High and Rising Levels of Radioactive Strontium-90 in Nearly 5,000 Baby Teeth; The Tooth Fairy Project - Dr. Janette Sherman MD

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High and Rising Levels of Radioactive Strontium-90 in Nearly 5,000 Baby Teeth; The Tooth Fairy Project - Dr. Janette Sherman MD


This community based project measured high and rising levels of radioactive Strontium-90 in nearly 5,000 baby teeth, the only study of in-body radiation levels near U.S. nuclear plants. It found that radiation levels were higher in children living closer to nuclear power plants. In the video above, Dr. Sherman MD outlines how the study also correlates well with increasing levels of cancer, the closer a person lives to a nuclear power plant.

To understand how and why strontium causes cancer and other diseases in children (and adults) click on the following link, where Dr. Sholz explains exactly how radioactive strontium kills children. 

Dr. Rolf Sholz - How Cesium And Strontium 90 Can Kill Children And Adults Fairly Quickly, Yttrium As Cause Of Diabetes And Cancer; via @AGreenRoad



Click here to read a brief summary of the “Tooth Fairy Project” and its results

Click here to read the journal article and New York Times story of RPHP research on cancer risk to Baby Boomers using Strontium-90 levels in their baby teeth


The Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization, established by scientists and physicians dedicated to understanding the relationships between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health.

RPHP’s mission includes:

• Research: Studying the links between low-level radiation and increases in diseases, especially cancer and those affecting the newborn and children.

• Education: Publishing the results of research dealing with the impact of low-level radiation on public health and to disseminate this information to the public, media, policy makers and the scientific community.

• Public awareness: Promoting public awareness and responsible public policy related to radiation and environmental policy.

History and Accomplishments of the Radiation and Public Health Project

RPHP was founded in 1989 as a fiscally sponsored project of the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice by Jay M. Gould and Benjamin A. Goldman. In 1995, it was established as an independent non-profit 501(c)3 organization after many years of work by Jay Gould, Ernest Sternglass, and others.

Given RPHP’s threefold mission in the areas of research, education and public awareness, the history of RPHP can best be traced through its books and articles on radiation and nuclear issues-
– by Jay Gould, Ben Goldman, Ernest Sternglass, Joseph Mangano, Bill McDonnell, Janette Sherman and Jerry Brown.

During the Nuclear Age a growing body of medical and scientific evidence has emerged to suggest a causal link between low-level internal radiation from the ingestion of man-made fission products and increases in immune-related conditions, especially cancer and those affecting the newborn. RPHP has assembled much of the epidemiological evidence documenting these links, including 32 articles and letters in peer-reviewed journals and 8 books.

The major findings from RPHP include:

• Levels of radioactive Strontium-90 in baby teeth near nuclear reactors are higher than those far from reactors; are rising over time; and are linked with local rates of child cancer.

• Rates of radiation-sensitive cancers like child cancer, breast cancer, and thyroid cancer, often exceed national and state rates in areas closest to nuclear plants.

• After nuclear plants close, local rates of infant deaths and cancer cases in young children plunge immediately.

These findings are critical in the U.S., where 41% of Americans can expect to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. Identifying factors that cause cancer, and eliminating them will reduce risk, and reduce future cancer rates.

RPHP findings, disseminated with the help of many concerned citizens and groups, have reached millions of people. Group members have published over 55 op-ed pieces, and over 20 letters to the editor in newspapers with a total circulation of about 15 million.

The group has participated in 26 press conferences, most of which it has arranged with citizen groups. Much local media has followed, and national media coverage has included the New York Times, USA Today, NPR, CNN, and Fox News.



VanneV December 4, 2014 "A short latency between radiation exposure from nuclear plants and cancer in young children
International Journal of Health Services
March, 2006
“Previous reports document a short latency of cancer onset in young children exposed to low doses of radioactivity. The Standard Mortality Ratio for cancer in children dying before age ten rose in the period 6-10 years after the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents in populations most exposed to fallout. SMRs near most nuclear power plants were elevated 6-10 years after startup, particularly for leukemia. Cancer incidence in children under age ten living near New York and New Jersey nuclear plants increased 4-5 years after increases in average Strontium-90 in baby teeth, and declined 4-5 years after Sr-90 averages dropped. The assumption that Sr-90 and childhood cancer are correlated is best supported for a supralinear dose-response, meaning the greatest per-dose risks are at the lowest doses. Findings document that the very young are especially susceptible to adverse effects of radiation exposure, even at relatively low doses….”

(Kneale GW. Stewart AM. “Childhood Cancers in the UK and their Relation to Background Radiation.” Radiation and Health. 1987) “


Nuclear Power Plant Studies Show Child Leukemia, Breast, Thyroid Cancer Rates Increase RADICALLY Closer To Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Chernobyl Heart Movie; How Children Are Affected By Low Level Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

43% of Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Problems, Could Be Much Worse Than That; via @AGreenRoad

Diabetes Caused By Low Level Radiation - 6 In 10 Fukushima Children With Diabetes; via @AGreenRoad

14,000 US Infant Mortality/Deaths From Fukushima Nuclear Disaster - Peer Reviewed Study; via @AGreenRoad

List Of All Genetically Linked Diseases Caused By Low Level Radiation Exposure; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. John S. Sanford; Mutagenesis And Entropy; Dangers Of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation Leading To Human Extinction; via A Green Road

Medical Doctors, Scientists, Spiritual Leaders And Nuclear Experts Quotes About Low Dose Radiation Dangers; via @AGreenRoad

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks


Despite overwhelming evidence, the pro nuclear industry apologists still maintain to this day that radiation is good for everyone, no matter what, via the hormesis theory. In other words, the more radiation one receives, the healthier they become. The pro nuclear 'experts' never mention any of the peer reviewed studies and experts all over the world, who all agree; low dose cumulative radiation is dangerous. 

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High and Rising Levels of Radioactive Strontium-90 in Nearly 5,000 Baby Teeth; The Tooth Fairy Project

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