined by the President of Iceland, Olafur Grimsson.

Nordic countries number around 20 million people. They are always ranking in the top percentiles when it comes to comparing economies, and welfare policies, education, equality, health measures, happiness, security, social policies, and economics with other nations around the world, despite being tiny countries.

Iceland is an example that proves that Socialism strengthens societies that also rely on Capitalism, and that Socialism is fundamentally good for business as well. Iceland also happens to be a country powered almost 100% by renewable energy, proving that geothermal energy can work to power a nation, 100%.  The US has plenty of geothermal energy, enough to power the whole nation, without using any other energy source.. 

Holistic Living And Green Energy

In the US, Socialism, renewable energy, and unions are seen by many who watch a lot of mass media TV as something evil, something to be stamped out. Unions are suppressed and seen as something 'bad', rather than seeing these things as a source of strength and being value adding to a nation.

In Iceland four former bank chiefs have been jailed for fraud - the sentences go as far as five years behind bars. They're accused of concealing that a Qatari investor bought a stake in their firm, using cash lent from the bank itself - illegally. The deal took place just ahead of the collapse of the bank due to huge debts. RT talks to economic expert Charlie McGrath, founder of news website Wide Awake News about Iceland's economy.

In Iceland, 85% of workers belong to a union. Unions and workers drive what happens financially in Iceland, and they are in control of the economy.  After the 2008 collapse, the banksters got the shaft and workers got bailed out in Iceland, not the other way around as happened in the US.

Their unemployment rate was 4% at the same time that it was 8% in the US, disproving the theory that unions are bad for business, or that high wages somehow 'hurt' business and raise prices. There are many lies and deceptions that corporations use via their mass media propaganda machine to stay in control and power in the US as well as other countries around the world.

Iceland Bailed Out Workers And Unions, Not Too Big To Fail Banksters; via @AGreenRoad

Iceland is doing fine and serves as just ONE living model for how the US COULD BE, if only the mass media, politicians and regulators were not totally taken over, coopted and corrupted by a few huge multinational corporations. Isn't it time that US citizens take their country and reigns of government back and kick these sociopathic 1% out? When are the 99% going to rise up and not take it anymore?

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Are Unions Evil Socialist Plots That Must Be Made Extinct, Or The Best Thing Going? via @AGreenRoad

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What is Needed? Top Down Champions Of Sustainability With $; via @AGreenRoad


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