How And Why Spent Fuel Pools Melt Down, Catch On Fire And Cause Armageddon Scenarios

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How And Why Spent Fuel Pools Melt Down, Catch On Fire And Cause Armageddon Scenarios

Very short .45 seconds video with no explanation, just music.

The longer 8 minute video with a narrative explaining how and why things happen is below.

First, all spent fuel pools at all nuclear power stations require a large amount of power to run circulating pumps and cooling systems so that can stay cool, intact and not melt down. Why? Because the nuclear operators crammed so much spent fuel into them, that passive cooling is no longer possible. The spent fuel rods are so radioactive and hot, they cannot be taken out of the pools for many years.

Multiple Fukushima Spent Fuel Pools Burned And Vaporized, 600 - 6000 Pounds Plutonium Released; via @AGreenRoad

Not only does it take power to cool all spent fuel pools, but they also have to add chemicals just to control the heat. As we learned from Fukushima, without power, it only takes a couple days and the spent fuel pools start burning and melting down and out. 

Multiple spent fuel pools and/or equipment pools at Fukushima melted down, caught on fire and melted out at Fukushima (see links above for picture evidence of this) releasing massive quantities of plutonium high into the air. 

AGreenRoad - TEPCO/Fukushima Lies Exposed Around Building #4, SFP, Core. Equipment Pool, Melt Out; via @AGreenRoad

Spent Fuel Pool #4 Allegedly Being 'Unloaded' By TEPCO Nov. 2013, The Coverup Continues; via @AGreenRoad

Third, all spent fuel pools are vulnerable to the Carrington Event, as are the nuclear reactors. Without power, all 400+ nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools will melt down, blow up and catch on fire all around the world. Humanity cannot live through that.

What happens when a spent fuel pool melts down? The video above describes what happens when a solar storm hits Earth, sufficiently large enough to knock out all power distribution networks, computers, and circuits, as well as transformers. Without power, nuclear plants are left with backup power generation systems, which at best only run for a few days. 

Greg Palast; The Lies and Fraud Behind Nuclear Plant Emergency Diesel Generators; via @AGreenRoad

Once that power is gone, or if the diesel generators malfunction, which they often do, the nuclear plant reactor and spent fuel pools all melt down, and/or explode, just as Fukushima did, for the same reason. 

Super Solar Storm To Hit Earth - 'Carrington Effect'; 400 Nuke Plants Will Melt Down/Explode; via @AGreenRoad

A super solar storm is coming, and it is just a matter of time before the solar storm knocks out all power globally. If all nuclear power plants have not been shut off and all nuclear fuel put into passively cooled pools or dry casks, it will melt down and explode. There is no living through 400 nuclear plants melting down and 400 spent fuel pools all burning up and melting out at the same time. 

Let's look at the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster in a way that the nuclear industry does not like to bring attention to it, shall we?

Event                                     Peak Ocean Radiation Reading In Bq/m³

2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak -                100 Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peak reading of -             1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushima caused a peak reading of - 180,000,000 Bq/m³

Chernobyl was around ten times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

Fukushima was around 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

2014 - Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad

The amount of radiation released by 400 nuclear plants will make Fukushima look like a very small appetizer indeed. Life on Earth cannot live through that kind of Armageddon radiation release. The odds are very large that Fukushima is an ELE event, but time will tell, as the incubation period runs out on the various cancers and diseases that have been triggered and initiated by Fukushima. 


How And Why Spent Fuel Pools Melt Down, Catch On Fire And Cause Armageddon Scenarios

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What is Needed? Top Down Champions Of Sustainability With $; via @AGreenRoad


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