CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Whistleblower Jailed/Disappeared Via Patriot Act As Terrorist; Reveals Coverup Around 9/11, Iraq War, Etc.

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CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Whistleblower Jailed/Disappeared Via Patriot Act As Terrorist; Reveals Coverup Around 9/11, Iraq War, Etc.

CIA Agent Susan Lindauer Whistleblower Exposes Behind The Scenes Coverup Around 9/11, Iraq War, Etc.

Would it surprise you to learn that the US government knew that a terror attack was going to happen in New York, before it actually happened, but did nothing to prevent it? Would it surprise you to learn that the Patriot Act, designed to be used only on terrorists, is being actively used on US citizens, in violation of their Constitutional rights?

On August 6th, the CIA issued an emergency, high level warning to Ashcroft and President George Bush via Susan Lindauer, warning them that a terror attack was 'imminent'. What was their response to this warning? Their response and what she saw happen next is the subject of this video and article, direct from the CIA asset who has DIRECT knowledge of what happened in those days leading up to the 9/11 attack. Instead of being rewarded for warning about a terror attack, Susan and other whistleblowers were fired, outed, thrown in prison and/or punished.

Start the video to 7 min. to hear her speak...

Images of Susan Lindauer

Want to know more about Susan Lindauer?

Susan's book "Extreme Prejudice" can be purchased on Amazon


During the Summer of 2001, former Congressional staffer and CIA and Defense Intelligence Agent asset/agent Susan Lindauer was a back channel node between Iraq and the US government. She says she was not a covert agent. 

She specifically warned the US government multiple times about a major jet plane terror attack involving the World Trade Center.

APRIL 2001

As early as April of 2001, Susan had received warnings from Saddam and the Iraqi embassy about hijacked terrorist plane attacks coming soon to the US. Then she passed on these warnings.

Saddam hated terrorists and was willing to help the US squelch extremists. Saddam invited the FBI into Iraq for detailed discussions around this terrorist attack coming the US. He was not involved in the 9/11 Trade Tower attacks and everyone knew it.

(Saddam was actually installed as dictator in Iraq by the CIA, just like countless other dictators around the world, and that is another story, revealed in the article below)

CIA Used To Assassinate Foreign Democratically Elected Leaders And Install US Friendly Dictators

MAY 2001

In May of 2001, she delivered a threat to Saddam that he would be invaded unless he disclosed all details.

AUGUST 2001 

The CIA handler warned Susan not to go to New York, because an attack was coming and a radioactive cloud was expected. (this happened due to the DU counterweights in the planes melting and releasing radioactive particles/gases all over New York.) 

He asked Susan to contact Ashcroft, (Attorney General) authorizing an emergency broadcast to all US government agencies asking for any intelligence related to aircraft attacking the World Trade Towers in the next few days or weeks. She called Ashcroft on the 7th or 8th asking him for this authorization. She heard that he responded with a put down of the CIA and commented something along the lines of 'Why are they so paranoid about this?" In other words, she was dismissed and ignored. Why would someone completely dismiss and ignore an EMERGENCY alert from the CIA? 

By calling Ashcroft, she had cancelled out their 'plausible deniability', because now they knew or should have known that an attack was coming, and specifically how it was going to happen, If Ashcroft did not pass on this intelligence warning and emergency alert to the President immediately, then it would be his neck in the wringer both politically and in all other ways. 

Meetings were held where Condalize Rice and Tenet as well as others in the White House were told all of this, so discussions around this terrorist attack were well known at the top levels of government, well before the attack actually took place. (This also explains why naked shorts were put on airline stocks right before the attack, and several people in the 'know' handsomely profited from this manufactured disaster.)

Because Susan took away their cover story, they came after her immediately after her, because she was to blame for exposing what was really going on, and denying the top government officials of their fake mass media news story, that this attack was completely unexpected and that no one knew anything about it before it happened.. 

SEPT 2011

In early Sept, of 2011, Susan was told by another source that she does not name, that multiple vans pulled up at the Trade Towers, after the cleaning crews left. The cleaning crew trucks were tracked by the intelligence agencies, all the way home, so they were not involved, guaranteed. 

There were no markings on the vans. In between the hours of 3AM and 5AM, several unmarked vans showed up for around ten days, and then were never seen again. This had never happened before. Her contact told her that the Trade Towers were packed with thermite bombs, which create molten steel as they bring down a building, by cutting the steel girders just like a hot knife through butter. Any building that is thermited comes straight down at free fall speed, because there is nothing holding it up anymore, and that is exactly what happened on 9/11. 

A thermite 'bomb' is a special military grade weapon, that no one else can get. It is impossible to make this type of bomb in your kitchen and no terrorist can make it either. 

(See video below for more details on the 9/11 buildings and how the 'terrorist' planes cannot bring these buildings down. It has never happened before in history, and they are designed to withstand this.)


Mohamed Atta was a CIA agent, trained and supervised by the US government. Because he was an agent inside the CIA, there is no way he could have planned something without anyone else knowing about it. Every CIA agent is closely watched and monitored, 24 hours a day. No one is trusted, and all conversations are recorded, even in the supposed privacy of your home, car, etc. Susan's home was wired all the way down to her bathroom, with everything recorded, 24 hours a day. The same thing goes for Atta. Everyone in the CIA and the US government knew everything Atta was doing at every moment of the day or night. 

The strange and troubling history of former CIA covert operations agent, Congressman Porter Goss, the man George W. Bush is rumored to favor as the new head of the CIA. Before Goss is confirmed, he needs to explain to the American people why, at the very moment hijacked planes were crashing into the World Trade Center, he was having breakfast with the Pakistani intelligence chief who had just sent $100,000 to 9-11 mastermind Mohamed Atta.

The Prague Connection Debunked

Cheney documented to be a liar

Flight School Connection And CIA

More on CIA, flight school connections, Bush family and his associates


Susan was working on a peace deal with Iraq, and trying her best to end the sanctions that caused a huge number of deaths in Iraq. The Iraqis were willing to agree to just about any terms to end the sanctions, including allowing the US sole authority to sell 1 million cars per year, set up phone service, control oil, etc. This would have stimulated the US economy, benefited the Iraqis and brought lasting peace and many jobs to Iraq. The only people that would have lost if this agreement had happened would have been the military industrial complex.

Since the sanctions were failing, and European nations were violating the terms of it to fly in humanitarian relief supplies, something had to be done by the US. Either an agreement had to signed with Saddam, or something else had to happen, because the sanctions were falling apart and that leverage to find the mysterious WMD, (which never existed) was disappearing fast.

The CIA also knew what would happen on 9/11, because the supposed 'terrorists' were being 'played' or used to cause the incident that would lead the US into the war on Iraq, which is what the people playing in the shadows really wanted for their own personal, selfish profit motivated reasons.

The military industrial complex part of the CIA and US government won over the peace creating portion, but that is no surprise, because that is what has been happening since many years ago. But no average person wants war, so a big enough reason has to be manufactured to cause outrage and make war inevitable.

The problem was that the 'handlers' who were setting up the 9/11 attack knew that these guys were no good and that they would more than likely fail, so extra measures had to be taken, to make sure that the buildings came down and ensure success, plus create dramatic public horror effects similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor, where all of the ships had been destroyed or were on fire. Nothing less than that would create a sufficient public outrage to trigger a war with Iraq, which was the goal. 


At 42: in, Susan talks about the people on the jets that were identified, were 'assets' of the CIA. They all worked for the US government. The men who were identified as Jihadis, were NOT really jihadis. They were not devoutly religious men. They drank alcohol, went to strip clubs, smoked, chased women, etc. Real Jihadis who are authentic, would not do any of that. What were they told that they were doing? Were they told that they were going on a training exercise? Were they told that they would be 'extricated' safely and then be given a secret life after they did this 'favor' for the CIA? Susan does not know this detail and cannot say, but she knows that they were working for the CIA as assets. 

55: in, woman in audience says that it has been documented that at least some of the hijackers are still alive. There are also strange stories about the serial numbers for the planes not matching. In addition, there is a military fighter pilot that is now in prison in Florida, who says he shot down the plane in Pennsylvania. 


47: The CIA has a long history of doing false flag operations against itself. Susan's CIA handler received 13 million dollars tax free for 'handling' this situation. The money came out of 'emergency appropriations bill for the war on Iraq'. This money bought his silence, and he refused to even talk to Susan's attorney's for five years.

If he had spoken to Susan's attorney's at any time before this point, it would have ended the indictment right then and there. Because no one was talking, Susan was locked up on at Carswell Air Force base, a military base, and was held in this military prison for a year. Then she was moved to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York for four months. 


She was held under indictment for five years. The people going after her wanted to forcibly drug her with 3 very powerful drugs to incapacitate her and make her unable to talk or think clearly enough to say anything to anyone.

(The mass media story around this is that they wanted to drug her so she would be able to appear in court and no longer be incompetent mentally.)

If they had gotten permission, she would have been chemically lobotomized. At her hearing, she argued that she had been fighting terrorism for nine years, and that she had warned about the 9/11 attack, but had not suffered from depression, mood swings or other incapacitating mental problems. She was ordered to attend weekly psych meetings, and she says this is what saved her. She had one years worth of documentation that proved she had no mental illness.

(The mass media reports that she was labeled crazy by a mental health professional and that this is why everything happened the way it did. Her documentation of her version of this is in her book, contradicting this mass media version of the story completely.)

The US government petitioned the court to 'detain' Susan for ten years with no trial, no hearing under the Patriot Act. They wanted to 'cure' her by forcibly drugging her, but could not tell the court how long that would take.. They just wanted her drugged and in jail for ten years.  Her boyfriend died of cancer while she was in jail, and the mass media refused to cover her story, other than in a negative way, after she was released.

The government also accused her in court of being a religious maniac, like Elizabeth Smart. She is spiritual and believes in God, but she does not sing hymns in court or praise God as she is trying to kill people, or commit genocide. 

Her boyfriend published a blog and had people write the judge in the case, plus he published her psych records online. Her public defender lawyer told her to stop all of this talking and speaking out, but she said NEVER. This was also her defining moment, where she decided that she would NEVER stop talking and speaking out about all of this, for the rest of her life, even if it made no difference at all. She told her lawyer that he and the government had made a big mistake in going after her and that she would talk about this and not quit, ever. Her lawyer did not even submit her psych records to the court in her defense, and neither did the Justice Dept that was going after her. 

It was ONLY because the psych records were on the Internet and the judge saw them there due to people contacting him directly that she was saved from the fate that everyone had arranged for her. The lesson in this is to use all means necessary and available to provide truthful information that may pertain to a situation to all parties involved, particularly those who can make a difference. Never give up. Never give in and keep fighting in creative or unusual ways. 

54: If Susan had been cooperative or passive, they would have drugged her and kept her in jail for ten years. They would not give her a hearing and would not listen to her side. She is a fighter and an activist, and still they managed to keep her silenced for a long time, until the judge heard the truth through 'back' channels. It also helped the the military industrial complex got what it wanted.

56: The only group that did not benefit from a peace agreement that was in the works with Iraq before 9/11 was the military industrial complex. Iraq had agreed to 'sell out' every industry to US control, just to get rid of the sanctions that had been in place on Iraq for years before this. Even the oil industry was sold to US companies. The group that stood to benefit the most financially from an artificial war with Iraq was people like Dick Cheney. 

There was a long standing terrorist plan to hit a lot of US targets, which was discovered in 1995. He called it Project Bojinka. Then the military ran simulated counter strategies. One of the targets was the Pentagon. On 9/10-12th, Norad was on high alert doing military exercises, for any invasion of sovereign alert. But on 9/11, they took no action, did not scramble anything and broke all of their own protocols. All of the critical US defense jets were sent in the wrong directions, completely the opposite of where they should have been directed to. The 'drills' left the entire East Coast open to attack. This was a major 'embarrassment' for the US air force and defensive anti terror military forces, as well as the CIA, which knew exactly when the attacks would occur.


1:06 in.. Sanctions on Iraq were imposed because the US said there was proof that Iraq was making WMD, (which turned out not to be true), and was hiding facilities where they were being made. The sanctions created suffering for the people in Iraq, and by the year 2000, between 1.7 to 2.2 million people had died in Iraq due to the US led sanctions.

By 2000, many countries were openly violating the sanctions, because they saw it was immoral, unethical and a crime against humanity. Why kill 2 million people in order to punish one dictator, for non existent WMD? But the US was not going to stop until Saddam was out of power, one way or the other.

But the CIA was losing control of the Iraq situation, so something drastic had to be done. 


Susan was charged with being an unregistered Iraqi agent, because she had delivered one or more letters to her cousin, who was a chief of staff to George Bush, telling him that the war in Iraq would be catastrophic, detailing consequences such as power would flow to the fundamentalists, and that it would be a very ugly, brutal occupation, and that the people of Iraq would fight the US military occupation, which is exactly what happened after the invasion. 


She was also charged with unlawful financial transactions, due to eating three lunches with Iraqi diplomats, totaling $93.92. This was a felony charge.

Of course, in 2009, this and all other charges were dropped.
(the official mass media story is that she got $5,000 and up to $100,000, depending which story you read, from Iraqi terror related 'agent's. If she had been paid as a double agent from shadowy dark figures sponsoring terror from Iraq, she would have gotten much more than a few years in jail. The fact that all charges were dropped, means that this mass media story is a false claim, with no merit.)


Then there were 'secret' charges against her, that were never disclosed to her, because under the Patriot Act, that is allowed. Secret evidence is also allowed under this law. Secret grand jury testimony can also be used.  The Patriot Act was ONLY designed to be used against terrorists, but Susan's story is an example of how the Patriot Act was and is still being used against a US citizen, in this case, Susan, just because she disagreed with the President. She was in effect just like a dissident in Soviet Russia, who is 'disappeared' because she may cause trouble for the 'Supreme Leader'.

Susan is an example of how the Patriot Act is used to create political prisoners and hold them for as long as it is needed, so that the President can do whatever it is that he/she wants, with no regard for opposition or dissent. 

One of the secret charges was that Susan received a book from an Iraqi, which described the harm that DU caused. This was deemed a top secret security threat, because if this got out, it might demoralize US soldiers. 

1:10 Another secret charge was that the Iraqi government tried to give the Bush campaign several hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. They wanted to friends with America. Her handler told her to tell the Iraqis not to do that, or the US would bomb them. This threat made no difference to them, because they had already been bombed so many times, it made no impact. 


The Patriot Act is modeled after the Soviet Criminal Act, copying wording almost word for word. This law set up the KGB apparatus and charging citizens plus holding them indefinitely. This law allowed people to charge their neighbors with 'crimes' to gain the favor of the KGB or the state, without revealing their identity. 

Everyone was encouraged to turn in their family, neighbors and friends for anything that could be deemed 'subversive', which meant in effect anything that disagreed with the propaganda on TV or in the newspapers. This law also set up the Gulag system, where people just disappeared and nothing was ever heard from them again.

Susan disappeared, never to be heard from again. Her only saving grace was the Internet, her family, and her boyfriend who all fought for her. The lawyer that the government assigned to her was worthless and did nothing for her. 


1:14 The corporate media will not cover my story or my book at all. Even while I was in jail, they ignored me. Even Amy Goodman said no to the story, saying something like, we don't want to get into a legal case where Susan is going to settle for something.

Operation Mockingbird; How The CIA Controls The Mass Media News; via @AGreenRoad

1:22 Another thing about the Patriot Act, is that all of the political prisoners are held at Carswell on a military base. So they can hold you in the 'Communications Center' there, a very scary place, and never let anyone in to see you, even family or lawyers. They use selective permission to allow some people into the base during visiting hours, but no one was allowed to see Susan. 

1:25 For four years, Susans' partner fought to get her a hearing, and he died two days before the hearing was held from cancer. He believed that if you have certain values, you should follow them to the end, no matter what the cost or consequences. He told Susan to not give up or give in due to the difficulty, and to keep on fighting no matter what. 


1:28  A CIA asset is a person who has direct contact with events, being the eyes and ears of the CIA. Assets are trained to be very descriptive of what is going on at meetings, etc. Assets are trained not to change what is seen or heard for any reason whatsoever. You don't ever change your story, and that was a real threat to the Bush administration. The detail that you think is small and that you can compromise on, could turn out to be very important, because you are compartmentalized. The CIA wants everything to be as accurate and precise as possible. 

Her handler, Dr. Richard Fuze, was involved in the Lockerby bombing case and that was disclosed to them. She also had to reveal her ID to them as a result of that. So the Libyans and the Iraquis knew who she was. 

1:31 Susan was under indictment for five years. This means that anything Susan says or does during this time can be used against her in a court of law. When she was released from prison, the corporate mass media finally covered her story, but they all said that Susan was crazy, and had been declared 'incompetent' to stand trial, which is why she was released. The assumption of anyone hearing this story was that there must be something really wrong with Susan. This meant that most people would not listen to what she had to say. 


The 93 attack on the World Trade Center only killed 5 people. 

The USS Cole attack only killed 12 people. 

Neither of these attacks caused enough public outrage to start a war with any country, for any reason. 

There is not enough damage, nor are there enough deaths, even from 2 jets flying into two buildings, sufficient to start a war. Something 'extra' had to be done. Many more people had to die, and much more damage had to be 'caused', on top of the jets flying into multiple buildings.

CIA Conducted And Led War In Afghanistan, Asked To Do So By President Bush, Which Led To Gross Acts Of Torture, Mass Murder, Rendition And Kidnappings

Why would President Bush have the CIA lead the war in Afghanistan? What is wrong with the military doing this job, which they are trained for? 


Any police officer will tell you; There is no crime without sufficient motive and the opportunity. Starting a war for no cause is a crime. The motive was both personal and financial. War mongers always want money, which war generates in huge, no bid amounts. 

Cheney profited personally from the Iraq war. The military industrial complex is huge, with many tentacles reaching into intelligence agencies, government, agencies, military forces, and huge corporations who in turn control politicians with huge amounts of money plus lobbyists. Their motive is absolute power, plus profits. 

President Bush personally wanted to 'get' Saddam both because his daddy didn't finish the job in the first attack on Iraq, and because Saddam started thumbing his nose at him, and doing things that George did not want him to do. In other words, he was becoming an uppity dictator, and quit doing what the US handlers told him to do, so he had to be made an example of.

(A former CIA officer reveals how the entire CIA knew that Pres. Bush was lying to get the US into the Iraq war.... )

Besides there was plenty of oil money and gold in Iraq, plus lots of no bid contracts and pallets full of US taxpayer money to be had.  As is disclosed in video below, TRILLIONS of dollars disappeared into the Pentagon. No one knows where that 'missing' money went or who got it. 

Conveniently, all of the people and paperwork around that missing TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars issue all got blown up in the 9/11 'terrorist' attack, so it is no longer being pursued and everyone lost interest because supposedly the big bad terrorist sponsoring Saddam had WMD, which would destroy the US in 30 minutes. Of course, all of the reasons for going to war with Iraq turned out to be a lie, so what is the truth, and where does the truth lead? 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions

Is it possible that someone lied and committed crimes, but it was not Susan? 


Valerie had an undercover CIA agent career which was also destroyed by the White House team, for the same reason that Susan's CIA career was destroyed. Valerie's husband proved that there was no WMD material coming to Iraq, and no WMD was being built, so the whole reason for going to war with Iraq on these grounds was a lie. 

Wikipedia; "During this time, part of her work concerned the determination of the use of aluminum tubes purchased by Iraq.[31] CIA analysts prior to the Iraq invasion were quoted by the White House as believing that Iraq was trying to acquire nuclear weapons and that these aluminum tubes could be used in a centrifuge for nuclear enrichment.[32][33] David Corn and Michael Isikoff argued that the undercover work being done by Plame and her CIA colleagues in the Directorate of Central Intelligence Nonproliferation Center strongly contradicted such a claim.[31] However, the CIA was concerned enough to send Plame's husband, Joseph C. Wilson, to Niger in 2002 to investigate the potential sale of nuclear materials from Niger to Iraq.

Of course, no Niger connection was found, but the fact that someone opposed the 'official' story that led to the Iraq war created the need to punish the whistleblower, so CIA agent Plame was 'outed' and made to look like a quack or fool. 

Is a pattern starting to form yet? So far, we have the military industrial complex, which is bent on creating reasons to go to war,  plus huge profit motives. Another motive was covering up a 2 Trillion dollar criminal enterprise on one side, money missing from the Pentagon budget. 

On the other side, we have truth tellers dedicated to peace, fair play, justice and harmony. Let's dive into this more deeply. Remember that a lie can go around the world for 3 years, before truth ever even gets out of bed.


Many people have sacrificed so much, in an effort to fight the military industrial complex, and promote peace. For more on this subject, click on the links...

Dark Legacy; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA; via @AGreenRoad

Civil Trial Verdict: MLK Was Assassinated by FBI And CIA

Bobby Kennedy,  'Evidence of Murder' Movie - CIA Links to John Kennedy Assassination
Valerie and Susan are only two out of  hundreds of examples of CIA Agents, Operatives and Assets who have been disappeared, assassinated or jailed on non-existent or phony charges to discredit them from speaking out about what they know. Some of these whistleblowers are still in jail all around the world. Political and religious peace leaders have been assassinated over and over again, while the warmongers enjoyed protection from the same termination 'treatment' due to doing their bidding.

What can be summarized is that those who are in the front lines of the struggle against the military industrial complex are either disappeared, like Susan, punished, like Valerie Plame, fired, as countless people have been, or assassinated, as in the cases above.

If you don't believe any of this, because it sounds more like a brutal Soviet Union ruled by a dictator, and not the freedom and peace loving United States, dig deeper.

Get involved. Join in the peace and justice movement. Get into the trenches and the front lines of this battle for people's hearts and minds. Then you will find out what happens to you personally, directly, via experience, and not just reading stories like this one. Truth is hard to swallow sometimes, because the lies are so easy to promote via mass media, and so many people believe them. Propaganda is spread by the mass media through constant repetition, over and over and over again, until people believe it. The bigger the lie, the easier it is to foist it on people.

Truth comes in much later, way down the road, if it comes at all. The truth is very hard to cover up forever. The truth is often very hard to hear and digest, because the lies have to be dismantled point by point. People do not like changing their minds. People do not easily like coming to the conclusion that what they believed and acted on previously is wrong. Telling the truth is hard, and telling the truth when everyone believes a lie is even harder, because then you are called crazy, as Susan was, and still is.

To find out more about denial, normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance, read the following article....

Titantic and Costa Concordia Reveal Normalcy Bias, Cognitive Dissonance And Denial, Same As In Fukushima Mega Disaster And Nuclear Industry

The truth needs to be told, because we all know who the father of lies is, and where that leads. Truth is part of the force and weapon of light. Truth is like a sword that pierces and destroys the darkness. On a spiritual level, it is very important to tell the truth, even if it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Just because one person stays silent, due to thinking it will make no difference, a war for truth may be lost.

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

Don't end up being the missing 'nail' that resulted in the war being lost, which meant that the kingdom of light falls. 


Exposing the fraud of 9/11 in 22 minutes
"Taken from news clips and segments of videos like, 911: Painful Deceptions, 911 Mysteries and Loose Change, this 22 minute video aims to tie together facts given in each of those well done documentaries in order to reveal just a few highlights of the many unanswered questions and problems with the "official story" concerning the events of 9/11. On a deeper level, this video may also be telling us that Babylon is indeed rising."
Source, video description


Larry Silverstein Confronted About Building 7, Refuses To Answer, But 1,300 Engineers Say It Was Brought Down By Demolitions on 9/11


Shop for book; Babylon Rising

Shop and price compare for Loose Change 

Shop and price compare for 9/11 Truth books


Lindauer provides an extraordinary first-hand account from behind the intelligence curtain that shatters the government's lies about 9/11 and Iraq, and casts a harsh spotlight on the workings of the Patriot Act as the ideal weapon to bludgeon whistle blowers and dissidents or the political opposition.

A terrifying true story of "black budget" betrayals and the Patriot Act, with its arsenal of secret evidence, indefinite detention and threats of forcible drugging, even against US citizens and CIA assets, like her. 

Extreme Prejudice (Book by Susan Lindauer) reveals one CIA asset's desperate struggle to survive the brutal cover ups of 9/11 and Iraq. Extreme Prejudice delivers a high tension expose of the real facts surrounding the CIA's advance warnings of 9/11 and Iraq's contributions to the 9/11 investigation."

Susan's book "Extreme Prejudice" can be purchased on Amazon


Robert Greenwald - The CIA, 1% And Government War on Whistleblowers; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Training Centers, Universities, School Of The Americas, SOA, The Farm, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, WHINSEC

Project Paper Clip; CIA Smuggled In And Hired Thousands Of Nazis And Hundreds of War Criminals To Develop US Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Unit 731 - US CIA And Military Involvement With Japanese Class A War Criminals, After World War II

CIA Used To Assassinate Foreign Democratically Elected Leaders And Install US Friendly Dictators

Operation Mockingbird; How The CIA Controls The Mass Media News; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Conducted And Led War In Afghanistan, Asked To Do So By President Bush, Which Led To Gross Acts Of Torture, Mass Murder, Rendition And Kidnappings

U.S.A. Has Close to 1000 Military Bases And Is Fighting 74 Different Wars Globally, CIA And The Afghanistan Poppy/Heroin Trade

CIA And The Panama Deception - Academy Award Best Documentary Movie

Secrets of the CIA Movie - Ralph McGehee, Phil Agee, and other former CIA officers/agents, Operation Phoenix

CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Whistleblower Exposes Behind The Scenes Coverup Around 9/11, Iraq War, Etc.

CIA MKULTRA Documentary And Survivor Lynne Talks About Experiments She Underwent During Secret CIA Experiments On Non Informed Human Subjects

CIA Secret Global Drone War, Violation Of Sovereign Nations, Violation of US Citizen's Constitutional Rights

Future Uses And Menace Of 7,000 CIA Developed Drones Plus Technology

Multiple CIA Secret Torture Prisons All Over The World; Not Foreign Governments Doing Torturing, It Was The CIA All The Way

Taxi To The Dark Side Documentary Movie; CIA And US Policy On Torture, Death Of Prisoner Held At Bagram Detention Facility

2014; CIA Sponsored Torture And Renderings Still Legal In The USA; via A Green Road

CIA And White House Suppressed US Senate Report On Torture Plus Cruel And Unusual Punishment In The USA

CIA, US Military, And Medical Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Leading Pro Nuclear Mass Media Propaganda Campaign All Around The World, Calls It Atoms For Peace 

CIA Lost A Plutonium Spying Device In Nanda Devi; Contaminating The Ganges River; via @AGreenRoad

Bobby Kennedy,  'Evidence of Murder' Movie - CIA Links to John Kennedy Assassination

Dark Legacy; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA; via @AGreenRoad

Civil Trial Verdict: MLK Was Assassinated by FBI And CIA


There are two sides battling it out on Earth. The dark side is all about death, lies, war, killing, torture, deception, destruction, profits and selfish gain or pleasure, among other things.

The light side is about truth, love, peace, harmony, non violent conflict resolution, mediation, selflessness, community reconciliation commissions, among other things. This inner and outer battle going on inside every person on Earth could also be looked at as the difference between two wolves, or as the difference between ego and soul. 

The Story Of Two Wolves On A Green Road

This article is written not to scare people or to spread gloom and doom. Unless the children of light know how the darkness works and who the players on the dark side are, they may be easily fooled and even 'conscripted' to work with the dark side. The dark side profits from death, disease, suffering and chaos. There are many tentacles to the dark side and it is very hard to see it all, unless one studies it and knows about it. The more darkness is revealed and brought into the light, the more the contrast appears and the darkness is illuminated, so that it may be transformed into light as well, or cast out.

The Science of Sustainable Health teaches both about the light and the dark side, so that the contrast will be very visible, very clear, and very obvious. The difference can be felt and experienced both in the heart and spiritually, via intuition. Intuition and living in the heart also need to be taught and learned, because people do not get this by osmosis.

How the story turns out with humans on Earth depends in large part on each individual. Which 'side' are we all working with? Are we supporting the dark side or the light side? Are we operating from ego, or soul? Are we exploring who we are and discovering how a soul lives on Earth, or are we 'souled out' to money, power, fame plus all of the other pretty, attractive illusions offered by this physical plane that seems so real, but really isn't?

Much of the American Dream requires going to the dark side, while denying what is really happening. Most of the mass media consists of denial and focusing on all of the illusions, rather than on what really matters.

Are we living in our heads or our hearts? Are we pursuing a sustainable future and thinking about what works for 7 future generations without causing harm or deaths? Are we in this game just to gain selfishly, short term, and to heck with the consequences and/or deaths plus suffering caused? The answers are under our control. We determine our own fate, individually and globally. If you don't know the difference between ego and soul, here is a very short introduction and lesson around this subject.

Soul Versus Ego; What Is The Difference? Do Everything With No Attachment To Outcome

Thanks for your generous and very appreciated support!

A Green Road Project; Teaching the Science of Sustainable Health and Success. Keep asking - what works for 7 future generations without causing harm?

Remember, for lack of a nail, the war was lost. Don't ever give up. You may be the very nail that is going to make the difference. Never give up. Even if you believe that you make no difference, keep on fighting and making a positive difference in some form or fashion. Keep acting, speaking, writing, and communicating. Keep supporting those who are on the 'right' side to the extent that you can, because your support is needed. Never assume that people don't need help.

Never stop. Never give up. Keep fighting and being the light, just like Susan Lindauer. If she can keep going after what she went through, everyone else can too.. Let her life be a role model to emulate.


CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Whistleblower Jailed/Disappeared Via Patriot Act As Terrorist; Reveals Coverup Around 9/11, Iraq War, Etc.

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Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions

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