SOPA Whistleblower; Aaron Swartz; Bringing Public Access To The Public Domain - Documentary Movie Synopsis And Commentary

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SOPA Whistleblower; Aaron Swartz; Bringing Public Access To The Public Domain - Documentary Movie Synopsis And Commentary

What does it take to be a truth telling, corruption exposing activist? Aaron Schwartz started down this road by asking a very simple question. His example proves how important it is to question everything and everyone, (especially authority) even if it seems useless or hopeless. One never knows how things will turn out. The truth may even leak out eventually. Everything starts by asking a question. 

Aaron started his activism and whistle blowing career by asking the question; why is it that public domain knowledge and information is hidden, suppressed or costs huge amounts of money to access? Why is the business of accessing public domain knowledge such as  a 10 BILLION dollar a year private for profit business, just in the US? 


Carl Marlamud asks; why does it cost .10 cents per page to access a public database such as court electronic records through Pacer? 

Public Access To Court Electronic Records (PACER)

The law is the operating system of the US democratic system. Any US citizen has to pay to see it or access the written records of the legal system inside of the USA. The firm handling this pacer system makes about 100 million dollars a year, but it costs no where near that to maintain this database of legal information.  Due to pressure from Congress and other sources, Pacer established free access to the system at 17 libraries across the US, which is one library for ever 22,000 square miles. If you are lucky, you live near one of these libraries. But what happens if you don't, and you want to research what is happening in the justice system?


Aaron Swartz helped another programmer to write code that would retrieve more documents from Pacer and then upload them to a free access system established by Carl Marlamud. The FBI then came in and investigated Aaron, staked out his house and threatened legal action, after they found out about what he was doing.

Bottom line, what he was doing was legal, ethical and moral. So the federal authorities could not do anything, but Aaron was now in their sights, and they had to put a stop to what he was doing, because after all, we cannot have free public access court records, can we? The legal system has to remain a high cost, high profit system accessible only to legal researchers and lawyers. If the common man and any average poor person can gain access to the inner workings of the justice system, who knows what might happen? Freedom and democracy might break out, and that would be horrible after all. So this Aaron Swartz character had to be stopped at all costs. 


Aaron Swartz then asked the question, why do public commons documents and published studies cost so much money to access, despite being paid for by government money, (which comes from taxpayer money?)

If you go to a college in the US and are paying the huge amounts of money it costs to go there, (unless you get a full scholarship), then only you have access to these journals for free, but only while you are in college. Once you leave college, you have to pay to access this system of public paid for information and knowledge. If you are going to a foreign college in another country, you get zero access to this database of public money paid for knowledge. 

The system is set up so that all researchers are forced to hand over their copyright to these private for profit corporations that digitize all of this knowledge and then 'rent' it out for very high fees. You have to be rich to access this database of knowledge, via either a per study payment to access just one, or a per year fee to access all of them. 

39:25 In; Just one publisher in the UK made a profit off of this scam system of 3 BILLION dollars last year, according to Zoe Lofgren, a Representative in Congress from California. She calls it a racket. 

Aaron took on this system by going to the MIT open access service to one of these study providers and started downloading scientific studies onto a laptop. So far, this is legal, but the service blocked him, as they noticed the volume of things he was downloading. He used another IP address and kept on doing it, so MIT and the service BOTH took steps to try and stop Aaron from downloading documents, despite all of this being legal so far. The service provider finally just cut off MIT from having any access to any of their documents via their MIT library system. 

Aaron then hooked up his laptop directly into the computer network in a basement closet. This is when the authorities came in and set up a camera to gather evidence of Aaron doing this, to build a legal case against him. He visited this basement room a few days after that, and then the police came after him on his way home. According to Aaron, they beat him up while doing their 'work' of arresting him. 

After a bunch of search warrants were issued for his home, office, apartment, etc, the investigation was switched over from the local police to the US Secret Service at this point in time. How did the Secret Service expand from guarding the President of the United States to going after Aaron, who presented absolutely no threat at all to the President? 


President Bush expanded the role of the Patriot Act to include; Electronic Crimes Taskforces And Working Groups section, designed to thwart 'modern' terrorists. This was a time of protest and activism, in part against the Iraq war and all of the illegal things going on to make that happen. Wikileaks was going on and leaks were happening in various government agencies, disclosing the many corrupt and illegal things that were going on via whistleblowers and investigative journalists. 

What was Aaron doing? He was legally doing research as a whistleblower on scholarly articles, and the first step was accessing these articles. He was not giving away or selling the information that he was gathering to foreign governments or to help Communists. Aaron was all about exposing corruption and being a whistleblower. At about this same time, Bradley Manning had been arrested for leaking 'secret' government information.  Members of Anonymous were also visible in open protests and via the web, and they were also being pursued by the Justice Dept. Eventually one of them was also made an example of. 

Aaron was initially offered a plea deal that involved him pleading guilty to a felony, and all he would get was 3 months in jail, no computer access and a few other things. He turned it down because he had political aspirations, and he was planning on running for office, now that his entrepreneur days were done with. So he turned it down. He figured that since he had done nothing illegal, that he would go to court and a trial. 

Now the government needed to collect evidence of his 'crime', which would consist of his motivations for downloading things from Jstore. He was acting as a student, whistleblower and/or researcher. What was he planning on doing with these documents? The government was moving to indict Aaron. They claimed that he was planning on publishing these documents illegally. The government was going after Aaron as if he was stealing a bunch of credit card numbers and identities, for nefarious and terrorist type of purposes, but before he had actually committed any real crime.

The government was going after Aaron for 'pre-crimes'. They got inside of his head and figured out what he was going to do and then went after him for his 'thoughts'. By that standard, everyone is guilty and needs the death penalty for thinking about who they would rather see dead, at least at one point in their life. 

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US ranks 5th in Executions, Right Up There With Iraq, China, And Russia; via A Green Road

The US justice system is more about taking revenge these days, not about true justice. Those being 'punished' used to be mostly the minorities for victimless 'crimes' such as drugs, gambling and prostitution, but now the focus has changed. 

More and more whistleblowers and average people standing up to corporations are going to jail as the absolute and corrupt power of corporations keeps growing and expanding globally. 


As a whistleblower, Aaron had downloaded and analyzed a Harvard law review database and uncovered a huge amount of corruption there. He found out that a huge amount of money flowed to legal 'researchers' who would then write favorable papers and studies that benefited the people paying for these 'vanity' or junk science legal papers. Despite downloading this database with the help of other students, he had never benefiting from them illegally by either giving them away or selling them.

The threat posed by Aaron was huge, because it exposed the corruption of the legal research system, which was hooked into huge corporations that wanted the world to look at them favorably in all ways, so they were willing to pay to get it looking that way. The universities plus colleges are all hooked into this corrupt circle of corporations feeding 'experts' at the colleges to write favorable things for them via 'studies' and/or research papers, and they don't like being exposed for this, just like the huge corporations don't like having their corruption exposed to the light of day. So Aaron had to be stopped, because that is what huge corporations do; they stop people from exposing their corruption and their huge influence inside government and the legal system. 

Because Aaron was exposing this tangled web of deception and getting to the root of it, he presented an enormous threat to these huge corporations that like to hide in secret, while putting up politicians and 'experts' in front of them to help deceive the public and mislead people. 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions


Aaron had told a friend that he was going to look at the database from Jstore in the same way that he had done it for the Harvard law review, to seek out any potential corruption involving huge corporations paying for research, that would then lead to 'favorable' results, which would mean saying that human caused global warming or climate change does not exist.

Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy

The government got his girlfriend to go to an interview in exchange for 'immunity', despite the fact that she had done nothing wrong. She agreed to go. She said that they had a bunch of large, very well armed, gun toting people at the meeting and they accused her of lying. She said that they looked bored, not angry. She told them they were on the wrong side of history and mentioned his Guerrilla Open Access Manifest paper that was online.

Of course, the Justice Dept. used everything she said to try and protect Aaron, against Aaron, which is what they do when it comes to whistleblowers.


She says after the interview; "The things that I'd done shouldn't have added up that way they did. I hadn't done anything wrong, and everything had gone wrong -- but I was never... I'm still angry. I'm still angry that you could try your best with these people, to do the right thing, and they turn everything against you, and they will hurt you with anything they can. And in that moment, I regret what I said that I did, but my much larger regret is that we have settled for this. That we are okay with this. That we are okay with a justice system which tries to game people into little traps so it can ruin their lives. So, yeah, I wish I hadn't said that, but I'm much, much angrier that this is where I am. That this is what we, as a people, think is okay." - Quinn Norton

The justice system has been turned inside out and upside down. The government used to be about exposing corporate corruption and then taking crimimals to court, plus breaking up huge corporate monopolies. Now the US justice system is punishing whistleblowers and protecting the huge corporations and their corrupt, criminal leaders. 

Peace, War, Drones, Human Rights, Justice, Prisons, War on Drugs, Violence Prevention, Death Penalty, Jury Rights, Women's Rights


Meanwhile, Aaron was giving interviews and going public, being an activist with the public commons and long term benefit in mind. He was saying that the Internet should be treated as a 'human right', just like free speech is a right. The government should not have a right to censor or shut down the Internet or individual websites via SOPA, because that is what happens in repressive countries like Communist China, Syria and Egypt for example. These repressive regimes claim that 'national security' gives the government the 'right' to censor or block dissident views or people. Aaron was saying that whistleblowing is a good thing, and that Wikileaks was justified. 

At the time, he got involved with and started dating an activist that was the Executive Director of The Sum Of Us.  .

On July 14th, 2011, federal prosecutors charged Aaron with four felony counts. He went to the authorities, where he was was strip searched, and put into solitary confinement. They released a press release statement saying that he was facing 30 years in prison, a fine of 1 million dollars and more, after he was released.

He was released from jail, pending his trial with a $100,000 dollars bail payment. The same day he is released, JStor formally dropped all charges against Aaron. At that time, they said it was the government's decision to prosecute Aaron, not theirs. 

The attorney for Aaron thought that this would be the end of the case and that the indictments would be dropped, or that they would settle for something much smaller. But the government refused. They wanted to make an example out of Aaron, and use it as a 'case of deterrence', so that no one else would follow in his footsteps of being an activist, exposing corporate corruption that involved these huge scientific publishing houses.

Can a person be prosecuted for something were no 'victim' presses charges, and no one has been harmed? With the US justice system, yes you can not only be charged but convicted of many felonies. Aaron is a good example of how a 'precrime' is now a justified reason for going after someone, especially if they are taking on the corrupt 1% corporate, educational, government cabal. 


When the government uses 'deterrence', it might be useful, if it involves a rational approach that looks at who the biggest, most threatening, most corrupt people, criminal organizations or corporations are and then go after them, much like Kennedy went after the Mafia, the Federal Reserve and the CIA, as President. He was also trying to bring back the gold standard and real money. He also was workig on abolishing all nuclear weapons. 

Coincidentally, Kennedy was assassinated, and all of these programs were immediately cancelled. No US President since then has tried to take on any huge corruption or large corporations since that 'example' was made of what happens to you, if you try to take on the REAL very dark powers behind the throne. 

JFK's Speech About The Danger Of Secret Societies And Huge Monopolies

Bobby Kennedy, 'Evidence of Murder' Movie - CIA Links to John Kennedy Assassination?

When President Bush and President Obama choose to 'deter' political activists and whistleblowers like Aaron, instead of going after the biggest, most corrupt financial institutions that brought down the worlds economic system and caused millions of people to lose their homes through outright fraud, theft and collusion, that says a lot about the US justice system, and the political tie in with the courts and government lawyers, and not in a good way.

How Whistleblowers Are Punished And Arch Criminals Get Away Scot Free; via @AGreenRoad

Picking people to punish via a political and profit motivated  government sham show trial and court is supposed to be UnAmerican. Things like this are supposed to be found only in dictatorships, Communist regimes and autocracies, but political show trials exist in the United States of America.

Robert Greenwald - The CIA, 1% And Government War on Whistleblowers; via @AGreenRoad 

Steven Hymen was the US Justice Dept. prosecutor. He told the defense attorneys that Aaron would be made an example of. Steven had to save face, and he had a political career coming up. What would happen to him if he lost this case or had to drop it, because all that happened was that he spent millions of taxpayer dollars going after someone who checked too many books out of the Internet library? After all, we cannot have an average young person winning a case against the US government, so anything that can be done, will be done to make sure that this young whipper snapper gets made an example of.

Who needs 'terrorists', when whistleblowers are all around, ready to prosecute? 


MIT refused to get involved and did not take any steps to protect Aaron, nor did they make any statements at all. They never went to the feds and said; "Hey, you guys are over reacting and over reaching, why not just drop this whole thing, or give him a small fine or something?" MIT helped the government with their case in many ways, so they acted like a huge corporation, that was just acting in it's own best interest, but not the public interest. In other words, they sided with the 1%.

Could the MIT inaction have something to do with the fact that Aaron made educational institutions look bad, by exposing their corrupt connections with these publishing houses, making money via public commons data?

Scientific Nuclear Fraud At Major Universities; Uncovered And Analyzed; via @AGreenRoad

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MIT later issued a report saying that they would 'stay neutral', which means sitting on the fence and not taking any stand. When it comes to an issue like this, that is a deplorable position to take for an educational institution that supposedly values freedom, democracy, free speech, dissent, and social activism. Not saying or doing anything, meant that MIT took a pro 1%, pro corruption, pro prosecutor stance. 

Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak started their careers by doing illegal things like selling blue boxes that stole long distance service from major corporations. Bill Gates and Paul Allen started their business by stealing computer time at Harvard and stealing Apple's computer/operating system. The difference between Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Aaron is that they were out to make a lot of money, while Aaron was out to make a positive difference and get rid of corruption in government and industry.  Aaron was a whistleblower social activist, where these other guys were into money, pure and simple. 


As proof this, Aaron was still continuing his social activism to keep the Internet free and open by coming out in public against SOPA (HR 3261) and starting an organization called Demand Progress. He as opposed to a law that he was told was designed to prevent connections between people, and that it was not really about copyright violations, which is what it was purported to be about by the legislative promoters of it.

Demand Progress

Aaron was a leader, acting as a social activist and whistleblower in the social justice movement. No matter what, he never stopped, despite the whole power and weight of the US government coming down on him. As Aaron said, under SOPA, entire websites and databases of information can be deleted without a trial, without any notice and without any warning, just based on one single copyright claim. When this law was introduced in Oct. of 2011, it was a huge threat not just to the Internet and it's freedom but to everyone using it for any reason whatsoever. 

When the leader of Wikipedia, President Obama, and owners of Reddit and Craigslist came out against the bill and these major public commons websites blacked out their websites in protest of it as a symbolic gesture, that was the straw that broke the camels back. They stood up and said something, and millions of Americans also emailed, called and faxed Congress in the largest ever protest that the politicians had ever seen.


Normally, bills that have huge industry money and backing behind them like SOPA just sail through, even if millions of people don't like them. People don't count when politicians and corporations get together in secret back rooms, where the public is not invited. 

ALEC Exposed; How Corporations Buy, Corrupt, And Control The Federal And State Governments; via @AGreenRoad

But this time, using the power of the Internet, people fought back against the corporate tidal wave of money and lobbyists. The people won a battle that could be compared to the story of David against Goliath, and Aaron was right on the leading edge of this protest, using the Internet and social media to battle Goliath. 

Green Social Media And Citizen News Reporting Activism Toolkit; via @AGreenRoad

Normally, if the public protests, the bill gets watered down a little and passes anyway. This time, the bill did not get watered down, it just did not pass at all. Aaron was out in front on this bill all the way, doing public interviews, speeches and leading protests.

Catherine Austin Fitts On A Tapeworm Economy, How The 1% Strangle USA; via @AGreenRoad

Against all odds, Aaron celebrated victory, even while the government was going after Aaron for checking out too many books from the library, despite the library saying, "Never mind', its ok." The huge corporations hidden behind the scenes, were very pissed off that they 'lost' this bill. They wanted their way, no matter what. Behind the curtains, they influenced the Justice Dept. to put a stop to this Aaron guy, no matter what, and to increase the legal pressure. They wanted him put him away for life, not just for 30 years. 

Whistleblowers have historically always been punished this way throughout history. Truth tellers are not celebrated and lifted up. They are suppressed, punished and are made into 'terrorists' by the mass media and the courts. Under the Obama administration, more whistleblowers have been punished and taken to court than under any other President in history, including under President Bush. Freedom is even more under attack now than ever before, and Aaron's story is a good example of how and why it works.

Huge corporations control the levers of power, and they want their way, no matter what. Corporations are taking more and more freedom and rights away, globally. 

Find out how they do this, under the cover of darkness and secrecy.... 

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Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad


With a successful SOPA win under Aaron's belt and slaying that Goliath giant, the corporations hit back at Aaron via the Justice Dept.  In September, the prosecutor upped the ante and charged Aaron with 13 total felonies around the Computer Use and Abuse Act, increasing the legal and financial pressure on him. Steve charged Aaron with violating terms of service for websites. For example of you are not completely truthful on a website like Eharmony and say that you are a doctor instead of a ditch digger, you are technically committing a felony and can get a prison sentence and a huge fine.

If the terms of service say you need to be nice or not say anything improper, and you violate that, again, you can be charged with a felony, by not being nice or saying something 'improper'. Everyone is breaking this law and deserves to be punished with a felony, if interpreted the way the Justice Dept. used it against Aaron. 

The government forced Aaron to spend well over 2 million dollars even before his trial was scheduled. Aaron happened to have this money, but the government tapped him out financially and forced him into bankruptcy.

What chance does any average US citizen whistleblower have, if Aaron was tapped out as a multimillionaire, even before his trial started? This shows why whistleblowers end up asking for sanctuary in other countries outside of the US, because they know that the average Joe really does not have a chance against an army of government hired $500 an hour lawyers who will just grind away at you forever, until they get you, once you rise to corporate whistleblower status.

Aaron really valued his freedom and his rights. He was scared of going to jail and could not stand the thought of spending the rest of his life in jail. He was under enormous pressure and it got to him. He had run out of money. He had run out of energy. He had run out of means to fight the huge corporations combined with the US Justice system that wanted to put this uppity whistleblower in jail for life, plus burden him will millions of dollars in fines, so they could make an example out of him, thus squelching all other whistleblowers.

Despite his lawyer saying that he would have won if he had taken this case to trial, Aaron made a choice that the 1% were not going to win, no matter what. He made a statement with his life and committed suicide rather then bow down to the corporate machine that drove the Justice Dept to convict whistleblowers like him, and then throw them in jail for life. He became a martyr. Aaron is not the first whistleblower martyr and he will not be the last one.


How Whistleblowers Are Punished And Arch Criminals Get Away Scot Free; via @AGreenRoad

Robert Greenwald - The CIA, 1% And Government War on Whistleblowers; via @AGreenRoad 

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Whistleblower; Aaron Swartz; Bringing Public Access To The Public Domain - Documentary Movie Synopsis And Commentary

Julian Assange Whistleblower Speech at the United Nations; via A Green Road

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Aaron asks everyone; what is the most important thing that you could be working on right now, and if you aren't working on that, why aren't you? Aaron became a martyr. His death should not go unnoticed.

Think about what you can do to make a difference in a positive way that benefits seven future generations without causing harm. Do it for Aaron, if not for yourself or your children. Every person is important.

Every person can and does make a difference. The important thing to learn is to never give up. Even if you have that part inside that is dark, cynical, brooding, negative and say's why bother; do it anyway. 

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Despite being pessimistic, do it anyway. 

Even if the world seems cold, brutal, heartless, and devoid of all meaning or hope because huge evil corporations are polluting and destroying the whole planet and all life on it, do it anyway.

Even if you are convinced that nothing you do will change a thing, and that we are headed for Armageddon guaranteed, do it anyway. 

Even if you are depressed, grieving, sad or lonely, get out there and volunteer for some cause or charity that you believe will make a positive difference. Do it anyway. Do it anyway. 

Never give up. And if you do give up or become depressed (as any human being will), pick yourself up, and do it again anyway. Do something, anything, for Aaron's sake, so that his battle and other whistleblowers' like him efforts will not be in vain. Be on the right side of history, so that you can at least look back on your life and say; "I did my best" at the end of it, when you look back on your life, and future generations look back and ask what you did to make a difference. 


SOPA Whistleblower; Aaron Swartz; Bringing Public Access To The Public Domain - Documentary Movie Synopsis And Commentary

More articles;

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions

Check out the following, which Aaron was involved with or had a hand in creating;



Internet Archive  by Malamud; pushing for free access to Pacer

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