National Geographic Predicts 6 Feet Of Sea Level Rise By 2100, Possibly 250 Feet Longer Term

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National Geographic Predicts 6 Feet Of Sea Level Rise By 2100, Possibly 250 Feet Longer Term

Miami, New Orleans and New York City completely under water it's a very real possibility if sea levels continue to rise. In Earth Under Water we'll see these events unfold as leading experts forecast how mankind will be impacted if global warming continues. The video above breaks down the science behind sea level rise predictions and explores ways humanity could adapt, including engineering vast dams near San Francisco, or building floating cities outside of New York.

Worst case, if humanity keeps on burning fossil fuels to the point where CO2 levels rise to 1,000 PPM, all ice on the planet will melt, as it did 50 million years ago, and sea levels will rise 250 feet from where they are today. There is no way to hold that back. The choice is ours... do we commit suicide, via continued fossil fuel use, or do we rapidly switch to 100% zero carbon fuels, and stop our fossil fuel and nuclear global warming addiction?

The question is not if sea levels will rise further. The only question is how far, how fast and how extreme the sea levels will rise over the next few centuries, assuming nothing stops this consequence of man made global warming. 

John Englander gave a talk about the state of the planet in 2013. He said that Greenland has the potential to raise ocean levels by 22 feet total, assuming all ice melts off of Greenland.

If all Antarctic ice melts, it will raise ocean levels by 120 feet or more total.

As all glaciers melt, it will raise all ocean levels by 2 to 3 feet total, while also having severe impacts on many large cities water supplies, agriculture, etc. The approximate total ocean level rise will be 160 feet above today's levels. To learn more information about sea levels historically, going back 800,000 years, watch the video above.

Sea level rise is just one of many tipping points. 

2014 List of 45+ Global Tipping Points, Many Of Them Have Been Reached Or Exceeded, Almost All Are Getting Worse; via @AGreenRoad

Humans now have the power to shape and control the Earth's climate. People are expressing that power, but in a negative way that will destroy civilizations all around the world. Will the global village pull together and turn the situation around in time to save humanity all around the world, or will a perfect storm of multiple negative tipping points completely overwhelm humanity, causing all life on the planet to go extinct? One thing is for sure, the pace is accelerating, and time is running out. 


National Geographic Predicts 6 Feet Of Sea Level Rise By 2100, Possibly 250 Feet Longer Term; via @AGreenRoad

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