Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster Evacuations; 10+ Million People Should Have Been Evacuated On 3/11

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Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster Evacuations; 10+ Million People Should Have Been Evacuated On 3/11

In case the above video is deleted, it is also available at; http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhx3qn_japon-l-equipe-de-greenpeace-effectue

In the Greenpeace video above, they are measuring close to 10,000 counts per SECOND, 35 km from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in April, 2011 in a town called Toshima, long after the peak highest radiation levels are gone and done. (at 3:25) What were the peak highest radiation levels, if this insanely high radiation level is what is being measured at this point? WOW! This is unbelievably high amount of radiation, and it contains plutonium! Remember this radiation reading is per SECOND, not per minute. The normal background reading in counts per MINUTE is between a low of 8 to 30 at a high point. 

You have to multiply this radiation reading by 60 to get to CPM, which is what most Geiger Counters measure; so the total CPM would be 600,000 (CPM, or counts per minute).. No wonder the Greenpeace folks were saying there should be MANDATORY evacuations beyond the 20 kilometers. This is the insanely high radiation reading that prompted Greenpeace to warn the Japanese nuclear powers and government to evacuate people beyond the limited 20 km that was in place at this point. If a person measures 100 CPM on a Geiger Counter, it is time to run and get the heck out of there. Radiation alarms will normally go off on any meter at levels above 100 CPM.


The radiation measuring work that Greenpeace did in the video above, should have been done by the IAEA or any number of other professional nuclear agencies, organizations or regulators, but all of them were nowhere to be found. They could have identified what was in that extremely high radiation reading and put names on the specific radioactive elements found.

None of them ever said anything, nor did they do anything. Their only recommendation (IAEA) so far has been to dump all of the high level nuclear liquid waste at Fukushima into the ocean. The fact is that the supposed regulator acted more like an old toothless, almost dead and unconscious dog tied up in the backyard of a burning house, instead of doing things to protect people and keep them safe as a 'normal' regulator, fire fighter or police person would do.

The equivalent of what happened at Fukushima around regulators specifically would be that a whole community of homes is burning down, but instead of the fire department responding to the fire and warning residents who are sleeping to get out, they stay at the fire house, warn no one, and do nothing. They don't put out the fire, nor do they investigate what happened. They don't do any investigation after the fire is put out and the initial emergency is over. They don't find out whether it was arson or not. They don't even figure out if someone lied to avoid being blamed for it. They don't figure out where the fires started or where the smoke could have been inhaled, or test it for toxicity.

Instead, a caring person travels from a far away community 5,000 miles away, and he travels to Fukushima. He comes out with a cheap smoke alarm, going around waking up the neighbors and telling them to get out, because there is a huge fire. He wonders why there are no firefighters, and no one else is sounding the alarm to warn people to get out. Not even the world's major TV staions or newspapers showed up for the biggest fire in the whole world, other than to report exactly what the PR people gave them.  No investigative reporting was done, from 3/11, until now, 3 years later. Just a few bloggers showed up, and asked a lot of questions..


After the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster, almost no one was evacuated, compared to how many people should have been evacuated, despite the nuclear experts knowing that three nuclear reactors had melted down 100% and huge amounts of radiation were coming out of the Fukushima site. If the radiation readings and amounts had been transparently disclosed, that would have required evacuations all the way down to and including Tokyo. Almost all evacuations were delayed for 10 days, because authorities were concerned it would create traffic congestions. 

Asahi: Public is “anything but” safe outside of evacuation zone during a Fukushima-class disaster, radiation dose over 50 millisieverts in 7 days for people living ~100 miles away is possible (VIDEO)

OldFool June 20, 2014 Professor Koide said that 10,000,000 people in Japan (from the Tohoku, etc.) should have been evacuated in the early days. He was absolutely 100% correct. (The criteria for evacuation was over 40,000 becquerels per square meter, a statutory legal requirement in Japan, if memory is correct.) 

mutante June 20, 2014  "The Asahi Shimbun, June 17, 2014: Asked why the government officials only expanded the evacuation zones in increments, [Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Tetsuro Fukuyama] told committee members that it was feared that major traffic jams could ensue [...]"


NPSAG Report: "In the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, the plants operator, the Japanese authority, UNSCEAR, WHO and the IAEA insisted for more than a month that the accident would cause no (immediate) health consequences ([1], [2] and [3] among others). The qualifier “immediate” was often omitted. Following the accident, evacuation was asked for but not enforced, in a patchy and multi-stage fashion in a radius of 20 km. The population probably trusted the official reports that “no health threat is expected”, and much more than 20% of the residents within the 20 km radius remained in their homes and many returned after the end of April 2011 [26]. Evacuation (better called relocation) from 20 to 30 km has been called for, but there is no evidence that it has been enforced as of July, 2011. The Japanese authority has been praised by the IAEA (May 20th, 2011) for their management of the aftermath of the accident, despite all the disinformation and misinformation that came from the official channels ([4] and [5])."

3/11/11 An evacuation order is issued for persons within 3 km of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP.

3/11/11 The government has so far refused to widen the zone, despite being urged to by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and countries like the United States and Australia advising its citizens to stay 80 kms away from the plant.

3/12/11  The evacuation zone is extended to 20 km around Fukushima Daiichi.
NPSAG Report: Over 50,000 people were evacuated during 12 March.

NPSAG Report: "The figure increased to 170,000–200,000 people evacuated on 13 March, after officials voiced the possibility of a meltdown (large delay!)."

3/15/11  Government instructed the residents living between 20km-30km radius from the NPP to stay inside house 

NPSAG Report: "On the morning of 15 March, the evacuation area was again extended. Prime Minister Naoto Kan issued instructions that any remaining people within a 20 km (12 mile) zone around the plant must leave, and urged that those living between 20 km and 30 km from the site should stay indoors."

3/17/11 UFPPC: The U.K. advised British nationals to consider leaving the area near the Fukushima plant as well as Tokyo, which is 135 miles to the south. Germany and France advised citizens to consider leaving Japan, while Belgium and Norway recommended their citizens leave. Governments and airlines in France, Russia, Belgium, Sri Lanka and China made airplanes available for citizens wishing to evacuate.

3/22 Letter From Japanese Diet Urging Mandactory Evacuation WAY Beyond 20 km

3/25/11 NPSAG Report: On 25 March, residents in the 30 kilometer circle were urged to leave their houses as well. On 30 March the IAEA discovered 20 MBq/m2 of Iodine-131 in samples taken from  18 to 26 March in Iitate 40 km northwest of the Fukushima I reactor.  The IAEA recommended expanding the evacuation area, based on its criteria of 10 MBq/m2  (20 times the contamination limit used for relocation after Chernobyl!). Japanese Secretary Yukio Edano stated the government would wait to see if the high radiation continued (!!!)

3/31/11 NPSAG Report: "On 31 March the IAEA announced a new value of 7 MBq/m2, in samples taken from 19 to 29 March in Iitate. On 11 April, with ongoing concerns about the stability of the reactors, Japan considered extending the evacuation zone around the Fukushima I. Then, on 21 April 2011, the Japanese government declared a 20-km zone around Daiichi as a "no-go" zone. The new order affected 80,000 residents. Shortly thereafter, on 22 April, the Japanese government officially announced that the evacuation zone would be extended from the 20 km "circular" zone to an irregular zone extending northwest of the Fukushima site..... Relocation of the localities beyond 30 km has been  ordered in May 2011 (!), more than two months after the data has been collected and analyzed, but to our knowledge it is not enforced."

4/6/11 About a month after 3/11, at the time this video was made, there was no checkpoint or control on people entering into the 20 kilometer radiation zone, as proven by this car driving closer than 20 km to Fukushima, without being stopped. Wouldn't this be like a whole neighborhood burning down, and no police or firefighters show up to control the accident or crime scene?
4/11/11 Edano said the government has adopted the rules of the International System of Radiological Protection( ISRP) and The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which states that people living in areas with levels over 20 millisieverts should be evacuated. Edano added that there will be another zone. “This new area will be called Emergency Preparation Evacuation Zone and will include the towns of Hirano, Naraha,Kawauchi and Minami Soma.” In other words, this area is not going to be evacuated unless there's an emergency in the future.

4/16/11 NPSAG Report: "Then, ONLY on 16 May, the Japanese government began evacuating people from outside the official exclusion zones, including the village of Iitate, where high levels of radiation had been repeatedly measured (no follow up on this action has been reported). In the meantime, from [5] the resident population of the extended areas had already received doses exceeding 35 mSv in the town of Namie (24 km) and 20 mSv in Iitate(> 40 km) whereby the annual yearly dose limit (obviously not enforced) for all ages is 1 mSv, following the recommendations of [35] and [36]. As of July 29th 2011 the population still living in the two locations had received a dose from ground contamination alone of 57 and 31 mSv, respectively."

4/22/11  Government designated the 20 km radius around the NPP as a restricted area and prohibited entry into the area excluding those engaged in emergency response.

4/22/11  Recommends residents evacuate – one month after Greenpeace’s demand to widen the evacuation zone [14]. (See video above, which triggered the reason for this recommendation.)

1/7/12 In a worst-case scenario, the central government would have requested the evacuation of Tokyo and everyone within a 250-kilometer radius of the damaged Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.


2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad

Students Sent To Radiation Contaminated Fukushima Province Via 'Exchange' Program From All Around The World; via @AGreenRoad


The secret being hidden in plain open sight, is that in real life, the worst case actually happened, but those high radiation and plutonium levels that came out of Fukushima have been covered up, minimized, hidden and denied, even up to this day. This is not a one time event, nor is the first time that a nuclear accident has been almost completely covered up. Have you heard of Santa Susana? This was a US based reactor that melted down 3 different times near Los Angeles, and it was completely covered up and denied.  Most nuclear reactor melt downs have been completely hidden and denied. Does that fact surprise you?

List Of All 30+ Global Nuclear Reactor Melt Downs; via @AGreenRoad

This same cover up, deny, minimize scenario is repeated after every nuclear accident, because it is part of a nuclear industry playbook. This time it was too big to cover up, but most nuclear accidents are completely hidden and denied completely. 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%

The pro nuclear apologists claim that there were only 3 nuclear reactor melt downs, when in actual reality, there are a huge number of them. 

Nuclear Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Weapons/Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Reactors

If firefighters had been involved that knew and understood the dangers of radiation as compared to the dangers of fire, everyone would have been evacuated all the way down to and possibly past Tokyo. The only people lucky enough to warned that the worst case scenario was happening and that were told that maybe they should get out of Japan entirely were foreigners living in Japan, as evidenced by news report in the evacuation timeline above. Multiple foreign countries urged all of their citizens living or visiting in Japan to leave the whole country. 

The evacuation of Japanese citizens did not happen as it should have, because it was also impossible to accomplish. The nuclear authorities looked at it, then decided not to 'panic' people, because it would not have been possible to do in any case. The cover story was and still is that Fukushima is no more than 10% of Chernobyl, in terms of total radiation released, which is an absurd lie and fraudulent representation of what really happened. 

Japan Planned Worst Case Evacuating 40 Million Citizens; Russia Was Shocked; via @AGreenRoad

The Fukushima excessive radiation caused mandatory, forced and enforced evacuation zone was officially never more than 20 kilometers. The Japanese government 'recommended' that people evacuate out of areas outside of the 20 kilometer circle, but never officially ordered nor forced anyone to leave. The 'recommendation' said that residents had up to three months to follow the recommendation. A 30 kilometer circle was drawn, but that was about it..

The IAEA had set up a rule to prevent exposure of residents to low dose radiation of more than 20 m/Sv per year, but this rule was not really followed either during the mega nuclear disaster, or afterwards. Many towns to the north of Fukushima were in higher than 20 m/Sv per year radiation zones, but these towns were subject to 'voluntary' evacuations, as a recommendation, not as a mandatory process. 

The Japanese government did not even admit to three 100% core meltdowns for more than 3 months, despite knowing it on the first day. This is the rough equivalent of letting an city burn for 3 months, and the firefighters not requiring anyone to leave, and just letting people who are in this house that is on fire 'shelter in place'. The nuclear experts also deny anything melted out of any the buildings at Fukushima, despite clear pictures and video showing that this happened.

The pro nuclear apologists from top to bottom also have never admitted to the MOX fuel plutonium explosion at #3, despite clear evidence of it happening, TEPCO also did not admit to any spent fuel pool fires or melt outs, despite clear evidence of this happening.

TEPCO and the nuclear experts put hundreds of millions of people into harm's way globally. Their coverup, deceptions and lies will be the direct cause of many cancers, diseases and deaths. that could have been prevented. 

What Really Happened At Fukushima Reactor And Spent Fuel Pool #3? via @Green Road

TEPCO/Fukushima Lies Exposed Around Building #4, SFP, Core. Equipment Pool, Melt Out; via @AGreenRoad

Spent Fuel Pool #4 Allegedly Being 'Unloaded' By TEPCO Nov. 2013, The Coverup Continues; via @AGreenRoad

It took TEPCO from March 11, 2011, up to May 16th, 2011, to admit to just ONE 100% reactor melt down. At this point in time, TEPCO was still denying and hiding that they knew 3 reactors had melted down. Everyone else in the world was warning their residents and employees to stay at least 80 km away from the Fukushima site, within ONE DAY of the accident.

It seems that everyone except TEPCO knew what was going on at the end of the first day; on 3/11/11. But the coverup of this mega nuclear disaster has to be maintained  and the true horror of it has to be kept secret at all costs, for as long as possible.

Greenpeace was the only organization going in to be the nuclear whistleblower, which is what the IAEA should have been doing, or the NRC, or any number of nuclear agencies or regulators in Japan specifically. Not one of them stepped up and did the right thing. This one example proves how the nuclear industry does not have even ONE true regulator, as does the US aircraft industry, or the US auto industry by comparison. 

Greenpeace Statement on TEPCO admission of full meltdown and reactor core breach at Fukushima-Daiichi reactor 1


3 nuclear reactors melted down after quake, Japan confirms
By the CNN Wire Staff
June 7, 2011 -- Updated 0956 GMT (1756 HKT)

On approximately June 7th, 2011, TEPCO finally admitted that not just 1, but 3 reactors totally melted down. TEPCO and the Japanese government, and the US nuclear authorities and experts knew this from day 1. They could have protected people by using evacuations, all the way down to Tokyo. But because radiation is invisible and no one could see the danger, they managed to hide it all and lie about it for 3 months, saying there was no danger, just hang out in your house for awhile, and giving out no actual radiation readings. If they can lie about this basic fact, what else are they lying about? Basic fact; huge nuclear corporations lie constantly and habitually. They don't care about your well being or health, or kids, or even if you are alive or die.

Even this admission was a complete minimization and denial of the actual severity of this mega disaster. 


Today, three years later, the Japanese government allows some residents to get up to 250 m/Sv per year, or more, by telling them to back and live in these radiation contaminated areas. Normally residents are not allowed more than 1 m/Sv per year. The IAEA maximum limit of radiation for civilians is 20 m/Sv per year, which already 20 times more than the maximum allowed under 'normal' conditions. 

The final evacuation 'recommendation' took three months to announce, despite TEPCO officials knowing within hours of 3/11, that multiple nuclear reactor meltdowns were happening and that huge quantities of deadly radiation were pouring out of the Fukushima complex.

Video is about one emergency shelter, where residents stayed for a long time, until temporary individual emergency shelters were built. To this day, three years later, there are still approximately 100,000 radiation refugees living in cramped conditions at 'temporary' emergency shelters in Japan.

Jan 17, 2014 - Three years later, Japan is still reeling from the impact of the disaster. More than 340,000 people became nuclear refugees....

The pro nuclear experts kept all of the bad news that they could secret, and denied anything happened until forced to admit at least a VERY small part of the total. So far they have admitted 1% at most, while denying 99% of what really happened. Slowly but surely, the public and Greenpeace radiation results pressure forced them to put expanded evacuations into place, while also slowing raising the severity level to a 7, the worst possible.

Today, the Japanese government is trying to get out of paying compensation and emergency relief payments, by forcing residents to move back into highly contaminated zones. This seems to be the plan; save money at all costs, don't protect the children, pregnant women or future generations. It is all about the money, and protecting the monopolistic nuclear industry, which seems to have almost total stranglehold on the government and mass media. 

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad


Fukushima and Chernobyl both provide enough evidence that an expanded evacuation to 250 km should have happened all the way down to and including Tokyo, which would have meant evacuating around 40 million people, if the goal was to keep people out of the plume of really high radiation and plutonium hot particles coming from Fukushima.  What was measured by Greenpeace in the video at the beginning of this article is just a small bit of the evidence of a much worse nuclear disaster than what the nuclear 'experts' and all of their computer models came up with. The worst case scenario actually happened in real life, but it was totally covered up, so the worst case evacuation that should have happened, never happened.

Tokyo; is it safe to live in or visit? via @AGreenRoad

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

Jiji: High radiation levels near Tokyo linked to Fukushima — Rain caused 29,250,000 Bq/m² in soil says gov’t — Almost DOUBLE last gov’t test

.... 29,250,000 Bq/m² of radioactive substances were in the Kashiwa soil. (TOKYO) 

At Chernobyl, cesium contamination above 1,480,000 Bq/m² required migration, 555,000-1.48 million Bq/m² was for temporary migration.


The above are the land radiation measurements, which show that the severity of Fukushima exceeded Chernobyl, due to the distance and amount of radiation found in Tokyo. Now let's look at the ocean, shall we?

Let's look at this disaster in a way that the nuclear industry does not like to bring attention to, shall we?

Event                                       Peak Ocean Radiation Reading In Bq/m³

2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak -                100 Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peak reading of -              1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushima caused a peak reading of  - 180,000,000 Bq/m³

Chernobyl was 'only' about 10 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.
Fukushima was around 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.
(But of course, humanity did not have ANY man made radiation to suffer with before the atomic scientists started blowing things up and having constant never-ending accidents, so even these comparisons are not sufficient to describe the true horror of the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster How does one compare ever increasing, ever more terrible invisible global poisonings? For more details, click on link below.)

2014 - Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad

In other words, all of Japan down to Tokyo should have been permanently evacuated if they had followed the same exclusion zone process that the Soviets did after Chernobyl. The Pacific got hit with an amount of radiation that has never been seen before on planet Earth, and this radiation went all the way around the world.

But radiation is invisible, so it was and still is very easy to hide even lethal levels. That is why it is so easy for the nuclear industry apologists to deny anything harmful exists. After all, you cannot smell it, see it, hear it, or feel it, so it must not be there, right?

Low dose invisible radiation is so hard to understand, and so painful in the horrible consequences of it once one finds out the reality, most people just stay in complete denial, while attacking truth tellers as 'conspiracy theorists', 'fearmongerers', and/or 'alarmists'.


What is some of the horror that AGRP is pointing at? Some of it is easy to see and feel. Watch the above video, see if you feel anything..

In the above video, a Japanese resident asks the question of a government official; "Do we residents have a right to a radiation free environment?" The government official would not answer the question other than to say that they tried to reduce the 'amount' of radiation people were exposed to as much as possible.

In other words, residents have no rights when it comes to radiation contamination, exposure, or loss of home, lands, farms, cars, livelihood, religious churches, sacred sites, traditions, etc. Farmers and home owners have been told by TEPCO that the radiation is now 'owned' by the farmers and homeowners, and that TEPCO is gifting this poison to them, forever, at no charge. Isn't that nice of TEPCO? The bottom line conclusion is; if the radiation does not belong to TEPCO, it did not harm anyone, and thus owes no one anything as compensation for harm. After all, they did nothing wrong, right?

Tepco: Radioactive substances from Fukushima belong to landowners, not us — November tests show massive contamination far outside evacuation zone

But let's focus on what is REALLY important here.. No, it is not the people affected by this disaster. No, it is not the 200 or more estimated businesses that went bankrupt, after 3/11. No, it is not the whole fisheries industry that collapsed due to radiation in fish. No, it is not the Fukushima farming area collapsed due to radiation contamination, or the forestry industry. What is really important is that TEPCO made a PROFIT, despite the mega nuclear disaster.

TEPCO), the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, said Friday it booked a whopping 772.9 billion yen April-December profit owing to an electricity rate hike and its massive government bailout.


The almost total coverup and denial of the harm or deaths caused as a result of radiation releases from Fukushima, TMI, Chernobyl plus many other nuclear reactor meltdowns all point to the need for an enhanced non nuclear industry controlled emergency response plan is needed around all existing 400 plus nuclear plants globally.

The nuclear industry has been systematically dismantling all shelters, safety, emergency responses, mandatory evacuation orders, emergency iodine distribution, radiation testing, low dose radiation protection standards and other safety related measures, such as live community based radiation monitors around all nuclear plants and on all vent stacks, accessible online and powered by battery backups in case of power failures. Radiation maximum limits have been raised systematically all over the world, to very unsafe levels, even in the US.

The public health disaster prevention related response to nuclear disasters is totally inadequate and actually criminal, if one cares to look deeply enough at this issue alone. Local communities globally need to act in order to protect community resident safety from the nuclear industry. 

Fukushima, TMI and Chernobyl are just a few of the covered up accidents that have happened. There are many reasons to expand and strengthen safety, evacuation and medical intervention in case of a nuclear accident at one of the 400 nuclear plants globally, based on historical precedents that exist now.

Total Fukushima Radiation Released Into Ocean, Air, Groundwater, Storage Tanks; via @AGreenRoad

Aging Reactors, Lies, Deceptions, Profits And Earthquakes; via @AGreenRoad 

The Art of Deception: The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science, via @AGreenRoad


In summary, this article talked about the timeline of the Fukushima mega disaster, and how the nuclear industry, press and government almost totally covered up, denied, and/or minimized the disaster, while delaying evacuations. This inaction caused harm.

Fukushima is the rough equivalent of a house burning down, and the firefighters arrive and report that there is no fire, just a little wisp of smoke, and urge the residents of the house to 'shelter' in place. If this happened in your town, the firefighters would be fired. And if anyone was harmed or killed as a result of their inaction in trying to prevent harm, they and the city they worked for would be liable in a court of law for financial and punitive damages, wouldn't you agree?

How Can A Radiation Exposure Victim Get 10 Million Dollars As Compensation For Health And Property Damage? via @AGreenRoad

The only reason that the nuclear industry has been able to get away with this criminal behavior is because radiation is invisible. The cancers and other diseases plus genetic consequences that often end with a deadly effect, do not show up right away. The medical authorities are also either not trained or are actively involved in the coverup as well.

MD Gives Quack Science Speeches - Claims Smiling Is Protection From Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

As a result, it is fairly common for citizens who want radiation testing done, cannot get the tests, or they are told that their radiation related problems are all in their head, or their health problems are all due to stress, but definitely NOT due to radiation.

After all, the medical establishment uses and profits hugely from administering lethal doses of radiation, so admitting to people that radiation causes harmful effects is not something most medical doctors want to bring attention to.  Could this be the reason why they no longer take the Hippocratic Oath?  (Above all else, do no harm.)


Timeline of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster Evacuations; 10+ Million People Should Have Been Evacuated On 3/11

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What is Needed? Top Down Champions Of Sustainability With $; via @AGreenRoad


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