The Story Of The Long Handle Spoons, Dr Goodheart, And Magic Stone Soup

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The Story Of The Long Handle Spoons, Dr Goodheart, And Magic Stone Soup

The story of the long spoons is an ancient story that has roots in many religions, countries, languages and traditions.


Once upon a time, in a village far, far away, in a land called Nod, there lived a group of people who were very hungry and very sick. The villagers were angry and afraid of not only each other, but also everyone outside of their own little village, despite having a magic stone soup pot that was filled to the brim with very nutritious, wholesome, organic healing stone soup. There was enough magic stone soup to feed everyone, but no one really understood this.

 (To understand what magic stone soup is and where it came from, click on the following link)

Dr. Goodheart Teaches How To Make Stone Soup That Will Feed Seven Future Generations

Ancient Stories, Success, Motivation, Activism, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Interfaith, Consciousness, Near Death, Miracles, Healing, Auras, Reincarnation

In the land of Nod, in this village that is very, very far away, people had only long handled spoons to eat with, because that is how it has always been and always will be, in the land of Nod. The spoon handles were sooooo long, that the villagers could not get enough to eat for themselves, because they could not reach the food that was on the end of the spoon. The food was at the end of a very long handle, so no matter what they did, they could not get enough for themselves, on their own. There was never enough for the villagers living in the land of Nod. 

Because these people with the long spoons felt like they did not have enough for themselves, they also did not want to share anything with anyone else. The people in the village tried desperately to get more or keep what they had on their own spoon, through all kinds of mean and cruel methods. 

They kept on thinking that if only they kept others from dipping into the magic stone soup pot, that they would have enough for themselves, so they were constantly fighting each other and preventing others from dipping food out of the magic stone soup pot. They even made laws preventing some people from even trying to dip soup out of the magic stone soup pot. The villagers did not share anything with anyone and kept everything for themselves, because they thought that there was not enough. These villagers thought and believed that they needed to take more from others, in order to get enough for themselves. 

The villagers dug a deep pit around the magic stone soup pot to try and protect it. They built fences and walls around village, in order to protect the magic stone soup pot filled with magic soup from 'outsiders' and foreigners in other lands. They spent all of their money and bought expensive guns and larger weapons to keep others away and out of the village. The spent a large part of the money in the village treasury to hire an army of people to stand guard and attack anyone who even dared to talk about sharing the magic stone soup.

The villagers did not want to share any of their magic stone soup, because they thought that there was not enough. They thought that others would steal what little soup they had in the pot. The villagers even passed laws creating borders, and made everyone from outside the village use passports and visas, just to visit the village, but they did not allow anyone outside the village to stay, because they believed that there was not enough. The news on television in this village only talked about how there not being enough, how afraid people were of each other, and how people were going to war with each other, all based on their belief that there was 'not enough'. 

Long ago, the magic stone soup pot was brought into the village by three mysterious strangers, one of whom was named Dr. Goodheart.  These strangers had come into town long ago to teach the villagers how make magic stone soup using only a single magic stone. The villagers learned how to make stone soup, but the villagers still did not know how to eat the magic stone soup, despite being taught how to make it. Each of the villagers only thought about themselves, and what was good for themselves, here and now. 

Despite having plenty to eat for everyone, almost everyone in the village was starving, sick, afraid and feeling very desperate. A few of the villagers were desperate enough and almost ready to kill other villagers with their stored up weapons, and then search other houses, just in case they were hiding some magic stone soup somewhere. Many villagers even gathered and stored weapons and bullets in their homes, because they thought chaos would break out and they wanted to protect what little they had left. They thought that maybe people from inside or outside the village would steal the few morsels of food that they had left. 

When the villagers were nearly starving to death and complete chaos was ready to break out, the three owners of the magic stone soup pot came back into the village. One of these wise elders, Dr. Goodheart, asked everyone to come into the town square and to bring along their long soup spoons.

Of course, the villagers grumbled, moaned and complained. Some of the villagers gossiped and spread rumors that this was a plot to steal the magic soup pot, or to take over the town.  But because they were so desperate and hungry, most of the villagers did come to the town square with their long handled spoons. However, a few villagers were too afraid, so they stayed locked inside their homes with their guns, ready to shoot anyone who dared to even knock on their doors. Once most of the villagers were gathered in the town commons, the three strangers offered a suggestion. 

Dr. Goodheart, one of the three wise elders, had made this suggestion many times before, right after the magic stone soup was made originally, long, long ago, but the villagers did not listen to him, because back then they were not hungry or desperate enough. But now, because the villagers were so hungry, so desperate, so afraid, and starving to death, that they were ready to hear what the Dr. Goodheart and his other two wise companions had to say. Here is what the three wise elders said; 

There is enough stone soup in the magic stone soup pot for everyone, but only if you share it with each other. Use the long spoons you brought today to feed each other, and everyone will have enough magic stone soup. The more magic stone soup you give to others, the more you will have for yourselves and your family. There is even enough magic soup for all of the people in other lands. 

This did not make any sense to the villagers in the land of Nod, because they were used to taking things from each other by competition (the strongest got most of it), stealing, deception, force or threats. Because they were getting so weak and hungry, the villagers almost did not have enough strength to lift their long handled spoons anymore. There was a lot of grumbling and moaning about there not being enough for everyone, but one of the villagers decided to try sharing. After all, it was Dr. Goodheart who was suggesting this and many people admired and respected him because he and his companions had brought them the magic stone soup pot originally, long, long ago. At first, the villagers argued, yelled at each other and made lots of excuses about why they could not do what the Dr. suggested. But in the end, after many hours of argument, one villager decided to risk sharing some magic soup with his long handled spoon, with a neighbor that was desperately sick, alone and weak, even close to death.

As the first villager dipped into the magic stone soup, and then shared his spoonful of magic stone soup with this villager, the other villagers watched. They saw that the magic stone soup was good, healing and bringing back energy, health, and happiness into the villager getting fed.  They also wanted this, but they finally understood that they could not get enough or be happy, unless they shared with each other first. All it took was one person sharing. The news that night talked ONLY about this brave villager and Dr. Goodheart's suggestion about sharing, instead of showing stories about fear, not enough and war.

Soon after, the villagers were all sharing the magic stone soup with each other, by using their long soup spoons. Instead of feeling like there was not enough, they understood that there was enough. Instead of feeling alone, desperate, hungry, isolated, afraid, angry and jealous, the villagers felt love and compassion for each other.

They finally understood that none of them could make it on their own. Once they realized this, even the few villagers who were so afraid got rid of their guns, prisons, walls, fences, borders and guards, because the finally understood that their fear was based on the feeling of not having enough and not feeling love for each other as well.


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The villagers finally realized that they could not even exist alone and apart from each other. They all needed each other to have enough magic stone soup to eat, live and be happy. The villagers finally realized that the long handled spoons were designed to feed each other, not themselves.

Once the villagers learned this, they then learned to how make soup that would also feed seven future generations of their children, without causing any harm to them. The villages lived happily ever after, in the land beyond Nod. After the villagers learned this lesson and how to make soup for 7 future generations of their children, Dr. Goodheart and his two companions traveled on to other villages accompanied by some of these happy, well fed and healthy villagers who each proudly carried their long handled spoons to other villages and foreign lands in order to teach them the same thing that they had learned.

The moral of the Story Of The Long Handle Spoons is that there is enough magic stone soup for everyone, and for 7 future generations, but only if everyone shares and loves each other with long handled spoons. 

The End

The Story Of The Long Handle Spoons, Dr Goodheart, And Magic Stone Soup

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