How The Dark Side Ensnares And Traps People; Don't Even Start Down The Road, Don't Accept The First Invitation

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How The Dark Side Ensnares And Traps People; Don't Even Start Down The Road, Don't Accept The First Invitation

How The Dark Side Ensnares And Traps People; Don't Even Start, Don't Accept The First Invitation

The lesson from the video above is that the choice we have is to live in selfishness or the opposite. For more information about this, click on links below...


On a personal level, turning to the dark side means living life in anger, fear and hatred. No one else need to be involved. As these things are focused on and grow within, the outer world will reflect back this fear, anger and hatred in many ways. As the intensity grows, so will the fear, anger and hatred. The dark side grows the more a person focuses on it and spends time with it. It is common to engage in this by watching TV shows that trigger the fear, anger and/or hatred. It is common to engage in this with books, video games that also feed this dark side. 

Which wolf are you feeding inside of yourself? Which wolf is growing more powerful? 

The Story Of Two Wolves On A Green Road

As the fear, anger and rage is projected outwards or is attempted to be contained within oneself, the blowback eventually circles back around in a cycle that becomes more and more obvious to the person who is projecting outwards. 

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The price we pay for our choices can be eternal. Every choice is ours to make, because we all have free will. There is a lot of power for both light and dark in every choice, no matter how small it seems to be. Be careful what choices you make, because the consequence of even one small choice can result in a lifetime of consequences plus darkness. It is easy to be 'trapped' and then have no way out down the road, just because one critical choice was made initially. 

Choose carefully, because the important choices are not about the temporary selfish gains, profit, power, honor, money, being in the military, or fame here on Earth... Everyone will have to live with the choices being made and the consequences flowing from them, eternally. This life is less than a micro second when one considers eternity spent on dealing with the consequences of dark selfish actions or light selfless actions after this physical life is done here. We are not just dust that disappears after the body dies. We are souls that go on forever. 

A distinction to be explored with this framework of punishment leads to exploring the black and white world of literalism, and the opposite of it. 

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Be the light, and learn to live as a soul.  Learn how to live and stay IN your heart, no matter what, because the heart and love is your true home. Watch as you close or open your heart. Learn how to love ever more deeply as a soul on Earth. Love, forgiveness and empathy is not weakness, but strength and power. Consider the difference between living a selfish live, and a selfless or compassionate life. 

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Think about what it means to be a 'souled out' physical empty shell, like a dead zombie walking and talking. There are lots of dead people walking around, who have 'souled out'.  Consider paying any price required to get out of the clutches of the dark side and to follow your heart as well as intuition, because eternity is a long time to suffer the consequences of NOT doing this.


Don't even start down the road to the dark side, because you don't know how long it will be before you are sucked in too far to back out. There is a tipping point where there is no going back, and you have no idea where that point is, so don't even start down that road. Don't even tempt fate by accepting the first invitation. Be very careful and slow to accept jobs, invitations, offers, partnerships and sponsorships. Check out the person, group, organization, business or associates of this 'friend' very carefully by asking people who are outside of their 'circle'.

Don't sign any contracts or agreements committing you to anything initially, and be sure that there is a way to back out quickly and at no cost if you change your mind after you get in, in writing. Don't take any verbal promises, because that is how the dark side gets people. Don't trust. Verify everything, with multiple independent sources. Watch your back, because the world is full of dark side vampires or zombies looking for the a victim, or a partner that can be harnessed into their system. 

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The above article also explores cults and religious or spiritual guru leaders, who lead people over to the dark side. Yes, there are at least a few wolves out there, so be aware and be very discriminating. Try out a few before committing to any one spiritual path long term. Feel free to change and go somewhere else if it no longer feels 'right' or you feel empty or something is missing inside. Keep searching and looking, but don't get attached to any specific person, guru, religion, path or group. Follow your own inner leading, no matter what the crowd says is 'normal' or customary, or traditional. 


Here is just one of many ways that the dark side works..

You will get 'invited' to a party, where you meet one or more rich, powerful people or a friend will introduce you to someone somehow. That person then offers you a job, money, position, or partnership of some kind. If you check on them, they have few or no ethics, morals or character, even if they belong to the 'right' church. 

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Churches can be a cover for lots of darkness, so don't let that fool you. A lot of churches are places of light, but the opposite is also true, and you cannot tell initially, unless you are mature spiritually and have a very discerning spiritual ability and very finely tuned intuition. Do you know the difference between a cult and a church? 

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If you check their reputation in the community outside of their group of 'friends' they are going to be associated with sleazy slime balls who are into all kinds of corrupt, shady, dark business or other enterprises. This is your first warning. 

Check out who you will work for, partnership with or sign contracts with very, very carefully. Check your intuition. Take any contract to a lawyer. Read it carefully before signing anything. Ask for advice from friends, family, relatives or trusted spiritual advisors. Pray about it before commiting. Ask to be shown and guided for the 'right' answer. 


There is little or no innocent 'playing' on the dark side of things. If you accept the dark side offer, you will more than likely quickly be 'initiated' in one or more ways.

Drugs and alcohol are one of the easiest and most accepted initiation methods into the dark side. Increasing amounts and more expensive drugs are a very good clue that are you on the road to the dark side, and soon, there will be no way out. 

Doublethink In History And Present Day

Drugs and alcohol will more than likely lead to you being compromised in one of many ways, either through addiction, or via many other constructed traps. That first step into the darkness will be used to further enslave and hold you in 'line', with the threat of destroying you with the 'evidence' of your 'crime' or dark deed.  

The initiation into the dark side happens either immediately or soon after you accept the initial offer, which may seem to be very generous and goodhearted gift at first glance. After all, who doesn't like a free party, free drugs, a free ride on a yacht, a free job offer, free alcohol, plus any number of other free 'goodies'? 

Corporations can be very dark, but at first glance, they may seem like very promising, light filled opportunities. When you get into it, and start exploring what really goes on, you may find yourself on the dark side, feeling trapped, hopeless and out of control, doing things that you never imagined, all in the name of corporate profits. 

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You may sign a contract, accept a gift, bribe, payoff or loan, but once you do, now you have given them leverage over you. They can use this leverage to get you in deeper. Each initiation will gain the dark side even more leverage and control over you. You may join the Mafia, but once you are 'in', there is no leaving, except in a body bag. The first choice is a terminal one with organizations like the Mafia or the CIA, just to name a few. There are many traps out there, set just for you. 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions

Religion is an easy way to get involved with violence and killing. Pick a denomination that does not condone killing and violence, or you may be involved in very dark things, like trying to overthrow the US government by force. 

If you marry into the mob or CIA 'family', you may not be asked to kill people, but you will be married to someone who does that. Eventually, you will know on some level. Being married to the dark side, it is effectively the same as actually doing whatever dark deeds your partner is performing. Don't even accept the first date, don't accept any gifts, because that is the way they get you, using that leverage. Once you are in, there is no getting out, in most cases. 

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If you do go to a party where you don't know everyone, bring your own water or drink(s). Never let it out of your sight, and refill it yourself from the tap. Use a closed top container so someone cannot slip in a mickie while your attention is distracted for a second. 

Don't accept any drugs, drinks or gifts. Be very aware of the feeling of people, what they say, what they do, and how they behave. Keep your antenna up and ask lots of questions. Stay aware and awake, watch for clues. Pay attention to how people feel when you are around them, but don't count on that, because even very dark sociopaths are often very magnetic, charming and life of the party kind of people. It takes awhile to ferret out the sociopaths, sometimes years. 

Get some names, ask what they do, what their history is, where they came from, how they got here, and then check the stories and people out, after the party. Take your time, and move very slowly. Get lots of independent advice from a wide variety of people from all walks of life. Stay in touch with your heart and how it feels. Is it opening or closing? Do you feel more light, or dark? 


Either at the first party or down the road, you may get slipped a Mickie and wake up the next day next to a child or prostitute (if you are married) in bed with you, and photos have been taken of you together. There are many and tangled ways to be 'ensnared' in the 'dark' side trap and then have no way out of the dark side souled out 'agreement' or contract for life. Once you have been 'compromised' there is no getting out, or it becomes VERY difficult to extricate yourself and a sacrifice may have to be made on your part, which will cost you dearly. 

Living in  world where one is taught to lie or deceive other people sounds harmless at first. Lying maybe framed inside of doing it for a cause, such as democracy, freedom, an industry PR move, etc. But after awhile, living and speaking the lie becomes so second nature, that the lie become reality, and doublethink is the dark disease that one is now trapped in. Logic has no reality inside doublethink, where lies are truth, truth are lies, up is down, right is left, and dark is light. 

Doublethink In History And Present Day

Being 'compromised' always means doing unethical, immoral, evil and illegal things. Parties can be the initial way that these 'mild compromises' start, but they don't end there. The compromises are all recorded by those who want you to be trapped and subject to their control. You are the prey and the sociopaths figure out creative ways to 'get' you, while giving you what you thought you wanted, at least initially. 

The more common everyday but very attractive dark traps and/or hooks for most people are sex, drugs, fame, money, power or military 'honor'. 

As you move further into the dark side, you are initiated further and further, going deeper and deeper into the darkness. It may end up that at the lowest (but most powerful or money/rich dark level), you have to attend a party, where the initiation to that next and highest level is starting an illegal war, taking over a country illegally, hunting kids with high powered rifles, assassinating and/or torturing people, running large quantities of drugs for a dealer or performing group pedophilia, selling Billions of dollars of worthless paper to seniors, just to name a few of the many and varied very dark potential possibilities. 

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There is no end to the darkness and nothing is too dark for the darkest zombies. There are always more and higher levels into the dark kingdom. Where the darkest of the dark have their control and exert their power only a few 'souled out' zombies dare to go. Just as the inner light has no limit, so too inner darkness has no limit, and there is always more darkness to initiate people into, to trap them ever more deeply into it.


Education can consist of false programming, which initiates a person into the dark side. Be careful what courses you choose, because once you are 'programmed', it is very difficult to undo and the tendency is to continue deeper and deeper into the darkness that is created. 

Scientific Nuclear Fraud At Major Colleges, Universities and Nuclear Research Facilities Uncovered And Analyzed; via @AGreenRoad

Sociopathic Nuclear Industry; Ex Fukushima Engineer Confesses; No Cold Shutdown, Warned of Tsunami 20 Yrs Ago; via @AGreenRoad

Medical Industrial Complex; How Big And Bad Is The Fraud, Deception And Death Count? via A Green Road

Bottom line, any educational organization that does not include spirituality as a piece, including intuition and following your own inner conscience as well as morals/ethics, is probably not worth pursuit. 


Many people end up committing suicide when the realize the kind of darkness that they have gotten involved in, way down the road. One day they wake up and realize what they have signed up for, and there is no way out. 

Mafia, War Criminals And Nuclear Industry Connections In Japan, USA, Europe; via @AGreenRoad


Even fame can and most often is a dark side trap with no way out. Many famous actors and actresses have committed suicide at the height of their careers, either through overdosing or other methods, because they realized and woke up to the darkness that they got trapped in. 

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Wealth Distribution In America; Myth Vs Reality; via A Green Road

CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Whistleblower Jailed/Disappeared Via Patriot Act As Terrorist; Reveals Coverup Around 9/11, Iraq War, Etc.


There is no way out except to keep moving forward, further into the darkness. This is one reason why the military suicide rate is so high.  Killing people is all about the dark side, no matter who is doing it. There is a price to that, and part of that price means being 'souled out'. 

Even those who are developing the weapons or drones, or jets, or ships, or tanks, or technology associated with all of that,  which then ends up killing people, are 'souled out', possibly without even realizing it, and never even going through the 'initiation' process described above. 

War is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler - Warned That Military Industrial Complex Taking Over Levers Of Power; via @AGreenRoad


Science without a spiritual soul basis is blind, deaf and dumb. Science can and does destroy any hope that humanity has for a bright future, if it proceeds with ideas and concepts that cause harm to 7 future generations, and if done only for short term profits, market control, etc.  The key to figuring out the darkness in science is to follow the money, because if anything corrupts science, it will be money, followed by power and control. 

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Super Bugs, Cloning, Vaccines, Education


Rich people often assume that they can make no 'wrong' decisions, just because they have a lot of money and power. They do things because 'experts' tell them that it is a good idea to do something, without any intuitive focus, nor any real world contact with Nature and her laws to filter it through. Here is just one of many examples of someone doing more damage than good when it comes to creating a sustainable future. 

Bill Gates Traveling Wave Terra Power Nuclear Reactor Analyzed; via A Green Road 

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming, Acid Rain, Acid Oceans And Super Storms; via @AGreenRoad

Even with the best of intentions, rich people and money rich organizations can and do destroy any hope that humanity has for a bright future, if they proceed with ideas and concepts that cause harm to 7 future generations.

Top 100 Global Warming Denialist Groups Are ALL Funded By HUGE Corporations; via @AGreenRoad

Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies, GDP and Global Economics; via A Green Road


Nothing else matters. Be true to yourself and where your heart of hearts plus intuition leads you, because love lives forever. The good news is that there is no limit to love, and no one can ever take it from you, no matter what. You get to take that with you. Everything else is a waste of time energy and results in a souled out condition, which is eternal.. You don't even want to know what that means.. So even if bulding your Green Road means that you pursue your path alone and apart from everyone, do that, just like a shepard out in the wilderness. 

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Better to be by yourself living in your heart and following or building your own Green Road and using your intuition, than to be a souled out walking dead zombie, pretending to be alive, pretending to have some value, while feeling totally empty and meaningless.

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How The Dark Side Ensnares And Traps People; Don't Even Start Down The Road, Don't Accept The First Invitation

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