Cure For Cancer Kept Secret - Dr. Richardson MD - Positive Laetrile, Vitamin B 17 Studies Covered Up, Denied And Suppressed

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Cure For Cancer Kept Secret - Dr. Richardson MD - Positive Laetrile, Vitamin B 17 Studies Covered Up, Denied And Suppressed

"This is the story about the cure for cancer and how big pharma fights it. It's the personal story from G. Edward Griffin and his friend John Richardson, MD who treated cancer patients in the early 70's with Laetrile. Dr. Richardson had a thriving clinic in the 70's."
Source; description under video


Laetrile Cancer Cure - Laetrile How It Works. Vitamin B17/Laetrile in apricot kernels can cure cancer. It has been proven and illustrated by the foremost specialists in the world.

The trophoblast is an early stage pregnancy type of cell, which is detectable during early pregnancy. This same cell is present in people who have the Big C, according to video narrator. 

(This is why a pregnancy test looking for high estrogen, or trophoblast cells, can also detect cancer) Click on link below to buy a pregnancy self test kit. 

The hormone estrogen is known to affect health and disease. Estrogen always appears in large quantities when the body is sick or injured. When the egg is exposed to high estrogen, it implants and grows. But if there is no egg, and high estrogen levels are found in the body, some trophoblast cells grow out of control, which equals the Big C. Big C is made up of cells growing out of control, at a high rate of speed, just likes cells growing out of a fertilized egg inside the womb. 


Remember that almost every person has Big C cells within them at several points in their lifetime. Usually, the immune system kicks in and takes care of it, without the person even being aware of anything happening. But if the negative process that initiates Big C continues, then it starts having negative physical effects, which can be tracked down and identified via standard medical monopoly tests, as illustrated in this article.

There are MANY Big C initiators, including radiation, chemicals, free radicals, mineral excess, mineral deficiency, hormone imbalance, lack of probiotics, lack of co factors, lack of enzymes, SAD diet, excess stress, lack of exercise, long term negative mental/emotions, acid/alkaline imbalance, energy imbalance, energy blockages, etc. Very few medical professionals test for all of these things.


PlowboyGrownUp October 18, 2014 "A new documentary chronicles how a major cancer research center covered up positive studies about Laetrile in the 1970s, as told by insider Ralph Moss. New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center brushed positive Laetrile studies under the rug, bowing to politics and conflicts of interest. "

“The individuals on Sloan Kettering’s Board of Directors were a ‘Who's Who’ of investors in petrochemical and other polluting industries. In other words, the hospital was being run by people who made their wealth by investing in the worst cancer-causing things on the planet.”

List Of Medical And Scientific Studies -  Laetrile

There are many medical and scientific studies around Vitamin B 17, all around the world. It is very odd, that none of these make it into the TV news, newspapers or magazines. But then again, it all makes perfect sense, because publishing this type of 'good news' would threaten the profits of the medical monopoly, which pays the lion's share of the ad revenue for these same mass media outlets. And if you are one of these 'news' outlets, you are not going to bite the hand that feeds you, correct?



MaidenHeaven October 18, 2014 "Open-Source cancer detection with 1 drop of blood!!! “You don’t need to wait until you have any symptoms, you don’t need to know which disease you are looking for, you only need 1 milliliter of blood and a relatively simple array of tools,” the company’s blog stated. Watch video

Named “one of the most thrilling demos in TED history” by conference curator Chris Anderson, Miriam is a compact, $500, 3D-printed device that, nevertheless, can detect several kinds of cancer – pancreatic, lung, breast and hepatic – and it is only the beginning, according to its makers, who have decided to make its design open-source.

The blood sample is pipetted into a 96-well plate with patented biochemical reagents, which is then loaded into the device for about an hour. A smartphone, put on top of the device, takes pictures, documenting the pace of the reaction that reveals the microRNA strings by lighting up the well green. The data is then sent to the online database for interpretation of the diagnosis.

A World Without Cancer — the Story of Vitamin B-17 by G. Edward Griffin

Natural Cancer Cure? (Vitamin B17) Man Cures Himself Then Thrown In Jail


A Green Road Store - Laetrile


Via itsanuclearwar November 8, 2014 This post is for the benefit of whatcanido and everyone else that might get cancer. There are numerous natural cures for cancer that have far better results than chemo and or radiation. The difference is like night and day.

SHOCKING Cancer Cures – 100 Years of Suppressed Medicine – Watch This!

Illuminati Hijacked Medical System

The Cancer Report

(Gerson Therapy)

Cure Your Own Cancer

The Relationship Between Body pH And Disease(and other facts you're are not supposed to know)

Dr. T. Simoncini – Cancer Is A Fungus And Is Completely Curable
(Baking Soda)

Baking soda – the biggest enemy of the pharmaceutical industry

Evil Truth Behind the Medical Doctors Oath
(under 10 minutes)

Secret Truth Behind Medical Insignia
(under 3 minutes)


Medical professionals like to claim that they are part of a logical scientific process that is searching for all possible 'cures' for the Big C, no matter where they are to be found. In reality though, the opposite happens. Despite studies and case histories of the Big C being cured by things like Laetrile, the medical monopoly has shown no interest in it. 

The momentum of the Big C medical monopoly is so huge, so interwoven with other monopolies, such as the chemicals and nuclear industry, that it looks, feels and acts more like a evil octopus that strangles and/or eats anything opposing it.

Laetrile is 'natural' food item, plus it is low cost and available globally, so it cannot be patented. For that reason alone, despite the fact that it has been proven via clinical reports, studies and scientific research to work against the BIG C, Laetrile is of no use to or interest by the high profit, patent focused medical monopoly.

Anything that does not fit the high profit, patent business model is actually suppressed, attacked, denied. Anyone promoting Big C solutions that are not part of the patent high profit process are 'taken out', especially if they rise to a certain level of threatening the profits of the medical monopoly. 

The video above illustrates one medical doctor's experience with this 'taking out' process. Medical doctors are not immune to this goon squad that 'enforces' the monopoly and keeps everyone in line. Of course, none of this is shown in the mass media, which only shows monopolies in the best possible light, and gives free air time to recent high technology, high cost and high profit answers to Big C or other dis-eases, which include ONLY radiation, chemo, surgery, gene therapy, GMO's, vaccines, and drugs. 

Via Upa Tro October 19, 2014 "The suppression of good alternative cancer therapies by modern medicine is part of its everyday business practices and has been for over a century. More and more people become aware of this, and that in this criminal game government health agencies (CDC, FDA, etc) and the corporate media are also enlisted (read thru this: ). That explains why the official accounts on laetrile are negative …"

For more on this subject, click on;

Drugs, Medicine, GMO's, Super Bugs, Cloning, Vaccines, Education

This is why you will almost never see any solutions that are free, low cost or unpatentable via the mass media or the modern healthcare system, which is designed for mass consumption.. If you do see coverage about so called 'alternatives', it will probably be casting them with the label of poison, quackery, fraud or some other negative label. At best, they are sneered at and tolerated for use, as long as the patient gives credit to the monopoly for any 'cure' that is experienced while doing both the alternative and the 'orthodox' high profit method. 

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The rule is that only huge monopolistic corporations can get free mass media air time, and/or news coverage, bottom line. 


Cure For Cancer Kept Secret - Dr. Richardson MD - Positive Laetrile Studies Covered Up, Denied And Suppressed

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"Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" ~ Hippocrates 400 B.C.


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. -Albert Einstein


"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson (1778)



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