Why Dilution Is NOT The Solution With Radioactive Man Made Elements

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Why Dilution Is NOT The Solution With Radioactive Man Made Elements

As shown in the video above, all of Nature including your backyard, your garden, the farm where you get your food from and your body is being used as a free nuclear waste dumping ground.

The pro nuclear apologists love to talk about how dilution will solve all of the problems of nuclear radiation and make it all 'harmless and safe'. The dilution method is certainly the cheapest solution, because there is no cost to dump radioactive waste into Nature. Does dilution really work with man made radioactive elements? Let's explore this concept, shall we?

All nuclear facilities, labs, incinerators, and more are 'legally' allowed to dump huge amounts of radioactive elements into the air, water and ground downwind or downstream of nuclear facilities, mines, reprocessing plants and more. According to nuclear experts, even the radiation dumped all around the world and absorbed by everyone as a result of the Chernobyl or Fukushima mega disaster is all 'legal' and under the 'safe' maximums, due to 'dilution'. Nuclear experts claim that the public will 'accept' and absorb the 'diluted' radiation from one accident per year, and not complain. Most of these accidents are hidden, denied or covered up.. Is this 'diluted' radiation really 'safe'? Are you aware of just how many 'accidents' there are?

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel

According to Ken Buesseler from the Woods Hole Insititute, 90,000 Bequerels from cesium per cubic meter of ocean water is 'legal'. This means that all of the radiation released by the mega nuclear disaster at Fukushima can happen over and over again, once a week, and no one would be held accountable for violating anything. As he says in the following video, it's all legal. And the IAEA goes further and says that dumping all of the radioactive water at Fukushima in those thousands of tanks, into the ocean, is also 'legal'. 

Woods Hole Oceanic's Ken Buesseler- you can find him associated with Hugh Livingston at the IAEA throughout his history and he has the man on his facebook friends list. Why is this so important to note? You will know a man by the company that he keeps and by where he gets his money. Why not find out more about Ken, by following these links..These are the folks that he is 'friends' with. The following nuclear industry and pro nuclear organizations are his financial partners.. http://www.whoi.edu/main/partners-sponsors

But those partners, such as the IAEA, are not what they are portrayed to be by the mass media. Would it surprise you if you found out that the IAEA is nothing more than a sales and marketing organization for the nuclear industry? Would you trust a sales organization to give you 'safety' or health advice?

IAEA, WHO, NRC And Others; A Web Of Deception? via @AGreenRoad

WHO/IAEA Collusion - Negative Health Impact of Fukushima: Warnings and Recommendations by Michel Fernex; via @AGreenRoad

30 Ways The Nuclear Industry Deceives Everyone; via @AGreenRoad

A Primer In The Art Of Deception; via @AGreenRoad

Global Corporations And The 1%; Art And Science Of Deception

The IAEA, which is the marketing arm of the nuclear industry, recommends dumping ALL of the highly radioactive water in the tanks at Fukushima into the ocean, where they say it will be 'diluted'.

But the real life consequences that happen as a result of this 'legal' dumping and 'dilution' may not turn out to be as 'safe' as the nuclear experts love to claim.... 

Fukushima Radiation Measured In Pacific Ocean by IAEA Sponsored And Paid For Scientists; via @AGreenRoad

The Deep Pacific Ocean Is Broken/Dead; Devoid Of Life For Thousands Of Miles, Where It Used To Be Filled With Life; via @AGreenRoad

Comparing Contaminated Zones Around Chernobyl And Fukushima Ocean Radiation Released; via A @AGreenRoad

Low Dose Radiation Causes Oxygen Depletion Globally, Kills Oxygen Producing Trees And Algae; via @AGreenRoad

If people really knew what was going on... It does not take much radiation to kill a person, a fish, or a plant. It does not take a lot of radiation to make a person, animal or plant sick long term, using a 'slow motion' bullet in the form of a radioactive particle. How small of a 'diluted' dose of radiation can cause sickness or death?

"If you inhale a millionth of a gram of plutonium, the surrounding cells receive a very, very high dose. Most (cells) die within that area, because it’s an alpha emitter. The cells on the periphery remain viable. They mutate, and the regulatory genes are damaged. Years later, that person develops cancer. Now, that’s true for radioactive iodine, that goes to the thyroid; cesium-137, that goes to the brain and muscles; strontium-90 goes to bone, causing bone cancer and leukemia."
Renowned doctor and scientist Dr. Helen Caldicott MD

Most of the pro nuclear folks dislike nuclear 'truth tellers' and put them down via personal character assassinations. They may say; 'but he/she cannot be trusted'. She is lying, that is not possible. They make insinuations and accusations. In the case of Helen, is what she is saying above the truth or a lie? Let's find out, shall we? Read the first article below and the American Journal of Pathology article above, which proves she is telling the truth, via multiple scientific and government studies.

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Is There 'Natural' Plutonium And Are There 'Natural' Fission Reactions? via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad

Is there more proof than what Dr. Helen Caldicott MD says? The answer is yes.. Bottom line, there is no 'safe' dose of radiation. All radiation is cumulative and causes damage. Even a 'diluted' dose of radiation in the form of ONE HOT PARTICLE has some risk and will cause some deaths, especially so in the most vulnerable populations, such as the young and fragile elderly.

Quotes From Famous People About Nuclear Energy And Low Dose Radiation Dangers; via @AGreenRoad

Infant mortality Up To 40% Higher Than National Rate Around Brown's Ferry Nuclear Plant, 48% Higher After Fukushima In Philadelphia; via @AGreenRoad

43% of Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Problems, Could Be Much Worse Than That; via @AGreenRoad

Diabetes Caused By Low Level Radiation - 6 In 10 Fukushima Children With Diabetes; via @AGreenRoad

28% Rise In Thyroid Problems On West Coast Since Fukushima, According To New England Journal Of Pediatrics; via @AGreenRoad

Birth Defect Rate Up 800% In Washington State, Officials Stumped - Not Considering Fukushima At All; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Caused An 50,000 Additional USA Newborn Deaths 3/11 to 12/11; via @AGreenRoad

The laws allowing this 'legal' radioactive waste dumping and huge mega nuclear accidents without any penalties, fines, lawsuits, sanctions, or jail are all based on the 'dilution' theory. Just because it is legal, does not make it correct, right, ethical, moral or justified. It used to be ok to sell radium water, and other dangerous cancer causing things, but that was outlawed when the truth was 'discovered'. Maybe it is time to change the laws and how we generate energy, rather than causing millions of cancers and deaths per year from low dose radiation. 

It used to be legal to just dump reactors and barrels full of waste into the ocean. That is no longer legal, for good reason. Dilution was not considered enough of a justification to allow dumping of concentrated nuclear wastes in the ocean. So why is it still ok to dump high level waste into the air or groundwater?

Locations And Amounts Of Radioactive Waste Dumped In Oceans; via @AGreenRoad

It also used to be legal to do open air testing of nuclear weapons, but both of those things have been banned after the evidence came out. The pro nuclear scientists were counting on dilution to make the radiation 'go away', but that plan did not work. Instead, the diluted radiation caused cancer rates and deaths to skyrocket, the longer those open air nuclear tests went on. 

2400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998 - Equivalent to Global Nuclear War; via @AGreenRoad

The Nuclear Fuel Chain That Leads To Nuclear Bombs; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Helen Caldicott MD On Nuclear Weapons, MAD/Nuclear Armageddon; via @AGreenRoad

Why is it ok to dump radiation into the air from incineration of wastes and normal operation of nuclear power plants, if nuclear bombs are no longer allowed to dump their radiation into the air and be 'diluted'?  Why are nuclear accidents allowed to dump concentrated doses of radiation equaling thousands of nuclear bombs each, if open air nuclear bomb testing is illegal?

Dr. Chris Busby; Consequences of Burning Radioactive Waste In Japan; via @AGreenRoad

Medical doctors saw a direct cause and effect relationship between the nuclear bomb tests and diseases, plus cancers of all kinds, increasing rapidly as more and more 'diluted' radiation spread around the world from those nuclear bombs.

It only takes one 'hot' particle next to a DNA strand, damaging it, which then creates one of 1,000 genetic diseases, as itemized below. Even a 'diluted' dose of radiation can cause a genetic disease in countless future generations, because DNA is passed on from one generation to the next into infinity. Even the 'natural' radioactive elements such as thorium, uranium, radium and radon break DNA strands...

Thorium And Uranium Proven Highly Effective At Breaking DNA Strands - Cause Cancer, Birth Defects, Still Births, Etc; via @AGreenRoad

Thorium Rich Sand; Monazite - Studies Show It Increases Congenital Mutuation, Downs Syndrome, And Changes Sex Ratios; via @AGreenRoad

List Of All Genetically Linked Diseases Caused By Low Level Radiation Exposure; via @AGreenRoad

It also used to be legal to use radioactive substances to promote 'health', via the hormesis theory, but that has been been made illegal as well. You cannot sell radium water or manufacture radon and have people breathe it in, via some elixir, potion, machine or medical procedure. The EPA has a great website explaining how even 'natural' radon causes many lung cancers. It is amazing how many people do not even know the basic facts about the dangers of radiation and lung cancer from 'natural' radon.

Radon Dangers; Hormesis Explored; via @AGreenRoad

The only problem with this 'theory' about hormesis, is that it does not work, and never has. Madam Curie and all of the early radiation researchers got increased doses of radiation, and they all died of cancer. So much for 'natural' radiation being different from man made radioactive elements. Both natural and man made radiations are dangerous for your health. 

Rachel Maddow - Hormesis Promoting Republican Art Robinson Wants To Sprinkle Radioactive Waste From Airplanes Over Cities? via @AGreenRoad

The dilution theory did not work for radioactive radon, radium, uranium, plutonium or any of the other 1,000 harmful radioactive elements coming out of a nuclear accident, and it does not work for what is going into the ocean, air and ground either. 

Low Level Radiation Causes Premature, Accelerated Aging, Chronic Diseases In Young, Increased Premature Deaths; via A Green Road

The supposedly 'diluted' and invisible radiation from nuclear accidents and regular emissions from nuclear facilities goes into the air, water and ground. Pro nuclear apologists love to compare radioactive potassium in bananas to man made radiation, but again, their false equivalency argument does not hold any water, or bananas in this case. 

Radioactive Potassium In Bananas Compared To Cesium, Plutonium, Uranium And Iodine via @AGreenRoad

That supposedly diluted and 'safe' radiation coming from man made sources always concentrates up the food chain back to you and your family via bio-concentration, which is another thing that the pro nuclear apologists fail to take into account. As little as 10 Bq/kg in the body can cause negative health effects according to medical and scientific research. So why is the 'safe' level of radiation set at 1,000 Bq/kg in the USA? 

Dr. Conrad Miller MD - How Radiation Concentrates Up The Food Chain To Human Beings - 10Bq/Kg Unsafe; via @AGreenRoad

What the pro nuclear apologists also ignore and do not talk about is how even low dose radiation has the effect of mutating bacteria and viruses into stronger super bacteria and super viruses. Have you noticed how many more super bugs are around these days? Low level 'diluted' radiation is partially to blame for that. 

Low Dose Radiation And Antibiotics Cause Mutated, Strengthened Bacteria And Virus; via @AGreenRoad

The pro nuclear experts also claim that just a very small 'exclusion zone' for a few years around any nuclear accident will take care of any harmful radiation and that everywhere else is 'safe'. Those pro nuclear apologists have never visited or stayed with families affected by low dose radiation, such as those in Belarus, near Chernobyl, around Three Mile Island in the 'Valley of Death', and now around Fukushima. 

Chernobyl Coverup And Denial Of 1 Million + Casualties; via @AGreenRoad

IPPNW - Health Effects of Chernobyl 25 Years After The Reactor Catastrophe (69 million casualties); via @AGreenRoad

If nuclear plants are so 'safe', why is that the 18 spy agencies, all of the branches of the US military and Homeland Security is so hyper vigilant around trying to keep a few mere grams of anything radioactive out of the country and away from major cities? Why are they so afraid of a 'dirty bomb' going off? Why are they getting the military ready (but not civilians) for an EMP pulse? Why are they recommending that all nuclear plants increase their security, after an 84 year old nun and two companions just wandered into a facility containing many tons of plutonium, without any problems?

Atucha Nuclear Reactor Taken Over By Terrorists; via A Green Road Blog

Hijackers Took Oak Ridge Nuclear Reactor Hostage; We Are All Hostages To Nuclear Power And Military Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima released close to 1000 TONS of highly radioactive  man made elements. But no mention is made of the danger of all of this being released into the air, water, groundwater or ocean. Why not? Why is there no mention of Japan burning over 30 tons of highly radioactive high level waste at sites all over Japan?

Why is there no mention of bio concentration up the food chain from all of these pro nuclear folks? It is well known that even 'diluted' amounts of radiation in water concentrate up the food chain and come back to humans. 

Steven Starr, via D'un: "Cesium-137 also tends to biomagnify as it moves up the food chain. "This means it becomes progressively more concentrated in predator species. We have seen this before with other industrial toxins, such as DDT, which can magnify its concentration millions of times from the bottom to the top of a food chain.

"Consequently, all of the foodstuffs in a contaminated region tend to contain Cesium-137. Those naturally rich in potassium, such as mushrooms and berries, tend to have very high concentrations. Dairy products and meats also tend to have higher concentrations."
via Steven Starr

Plutonium And Cesium Bio-Concentrates 26,000 Times In Ocean Algae, Up To 5,570,000 Bq/Kg in Land Algae; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima: 2012 Hawaii And Arizona Dairy Milk Test Up To 800% Higher Than Safety Limits; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Radioactivity Found In Bluefin Tuna; via @AGreenRoad

Radiation dangers in food and water; via @AGreenRoad

UK Established Animal Radiation 'Controls' Due To Chernobyl Cesium Contamination; via @AGreenRoad

Chernobyl; Animal Studies Show Radiation Is Still Harming Our Wild Companions; via @AGreenRoad

PBS; Radioactive Wolves In Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Movie Review; via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Boars And Deer (Still) Unfit To Eat 950 Miles From Chernobyl; via @AGreenRoad

Dangerously Radioactive Wild Boars Roaming Around Italy; via @AGreenRoad

Beef radiation contamination

The Petkau Effect And Low Dose Radiation Harm Caused To Humans, Plants, Animals; via @AGreenRoad

Animals Around Fukushima Negatively Affected By Low Level Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

Mutagenesis; Dangers Of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

The nuclear industry is bottom line, founded and based on many lies. These lies actually make up a playbook that they use and train all pro nuclear folks with, so that the public will never find out the truth of just how dangerous and deadly even low doses of radiation are. 

30 Ways The Nuclear Industry Deceives Everyone; via @AGreenRoad

A Primer In The Art Of Deception; via @AGreenRoad

Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

The Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science; via A @AGreenRoad

Bottom line, when you go to court and have witnesses to a crime and they are proven to be liars, then you as a jurist can no longer believe anything they say. Why would this be any different when it comes to nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and 'next generation' nuclear power plants? When the pro nuclear apologists say that nuclear power is cheap, safe, clean and green, you know that these things are all nothing more than lies and deception. 

Another one of many deceptions foisted on a gullible public is the lie that Fukushima is only 10% of Chernobyl and that it is in cold shutdown. The lie is that Fukushima is being 'decommissioned', when it is actually totally out of control and there are multiple meltdowns happening, with rapidly increasing levels of radiation underground, in the ocean and into the air.

According to the French Institute de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN) and the Austrian Zentralanstalt fur Meteorolgie and Geodnynamik (ZAMG), Fukushima had 3 times the total release of radiation from Chernobyl in only the first few days. But the uncontrolled radiation releases from Fukushima has continued on since then, non stop. 

The above video shows the IRSN measuring Japanese soil that has 500,000 Bq/kg of cesium, long after the mega disaster. Levels up to 15 million Bq/kg were found. Does this sound like 'diluted' radiation to you? 

Bottom line, AGRP belives that if you look at the evidence presented in the links above, you will agree that both the 'dilution' theory and the hormesis theory are bunch of hogwash when it comes to man made radioactive elements such as plutonium and tritium. The whole nuclear industry is based on lies and deceptions, so when a pro nuclear apologist claims that nuclear power is safe and dilution is the answer, you can come back and call him or her a liar, and KNOW that what you are saying is justified, no matter if that person is much smarter, has a PhD, or making $1 million a year.  

As you explore the links and watch the videos to become an expert on this subject, you will realize and understand how truly horrible, deceptive, and terrible the nuclear industry is for the whole world. 


Why Dilution Is NOT The Solution With Radioactive Man Made Elements; via @AGreenRoad

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