Colleges And Universities Need To Address The Global Crisis By Offering Courses That Let Students Research, Identify Root Causes And Then Propose Solutions For Them

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Colleges And Universities Need To Address The Global Crisis By Offering Courses That Let Students Research, Identify Root Causes And Then Propose Solutions For Them

What is the purpose and mission of colleges and universities and how is their role evolving? Colleges and universities are more than corporate controlled training centers for jobs. Schools, universities and colleges are the core institutions of any modern knowledge based society. Each generation adds to the knowledge of the previous generation, so the storehouse of knowledge grows not only exponentially but also at a faster pace, due to the power of computers and the Internet, combined with the global village effect. Courses offered shape and mold society as well as the minds of those participating in many ways. As civilization becomes more and more sophisticated, fractionated and specialized, more and more demands are placed on these centers of learning.

Universities, colleges and schools are about more than just theoretical book knowledge. They also serve as the engine of innovation, paradigm shifting and entrepreneurship, leading the way into positive social change in many cases. Universities and colleges can and do set the vision for a better future and provide the initial boost that stimulates economic momentum for a nation, and beyond that the global village.

Universities, schools and colleges also serve as models for inclusiveness, diversity, debate, critical thinking skills, human rights, safety rules, socialization of students, promoters of job skills and regional development, just to name a few of the many important roles that educational institutions play. Through research and reporting they provide answers to the challenges humanity faces in the future.

Colleges and universities globally have numerous courses in all kinds of subject matters, fractionated down to individual and very specific matters, such as chemistry or math. An increasing number of colleges and universities are evolving into offering an increasing number of sustainability related courses in specific areas, such as biology, solar, oceans, business, commercial or residential building health, etc. How many colleges and universities offer the broad overview of the entire Science Of Sustainable Health, which A Green Road Project offers? How many colleges or universities offer any degree programs in the Science Of Sustainable Health (not just in one discipline)?


The first step into any new arena within any educational system can consists of a needs or feedback survey. Is this new way of sustainability thinking or vision worth pursuit? Are we headed in the right direction? These questions and others like it form the basis of a survey that can be used by the administration of any educational institution.

A survey can target professors, adjunct faculty, students, and/or other employees. A survey has huge benefits, because administrators can get feedback on all kinds of things, including whether or not present courses being offered are getting positive reception. A survey can help administrators or managers figure out where students, professors and teachers are in terms of opinions and satisfaction. A survey can also provide a loop that connects top level management with all levels of any organization in a meaningful way that builds relationships and more solid connections.

An education survey can be simple, quick and short with only a few questions, with only one or a few students involved. An education survey can also be very long and detailed, covering many areas, and totaling 200 questions. A whole class of students may be involved, with a whole course dedicated to doing just that survey.

A good management team at any organization will always want feedback via surveys, consisting of both constructive criticism, as well as positive feedback about what is working.  A good manager or administrator of a college or university will want to know what is not working as much as they want positive feedback. They will also want to get information about future vision statement related information and interest. Otherwise, how can an organization improve and adjust course, much less plan effectively for a future that is speeding up? Denying, ignoring and suppressing problems or issues is one way of building in and guaranteeing dysfunction into any organization. A survey is one easy way of bringing to light issues that need to be addressed and/or changed. A survey can also bring to light future vision potentials that are not being met yet via currently offered courses or certificate programs.

Offering students a chance at putting together either a quick survey at a high school or AA, BA degree level will provide administration with more information. An MS or MA degree program can include a very high level research project involving a whole class and all students working on just one in depth survey.

A simple survey can ask questions around the future and what is needed in terms of accomplishing a sustainable society. How does an educational institution fit into creating and/or offering a more sustainable future? What course would have to be offered to make that happen? Is a sustainability vision statement important or desired at any organization, school, college or university? Would a degree program in the science of sustainable health be of benefit to society? Is it important to think about, debate and talk about what serves the needs of 7 future generations without causing harm? Does this principle of no harm fit into the organization, courses, or needs of students? If not, why not? If yes, how and why?


How many colleges offer a sustainability mission statement that defines what kind of future humanity is going to create, such as a carbon free, nuclear free sustainable civilization which does no harm to 7 future generations?

A future plan or vision statement has to address the needs of 7 future generations without causing harm, correct? Otherwise, why offer a course, if it does not work for 7 future generations without causing harm? Why build a college or try to educate anyone about anything, if it harms 7 future generations? Why offer a degree program if it causes the extinction of more species of life or accelerates more negative tipping points?

Currently over 100 species are going extinct per day, largely due to the actions and consequences of human activities. What are the root causes of those extinctions as it relates to human activities, and how can this trend be slowed, stopped or reversed?

Are all courses and subject matter aligned to an organization's sustainability mission and vision statement? If not, why not? Are research projects and peer reviewed papers aligned with this vision and mission statement? If not, why not? Here is a sample sustainability mission and vision statement, for AGRP, via the following link.  

About A Green Road Project (AGRP), Fair Use, Mission, Vision, Purpose, Values, Affiliations, Networking, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer/Release, More


So far, to the knowledge of AGRP, no college is offering a comprehensive overview of the entire Science of Sustainable Health, in all areas, but any college could make this happen, fairly easily.  No course or degree program is being offered by any college or university that addresses the numerous and critical emergency situations and global threats being faced by the planet and all living things on it, through a systemic and organized science of sustainable health degree program. 

Education is supposed to be about getting students to think for themselves and problem solve out in the real world. That principle sounds good, but if the students are not taught what these REAL WORLD global problems are, how are they going to be aware of them, much less solve these problems?

Just talking about statistics, math, theories and models does little or nothing. Boring lectures about things that have nothing to do with saving the planet or real life do nothing to excite students, and they do little or nothing to create hope for a better, more sustainable future that benefits 7 future generations. How many educational institutions offer a way to harness every student's passion, interests and intelligence, without leaving anyone out, while also being of benefit for 7 future generations, and without causing harm?

Multiple Intelligence Theory; Leading to Self Actualized Human Beings; via @AGreenRoad

The education system is in large part a failure to the degree that students are dropping out (about 50%) of any particular high school, college or university. The reasons students drop out are numerous, but these issues can be solved, if the leaders are willing to do a truthful, real world root cause analysis or survey. It is much easier to solve deep, systemic or organizational root cause problems if the root cause(s) are explored and discovered via a survey methodology.

From Survival To Transcendence, Every Person Has Needs; via @AGreenRoad

In part, students drop out due to feeling that what is being taught bears no relationship to real life and what their real passion is. Of course, college is designed to help students figure out what they want to do with their life, by offering them a broad selection of courses.  How many courses offer a way to harness a student's passion, intelligence and/or interest in a way that teaches them how integrate what they are learning with not harming the environment today and not harming 7 future generations?

The educational process can always be greatly improved in many ways. How is any specific educational organization addressing this need to improve and adjust course, and align with the needs not only of students today, but also of 7 future generations? 


Educational institutions are based for the most part on a scientific, logical view of the world. A specific religion is not part of what colleges or universities offer because religion fundamentally conflicts with the scientific view of how life works. But does this mean that science also believes in promoting atheism (God does not exist) as the only way of looking at the world? Atheism is one way of looking at the world, via a 'pure' godless belief system. Certainly this fits in with science and logic, but what price is paid by throwing out God, spirituality, faith, ethics and morals, since they naturally all fit together for most people?

Why not allow students to make up their own minds about what they want to think or believe around this issue, by teaching all spiritual/religious belief systems via comparisons. Why not empower students and give them the freedom and choice to compare and contrast the various religious belief systems as well as various philosophy belief systems, so that students can figure out what they want to do with them, in relationship to the rest of their lives?

Ayn Rand could be seen as one example of an  atheist, with the 'politically and corporate approved' world view that fits into many colleges and universities pure science world view. There are many issues that arise due to locking out love, interfaith focused comparative religion studies and spirituality from an education institution. The following article goes into some of these issues. Are students 'allowed' to look at both sides of all issues or is atheism the only thing allowed in a school, college or university? Isn't this worth at least a survey to find out what parents, teachers, professors and students think about this and related issues?

Selfishness Versus Selflessness; Book Review Of Ayn Rand's “Atlas Shrugged”, Galt's Gulch Project And Film Review Of Movies Based On Book

What happens when a scientist trained and educated at a college or university is led by pure science and profit motives, but that person has no morals, ethics or inner feeling of compassion, empathy or love? What kind of world and/or consequences are created by people trained and educated only in a pure, godless belief system? Isn't this worth exploring in some depth? Isn't the subject of ethics, morals and causing harm to seven future generations worth at least a survey, to see if there is any interest among professors and/or students? How do ethics, morals, selflessness, democracy and freedom fit together with spirituality, religions, and/or the lack of these?

What is the deeper meaning of education, choices, democracy, freedom, and foreign policy? 

Randall Robinson On Education, Democracy, Freedom And Foreign Policy; via @AGreenRoad


AGRP suggests that maybe it is time for schools, colleges and universities to at least do a survey around this subject, and possibly include an interfaith or spiritual component in the required curriculum at all degree levels. What kind of person is created and loosed on the world, if the only things that are taught consist of selfishness, short term profits, and violence? Are there no limits to promoting and researching inventions such as neutron or hydrogen bombs? What if research was done on campus around a weapon that could destroy the world, guaranteed? Is that ok, or is there an ethical and moral responsibility around research, much less inventions?

What kind of education and outcome in society is being created if there is zero morals, zero ethics, zero human rights, zero compassion, zero conscience, zero awareness of intuition or spirituality, zero awareness of empathy or real, meaningful selfless love? There is a way to avoid endorsing or supporting any specific religion via an interfaith focus, which is entirely legal. There is a way to teach universal morals, ethics and interfaith spirituality, and it could be a required course for all degree programs at each and every AA, BA, MS and PhD program level.  

The Universal Golden Rule; Moving Towards A Sustainable Global Ethic Within The Science Of Sustainable Health; via A Green Road


If degree programs and individual courses do not offer research skills, such as formulating a survey, how will those students get feedback out in the real world? If no research is done in schools, colleges or universities by students or professors around how some people have already solved global issues and problems on a local level, how is that student going to address the global threats and emergency crisis situations, through finding and then duplicating those solutions? How is the teacher or professor going to teach students how to solve real world problems without going out in the world and finding examples of how it is being accomplished, today? 

A problem cannot be solved unless it is first found via a survey or other feedback loop, and then being admitted and discussed at a top management level. Any organizational problem must be accurately researched, measured, written about and tracked over time in order to have any hope of solving it.

The next step, after admitting a problem, is to try out different solutions, while getting feedback on what works and what doesn't in the real world. All good project managers use this formula, and it provides a successful model for any organization. Managing an organization via a project management model is a good framework for any organization, including educational ones.

Here is an example of many problem out in the real world in just one industry that some educational institutions train students for. What are the solutions for over 70 nuclear power plant reactor meltdowns and many more problems created by this technology? 

Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists

What is the responsibility and position of a college or university, when confronted with the fact that there have been at least 20 close calls that almost started World War III? Isn't a discussion, debate and/or policy position around this issue appropriate? If a college or university promotes or supports the use, research and development of more and more powerful weapons of mass destruction, what does that create in terms of a positive or negative future for humanity? 

20+ Close Calls; Why MAD Total Nuclear Global World War III Almost Happened 20 Times So Far, What Happens AFTER A Global Nuclear War? via @AGreenRoad

Unless students are taught about real world dangers and hazards such as these, how will they end up being members of a democracy that relies on their knowledge to make informed choices? If students are taught to believe that nuclear bombs are just like bullets and can be used successfully as offensive weapons in a limited war, what does that create in the future? 

First Strike Policy And The Samson Principle; Holding The World Hostage With Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction; via @AGreenRoad

Humanity is at a critical crossroad. AGRP is measuring the critical threats, dangers, and crisis issues such as the ones above. AGRP is offering information about numerous global problems that threaten the existence of all life on the planet, in a very organized manner, broken up into specific categories. But more than identifying problems, sustainable solutions are also offered.

Would any university or college be interested in offering degree programs in the science of sustainable health? Would students be interested in this kind of a degree program? Wouldn't a survey of professors and/or students be the first step towards finding the answer to this question? 



Are threats to the planet and to all of humanity of interest to college administrators, their professors and students? When are universities, colleges and even high schools going to take up a leadership position and offer students a chance to first see a realistic view of the global situation, as bad as it is?

2014 - List of 45+ Negative Global Tipping Points; via @AGreenRoad


How can students be prepared for the new global economy unless they see how they fit into the global village? How are they going to be aware of their own power to make a positive difference, unless they realize how they fit into a living web of life?

How can students tackle tough global problems unless they find out what those global problems are and what the root causes of those problems, specifically? Science is all about finding root causes and problem solving via an engineering type of approach. How can students research those problems in depth and end up finding root causes to global issues? How can students research potential solutions that address those root cause(s) problems, and then write about them?

Here are some potential 'solutions' that may offer hope to both scientists, parents, students and administrators who have given up hope, due to the numerous global negative tipping points.  

Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy


Students in any class or any discipline, can get a taste for the peer review process by doing a simplistic version of a peer review journal in their own class. By writing a paper and having it reviewed by their peers, and then submitting it for credit in their class, students can get real world academic experience, while also learning real life science skills. 

Students can write peer reviewed papers for credit in their respective class, in a way that details problems, and/or proposes solutions for either local or global problems, in a realistic, science based manner. Those students can then submit that paper to be published on AGRP, in order to further develop and enhance the science of sustainable health, from the bottom up, in a real world manner. 

What better way is there for students to feel like they can make a difference in the world, than to be part of creating and developing the science of sustainable health? 


In the simplest terms, peer review is writers responding to one another's work in an honest critical way, designed to improve the overall results and skills of the writer.

Peer review can also consist of class discussions or online discussions in addition to reviewing the rough draft of a paper that is to be published. Peer review is critical to the publication process. A draft copy is sent to reviewers, who suggest modifications, and then a final draft is submitted. In this case, a final draft can be submitted both to the professor and to AGRP, to be published. 

Professional writing practice includes peer review, in the form of editing and proof reading for example. On a basic level, peer review at it's best improves the person who is researching, studying and writing, but ONLY if the peers are oriented towards this result and don't have other hidden ulterior motives.

Peer review is also an important experience to get in college. Let's say that a student wants to write about the KKK, and how wonderful it is. By getting peers to review this paper, there is a process of paradigm shifting that can happen, to give a myopically focused student a broader perspective of how others think and feel about this subject. In a positive way, any student will benefit from the broader views of the whole class on any given subject.

For students preparing for a leadership role in society, the peer review process also helps to foster the 'bottoms up' management style that includes the 'middle', rather than focusing just on an extremist viewpoint, to the exclusion of all else. 


Students in any class, any discipline, can get a taste for the scientific peer review process by doing a simplistic version in their own class and then via AGRP. 

Dr. Kevin Padian - Professor of Integrative Biology explains the scientific peer review process and the debate between evolution vs. creation.
Video from: Scientists Interviewed by Qualitative Researcher, Allison Hoffman

Many people consider scientists to be experts. Most people assume that all scientists and doctors are always right and agree with each other, but that is not correct. Science (and medicine) has almost nothing to do with having an advanced degree. Science has nothing to do with being 'right' just because one has a degree or some kind of advanced knowledge that no one else has. 

Priests are authority figures. The Pope is held to be infallible, right on par with God himself. In science, no one (including PhD's and MD's are considered to be infallible, unlike religion. Science is not about 'experts' or infallible Gods, but about the logical debating process that is science.

Science consists of root cause analysis, testing hypotheses, subjecting them to analysis, debate and testing, and then submitting the result to a peer review process, which involves even more debate and constructive feedback (in the ideal world). If a PhD scientist publishes a book about science, that does not mean what is is written in the book is right, scientific or even worthy of reading.

Teaching students to have even a short experience inside of a peer review process is critically important.  Getting students to understand the shortcomings and weaknesses of a peer review process should be a critical center piece of a high school and then a college education. If students don't learn about the peer review process in college, where else will they learn about it? 


How can colleges and universities begin offering courses that both identify and then propose solutions for these global threats to all living things on the planet, including humans? How can students be offered an opportunity to research, write and get published around this most critically important matter? 

Planet Earth 911 Emergencies And Global Threats

There is a potential structure that can be fit into the existing courses that already exist on campuses globally. Every professor who teaches any course, can and does have the option to assign students research and/or writing projects.

For example, a professor or teacher who offers a course on installing solar panels is limited to teaching that subject alone, but he or she can work with A Green Road Project (AGRP)  to offer students a brief look at how a career in solar energy fits into the bigger picture and the global village issues created by carbon, chemical or nuclear energy monopolies. How does solar energy fit into the global picture of energy supplies, and what are the trends and possibilities offered by the industry overall and long term?


Why is AGRP bothering to put together the science of sustainable health from scratch, working from the bottom up, when many people including many of the top scientists in the environmental research field have given up entirely, because they believe humanity has triggered too many negative tipping points and things are completely hopeless at this point?

First, an important spiritual principle is that a person should never give up. Never. Even if things look hopeless, keep on doing what is right and do your best. As things get worse, maybe the increasing darkness will make the bright light that is the science of sustainable health seem more attractive and worth researching, writing about and actually DOING.

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

As the American Indians say, when more people find out that one cannot drink or breathe money due to polluted water and fouled air, what will business leaders and those following them do? When the whole financial system collapses and entire monetary systems disappears, what is a pile of money worth? Even if someone believes that this is not possible, isn't this worth considering as a worst case potential? 

As the entire living web collapses at an accelerating rate of over 100 species per day becoming extinct, what is the response from humanity? More of the same? Accelerating negative tipping points? Denying what is happening? Suppressing the evidence? Or the opposite? 

137 Species Being Lost Per Day, 50,000 Per Year, Versus Dolly The Cloned Sheep; Birth, Life, Death And Legacy


The Fukushima Lie by IAppealToYou

Some technologies are dead ends, because they not only cause harm to this generation, but also to 7 future generations. One of those dead ends is nuclear energy. The article below explains and summarizes in a brief concise way, why this whole field is a dead end for humanity.

At the very least, wouldn't it be in the interest of a college or university to show both sides of this industry, rather than just being a promoter of a particular business and serving as a PR outlet for it, without even questioning any of the basic (flawed) nuclear industry assumptions and models? Isn't the role of science to debate both sides of any issue, including nuclear energy? Where and how is that open, healthy and scientific debate happening inside of the educational institutions that offer nuclear technology courses?

Even if a college or university continues to offer courses in the nuclear energy field, wouldn't it make sense to offer at least one other course that details the shortcomings of the nuclear power/carbon fuel industry, and then offer alternatives to it, just to preserve the respectability and branding value of the college or university as being fair and impartial, showing both sides of an issue?

Nuclear Power Is EXPENSIVE, Dirty, Dangerous, Global Warming And Toxic, Even More So AFTER Decommissioning; via @AGreenRoad


Every person makes a difference. Every education institution makes a difference. Every professor makes a difference. Every course makes a difference.  Every business makes a difference. Every family makes a difference. Every person has a choice to make. The choice is whether to respond to the global emergency by making paradigm shifts towards a more sustainable world that works for 7 future generations without causing harm. The alternative is to ignore the crisis, pretend it is not there, and keep on going full speed into a brick wall, accelerating all of the way into it.

Which way is preferred, and what is your organization doing in terms of these two directions? Most commonly, both things are happening inside of any organization at the same time. The healthiest response is to bring both of these things to the light, expose them, and then minimizing, defunding or eliminating the dead ender problem children, while accelerating and boosting the open door, sustainability focused portions of the organization. 

Chief Arvol Looking Horse Speaks of White Buffalo Prophecy; via @AGreenRoad


The answers are all there. The choice is there to make. Which way does an educational institution go? Does greed, short term thinking, and selfishness rule? Will course changes be made to start moving in a more sustainable direction that benefits 7 directions? The first step of a journey that takes a thousand miles or a thousand years always starts with that first step. 

American Indians Have Inhabited The US Continent For 40,000 Years In A Sustainable Fashion, Why Can't Our Modern 'Civilization' Do That?; via @AGreenRoad


When will the science of sustainable health be taugh in high schools, colleges and universities? Will massive, positive changes happen fast enough to make a difference? Certainly, if the short term profit motive is all that people in leadership focus on, then there is no hope. But if seven future generations are focused on and what works for them without causing harm, then hope is still alive and a solution may yet be found for all of the problems facing humanity. At the very least, at the end of this life, you can say that you did not give up. You can say that you did not give in to fatalism. You can say that you did your best, and pass over with a clear and clean conscience. 

Each person is important in this global struggle. Do what you can where you are. Follow your own path and your own inner guidance, then do your best. You will never know what difference you can make, unless you take action. For want of a nail, the battle was lost. Because the battle was lost, the kingdom fell. Don't let the kingdom be lost, for want of your participation, just because you think that you are just a nail, and too small to make a difference.  

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

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Colleges And Universities Need To Address The Global Crisis By Offering Courses That Let Students Research, Identify Root Causes And Then Propose Solutions For Them

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