Pandoras Promise Movie Review And Synopsis; Part II

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Pandoras Promise Movie Review And Synopsis; Part II

Pandora's Promise; Written and directed by Robert Stone; directors of photography, Mr. Stone and Howard Shack; edited by Don Kleszy; music by Gary Lionelli; produced by Mr. Stone, Jim Swartz and Susan Swartz. The movie is available on Netflix and other locations. Who paid for and financed this movie? It would be interesting to see who put up the money to make and produce this movie...

Full movie at;

To see part I, click link below;

Pandora's Promise Movie Review And Synopsis, Part I; via @AGreenRoad

49 min; They mention radium springs that hippies were bathing in and saying that to the hippies, but they weren't worried about it, because it was 'natural' radiation. We are all bathed in 'natural' radioactivity. It comes from rocks, the air and even from space, in our food, our water, in our teeth. Radiation isn't dangerous in an every day sense. There is enormous variation in different parts of the world. When asked about numbers, they don't go there, because they claim that no one will know what they heck you are talking about. Radiation levels and readings are about as confusing as they can be. There are so many ways and types of numbers and levels, and what is it being compared to.. What should I be worried about?

AGRP response; Many people believe 'natural' radiation is harmless. But a belief, as this movie points out, may not be the truth. Background radiation is one thing, but man made artificial radioactive elements are quite another thing altogether. Radon, radium, thorium, and uranium are all 'natural', but they all cause cancer and higher risks for many other bad things. Ignorance of basic science facts does not protect a person, just like smiling does not protect a person from fallout.

Quotes From Famous People About Nuclear Energy, Weapons And Low Dose Radiation Dangers; via @AGreenRoad

Radium; The Epic Story; via @AGreenRoad

Uranium Mining Legacy; Toxic Waste For 1,000,000 Years

MD Gives Quack Science Speeches - Claims Smiling Is Protection From Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

50 Min; What is the background radiation level? The movie shows that in Los Angeles, the background radiation chest high measurement is .09 microsieverts per hour, Paris .10, Oxford .12, New York .13, Tokyo .14, Kiev, .17, Rio de Janeiro .25, New Hampshire .30, and on a flight over the Pacific, 2.20, on beach in Guarapari, Brazil 30.84 (in contact with sand).  Near Chernobyl plant .92

AGRP response; Bottom line, every increase in radiation exposure, increases the risk. The higher the background radiation, the greater the risk. Every exposure is cumulative. When these guys did this movie, they accumulated some more risk due to radiation, pure and simple. They quite possibly inhaled some 'hot particles' that are present in much higher quantities near the epicenter of nuclear accidents or bombs. It is strongly recommended that those who want to live a longer, healthy life not visit or go near these concentrated radiation sources.

Globally, the background radiation dosage for everyone on the planet is increasing due to releases from everything nuclear. If they are trying to make the claim that the hormesis theory is true without actually coming out and saying it, that has been debunked entirely; see links above. 

Background Radiation Has Increased 600 Percent - 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In 2014; Where Is This Coming From?

52: min.. They show a person who has body pains getting buried in the sand, and he said the radioactive sand 'helps' him. They make the claim that there is NO CORRELATION between higher levels of radiation and the cancer rates. Cancer and the fear of radiation causing cancer is the number one reason why people are scared of it.

AGRP response; This is a repeat of a claim made above, that 'natural' radiation can't hurt anyone. By extension, these 'experts' are also claiming that man made radiation is the same as natural radiation and none of the 1,200 things coming out of a nuclear reactor can hurt you. They are claiming that higher radiation levels cannot cause cancer, which is directly disproven with 5,000+ medical and scientific studies.

Doctors who are not trained in low dose radiation symptoms and/or those have been ordered to ignore radiation body signs will say it is all in your head, or due to 'stress' or fear. Low dose radiation has negative effects. These physical body signs can easily be measured and analyzed, for anyone who is interested in knowing the truth. Those who don't want to know the truth, suffer anyway, because Nature's laws are immutable and work on everyone equally. Believe in hormesis, smile all day, and believe the Earth is flat.  Low dose radiation will still have it's effect on the physical body, internally and externally, just as surely as water falls downhill, gravity exists, and the earth orbits around the sun. 

Symptoms Of Low Dose Radiation Exposure; via A Green Road

List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

The problem is that if these nuclear 'experts' admit even ONCE, that low doses of radiation causes harm and deaths, and that higher doses are much worse, they will lose the whole nuclear industry, so they won't go there. It would mean the death of the nuclear industry, within a week. So the small group of nuclear experts in various national and international pro nuclear groups use twisted and bogus computer models to estimate risk, which has NOTHING to do with the real world and people dying. These groups promote the hormesis theory, as they do in this movie, without actually calling it that. And this points at another root of WHY the IAEA and WHO and all of the rest of them cannot admit the truth. They are highly paid to ignore the scientific and medical evidence, because their future paychecks depend on their denying it all, while promoting a completely invalidated and bogus theory of hormesis, with no deaths or injuries.

3 Million Children Require Treatment Because Of Chernobyl, Many Will Die Prematurely - 7 Million Total Victims - U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Caused An Additional 50,000 USA Newborn Deaths 3/11 to 12/11; via @AGreenRoad

Tokyo; Is It Safe To Visit or Live In? via @AGreenRoad

54: min Chernobyl; when nuclear goes wrong, it can go very wrong indeed. Chernobyl was a very large experiment, to find out what happens when you irradiate a very large population. 1986 was a long time ago and we can look at the real impacts now. No one knows that Chernobyl was actually four units and that only one blew up and the other 3 kept operating until the mid 90s'. People just went to work there every day. Chernobyl had no containment building. It was in a Conset hut. So when there was a fire and explosion, there was nothing to contain it.

55: min; Chernobyl was a different kind of reactor, it was inherently unsafe. It was designed primarily to make plutonium for bombs. No Chernobyl style reactors were ever built in the West. I"f you could look at all of the reactors in the west and say, each of those could be a Chernobyl, you would have a pretty powerful argument against nuclear power."

AGRP response; All nuclear reactors produce plutonium, which is inherently more unsafe than uranium. Future reactors are being designed and built to burn a high percentage plutonium fuel instead of uranium, but it is much more deadly, much more volatile and will kill that many more people, compared to uranium. In that sense, all reactors are like Chernobyl.

Fukushima was proof that even modern reactors inside containments can leak, blow up and catch on fire. Multiple reactors melted down and out at Fukushima, indicating 100% failure of the containment model that this movie is claiming safety for.

Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; Being Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad

Just because people went to work in a highly radiation contaminated area does not mean that they are 'safe', anymore than workers at the Fukushima Daichi site are. Financially desperate people do desperate things, despite knowing the radiation risks. Gamma, beta, alpha and neutron radiation are affecting those workers, sadly. If they had built a number of geothermal plants instead of a couple nuclear plants, we would not be having this very sad discussion or experiencing these massive financial devastating problems. 

56 min; Pripiat was evacuated entirely. It looks like a wasteland, but what they are concerned about is the radioactivity. There are places where they are full of people and just ignore the radiation and just live there.  .20 microsieverts per hour level.. people living there. People came back illegally, and the people who came back, NO ONE died of cancer. . Right next to Chernobyl reactor; 3.66 microsieverts per hour. 

AGRP response; 

Yes, people do miss their homeland and their childhood homes where they and many generations previous to them lived, so they go back out of desperation and love of their birth place. Sometimes governments even force them back, or they live in highly radiation contaminated areas because they have no money or means to move, and they don't know anyone elsewhere that will take them in.

Most people with average intelligence, common sense and even a little knowledge about the dangers of radiation will refuse to live in a radiation contaminated area. However, the 1% controlled mass media, nuclear industry and government cover up the dangers such as the Carrington Event so well, that many people do not even know the danger that they are in, or what the future holds for them.

Claiming no one dies from living in highly radiation contaminated area boggles the mind, just due to the sheer hubris and gall that it takes to make this statement. Again, this statement points at how and why the IAEA and WHO get away with what they say too, in the same way, using the same pro nuclear cabal computer generated garbage studies and logic. 

Fukushima Residents Report Various Radiation Caused Illnesses.. via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad

57 Min; Charles Till physicist; says he follows the leading radiation experts who studied Chernobyl; IAEA, WHO, UNDP, FAO, UNEP, UN- OCHA, UNSCEAR, and World Bank Group and several country flags are shown, possibly insinuating that they are in agreement with these conclusions also. They all agree universally that that health damage caused by the fallout to people has been remarkably 'limited'.  Only 28 people died from acute radiation syndrome in 1986, 19 more died in 2004. This has been published and certified by the United Nations, and WHO. They all claim that no radiation deaths occurred in the civilian population at all and there still are none, from ARS.

AGRP response;  To understand where these figures come from, one has to understand the history of these organizations, who belongs to them, and what their links are to each other. Once you understand that their primary purpose is to protect the nuclear industry from negative publicity and not protecting public health, you will get WHY and how this small group of several hundred nuclear experts come up with these lowball garbage computer generated numbers, which have NOTHING to do with actual reality on the ground.  If a person blindly accepts their numbers without knowing anything about their collusion, then that person will be sadly misinformed, but that is free will. 

WHO/IAEA Collusion - Negative Health Impact of Fukushima On Children: Warnings and Recommendations by Michel Fernex; via @AGreenRoad 

IAEA, ICRP And UNSCEAR Are All Staffed By The Same Pro Nuclear Industry Apologists; via @AGreenRoad

Low Dose Chernobyl and Fukushima Radiation Dangers To Children, Starting At 10 Bq/Kg; Via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Conrad Miller MD - How Radiation Concentrates Up The Food Chain To Human Beings - 10Bq/Kg Unsafe; via @AGreenRoad

58: min; This was a complete shock, I am kind of not believing it, because it was so out of sync, with what I had come to 'believe'. Hundreds of thousands of liquidators were involved, and they got some really significant doses of radiation. The radiation doses of these workers are known and their health has been studied ever since.. Even in this large group, who were very heavily irradiated, 40 or 50 people have died so far, and a few thousand may have a shortened lifespan due to cancer in 'future' decades. THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN ANY CHILDREN BORN WHO WERE DEFORMED FROM CHERNOBYL RADIATION, according to the best scientific studies by the United Nations.

AGRP response; Anyone who cares to know anything at all about what happens to children who have been and still are exposed to low dose radiation, may want to watch the following movies. Once you get done watching, odds are that you will completely disagree with the above bolded statement and outrageous claims, which will seem so ridiculous, that it will be very hard to understand what planet that person is living on. You may very well experience a paradigm shift while watching these movies, and that is a good thing.

Just be prepared; after watching the movies below, you will probably feel very angry, so don't be surprised when that happens.  Remember that WHO is NOT studying anything around radiation or nuclear accidents, because they are under the control of the IAEA, which is a marketing arm of the nuclear industry. The IAEA keeps WHO on a short leash and has a very tight muzzle on them, not allowing them to say anything that hurts the nuclear industry. 

Nuclear Controversies Movie Exposes IAEA, WHO, UN, CEA, UNSCEAR Corruption; via @AGreenRoad

Chernobyl Legacy; A Different Race of Children by Paul Fusco; via @AGreenRoad

The Children Beyond Chernobyl Movie; via @AGreenRoad

UN Human Rights Council Fukushima Report Extremely Critical Of TEPCO And Government; via @AGreenRoad

59; min; Myths and misconceptions exist; an urban myth about what the real impacts of Chernobyl are..  They then explain that Helen Caldicott and several others are claiming that 1 million people died and 40% of the European land mass is radiation contaminated. But to believe that, you have to believe that there is a massive coverup of enormous proportions, by hundreds of the world's top health experts. Is so absurd of an idea. It is exactly the same thing as the global warming deniers. The arguments made by people like Helen Caldicott and others like her are the exact same arguments made by people like Sen. Inhofe, who says global warming does not exist. you have to cherry pick the data. You have to have a certain kind of ideological position. The supposed scientific papers are actually just propaganda. They get Helen Caldicott on camera saying that she cannot explain why there is a difference between the 50 deaths shown by WHO and IAEA and the 1 million deaths from the other scientists outside of this.

AGRP response; Why would the UN General say that there are millions of victims due to Chernobyl radiation? Is he lying, or making it up out of thin air? It is actually very easy to believe that a few hundred pro nuclear scientists and their attending marketing/sales organizations are corrupted and lie regularly, after diving in and finding out the FACTS. But those who don't like facts and are content to listen and blindly believe 'experts', can smile a lot and pretend that this protects them from all of that beneficial hormesis radiation created by nuclear plants and the coming nuclear war. 

Chernobyl Coverup And Denial Of 1 Million Casualties; via @AGreenRoad

3 Million Children Require Treatment Because Of Chernobyl, Many Will Die Prematurely - 7 Million Total Victims - U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan; via @AGreenRoad

As Little As 10-30 Bq/kg of Cesium Radiation In Kids Causes Health Problems; via @AGreenRoad

1hr 2 min; If people don't understand radiation, they can't decide anything about it or what risk to bear, and that is one of the real problems with Fukushima. (showing emergency shelters with people living there) .18 m/Sv/hr.. There is no way for an expert to communicate with the general public. According to the IAEA and WHO experts, for the general population surrounding a nuclear disaster, the risk is so small, that you would never be able to identify it epidemiologically.  Measures 44 m/Sv/hr in crack on pavement in Fukushima province.

AGRP response; This is another repeat of previous claims that the IAEA is making, that there is no harm from any radiation amount, no matter how large it is, in any radiation contaminated area. The IAEA also said it was ok to dump all of the thousands of high level waste tanks at Fukushima into the ocean. What do you expect to hear from the marketing/sales arm of the nuclear industry? 

IPPNW - Global Health Effects And Number Of Deaths Caused By Chernobyl Nuclear Planet Meltdown - 69 Million Victims; via @AGreenRoad

Number of Deaths From 2,400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998; via @AGreenRoad

The Chernobyl Sacrifice; 1 MILLION Liquidators

1;04; Now we see the worst that can happen with a reactor inside containment, where Chernobyl did not have one. This was never supposed to happen with a modern nuclear reactor (with containment and redundant safety systems).

AGRP response; Fukushima is still an ongoing mega nuclear disaster. It is NOT in cold shut down. Fukushima had three or more meltdowns and melt outs. The 'experts' do not know where the coriums are, but they are making zero attempts to find them. The pro nuclear industry mass media and scientists have closed ranks around this mega disaster, just like they did around all of the others. They say it is only 10% of Chernobyl, nothing came out, and it is in cold shutdown. Bollocks...

Radioactive Smoke/Steam Coming Out Of Ground And #3 Reactor Building At Fukushima 2011- 2013 via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Paolo Scampa Report; 429 Lethal Fukushima Radiation Doses Chasing Each Person on the Planet; via @AGreenRoad

Radiation Safety Standards for Food And Testing Children For Internal Radiation: Chernobyl vs Fukushima; via A Green Road

1:05 I was given the job of advanced nuclear reactor design at Argonne Laboratory. The goal was to design a reactor that would withstand almost any kind of accident that a nuclear reactor could be subject to. It is called the IFR. Integral Fast Reactor. But calculations don't tell you everything. You have to 'test' it. You have to have the big facilities so that you can say; if you have an accident of this kind, what will happen? We did two experiments for safety features that this reactor has that other reactors don't have. We shut off all of the power, back up power and disabled the safety systems. This is what happened at Fukushima. Most reactors, you can't do that, because if you do, you have a meltdown. But with this test, the reactor temperature went up for awhile and then came back down. The reactor just shut itself down, with no actions required from the operators. In the afternoon, we simulated a TMI accident scenario, by shutting off the pumps.

1:09 The EBR was a prototype of the IFR. If it cannot reject the excess heat, it will just shut itself down. No, it cannot melt down. Everything is in the facility. You take the spent fuel, chop it up and put it back into the reactor again. You can recycle the fuel again and again until the end of plant life.

1:11 The claim that Democrats have gotten on the wrong side of nuclear, for no other reason other than it is the opposite of what Republicans like. John Kerry was reading about how the President cut off funding for liquid metal cooled reactor and IFR reactor.

AGRP response; The atomic age started during WWII. Since that time, the military has developed, used and sold DU weapons, which is the equivalent of a low level nuclear war. The nuclear industry was started by importing Nazis and in complete secrecy, with denial of any harm to anyone, ever. 

Project Paper Clip; USA Imported And Hired Hundreds Of Nazi War Criminals To Develop Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Rokke Former Military Reveals Dangers Of 2,000 TONS of (DU) Depleted Uranium Dust In Middle East; via @AGreenRoad

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

Any industry that starts off in this way, and does not progress to complete transparency, honesty and trust after 60+ years, does not deserve to get another cent of taxpayer money, nor should that industry be allowed to build any more reactors. The track record of the nuclear industry and breeder reactors specifically is one of massive failure, with over 30 reactors melted down, and almost all of those were covered up, denied or minimized. 

The 1955 EBR - Experimental Breeder Reactor Melts Down; via @AGreenRoad

20 Ways That The Nuclear Industry Is Paid To Fail; Via @AGreenRoad

Catch 22 - Nuclear High Technology Plus Safety Assurance Offers Only A False Promise And An Empty Guarantee; via @AGreenRoad

All politicians located in any country around the globe should be voting to cut all nuclear subsidies, loan guarantees and entitlements. Why?  If a company has not figured out to get private for profit investors to pay for a nuclear power plant by now, they do not deserve to be in business. Whining about how taxpayer money is needed to buy yet another experiment, hope and promise after many generations of practicing and failing while killing millions of people and putting kids at risk around all nuclear plants, just does not cut it. 

List Of All 30+ Global Nuclear Reactor Melt Downs; via @AGreenRoad

Lists of 100+ Worst Nuclear Disasters And Radioactivity Release Incidents; via A Green Road

1:12 Sen. Larry Craig; claims in a speech that nuclear does not pollute the air, it is clean, doesn't damage the ozone, we just cannot come to terms on a political level, with how to handle the waste stream. In a CSpan speech, a Rep claims that IFR nuclear waste goes back down to background radiation levels in less than 800 years, where the same thing takes 10,000 years in a light water reactor.

AGRP response; Nuclear emissions come out of every nuclear reactor in MASSIVE amounts, but people don't see it because it goes up huge vent stacks or out into the cooling water, or underground. This radiation is invisible, so even massive amounts cannot be seen. Just because you cannot see invisible radioactive air or water pollution, does not mean it is not there, or that it has no effect. To claim that nuclear does not pollute the air is directly opposed to the scientific evidence. The same applies to the claim about IFR nuclear waste being different from light water reactors. The evidence says completely the opposite from what is being promised. 

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming; via @AGreenRoad

Could Radioactive Krypton 85 Gas And Open Air Fission Be Generating Massive Typhoons, One A Week Basis? via @AGreenRoad 

1:13 yucca mountain; 10 BILLION dollars were spent on a hole in the ground, to prove that it was going to be safe for nuclear waste for the next 10,000 years. This is nuts. What is this world going to be like in 10,000 years? For political reasons, it was not opened, and probably never will be. What actually is the danger from nuclear waste? They put it in a simple and workable dry cask storage. they park in the back parking lot. Is it causing any problems? No. By not putting in the ground, you can use it in the 4th generation nuclear reactors, so it becomes a renewable resource.

AGRP response; Nuclear energy is dead end technology, with no realistic way to store the nuclear waste safely. The waste has to be guarded and kept safe for 1 BILLION years, not just 10,000 years. The nuclear industry likes to talk about the short lived radioactive elements like iodine with a half life of 8 days, and cesium at 30 years, but these are just the toxic, deadly radioactive babies.

93 Long life Radiation Contaminants, A Problem For Billions Of Years; Via @AGreenRoad

Long Term Nuclear Waste Storage Fatal Flaw By Dr. Busby; via A Green Road

1:15 - 70,000 tons of nuclear waste of spent fuel have accumulated. All of this could fit into a single football field, and only a small fraction is long lived, hot thousands of years from now. Nuclear produces small amounts of waste. France produces waste and it all fits into the floor of one room, compared to the billions of pounds of waste that coal produces. It completely blows away most of the anti nuclear arguments. There is no environmental risk with nuclear waste, and I say that as an environmentalist.

AGRP response: There is no solution for nuclear waste. Even a gram (about a dime size) of spent fuel released into the environment can make 2 square miles uninhabitable. 70,000 tons of nuclear waste is enough to kill the human race and all life on the planet 7,000 times over and over again. Nuclear waste is extremely toxic, radioactive and destroys the genome of all life. The nuclear industry is a self congratulating parade of like-minded, pro nuclear apologists who minimize, conceal, deny and outright lie about everything nuclear and make it sound good with empty, tired rhetoric.

Dr. Paolo Scampa - 9 Tons Of Radiotoxic Isotopes Came Out Of Fukushima, Enough To Kill The Whole Human Race By Internal Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

1:17 France is a good example; they went all in for nuclear and it has to do with national security, standardized design for the reactors and rolled them out. They did it on a huge scale, at the same pace we need to do it globally. They get 85% of their power from nuclear, have no waste, cheapest energy in EU, and greener than green Germany. France generates about 5 tons of Carbon per year, compared to 10 tons of carbon per person per year for Germany.

AGRP response; Yes, France did go all in, but the people of France have tired of the nuclear industry and want it out and gone. The problem is, once you invite a lying sociopath in and get married to him, you are trapped and held hostage. Saying they 'have no waste' is denying reality again, as they ship most of their nuclear waste to Russia, which stores it above ground (open to the air) in a very terrorist vulnerable facility. Yes, the 1% that is left is stored in one facility in the floor.

The other 99% of the nuclear reprocessed waste coming out of La Hague is either put in the air or into the ocean, via a 'recycling' facility. La Hague is the most toxic place on the planet, emitting more radiation each year than the TMI nuclear accident. France is being held hostage. It is caught in the middle of an open nightmare horror Pandora's Box that is pouring out a huge Niagara Falls of 1,200 toxic heavy metal, radioactive poisons in a never ending avalanche; which ends up in the air, water and ground. Again, here we have an example of how and why the IAEA, WHO and nuclear experts do their deception, denial and cover ups. 

La Hague; France's Nuclear Waste Nightmare; via A Green Road

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

1:19; It is a big up front capital cost, but they will last up to 100 years, and much of the other infrastructure will last far longer than that. It is much more economical than very expensive solar panels, or very expensive wind turbines that require back up power.

AGRP response; No nuclear plants can be built without 100% taxpayer funding, guaranteed loans and subsidies. No SANE and rational investor will touch a nuclear plant. The default rate on nuclear plants is assumed to be 50%, the highest of any form of energy production that exists. Why risk Billions for a 50% risk of failure, when renewable energy can be put online quickly, generate tons of jobs locally, and does not have any of the risks, plus a 100% chance of success?

The lead time for a nuclear plant is 10 years minimum, compared to 1 year for renewable energy, or less. We don't have 10 years to build 20,000 nuclear plants, and there is not enough water in the world nor safe enough places to build all of these pie in the sky, crackpot dreams that these nuclear sociopaths are coming up with. Renewable energy sources don't need the water and don't pollute it or the air either, as nuclear power does. 

1:20; Bill Gates has a sodium cooled reactor that sits in the ground for 60 years. There is a thorium fueled reactor, and there are small modular reactors.

AGRP response; Sodium cooled reactors have a track record of being black holes that money is dumped into with nothing coming back out except bad things, and Bill Gates will find that out soon enough. Their history is one of massive failure and cost overruns, just like any other form of nuclear power. If you want to lose money, pay through the nose for cost over runs and then be forced to pay via taxpayers to clean up the mess, and then pay again to store their garbage for them for a BILLION years, by all means, go with nuclear power. Just hand them your wallet on the way in the door, and don't bother asking for it back, and by the way, hand them your first, next and last born kids as well, because that is the price of nuclear power. They will take it all long term, and your nation will very likely go bankrupt, because all it takes is one major accident. 

LMFBR - Liquid Metal Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor Problems - Too Expensive, Too Dangerous; via @AGreenRoad

Sodium Cooled Monju Nuclear Fast Breeder Power Plant Accident; via A Green Road 

Thorium reactors have the same and worse problems compared to other nuclear reactors, and they are no different in terms of toxicity and danger, despite all of the hyped up promises. Thorium is just as deadly as uranium, and those thorium reactors still have to use plutonium to make them work. The half-life of thorium-232 is about 14 billion years.

Thorium Reactor Fort St. Vrain Power Station Experiment Failed; via A Green Road

Dr. Caldicott MD; Radioactive Thorium Dangers, Half Life, Health Hazards; via A Green Road

Thorium Nuclear Bomb Proliferation Risks; via A Green Road

Small modular reactors buried in the ground are a terrorist risk, just waiting to happen. Instead of 400 nuclear plants creating massive amounts of radioactive garbage, can you imagine the nuclear waste problem with 200,000 small nuclear reactors buried in ground, and the problems that would cause long term for groundwater, air and terrorist dangers? There is no answer for nuclear waste. Why are we making more of it? 

Bill Gates Traveling Wave Terra Power Nuclear Reactor Analyzed; via A Green Road 

Small Modulur Nuclear Reactor Meltdown And Explosion SL-1 - Idaho, United States via @AGreenRoad

1:21 The knowledge of how to do nuclear reactors is also the same knowledge of how to make nuclear weapons. There are about 37 countries that could develop nuclear bombs. We will get rid of nuclear weapons by deciding we don't want to have them around anymore, not by forgetting how to make them. 16,000 nuclear warheads have been bought from the Soviets and turned into fuel for nuclear reactors. 50% of US nuclear energy supply comes from reprocessed nuclear warheads from the Russians. Ideally, every single nuclear warhead can be turned into electricity. The next generation will understand nuclear and put it into it's proper context. We can have a world with up to 10 Billion people that are living high energy, resource intensive lives, without killing the climate. This is the beginning of a movement.

AGRP response; The only reason that these nuclear warheads were gotten rid of was due to the efforts of anti nuclear environmentalists such as Helen Caldicott MD, and President Kennedy, who wanted to get rid of all nuclear weapons, among many others.  It is easy to talk about getting rid of nuclear weapons in theory, as this movie does, but it is quite another to actually commit to this and DO IT. If these fake greenwashing 'clean energy' environmentalists really believed that nuclear weapons need to be gotten rid of, then they would be also be advocating for the dismantling of all nuclear reactors. 

We cannot get rid of nuclear weapons without getting rid of the nuclear reactors that keep making the bomb making ingredients. The two go hand in glove. If there are no nuclear reactors, then nuclear bombs cannot be made. Both need to be gotten rid of, if humanity is to have any hope of surviving long term. The Carrington Effect will take care of getting rid of all nuclear plants if humans don't do it before it hits, but that means the end of all life on the planet as well. Time is short. Close down all nuclear plants NOW. 

Dark Legacy; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member; via @AGreenRoad

Why And How All Nuclear Power Plants Must Be Shut Down And All Nuclear Weapons Dismantled

12 reasons why all nuclear power plants must be shut down; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear energy is the MOST destructive, most dangerous, most toxic, 1% controlled, monopolistic energy source on the planet, and that is saying a lot, when the carbon fuel industry is right there, close behind them.  Nuclear energy starts by poisoning the planet and all living things on it starting from when it is mined and all the way through the fuel cycle to the nuclear waste, with no exceptions. You don't have to blindly 'believe' this. You can get the scientific and medical study based FACTS via the links below and do your own research. 

Bottom line, the solution is very simple. Get rid of all nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants, or they will get rid of humanity and all life on the planet via a sudden catastrophic mass extinction event. It is that simple. The answers for all of our energy problems are there, assuming we can find the will to implement them in time, before the consequences of a nuclear and carbon fuel dualopoly kill all life on the planet, with empty, toxic promises of 'clean energy'. Humanity has triggered 30+ tipping points, (nuclear radiation is one of them) and they have negative consequences. Humans created these tipping points, so they can also be reversed. 

2014 List of 45+ Global Tipping Points, Many Of Them Have Been Reached Or Exceeded, Almost All Are Getting Worse; via @AGreenRoad

Out-Bloody-Rages: "Pandoras Promise"

While implementing the solutions outlined via the links below, humanity has to figure out how to dismantle the monopolistic carbon and nuclear industry, despite propaganda movies and control of the mass media. The odds against humanity making it through the fission age are huge. 


Pandoras Promise Movie Review Part II; via @AGreenRoad

To see part I, click link below;

Pandora's Promise Movie Review, Part I; via @AGreenRoad

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Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation Exposure Prevention and Reversal, Music

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

Uranium Mining and Enrichment - Nuclear Bomb -Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing

Low Level Nuclear Radiation In Food And Water

Effects Of Internal Low Level Nuclear Radiation

Animals and Low Level Radiation Effects

Nuclear Reactor Recertification

Long Term Storage Of Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Waste 

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A Green Road is where heart and paradigm shift happens. Featuring sustainable green living news, movies, articles and videos from cutting edge minds and hearts, we ask the question; what will be of benefit to seven future generations without causing harm? A Green Road teaches the Science of Sustainable Health, through articles, videos and books. 

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