Radiophobia - IAEA Blames Victims For All Cumulative Radiation Damage And Negative Health Effects, Claims All Man Made Radiation Heals People Via Hormesis

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Radiophobia - IAEA Blames Victims For All Cumulative Radiation Damage And Negative Health Effects, Claims All Man Made Radiation Heals People Via Hormesis

Pro nuclear marketing and sales apologists such as the IAEA and WHO like to make the claim that man made radiation cannot cause any harm. They claim that man made radiation is actually good for you, like bananas for example. 

The apologists (like Rod Adams) like to say that man made heavy metal radioactive elements leaking out of uranium mines, reactors, spills, 2,400 nuclear bomb tests, nuclear plant emissions and accidents only serve to heal people, via the hormesis theory. Organizations such as (WHO, IAEA) claim that due to this hormesis theory, that only a few thyroid cancers happened after the Chernobyl accident, from radioactive iodine, I-131, and only a few acute radiation dose deaths occurred. 

According to the IAEA and all hormesis believing pro nuclear apologists, any and all increased numbers of health issues, cancers, genetic problems, stillborn babies or birth defects that happen around nuclear plants and after nuclear accidents in radiation contaminated areas are ONLY due to negative "psycho-emotional reactions, or what they like to call; RADIOPHOBIA.

Dr. Conrad Miller MD - Covers Fraudulent Scientific Studies About Effects Of Radiation via @AGreenRoad


According to the pro nuclear apologists, fear and stress makes not only people, but also animals, insects, bacteria and birds sick. That same stress and fear kills them, because the man made heavy metal poisons and atomic radiation cannot do this. Does this make sense yet? If it does not make sense to you, and it does not sound scientific, that is because it doesn't make sense, and it is NOT scientific, nor logical. You know more than all of the pro nuclear organizations and pro nuclear apologists that believe in Radiophobia. 

Animals, Insects, Birds And Plants - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation

Can anyone explain how birds, animals, plants and bacteria get stressed or fearful around invisible and undetectable man made heavy metal poisons/radiation, and then suffer diseases, genetic deformities and deaths due to this excessive fear and stress? Did someone forget to tell them that they need to smile more?

All by itself, this glaring contradiction and logical fallacy shoots down the propagandistic theory of Radiophobia. No further proof is needed, but for the sake of people who are caught in the 'normalcy bias', let's dive into this issue much further. 

Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad


The foundation stone that the Radiophobia theory rests on is the hormesis. The hormesis theory states that all radiation is good for you, including the man made kind coming out of all nuclear facilities. In other words, the closer you live to nuclear plants, mines and spent fuel recycling centers, the healthier you and your family will be. Inhaling radioactive gases and particles from nuclear accidents and being exposed to radiation as a worker inside of a nuclear power plant such as Fukushima Daichi will only increase your energy, vitality and health, according to the hormesis promoting apologists, such as Ann Coulter. 

Ann Coulter Says More Radiation Is Good For You Via Fox News, As Part Of Mass Media Promoting Nuclear Industry Hormesis Theory

If this hormesis theory is true, why do the IAEA representatives wear masks, filters and suits when they go to inspect the Fukushima Daichi nuclear accident site? Why is this site not opened up to the public as a health spa?  Why are there radiation limits of 100 Bq/kg for food in Japan? Why are Fukushima nuclear workers now wearing Tyvek suits, rubber boots and full masks? If more radiation is good, they should remove all of these suits, masks, drop all radiation limits and actually dump radioactive waste into farm soils via airplane sprayers, to make foods and grass that cows eat MORE radioactive grass and grains, in order to increase the health of the population, correct? 

Why aren't radioactive Radium water bottles and radium pills being sold anymore over the counter Why can't anyone who wants to buy cesium, strontium or plutonium 'fortified' cereal, milk and meat? Why are there vitamins and minerals fortified with radioactive man made elements like radioactive strontium, cesium, and uranium? Why isn't the public water supply fortified with man made elements such as radioactive tritium, cobalt and many more?

One would think that if these things are soooo healthy and good for you, that they would all be added to the water and food supply, on purpose, correct? Here is what happened when the pro nuclear apologists tried to make this happen, in their radiation filled hormesis theory fantasy world. 

Radium; The Epic Story That Disproves Hormesis And Medical Radiation Theory First Proposed By Madame Curie; via @AGreenRoad

Why are many types and classes of people who were occupationally exposed to radiation being paid for cancers and diseases of all kinds, that are now well proven and accepted to have been caused by radiation? 

Someone is lying about the health benefits of man made radioactive elements, and it is not the people who are saying that even low dose radiation exposure is dangerous and all radiation doses are cumulative, increasing the risk over a lifetime of exposure.

The IAEA, the nuclear industry, the mass media, the medical industry and the government are for the most part, willingly supporting, teaching and distributing the hormesis and radiophobia lie for public consumption. Why? What do they have to gain from doing this? What conclusion can be drawn from this interlocking and very disturbing networked loop of misinformation going out?


Via radiophobia November 4, 2014  Here we go again: THEY JUST ALL HAVE RADIOPHOBIA!
"Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information (SARI) has sent an open letter to standard-setting bodies around the world, including the IAEA, World Health Organization, and America’s Nation Academy of Sciences. The letter says, “The nuclear reactor accident at Fukushima Daiichi … prompted well-intended measures that have had disastrous consequences. These were not caused by the radiation itself but by the social stress,…. Both the stress and the population relocations are based on the fear of low-dose radiation that originated from the use of the linear no-threshold (LNT) model for radiation-induced cancers and its associated ‘no safe dose’ mantra.” SARI adds that the mistakes made subsequent to the Chernobyl accident in 1986 were repeated with Fukushima, causing adverse health consequences,…"
SARI mission statement:
"To help prevent unnecessary, radiation-phobia-related deaths, morbidity, patient’s refusal of medical imaging, dissuading the study of low-dose radiation therapies, and injuries associated with nuclear/radiological emergencies through countering phobia-promoting misinformation spread by alarmists via the news and other media including journal publications."
According to their mission statement, anyone who disagrees with them, including scientists, medical doctors, physicists, religious leaders and politicians, are nothing more than 'alarmists' spreading 'phobias'. 
Via rogerthat November 4, 2014 Health warning: take blood pressure pills before reading, and don't read over breakfast, you may choke on your rice krispies...
… Two of SARI’s esteemed members, America’s Dr. Mohan Doss and England’s Dr. Wade Allison, will be part of a conference in Tokyo on December 3rd, entitled “1st Scientific Advisory Meeting for Radiation and Accurate Information”…
Provide your feedback to the open letter, via this survey; your opportunity to vote..

Could it be that there is a profit motive behind all of this misinformation and deception? Could it be that the nuclear industry wants the right to dump their nuclear waste directly into cities and towns, so they are no longer on the hook for cleanup costs?  Don't believe this can happen? 


Bill Duff October 22, 2014  "Japan had ADVANCE notice of the looming Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station meltdowns. Therefore, early evacuation, prior to the 1st explosion of FDU-1, would have been DO-ABLE; almost easy. Disaster alerts were muted. Impending reactor failure notices were suppressed. Evacuation was delayed, until the maximum radiation fallout peak(s). The venting water-filtration systems and the vents failed. The civilian population was outside and unprotected in the directed path of the MAXIMUM radiation fallout contamination, airbourne releases and gamma.

Following the Fukushima 311 disasters, Japan distributed a never-ending stream of lies; withheld anti-radiation medications; did NOT provide personal decontamination. Further, the ‘Nuclear Village’ dishonorably withheld dosimetry information, diagnosis, prognosis and medical treatment from the Nipponese.

The population was force-fed radioisotope-contaminated food and a never-ending stream of cheap lies about ‘smiling’ and ‘laughing’. Even the deaths, broken health and public health data are concealed from the Japanese and the world. Their loss and grief are trivialized by ‘Team Nuke’; as were their lives and ancestral homeland."

It is actually very easy to fool most people via statistics, estimates and industry funded junk science studies that are designed to 'prove' that a lie is the truth. How to solve this epidemic of fake studies, false statistics and faux estimates is the subject of a former nuclear lab director, who points at all of these things and radiophobia as well.



curly October 22, 2014  "Yesterday I clicked a link that was an article about the people who have been displaced by the "accident" at fuku. Maybe some of you saw it too, it had photos of all the blue bags of contaminated soil. This article keeps surfacing in my mind. I've heard a lot of argument on the pro's and con's of nuclear in the last few days on this site. 

When I try to boil it all down, I get this: There are at least three cores out of containment at fuku and they have been and continue to leach radioactive water into the pacific for over three years. I can't predict what will happen but it doesn't look good. But, the article I mentioned above contains facts about the immediate effects of the "accident." 

People living in areas surrounding fuku were evacuated, lives were permanently effected and I would have to say negatively effected. There are ethics, morals and laws that suggest that if I do something that harms someone else I am guilty of a crime an in some way make restitution. If I have a dog that barks all night and keeps my neighbor up I should feel guilty and I would. These displaced people were on the receiving end of the damages from the "accident."

They were given some money and many of them ended up in Fema style trailers. I imagine what it would be like if I had done something to my neighbor that caused this same kind of hardship. I know I would feel like the biggest asshole on the block, but beside that I would face criminal charges, fines and a prison sentence. I see a double standard here. 

Some entities are above the law, and are capable of living without ethics or morals not to mention just plain old guilt or shame. The injustices at fuku are just one of many I have seen in my life time or read about. My mind tends to extrapolate, and I can't help feeling negatively about the direction world leaders are taking us. Where ever they take us, it's not going to by a place of justice or compassion. I've read postings of mbp and others with similar ideologies and they are able to minimize in their own minds the effects of the fuku accident—no guilt, no compassion. My life would be a lot easier if I could do the same, but I can't."

Bottom line, the only way to get to a bright and hope filled future, is to live from the heart, not the head. Science is all about living from logic, ego and the head. The end result of living with a closed off heart is global suicide, because a closed heart will not hear the truth, and is incapable of seeing or feeling the suffering produced by a technology, such as fission.


FXofTruth November 9, 2014  "So this is like the policy: "Don't ask, Don't tell".

Their policy is: "Don't Know, Don't Worry".

Nuclear Power is a pathetic industry just like the Tobacco Industry. It makes billions of dollars in profits; it's product(s) adversely affects the lives of billions; and in the end, everything they product(or how they produce it)…kills you.

How can an intelligent and compassionate human being get up everyday, kiss their wife, kiss their kids, kick the dog and go to work everyday and believe they are being a productive human?

I can hear the conversation when their kids ask, "Dad, what do you do for a job and how does it help people?" "Well son, I make a product that no one needs and it eventually kills them." "Wow Dad, I'm embarrassed…"


rogerthat October 22, 2014 "curly, that about sums it up. where we are today is the weirdest place imaginable, a giant game of let's pretend:

Let's pretend it didn't happen, and when that fails,
let's pretend that the worst didn't happen.
Let's pretend that it wasn't as bad as Chernobyl
Let's pretend that radiation is not spewing out of the ruins Fukushima into the atmosphere every day, effectively forever.
Let's pretend that what's left of the cores is not leaching into the underground river and groundwater and flowing continuously into the sea, effectively forever.
Let's pretend that anyway it's all harmless
Let's pretend that it's under control
Let's pretend that there is some way of stopping Fukushima from continuously poisoning the earth, effectively forever.
Let's pretend that no-one died, that no one got sick, that no one will get sick, that no-one has been harmed, that no one will suffer harm.
Let's pretend that the catastrophe was a triumph of nuclear engineering, because the earthquake didn't break the plants.
Let's pretend that nuclear power is cheap, and that nuclear plants are necessary.
Let's pretend that the whole nuclear thing has not been the biggest mistake in man's sorry history.
And let's pretend that, if anything did happen, we are not responsible, we cannot be blamed, we have no reason to pay damages or make restitution."


And then, just when you think it cannot get any worse, the IAEA announces it is ok to dump all of the super radioactive water they have collected and stored on site since 3/11 into the ocean too. After all, the leaking reactors have been doing that since 3/11, so what will a little bit more radiation hurt? And while we are at it, since the radiation can't hurt anyone or anything and we have all of these fakers pretending to get cancer and diseases, and birth defects, let's cut them off. They don't deserve financial help..

Cognitive Dissonance And The Nuclear Industry; How Reality Refuses To Intrude; via @AGreenRoad


Remember that the IAEA is a marketing arm of the nuclear industry, but they pretend to be a regulator and inspector. To find out more about this financially corrupt organization and their toxic relationship to the UN organization WHO, click on this link...

(WHO) World Health Organization Links To IAEA - What Does The IAEA Do? Who Funds The IAEA? via @AGreenRoad

Now that everyone understands that the IAEA is actually protecting the nuclear industry, it makes sense that they are blaming the victims for radiation exposure, and this is why the term 'Radiophobia' is thrown around by the pro nuclear marketing agency.

Of course, none of these people are medical doctors, and they would not know radiation damage if it slapped them in the face. But that does not matter to the IAEA, because they claim to be medical health experts and are able to categorize all health issues caused by man made radiation as not even existing, so it cannot cause any deaths either.

The IAEA blames “Radiophobia” for ALL symptoms of low dose radiation exposure. They are calling for an end to all radiation victim or radiation refugee aid programs. In an IAEA report from 2005, they claim that radiophobia creates a victim mentality in a totally healthy population. This IAEA claim is not only cynical, but potentially very dangerous for the health of the affected population, especially if they live in a very radiation contaminated area, where they are eating radiation contaminated foods and drinks.


What happens if radiation is in food and that food is consumed over long periods of time? What level of man made radiation in food is safe?

Radiation In Food/Water/Products, Geiger Counters, Dosimeters, Radiation Readings

What happens to your health, if you are a uranium or thorium miner? What happens if you are exposed to radioactive uranium mine dust and particles? What happens if you live near or on a uranium mine tailings pile? What is the risk to health if you are downwind of a nuclear test, fracking site, or nuclear facility?

Uranium Mining, Enrichment, Nuclear Fuel Chain, Open Air Testing, Fracking

What are the health effects of individual radioactive elements? Are any of them good for human health? 

Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation, Radiation Exposure Prevention, Reversal, Chelation


Lets look at the Radiophobia claim and see if there is any truth to to it. First, let's dive into the scientific and medical studies that prove harm with even very low doses of radiation exposure, including just one Xray, for example. 

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks


The following video and links to peer reviewed scientific studies are provided for those individuals who will only believe a peer reviewed source of information.

Via MaidenHeaven October 9, 2014  This video clearly explains the dangers of even low dose radiation, most especially to children (females) and women. Links to the peer reviewed articles below the video debunk the Radiophobia theory. 

Studies cited in order presented:

National Academy of Sciences Low-Dose Radiation Report

Data tables used, 12D-1 and 12D-2: 

How to scale that data to unique exposure scenarios, Annex 12D, Example 1: 

15-country study of nuclear-worker cancer risk

Table 5 shown is from Part II of the study 

Jacob et al. (2009) meta-analysis of nuclear-worker studies

Editorial on Jacob et al. quoted

Chromosomal translocations are associated with cancer

Boffetta et al. (2007) more chromosome harm results in more cancer

Bhatti et al. (2010) meta-analysis of chromosomal damage 
# Addendum #

Since I posted this video, the 'Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' published a special edition on low-dose radiation, the lead article at;

matches and thereby corroborates the case I present in this video. It also covers additional research and nuclear-industry efforts to derail scientific investigation of radiation risks.

Some friends created PDF files of this video available here

In English

In Japanese

There is no linear dose effect correlation, but “the bimodal dependence of effects on dose was revealed for all studied parameters. Namely, effects increased at low doses, reached maximum (for low doses), then decreased (in some cases the effect sign reversed) and thereafter increased with the increase of dosage”: 

Source; description below video above


Anyone other than the pro nuclear industry apologists are reporting HUGE numbers of victims and deaths from radiation related spills, accidents, nuclear bomb testing, and more. But if you ask the (no doctors involved) pro nuclear marketing 'experts' at the IAEA, no one died, and no one will ever die from anything related to nuclear, because the hormesis theory and Radiophobia theory do not allow the counting of ANY victims. Currently the IAEA and pro nuclear apologists are saying that no one has died and no one will ever die from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Of course, they say this after every nuclear disaster, no matter how big or small.

Which group is telling the truth? Here are the medical doctors, and what they say is quite different fro the non medical pro nuclear marketing people at the IAEA. Would you listen and trust medical doctors or sales people more?

IPPNW - Global Health Effects And Number Of Deaths Caused By Chernobyl Nuclear Planet Meltdown - 69 Million Victims; via @AGreenRoad

Sacrifice Zones, Nuclear Power and the Sacrificial Victims System Is Spreading Globally As Part Of Predatory Capitalism


All credits go to the producer/director Julio Soto for this incredible insight into the Chernobyl disaster and its aftermath.

Please visit to see the site where the full video originates and to see the latest information on the events that shook the world back in 1986.

Twenty years ago, on April 26, 1986, a security test at Chernobyl's nuclear plant in the former Soviet Union, triggered the greatest civilian nuclear catastrophe in history. Unable to cope with this political, environmental and human disaster, the Soviets built a wall of silence around the event. The term 'radiophobia' came to define the symptoms of the people suffering from the fallout of the radiation, some kind of social 'stigma.' 

Radiophobia is a touching documentary entirely shot in Chernobyl's 'Forbidden Zone.' 'RADIOPHOBIA' examines the Chernobyl disaster and its consequences 20 years later from the perspective of a group of survivors and people who were on duty at the reactor on the fateful night. This is the first time that they have returned to the 'Zone' to reconcile their past with the ruins of the present. Inside the 'Zone' we also meet many of the peculiar inhabitants who never left this highly radioactive and somewhat surreal area.

Julio Soto is a film producer/director and artist who works and lives in between Madrid and New York. In 2004, he co-founded The Thinklab | Luna Pictures, an independent production company based in New York and Madrid. His most recent documentary film, "Radiophobia", has been sold globally to channels such as: Spanish TVE, Aljazeera Intl., History Channel Italy, DR2 (Denmark), MTV3 (Finland), 1+1 (Ukraine), PTS Taiwan and TVR (National TV Romania). In its first premiere at the 2006 ECU European Independent Film Festival in Paris, the film received the Best Film, Best Documentary and Best Photography awards and it has already been selected for many festivals around the world. He was recently awarded a fellowship from the prestigious New York Foundation of the Arts. His films/installations have received awards at the 2005 Toronto Latin Film Festival, the 2005 Rio de Janeiro VideoArt Festival, the 2002 Brooklyn International Film Festival, the NAP Video Biennial in Pasadena and the 2003 Media Arts Festival Japan. His work has been shown extensively at film festivals such as IDFA, Clermont-Ferrand, New York Underground Film Festival, Viper Basel, Impakt, Oberhausen, Hamburg, Nemo and Kasseler to name a few. His talent and vision also plays a key role in advertising and music video projects for agencies like McCann Erikson, Propaganda Films, Ogilvy, Bates USA, Grey Advertising and FCB.

- Radiophobia (2005)
- Possibility of Utopia (2004)
- Invisible Cities (2003)
- Zero Gravity (2003)
- Bunker Anthology (2001)
- Staged Reality (1999)

ECU European Independent, Documenta Madrid, Green Film Fest Seoul

Director Julio Soto and cinematographer Alex Stikich will be available for Q&A after the screening.

This documentary is freely available to download from the website mentioned previously. All credits go to the owner(s) of the original video and to the website that it was downloaded from. There is no financial gain from this upload, nor will there be at ANY stage in the future.


Anyone who still believes in radiophobia, here is a 12 step program that may very well cure you of this syndrome. The following is a rough copy; Via General Defectrick and the GĒ20 Zombies November 8, 2014

1. Smile often in order to protect yourself from the non existent heavy metal radioactive poisons
2. Eat only imported rice and drink tea grown in Fukushima Province
3. Lick your iPhone charger, while consuming fresh water fish and milk from Fukushima province
4. Spread rumours of domoic acid poisoning as you watch many species experience mass die off
5. Take a swim in the #1 Fukushima basement water or in the spent fuel pool at building #3 or #4.
6. Make a feature film in the desert, inside the craters caused by nuclear bomb tests, on windy days.
7. Fire DU weapons, and then go admire your handiwork. Breathe DU dust and smoke deeply.
8. Sell defective reactors to innocent parties, smile as PM Abe says all radiation is contained to bay
9. Take good deep breaths while standing in dust storms at 'hot' spots in Belarus or Fukushima
10. Take a vacation in Fukushima province, eat and drink only locally grown wild food, gathered in forest, especially the fish, berries, wild boar and mushrooms. 
11. Camp in a really good 'hot' spot real close to the Fukushima storage tanks.  Worship non-living nuclear corporations as a living God.
12. Breathe in some hot particles while touring the Fukushima plant, and then; get cancer and die like the rest of 'em.


AGRP needs help to counter this false and misleading Radiophobia message being put out by the pro nuclear agencies, the nuclear industry and their allies in the mass media. This fight is comparable to David against Goliath. Can you help support David? If not now, when? If not you, then who else?

Can you share this article via Facebook, Twitter or other social media? Education is what makes the difference. You can feed a man for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, he will eat for a lifetime. What is education worth? Is education like this worth supporting, and if so, how much is it worth? What do you feel led by your intuition to give? 

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Radiophobia consists mostly of a false and misleading nuclear industry propaganda campaign that misleads people by the use of a combination of various techniques.

First, the nuclear industry uses false statistical information and gives out deceptive, misleading information to the public, which creates the impression that radiation victims are somehow to blame for all of the ills caused by the nuclear industry, much like an abuser blames the victim.

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%
Yes, there may be a few people that have a phobia, who may need mental health treatment, but for the most part, the phobia around radiation is mostly inside of the nuclear industry, and it consists of fear that the public will find out the horrible truth about the dangers of man made radioactive elements.

Second, the nuclear industry hides even the most basic facts around numerous nuclear accidents. 

Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists 

Third, the nuclear industry does not tell the truth about the harm that low dose and cumulative radiation causes. The industry refuses to fund studies around the effects of low dose radiation on things like people, plants, animals or insects, plus they exclude any participation by 'outsiders' who hold a different view from the pro nuclear industry apologists, in their peer reviewed publications.

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure
Fourth, the nuclear industry working together with the governments, withhold useful and meaningful information that can prevent harm, such as telling people to take iodine pills when a radioactive plume is coming over them, for example. The industry also downplays and minimizes radiation levels, measurements, etc.

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks

Combining forces with the medical industry and their use of medical radiation, the nuclear and medical industrial complex pretend that internal man made radioactive elements have no effects, other than to benefit health. 

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Super Bugs, Cloning, Vaccines, Education

Yes, Radiophobia exists, but the real definition of this word is that it consists of a phobia against telling the truth inside the nuclear industry. Bottom line, that is the REAL problem, but when projection and blaming the victims works, why change anything?


Radiophobia - IAEA  Blames Victims For All Cumulative Radiation Damage And Negative Health Effects, Claims All Man Made Radiation Heals People Via Hormesis

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