NPR Firing 4 Full Time Reporters, Leaving Only One Part Time Reporter Covering Climate Change, Global Warming

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NPR Firing 4 Full Time Reporters, Leaving Only One Part Time Reporter Covering Climate Change, Global Warming

What is going on at NPR? This article dives in the recent firings, journalism standards and the bigger picture of how NPR fits into the grand scheme of media.
Lazy journalism on NPR..


NPR fired veteran journalist Juan Williams over his anti-Muslim remarks on FOX News. Is Islamaphobia becoming acceptable in this country? In this show Thom debates the issue with Seton Motley, President of

According to a FAIR study,  PBS is white men all the time and they are not living up to their charter or mission statement that requires them to represent the community (not corporations). 

Corporations don't believe in global warming as a human caused event. They believe all CO2 emitted by carbon fuels is healthy and good for all life on the planet. They also believe all man made radiation is also good for everyone on the planet and the more of it everyone gets, the healthier everyone will be, via the hormesis theory. Of course, these 'beliefs' tie in quite neatly with corporations not having to do anything about the pollution they are emitting. They don't want to spend any money to deal with these negative 'externalities'. 

Since wind, water, solar and hydrogen power have none of these external costs, it makes sense that the huge monopolies would want this belief system out there and accepted by the population. After all, if there is no problem, why try to reduce this pollution? Why bother to switch to renewables?

Why bother creating a zero carbon, zero nuclear future, if everyone believes that both carbon and nuclear fuels are the 'clean' energy of the future? 

In that direction, huge corporations are getting rid of journalists that cover climate change and global warming, because the scientific evidence refutes the all carbon is good for you myth. If a news channel has no one reporting on climate change or global warming, that means it must not exist. In that same vein, NPR is now planning on firing four full time journalists who report on climate change and scientific studies showing that humans are the cause of it. 


Sign the petition: Stop NPR from gutting its climate coverage.

Sign the petition to NPR:
"One part-time reporter covering climate and the environment is not enough! Reverse your decision to radically reduce your coverage of climate change and the environment."

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National Public Radio just made the baffling decision to drastically reduce its staff dedicated to covering climate change and the environment, leaving just one part-time reporter on the beat.1 It’s unacceptable for one of our major sources of journalism in the public interest to essentially abandon it’s coverage of climate and the environment by reducing the staff covering it from four full-time journalists to one part-time reporter.

NPR pays attention to its critics, and is sensitive to criticism that it is failing to meet its duty to inform the public on the most pressing issues of our generation. Americans need more coverage of climate change and other environmental issues, not less. Due in large part to deliberately misleading coverage from conservative outlets like Fox News, and corporate media that insists on presenting “two sides” of the debate even if one side is blatantly lying, the American public is actively misinformed about climate change.

As a result, public understanding of the crisis is heading in the wrong direction. In 2013, the percentage of Americans who don’t believe in climate change actually went up 7%. Only 47% of the American people believe that climate change is caused by human activities.2

NPR’s decision is part of a disturbing anti-science trend within the news media. According to a study released last year, the number of newspapers that included a weekly science sections has shrunk from 85 to just 19 in the past 25 years.3 That’s why it is so crucial for NPR to provide meaningful coverage of climate change that is honest with the American people about the scope of the problem and what must be done to address it.

That’s why it is so crucial for NPR to provide meaningful coverage of climate change that is honest with the American people about the scope of the problem and what must be done to address it. NPR was created by an act of Congress in order to be an alternate news service that would address issues of national concern.4 NPR should devote more resources to covering climate change and other environmental topics, not less.

Tell NPR: Don’t reduce your coverage of climate change and other environmental issues. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for fighting climate change.

Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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"NPR Reduces its Environmental Team to One Reporter," Inside Climate News, October 24, 2014.
"Misinformation Is Winning - Doubt In Climate Change Climbing,", February 1, 2014.
"NPR Slashes Number of Environmental Reporters," Huffington Post, October 24, 2014.
"NPR Guts its Environment and Climate Reporting Team, Becomes 'Part of the Problem," ThinkProgress, October 24, 2014.


More evidence coming to light about how corporations are pressing the mass media to cover less and less science and more infotainment. This is one reason why people in the US are more ignorant about what is going on in the world than people in many other civilized countries where corporations don't have quite as much control. 


NPR Firing 4 Full Time Reporters, Leaving Only One Part Time Reporter Covering Climate Change, Global Warming

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