Solar Energy Combined With Hydrogen Provides Energy Storage And 100% Zero Carbon, Zero Nuclear Renewable Energy Source

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Solar Energy Combined With Hydrogen Provides Energy Storage And 100% Zero Carbon, Zero Nuclear Renewable Energy Source

Solar Energy Combined With Hydrogen Provides Energy Storage And 100% Zero Carbon, Zero Nuclear Renewable Energy Source

Some people would argue and say that solar cannot supply all of the world's energy, because the sun only shines during the day and no solar energy is available at night. That is true, but if one combines other zero carbon renewable energy storage methods, such as cracking water into hydrogen and then burning it for energy when the sun is not shining, or pumping water uphill, and then generating power by running it through a water power generator, the problems are solved.

But, some people say, there are no hydrogen generators producing electricity.. Hmmm, then why is this hydrogen gas powered electricity producing generator doing it?

Just scale it up for industrial or utility use, and you have a hydrogen powered, hydrogen energy storage system. Pretty simple, isn't it? Some people claim that it is not possible to store hydrogen. Really? Well, then how is this homeowner doing it, every day? 

100% Zero Carbon Hydrogen Powered House, Car and Cooking Stove; via @AGreenRoad

It is not just hydrogen powered generators that can burn hydrogen gas. Fuel cells can burn hydrogen too, and there is no noise, like with a big clunky engine, as in the case of the video above. But more choices are always better, right? 

Fuel Cells Can Produce Zero Carbon Electricity By Burning Stored Hydrogen Gas; via @AGreenRoad

Once you have people in business producing hydrogen gas from solar panels, wind towers or water power, and storing it, then you can set up a distribution system to get it to these hydrogen fuel stations, right? 

Berlin Germany; Example of Hydrogen Fuel Station For Hydrogen Powered Cars, Buses and Taxis; via @AGreenRoad

Hydrogen fuel stations to power the hydrogen burning vehicles are the next step in a zero carbon, zero nuclear age. Do it for seven future generations of our children. 

100% Hydrogen Powered, Zero Carbon Car - Honda FCX Clarity Test Drive And Demonstration; via @AGreenRoad

Add in other zero carbon energy sources that do not need the sun, such as tides, geothermal and wind, and it gets easier and easier to create a zero carbon, zero nuclear future because the square feet of solar panels keeps dropping, the more other renewable sources are added in.

Of course, the carbon and nuclear monopolies will tell you all kinds of lies to keep everyone hooked on their dirty expensive energy.

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A Green Road Project; Teaching the Science of Sustainable Health and Success. Keep asking - what works for 7 future generations without causing harm?


Solar Energy Combined With Hydrogen Provides Energy Storage And 100% Zero Carbon, Zero Nuclear Renewable Energy Source

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