300,000 Atomic Veterans Forcibly Exposed To Nuclear Radiation, Made Into Radioactive Lab Rats

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300,000 Atomic Veterans Forcibly Exposed To Nuclear Radiation, Made Into Radioactive Lab Rats

EON is proud to host-post another important documentary by the Academy Award-winning team Vivienne Verdon-Roe and Michael Porter. Their 1994 expose' tells the currently relevant story of the 300,000 U.S. soldiers and sailors who were used as EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS in America's quest for nuclear dominance...and were then denied health care. These men were not volunteers, they were ordered to participate in a radiation experiment, without being told about the risks and without being given any protection.

A major voice in the film - directed and edited by Porter, produced and narrated by Verdon-Roe - is former Navy seaman Anthony Guarisco, founder of the INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF ATOMIC VETERANS, c/o Vincent L. Guarisco, 5312 Covina Rd., Bullhead, AZ. 86426

To contact the filmmakers: ViviVR@aol.com

For updates on Anthony and his wife Mary, here are two recent articles by their son, journalist Vincent Guarisco

Never Forget The Lessons Of Yesterday For The Sake Of Tomorrow By Vincent Guarisco

Contact: vincespainting1@hotmail.com

These radiation victims sound like they are part of a Nazi death camp experiment, maybe that is because former Nazis were in charge of this nuclear program. The victims were victimized first by subjecting them forcibly to radiation and then by swearing them to secrecy. Then they were victimized and abused (second time), by not disclosing to them any warnings, treatment options, or even any information about true radiation exposure. They were just told that radiation is 'safe', and there is nothing to worry about. This same lie is being told to anyone working in the nuclear industry today and to the public via the mass media. 

Finally, the victims were abused again, for a (third time) by preventing them from suing anyone for damages or harm done via immunity laws passed by the military industrial complex and the nuclear industry. The abusers are just waiting for all of the radiation victims to die.

Anyone who dared to speak out was punished for violating 'secrecy' laws. Nothing has changed, as this is still the situation today. Sailors aboard the Ronald Reagan were exposed to fallout from Fukushima, and were treated about the same as the first lab rats and pigs in the video above. 

USS Ronald Reagan Sailors/Crew Exposed To High Doses Of Fukushima Radiation, File Lawsuit; via @AGreenRoad

Everyone on Earth was and still is being exposed to the radiation from these open air nuclear bomb tests, and everyone is still are being exposed to invisible radiation from DU, nuclear plants, uranium mines, reprocessing facilities, storage facilities and radiation from nuclear accidents such as Fukushima. 

Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; Being Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium-238 From Fukushima Traveled Around The World - ‘Misleading’ Experts Said It Would Stay Close By, Or Did Not Happen; via @AGreenRoad

We are all guinea pigs in a huge planetary laboratory, studying the effects of low dose radiation on human beings. Just because radiation is invisible, does not mean it disappears and has no more effects. Precisely because a radioactive element's radiation is invisible, that makes those radioactive elements that much more deadly and dangerous. Everything looks normal, and you cannot see the radiation that is killing you, plus causing genetic diseases and cancers.

Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

The 2,400 open air nuclear bomb tests gave everyone on Earth a good 'experimental' dose of radiation. Most US citizens still have radioactive strontium 90 in their bones, measured in terms of units. The amount each person has inside varies, but everyone has some strontium inside of them, just from the nuclear bomb open air testing. 

2400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998; via @AGreenRoad

A person who dies and is cremated has enough strontium in that ash to make a liter of water with those ashes in it 180 times over the safe limit of set by the EPA for drinking water. Now Fukushima is releasing massive quantities of Strontium 90 into the Pacific, where it will be concentrated through bio concentration up the food chain into people. 

Have you ever wondered where these nuclear scientists that set off these bombs and who keep having these radiation 'accidents' that release ever increasing amounts of radiation into this world, (making everyone into unwilling radioactive lab rats), came from originally? 

In 1945, as part of Operation Paperclip, the United States government recruited 1,600 Nazi scientists, many of whom had performed human experimentation in Nazi concentration camps. The scientists were offered immunity from any war crimes they had committed during the course of their work for the Nazi government, in return for doing similar research for the United States government. Many of the Nazi scientists continued their human experimentation when they arrived in the United States.[158]

Project Paper Clip; USA Imported And Hired Hundreds Of Nazi War Criminals To Develop Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

(In Project Paper Clip, The US imported hundreds, if not thousands of Nazi war criminals, who formed and molded the foundation of the entire nuclear weapons and nuclear power plant industry. 

What kind of future would you predict for any country getting involved with people like this? Any nation or city inviting these people in is building a nuclear house built on a foundation of extremism, secrecy, deceptions, double dealing and lies. 

The Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science; via A @AGreenRoad

If the nuclear industry can treat honorable US veterans little differently than the pigs that got radiated in metal cages, while squealing in agony, and then offer no help, while hiding and/or 'losing' the radiation dose records that they got exposed to, what do you think they are going to do with you and your family? Do you really believe that the nuclear industry that got started with Nazi's, death camps, secrets, lies, genocide and invisible poisons is going to do good things for humanity?

As you can see from the video, this experiment was done on young men, in the prime of their life, but it now affects countless future generations. You can see with your own eyes, the effects it has had on their kids. If those kids survive and have their own kids, the result will be no different, but may end up being even worse, because the genetic damage accumulates with each generation. 

The radiation experiment continues today. We are all radioactive lab rats. As long as we allow this industry to continue to pour radioactive poisons into the air, water, and soil, it will bioconcentrate back up the food chain to your children. The results are obvious. Please do your part to help stop this genocide. 


300,000 Atomic Veterans Forcibly Exposed To Nuclear Radiation, Made Into Radioactive Lab Rats; via @AGreenRoad

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