Civil Trial Verdict: Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK) Was Assassinated by FBI And CIA

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Civil Trial Verdict: Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK) Was Assassinated by FBI And CIA

MSM Blackout: MLK Murdered by FBI, CIA: US Court

Dr. Martin Luther King's family and his personal friend and attorney, William F. Pepper, won a civil trial that found US government agencies guilty in the wrongful death of Martin Luther King. The 1999 trial, King Family versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, [70] is the only trial ever conducted on the assassination of Dr. King.


To understand the reasons why Dr. King would be killed on purpose by the US government, watch the following documentary at the link below, which lays out the underlying history and racist motives. Bottom line, Dr. King was against the Vietnam war, which generated huge profits for the military industrial complex.

He was against racism, and spoke out against racist cops, racist FBI agents and racist US government officials. During this time in history, blacks who spoke out or resisted the white segregation policies in the Deep South were hung, disappeared or murdered by the likes of the Klu Klux clan, which was deeply embedded in the police, politics and military industrial complex.

J. Edgar Hoover was out to get Dr. King. He used the FBI and CIA as his personal fiefdom to 'get even' with anyone who stood against him and his racist orientation. He was known as the FBI czar. For over 50 years, the FBI and CIA was used against the peace and justice movement leaders, such as MLK.  Bottom line, Dr. King took on this very dark force, and he sacrificed his life for it. 

Full Movie
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
1:10 CIA connection to King assassination

William Pepper: US Government Assassinated MLK
William Pepper details the responsibility of the US government for the assassination of Martin Luther King after more than 30 years' investigation. Altho there were 2 snipers and their spotters in place, employed by the US, a 3rd shooter in bushes, a hired off-duty Memphis policeman, fired the fatal shot. Introduced by Rev. Frank Morales. Camera: Joe Friendly

Pepper seeks to keep alive King's dream of millions coming to Washington to rescue democracy with a Constitutional Convention.
Ted Gunderson; Former FBI Chief Exposes CIA and FBI Crimes 

Ted talks about how Hoover was too powerful because he knew all of the corrupt and illegal things Congressmen and Senators were doing, so he used that as leverage to do whatever he wanted to do, with no Congressional interference. 

The FBI and CIA covered up the assassinations of both Kennedy's, 9/11, and other events. The CIA has over 3,000 people that they can call on to do a 'hit', all around the world, at any given time. 

13: If you are in the 'system' and you become a whistleblower, you will be harrassed, threatened and followed. You will have strange things happen to you, to let you know that you are being followed and watched. 

15: The Oklahoma City bombing of the federal government building was caused and planned by an element of the US government. There were at least 11 people involved in the bombing. 

18: Salam, an FBI informant, provided evidence that he was hired to make and plant the bomb around the 9/11 World Trade Center. He was told to make a REAL bomb, not a fake one. He protected himself by recording this conversation with the FBI. The FBI not only knew of the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, they also furnished the ingredients for the bomb. The New York Times in Oct. of 1993 published this account. 

19: He received a call after the World Trade Towers collapsed from a Columbia student who said there was an explosion on the top floors right before the collapse. Brian Gumbel on Oct 10th said he heard a secondary explosion right before the towers collapsed. Fox news interviewed a person who said he heard an explosion a few minutes before the buildings collapsed. The fire dept chief said he took four unexploded bombs out of the Oklahoma City building and this was published in a paper as well. The truck bomb was a barometric bomb, which is a highly classified weapon. 

21: There were five bombs inside of the Oklahoma City building that were supposed to explode, but only one of them went off. Another informant notified and warned of the Oklahoma building bombing, and they ended up charging her with the crime, but she got off, fortunately. They wanted that whole building leveled. 

22: Experts have testified that the World Trade towers collapse looked like an implosion, and it was an inside job, designed with the objective to take away US citizen freedom and Constitutional rights. I am not going to allow that to happen and will do everything I can to prevent this from happening. I don't copyright anything I put out in my reports. Make copies, distribute them. 

24: I have information that children were being taken out of orphanages and foster homes. They were flown by private jets to Washington for the purpose of sex orgies with Congressmen and Senators. There was an international child kidnapping ring and it was uncovered. 80 children involved in this came forward and identified the same man. 4 of the children agreed to cooperate with law enforcement efforts to convict this man. 2 later dropped out. Both of the remaining 2 were convicted and put behind bars. The Omaha police department and FBI refused to investigate the case. Paul came forward to me and said he was used to invite minors into the car. They were kidnapped and sold at auction, some in Las Vegas, some in Toronto, and Houston Texas as well. 

26: Paul said that the kids sell for up to $60,000 each. The ages range from 6 to 20 years of age. They put a string on their neck, dressed in their underwear and then people come in and bid on them. Some of the people there had turbans on, and there was a uniformed police officer there. Planes would fly in that did not have numbers on them. There was going to be a TV show about this and it was advertised all around the country, by the title of 'Conspiracy of Silence'. At the last minute, the show's TV rights were bought by someone and the TV show was cancelled, and it never got on the air. Why? Because some of our top names in the US political system were involved in sexually molesting children. I interviewed Paul for five hours on tape. 

28; I interviewed Noreen, who has a book out; 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' . She had her 12 year old son kidnapped. Some of the top publishing and police officials in Ohama were involved. The FBI refused to investigate this, but we have a 1 million dollar judgement against them. 

31: Rusty was a photographer at these child sex ring events. He was arrested and served 2 years for something related to this. He interviewed Rusty and found out that he has rolls of film about this sex ring hidden around the US. (They went on a hunt for them but never found them.)


Project Paper Clip; CIA Smuggled In And Hired Thousands Of Nazis And Hundreds of War Criminals To Develop US Nuclear Industry; via @AGreenRoad

Unit 731 - US CIA And Military Involvement With Japanese Class A War Criminals, After World War II

CIA Used To Assassinate Foreign Democratically Elected Leaders And Install US Friendly Dictators

Operation Mockingbird; How The CIA Controls The Mass Media News; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Conducted And Led War In Afghanistan, Asked To Do So By President Bush, Which Led To Gross Acts Of Torture, Mass Murder, Rendition And Kidnappings
CIA MKULTRA Documentary And Survivor Lynne Talks About Experiments She Underwent During Secret CIA Experiments On Non Informed Human Subjects

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Future Uses And Menace Of 7,000 CIA Developed Drones Plus Technology

CIA Leading Pro Nuclear Mass Media Propaganda Campaign All Around The World, Calls It Atoms For Peace 

CIA, US Military, And Medical Human Radiation Experiments Performed Without Consent Or Knowledge; via @AGreenRoad

CIA Lost A Plutonium Spying Device In Nanda Devi; Contaminating The Ganges River; via @AGreenRoad

Bobby Kennedy,  'Evidence of Murder' Movie - CIA Links to John Kennedy Assassination

Dark Legacy; How And Why The Coverup Of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Was Accomplished Via Skull And Bones Member/CIA; via @AGreenRoad


Many people would be shocked if they really got the true scope and scale of what the CIA has grown into from it's small beginnings back in the 1940's, when it's mission was ONLY foreign secret spying operations. Since President Bush used the CIA as the lead organization to invade and win a war in a foreign country, the CIA has taken on the LEAD role of the military industrial complex. It is now in charge of all of the US armed forces globally, effectively leading the charge to win the war on Communism, terrorism and socialism. The only problem is that the Chinese Communists won the war, while the CIA was not watching closely enough. 

Communist China Winning War Against USA, Without A Shot Being Fired; via @AGreenRoad

Since the war on Communism has been lost, what is the job of the CIA at this point?


Civil Trial Verdict: Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK) Was Assassinated by FBI And CIA

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