Disneyland Promotes Nuclear Power, Partnered With General Dynamics And ABC, Via Our Friend The Atom TV Show And Nuclear Sub Ride

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Disneyland Promotes Nuclear Power, Partnered With General Dynamics And ABC, Via Our Friend The Atom TV Show And Nuclear Sub Ride

"Walt Disney began hosting his own television show for ABC in 1954 in an unusual contract: Disney provided ABC with a weekly hour-long television program in exchange for funding for the construction of Disneyland. As a result, the television show was also originally named Disneyland. The anthology series has since gone through a number of name changes over the years: Walt Disney Presents, Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color, The Wonderful World of Disney, Disney's Wonderful World, Walt Disney, The Disney Sunday Movie, and The Magical World of Disney. The series spanned an incredible 54 years—13 seasons of which were hosted by Walt Disney, himself."
Source; video description

Yes, it was a VERY unusual contract. Why would a media outlet promote a private, for profit business by PAYING it to air a show? Why would a private for profit defense contractor, pro nuclear company PAY a theme park to sponsor this show and build a ride for it? Have you ever approached a media outlet and asked them to pay you to air a show and to pay to develop your theme park? You would be laughed out of the office, if you even got that far. So why did ABC and General Dynamics 'help' Disney get started. This article goes into the details about this VERY innocent and philanthropic sounding arrangement.

Could it be that  companies like Monsanto, General Dynamics and ABC liked Walt so much, that these huge corporations just handed him huge amounts of money and air time for nothing? Or is there much more to this fairy tale land, genie magic, cartoon like story? Are you ready to hear the truth? Is your mind open? Can you handle the truth?


"Our Friend the Atom" is a 1957 episode of the television series Disneyland describing the benefits of nuclear power.

ChasAha October 19, 2014 The Disneyland Show - Part of the propaganda campaign of the day.
"Dr. Heinz Haber, a noted scientist in the field of atomic energy, hosts this look at the possibility of an exciting new power source. He starts by comparing atomic energy to a genie in a bottle...."

"Our Friend the Atom"
Aired on Wednesday, January 23rd, 1957 on ABC at 7:30pm

This TV show was also sponsored by General Dynamics, and then ABC paid Disneyland handsomely to air the show regularly, as part of a very carefully planned and staged pro nuclear industry propaganda campaign, Atoms For Peace. Disneyland succeeded in large part, because of the financial windfalls that came out of this show and the book publishing enterprise that went with it, combined with the nuclear subs section of the amusement park. Disneyland helped create the 'illusion' and propaganda of nuclear genie in a bottle 'magic' and safety, which persists even up to today. If a genie can create a nuclear sub, ship, airplane, jet, rocket and medicine, while doing away with dirty coal and oil, what could be wrong with that? After all, a magic genie is just granting our wishes, right? What could be wrong with that?

This song features snips and outtakes from the Disney 'Our Friend The Atom' TV show, illustrating how the magic genie in a bottle just created all things nuclear for free, and there were and still are no negatives attached to anything nuclear. The genie just creates everything powered by atomic energy, and everyone will live happily ever after. Do you remember being 'programmed' with this information repeatedly, over and over again, as a child?


Nuclear Related Movies Can Be Industry Propoganda Or Truth – How To Tell The Difference; via @AGreenRoad

Pandora's Promise Movie Review And Synopsis, Part I; via @AGreenRoad

CNN to air nuclear power propaganda: “Irrational fears” — “Systematically debunks the myths and misinformation”


Christopher Frayling - 2013 - Following the destruction of Nemo's nuclear plant on Volcania Island, and the ensuing mushroom cloud, Nemo's ... The General Dynamics Corporation, builder of the Nautilus, shortly afterwards helped design an 'atomic submarine ride' in the Tomorrowland section of Disneyland.

Wikipedia; "The Submarine Voyage was an attraction at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. The attraction, which featured ride vehicles designed to look like Navy nuclear submarines, opened on June 14, 1959[1] as the Submarine Voyage (one of the first rides to require an E ticket). Part of a major expansion of Tomorrowland and Fantasyland

Submarine Voyage in 1995

As initially conceived, the Submarine Voyage was to feature real fish and other sea creatures, though the idea proved to be unfeasible. A major portion of the ride simulated the voyage under the Arctic Ocean's polar ice cap undertaken by the nuclear submarine USS Nautilus(SSN-571) on August 3, 1958.

Technical data and advice regarding the design were provided by General Dynamics' Electric Boat Division, builder of the U.S. Navy's nuclear-powered submarines, and also the first company in the world to manufacture submarines.[7] The windows in the submarines, or portholes, were first cut out by hand -- this cutout was then used to carve out the other windows on the submarine.[7] The vessels were painted in military gray livery until 1986..[5]

Disneyland’s submarine ride closing for major fixes
The original Submarine Voyage debuted in 1959 and was inspired by the first nuclear-powered submarine voyage to the North Pole the year before. The attraction was closed in 1998, and reopened in 2007 with a theme based on Pixar’s “Finding Nemo” animated movie

They're back: Disneyland's subs resurface as Finding Nemo ride
The park’s original Submarine Voyage debuted in 1959, loosely based on a North Pole trek made the year before by the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus. Also that day, June 6, Disneyland unveiled the Matterhorn Bobsleds and the Monorail. 

General Dynamics sponsored the film, Our Friend The Atom, nuclear is safe. They also sponsored the nuclear submarine ride at Disneyland. 


The Our Friend The Atom TV show created the financial success that resulted in Disneyland that everyone knows today. ABC and General Dynamics both provided huge cash injections at that time, which created the media giant that is now known as Disney. Disney was part of the propaganda campaign created and supported by the CIA, which is known as Atoms For Peace. 


The public had fears about atomic energy. So the Atoms For Peace campaign was designed to quiet those fears, through media propaganda, such as the Our Friend The Atom TV show in the US, and other pro nuclear news media in many countries. Who could be afraid of nuclear power, when it takes the form of a genie who sprinkles magic dust on crops, and who creates magic subs, planes, rockets, and more, all powered by 'clean' nuclear energy?

A magic genie creates a nuclear jet, and then pushes it out of his hand, in the TV show, "Our Friend The Atom" pro nuclear propaganda show.

A magic genie creates a nuclear ship, and then pushes it out of his hand, in the TV show, "Our Friend The Atom" pro nuclear propaganda show.


Disney hired on Heinz Haber, a nuclear industry apologist, who then became the narrator of Our Friend the Atom. The show 'Our Friend The Atom' was a pro nuclear industry propaganda show, designed to work along with the books published by Western Publishing. The connection between the military, the mass media, book publishing and  Disney with a huge transfer of money between them, literally created Disney as a huge success. General Dynamics was a military conglomerate, and it helped Disney sponsor the TV show, as well as helping design and develop the atomic submarine ride. 

A magic genie creates a nuclear sub, and then pushes it out of his hand, in the TV show, "Our Friend The Atom" pro nuclear propaganda show. 


Eric Schlosser - 2012 - ‎ von Braun was giving orders to Disney animators and designing a ride atDisneyland called Rocket to the Moon. ... and wrote a popular children's book with the same title, both of which made nuclear fission seem fun..

Rockets. to. the. Moon,. 1960–1975. 1. Addressing a joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy ... Destination Moon (1950), told the story of a private lunar expedition aboard a futuristic nuclear-powered rocket. ... and experienced them firsthand in the “Trip to the Moon” simulator at Disneyland

A magic genie creates a nuclear rocket, and then pushes it out of his hand, in the TV show, "Our Friend The Atom" pro nuclear propaganda show.


In 1955 the weekly Disney television program Disneyland broadcast a segment called “Man in space. ... In 1958 Redstone rockets were used in the first launch tests of ballistic missiles carrying live nuclear warheads. The two nuclear weapons ...

... Salvador Dalí, Paul Klee, and Joán Miró—but more discomfiting imagery was inspired by rockets and nuclear fission. ... Both the film, which was shown in school auditoriums and science classes as well as on the Disneyland television show

A magic genie creates a nuclear plant, and then appears in the steam, (or radioactive smoke?) rising from it, in the TV show, "Our Friend The Atom" pro nuclear propaganda show. Nothing bad can happen when a genie grants a wish and 400 plus nuclear plants appear globally. Nothing bad can happen when a genie grants the wish for nuclear bombs and 2,400 of them are set off globally, right? After all, a magic genie can't hurt anyone..

Number of Deaths From 2,400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998; via @AGreenRoad

Where is that genie when you need him? Can't the genie undo all of those deaths, cancers and diseases? The nuclear industry claims it is cheap, green, and 'clean' energy, but the reality of the situation is quite the opposite. 

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming, Acid Rain, Acid Oceans And Super Storms; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Power Is EXPENSIVE, Dirty, Dangerous, Global Warming And Toxic, Even More So AFTER Decommissioning; via @AGreenRoad


A. Bowdoin Van Riper - 2011 - ‎Mars and Beyond presented a 500- foot-wide disk-shaped, nuclear-powered ship that could reach Mars in a little over a year. ... Disneyland viewers already interested in space would have recognized the plan (the four-stage winged rocket, the ..

Tommorrowland was also designed to promote the nuclear industry. Within this section, a nuclear powered space ship traveled to Mars as well as a station moored in space. 


Donald Duck’s Bad Nazi Dream and Four Other Disney Propaganda Cartoons from World War II

Wikipedia; "Between 1942 and 1945, during World War II, Walt Disney was involved in the production ofpropaganda films for the U.S. government. The widespread familiarity of Walt Disney's productions benefited the U.S. government in producing pro-American war propaganda in an effort to increase support for the war.

Disney’s involvement

During World War II, Disney made films for every branch of the U.S. military and government. The government looked to Walt Disney more than any other studio chief as a builder of public morale providing instruction and training the sailors and soldiers."[1][2] This was accomplished through the use of animated graphics by means of expediting the intelligent mobilization of servicemen and civilians for the cause of the war. 

Over 90% of Disney employees were devoted to the production of training and propaganda films for the government.[1] Throughout the duration of the war, Disney produced over 400,000 feet of educational war films, most at cost, which is equal to 68 hours of continuous film. In 1943 alone, 204,000 feet of film was produced.[3]

In 1942, Disney was approached with requests from the U.S. services.[3] The Navy was the first, and other branches of the government, including the Army, the Army Air Forces, the Department of Agriculture, and the Treasury Department, rapidly caught on to Disney’s creative approach to generating educational films, propaganda and insignias.

As well as producing films for different government divisions from 1942 to 1943, Disney was asked to create animation for a series of pictures produced by Colonel Frank Capra for the U.S. Army.[3] This series included films such as “Prelude to War" and “America goes to War”. Although these films were originally intended for servicemen, they were released to theaters because of their popularity.

The Navy productions

The Navy first requested 90,000 feet of film to be ready in three months. The purpose of these films was to educate sailors on navigation tactics. This was a shock for Disney, as he was used to creating 27,000 feet of film in a year.[3]

The Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs also requested educational films for aviation branches of the government. The subjects of these films varied widely from aerology and not compact tactics to ground crew aircraft maintenance.[4]

The Treasury Department productions

Disney created “The New Spirit” (1942) after a request from the Secretary of the Treasury,Henry Morgenthau, Jr, to make Americans accept the payment of income taxes. The film was followed by “The Spirit of '43” (1943). In this film, Donald Duck deals with income taxes and shows their benefit to the American war effort.[5] The film was seen by 26 million people. In a later Gallup poll 37% admitted that the film played a factor on their willingness to pay taxes. Disney also made a book for children to try to encourage them to purchase War Savings stamps.[6]

The Army Air Forces (USAAF or AAF) productions

Aerology film production was supervised by naval aviation experts and some members of Disney's team learned how to fly to better understand the problems the Army Air Forces encountered.[1] "Victory Through Air Power" (1943) is one of the propaganda films Disney produced for air warfare.[4] This film is an attempt to sell Major Alexander de Seversky's theories about the practical uses of long range strategic bombing. The animated film humorously tells about the development of air warfare and then switches to the Major illustrating how his ideas could win the war for the Allies.

Propaganda productions

As requested by the US Government, Walt Disney created a number of anti-German and anti-Japanese films for both the soldiers and the US public. He wanted to portray these countries and their leaders as manipulative without morals. A few of the films he produced were "Der Fuehrer's Face” (1942), “Education for Death - The Making of a Nazi” (1943), and “Commando Duck" (1944).

In “Der Fuehrer’s Face,” Donald Duck breaks down after experiencing a nightmare where he has to make do with eating ridiculous Nazi food rations (smell of bacon and eggs, coffee made with one bean, and a slice of stale bread) and experiences a day at a Nazi artillery factory. “Education for Death - The Making of a Nazi” was a wartime propaganda film that takes on the perspective of Hans, a young German boy. As the movie progresses and Hans is exposed to Hitler youth and the Nazi culture, his ability to value human life decreases. In “Commando Duck”, Donald, by himself, destroys an entire Japanese airbase.

Bottom line, Walt Disney was a war profiteer and the first example of Hollywood being deeply embedded in pro war efforts as well as promoting the nuclear industry overall, in every direction possible. Disneyland had the largest nuclear fleet in the world (at that time). Disney got rich off of the war, and ensured the success of Disneyland as well, through his deep connections to the military and government via propaganda and training films for the military industrial complex. 

Chalmers Johnson - 2007 - ‎Political Science... creative efforts to attract more recruits is its support for pro-war Hollywood films. ... As Lawrence H. Suid, a historian of military films, has written, " What Price ... ties between Hollywood and recruiting efforts was Disney Studio's Pearl Harbor.


Ziauddin Sardar, ‎Merryl Wyn Davies - 2004 - ‎Political ScienceMyths, Movies, and Global Power Ziauddin Sardar, Merryl Wyn Davies ... Walt Disneyturned his studio into a plant producing films for the war effort. ... many perceived Hollywood as pro-Britain, and war films such as A Yank in the RAF (1941) ..

books.google.com › HistoryGeneral Google Books
Nov 5, 2010 - During World War II, Disney made films for every branch of the US ... US government in producing pro-American war propaganda in an effort to ...

List of Walt Disney's World War II productions for Armed Forces

The argument could be made that the US had to win against the Nazis, so every person that was not promoting the war and/or serving in the military would be considered a traitor. Is war justified? Is killing people ever justified, for any reason? Once a person or an organization makes the decision to kill, in order to prevent killing, or to combine forces with someone who is killing people, the consequences all flow from there. 

War is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler - Warned That Military Industrial Complex Taking Over Levers Of Power; via @AGreenRoad

Possible Grounds For Execution In The Old Testament... How Many Death Penalties Are There?

US ranks 5th in Executions, Right Up There With Iraq, China, And Russia; via A Green Road

Once the killing starts, it becomes easier and easier, until the violence and killing is built into the culture, the religion, the very daily life of every citizen, and it goes on without end. The American empire is now spread out all over the world. War is now a profit center and the largest employer in the US. Killing is an industry that cannot be stopped because it grew so large. Armageddon is the logical end result, as the orchestrated killing machine reaches it's final maximum supreme effort. 

First Strike Policy, Nuclear Bombs, Down Winders, Acute Radiation Sickness, Nuclear War, Dirty Bombs, Bomb Shelters


The MONSANTO HOME OF THE FUTURE opens in Tomorrowland. This attraction features a four-winged above ground home of the future that included gadgets and devices not yet available to the American home. It was also known as Monsanto House of the Future.

What sounds good in Tommorrowland, does not necessarily translate well into reality. What is Monsanto really doing? What effect is their patent seed technology having on humans, plants, animals and insects? Can you handle the truth?

What Monsanto Doesn't Want You To Know -The Genetic Conspiracy; via A Green Road

Seeds Of Death - Free Full Movie About GMO Seeds; via @AGreenRoad

Medical Insanity: Frankenfoods, BPA, Drugs, GMO's? via @AGreenRoad

GMO alert: top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating; via @AGreenRoad

Mother Beats Monsanto in Court; Indian Farmers Committing Suicide By Drinking Product; via @AGreenRoad

By now, it is easy to agree that Disneyland succeeded in large part because it was a partner in the war propaganda campaign, waged by the nuclear and mass media industry, with the active help and support of the US government via the CIA. Once these huge corporate partners got into bed with Disney and each other, they were married at the hip. Being married makes changing things for the better very difficult, even if it is later revealed that the whole reason for the marriage was based on nothing but fear, propaganda, lies and deception.

Maybe supporting the war seemed like a good idea at the time. But what happens when a realization happens, that it really is not a good idea to support killing people and making things happen using violence? If one is married to a mobster, it is REALLY hard to leave, or even to get divorced. Odds are that the relationship has cemented things into place, which are very negative and don't feel good, plus have all kinds of negative side effects. Being married to someone who is in the business of killing does not feel good. Maybe that is why the feeling around this is dark, not light and hopeful. 
Being in bed with the military industrial complex does have a downside. 

War, War, Nothing But War And How To Desensitize Voters To Non Stop Global Military Industrial Complex; via @AGreenRoad

One of the negative effects of supporting the nuclear subs, which carry nuclear weapons, is that it created over 20 close calls, which almost resulted in WWIII all out nuclear war. How many of these close calls can we make it through? Supporting the continued existence of nuclear weapons means that all of humanity is in danger of being wiped out in the next five minutes. 

20+ Close Calls; Why MAD Total Nuclear Global World War III Almost Happened 20 Times So Far, What Happens AFTER A Global Nuclear War? via @AGreenRoad


ABC helped fund Disneyland as it aired the Disney created pro nuclear propaganda TV shows which was supported and created by a defense contractor General Dynamics. Disneyland was actually a part of the war propaganda machine, which was responsible for setting off 2,400 nuclear bombs and contaminating vast areas of the Earth.

2400 Global Nuclear Atmospheric Bomb Tests 1945-1998; via A Green Road

Problems With Nuclear Bombs, Satellites And Weapons In Space; via @AGreenRoad

Disney helped spread the deception and lies of the nuclear industry by claiming all nuclear power was magically safe, for cars, boats, subs, planes, spaceships, etc. Everyone was 'infected' or programmed with this idea of nuclear safety, which carries through all the way to today.  For more on this, click on the link below.

Video - Nuclear Powered Cars; Ford Nucleon, Atmos, Mystere, Studebaker Astro; via @AGreenRoad

The video above illustrates how the 'programming' aired on ABC 'infected' even the auto industry, which promoted nuclear cars. It was and still is easy to program people using the mass media, and the nuclear industry takes full advantage of that, via mass media outlets even today; using ABC, CBS, CNN and others. 

Operation Mockingbird; How The CIA Controls The Mass Media News; via @AGreenRoad

Fake Mass Media News; The Many Ways The Viewing Public Is 'Programmed' And TV Programming Is Censored; via @AGreenRoad

Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism; via @AGreenRoad

How Corporations Control Governments, Media, Politicians; Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man; via @AGreenRoad

Because the CIA was responsible for 'screening' what got on and what did not in terms of mass media shows and news, Disneyland was screened through the pro war, pro nuclear weapons, pro nuclear industry filter and passed through it.


Ontological October 20, 2014  "For those who recall "duck and cover' a little trip down propaganda lane… This is excerpts from the evil way of life they bred back then…Shudder…" 

"A touching 50's era cartoon from Disney on the benefits of radioactive isotopes. It's all as true today as then, but the way radioactive isotopes are depicted as a sparkling, magic dust sprinkled in cow feed is very .. quaint". Source; description under video...

Magic fairy dust is being spread by a magic genie around into plants, animals and humans.  The magic genie with radioactive dust in his hands only wants to fulfill our every wish and desire. What could be better than that? Well, for one thing, all of this magic pixie dust the genie of nuclear radiation is spreading around, consists of man made poisonous heavy metals, which are also radioactive. Those pixie dust particles concentrate and accumulate in the foods and critters that people eat, and then cause harm, deformities, cancer and death. 

Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation, Radiatoin Exposure Prevention, Reversal, Chelation

Low Level Nuclear Radiation In Food And Water

What this Disney TV show was (and still is) spreading around was actually a lie, or to be more polite, nuclear industry propaganda. The show claims that all man made radiation is safe, even if it comes from genies, nuclear bombs or nuclear reactors.

This is still the same nuclear industry propaganda being spread around today.. All things nuclear are good for you, so man made radiation cannot kill anyone, even after a major nuclear disaster. Most people just believe this propaganda, without even questioning it. To dive into this murky world of Disney created pro nuclear industry deception, propaganda and lies, click on the following links. Are you ready to hear the truth? Can you handle it? 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks


In large part, Disneyland succeeded because of pro war, pro nuclear propaganda. It joined forces with a war profiteer, armaments builder (General Dynamic) and ABC, which aired that show and paid Disneyland for it.

General Dynamic also sponsored the TV show, so in a way, Disneyland got paid twice for a pro nuclear propaganda series of shows. What other TV show can you think of where a major mass media company and a private corporation paid someone for the privilege of producing propaganda TV shows? 

Via their theme park and Tommorrowland, Disney sold the public on a nuclear industry filled future, but covered up, denied or lied about the dangers and hazards of this atomic energy. Disneyland  was promoting the nuclear industry, while being financed by General Dynamics, the pro nuclear industry and CIA controlled ABC.

Wikipedia; "The Disney Bomb, also known as the Disney Swish,[1] officially the 4500 lb Concrete Piercing/Rocket Assisted bomb was a rocket-assisted bunker buster bomb developed during the Second World War by the British Royal Navy to penetrate hardened concrete targets, such as submarine pens, that could resist conventional free-fall bombs. Devised by Royal Navy Captain Edward Terrell, the bomb was fitted with solid-fuel rockets to accelerate its descent, giving it an impact speed of 990 miles per hour (1,590 km/h) and hence the ability to penetrate 16 ft (4.9 m) of solid concrete before detonating. The name is attributed to a propaganda film produced by the Walt Disney Studios, that provided the inspiration for the design.

A rocket–bomb destroys a U-boat pen in the Disney animated film Victory Through Air Power (1943)

What is happening today? Unless someone can provide proof of the opposite of this Disneyland still promotes the nuclear industry today. The ride that features mock nuclear subs still exists. The nuclear society meets at Disneyland, because it is still a friendly, pro nuclear industry promoting place.

If Disneyland were promoting a renewable energy, zero carbon, zero nuclear energy future, do you think the American Nuclear Society would meet there? Please email AGRP and correct this article if it is mistaken in this.. and provide proof of the opposite being the case.


The American Nuclear Society hosts expo at Disneyland, branding itself as 'clean energy'.

"2014 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo"Nuclear-The Foundation of Clean Energy" Anaheim, CA Disneyland Hotel...is the location for the 2014 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, where all meeting activities and technical sessions will be held"

Sadly, Disneyland still loves nuclear power, and the nuclear power industry loves it, but it is anything but clean...

Nuclear Power Is EXPENSIVE, Dirty, Dangerous, Global Warming And Toxic, Even More So AFTER Decommissioning; via @AGreenRoad

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming; via @AGreenRoad


Via sayonara kitty October 20, 2014  .."I finally felt compelled to write EPA last week about the STILL INACTIVE rad net monitors in anaheim, home of disneyland, told them "with the amount of revenue generated in the anaheim area, what with all the CHILDREN VACATIONING there, it seems odd that the radiation monitor has been inactive since AUGUST 15th 2014 when the last reading was 215"…!! and that "one would think the safety of so many children in the area would make it a priority to have a functioning monitor". still no response.

For everyone that thinks the government is protecting people and their health, maybe it is time to dive into that subject and see what is really happening... 

Santa Susana Sodium Reactor In Los Angeles California; 2 Nuclear Plant Meltdowns Completely Covered Up, 260 Times Worse Than Three Mile Island; via @AGreenRoad

EPA Covered Up And Hid Fukushima Radiation Plume Hitting USA; via @AGreenRoad

EPA Raises Allowable Radiation In Drinking Water By 27,000 Times, Allows 1 in 1.7 People Cancer Rate; via @AGreenRoad

Japanese Government Radiation Monitor Station Reads 2,000% Lower Than Nearby Locations; via @AGreenRoad

Japanese Government Radiation Monitoring Posts Do Not Match Citizen's Radiation Meter Readings; via @AGreenRoad

Bottom line, government agencies and regulators act more like cheerleaders and marketers for whatever corrupt or even criminal industry that are supposed to be protecting the public against. Government agencies such as the EPA, DOE, FDA,  NRC, IAEA, UNSCEAR and WHO are mostly revolving doors for people who work for the industry that they are supposed to regulate. Look into this issue, and you will be shocked by what you find. Find out for yourself and then decide if there is any truth to this.   

Art and Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%


Instead of promoting a sustainable future, via renewable energy and hydrogen power, Disneyland still helps promote the fake and deceptive illusion that nuclear power plus man made radioactive elements are safe by pretending that nuclear cars, subs, rockets, nuclear missiles and more pose no hazard to humanity. They teach the propaganda the false and deceptive lie that man made radiation is just like harmless and neutral stocks, bonds and bananas. Disneyland was responsible for spreading pro war, pro nuclear industry propaganda via cartoons and more. 

Disneyland is still deceiving people today, by NOT promoting renewable energy, and a zero carbon, zero nuclear future. They have not come out with a statement against nuclear power. Why isn't Disneyland teaching people about a truly sustainable future and revealing the dangers of nuclear weapons, nuclear energy and low dose radiation?

Could it be that they are 'owned' and controlled by the nuclear industry and associated media interests? Have you been to Disneyland lately? Have you seen or heard anything contrary to the above? Let AGRP know via email or comment with a link below, and it will be included as an update; agreenroad at gmail.com  ..

There are plenty of sustainable, zero carbon, zero nuclear solutions that could be featured at Tommorrowland...

Environment, Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Zero Point And Renewable Energy

Through the promotion of the use of nuclear for medicine, toxic, poisonous and deadly man made radiation was and is still being used on purpose inside the human body and via nuclear power plants, where it causes cancer and causes genetic defects, to affect countless future generations. 

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Disneyland is in part responsible for the deaths, genetic defects and diseases caused by the nuclear and military industrial complex, by promoting them and deceptively claiming that all nuclear energy is safe.

In the future, Disneyland can help to create a paradigm shift within it's organization and start promoting a truly zero carbon, zero nuclear future. Let's all visualize this new American dream for a small, small world, where everyone can live in a world powered by zero carbon, and zero nuclear. It is never too late to change.


Write to the CEO of Disney via the address below. Or call him and talk with him or any of the senior officials listed below.

CEO Details

Complain if and when you do visit any of the Disney resorts or hotels, in writing and verbally. 

You can do your part by urging the owners, managers, and governing board at Disneyland to distance themselves from nuclear power and to stop promoting it. Ask them to embrace/teach a zero nuclear, zero carbon future. Write them, email them, fax them, and show up in person.. Get your local environmental group to do the same. Include links that explain the dangers and hazards of nuclear power, especially to children.

If they are ignorant, teach them. If they are resistant to the truth, boycott them, divest them from your retirement or investments and spread the news. There is another legal remedy, called corporate charter revocation. Attorney Generals can invoke this revocation against corporations that continue to act against the public welfare. Some nations have nationalized corporations, so that is another option.

Is endangering children and the public welfare with continued lies and propaganda, while supporting a genocidal nuclear industry that is responsible for millions of deaths, and even more cancers and diseases  radiate the water, food chain and public enough to revoke a charter?  If not, why not?

Every person makes a difference. There is a war being waged for peoples minds and hearts. You can easily be on the front lines and make a positive difference. All it takes is making the decision and jumping in. Get involved, and make a difference; work to protect 7 future generations of children's lives. That is what Disney is SUPPOSED to be doing, but somehow, they have been misled by the pro nuclear apologists.

45 Disney Management email addresses

Disney Corp. address and phone numbers

POEM BY or-well

October 19, 2014 

Padded with power here they come
International loan sharks backed by the guns
Of market hungry military profiteers
Whose word is a swamp and whose brow is smeared
With the blood of the poor

Who rob life of its quality
Who render rage a necessity
By turning countries into labour camps
Modern slavers in drag as champions of freedom

Sinister cynical instrument
Who makes the gun into a sacrament –
The only response to the deification
Of tyranny by so-called "developed" nations'
Idolatry of ideology

North South East West
Kill the best and buy the rest
It's just spend a buck to make a buck
You don't really give a flying fuck
About the people in misery

IMF dirty MF
Takes away everything it can get
Always making certain that there's one thing left
Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt

See the paid-off local bottom feeders
Passing themselves off as leaders
Kiss the ladies shake hands with the fellows
Open for business like a cheap bordello

And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy
And they call it democracy

See the loaded eyes of the children too
Trying to make the best of it the way kids do
One day you're going to rise from your habitual feast
To find yourself staring down the throat of the beast
They call the revolution

IMF dirty MF
Takes away everything it can get
Always making certain that there's one…

Via curly October 20, 2014 "Speaking of Disneyland, I remember in the sixties we would drive our mass psychosis internal combustion autos down the OC freeways to Disneyland. Upon arrival we'd all drop a hit of orange sunshine. And while the US government dropped napalm and bombs on the Vietnamese, we rode the Monsanto ride to the tune of "It's a great big beautiful tomorrow waiting at the end of every day.""

Remember, never give up. Every person is important. Share this article and spread it around. A lie spreads around the world forty million times (via TV) before the truth even wakes up and gets out of bed. It is time to put the nuclear genie away. That toy is too dangerous to play with. 


Disneyland Promotes Nuclear Power, Partnered With General Dynamics And ABC, Via Our Friend The Atom TV Show And Nuclear Sub Ride

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