Fukushima Caused Tokioma To Become A Ghost Town, Just Like Pripiat Near Chernobyl

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Fukushima Caused Tokioma To Become A Ghost Town, Just Like Pripiat Near Chernobyl

The Fukushima caused radioactively contaminated landscape remains desolate. Over 15,000 residents of the Tokioma area cannot return to their homes.

Cleanup contractors cannot perform customary work on the ground because the risk of radiation from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex continues on without letup. 

Instead, drones do some surveillance of the area. There are no sounds except for the wind; no birds, no insects, no life except for the drone operators.

The contrast between the bright pink but radioactive cherry blossoms, the tsunami destruction and the eerily empty and silent radioactive wasteland is very moving.


What areas in Japan are safe to visit or live in? Would you consider radiation levels of 1 MILLION Bq/m² safe? This radiation reading is from a soil sample taken in Fukushima Province in 2014, after the government declared this region was 'safe' and decontaminated. For more details, click on the link...

Saitama Misato City April 2014 Fukushima Soil measurements by Japanese Citizens – one Million Becquerel per m²

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad

Few people understand the scope and scale of the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster. Areas beyond Tokyo to the south are so radiation contaminated that evacuating the whole city of Tokyo was contemplated as the Fukushima disaster was happening. It was decided that this was not an option, due to the expense and loss of income and taxes to japan, so the cover up began right there. The scope and scale of the cover up is so large, it takes some investigating to understand how broad and deep it was. 

Japan Planned To Evacuate 40 Million Citizens; Russia Was Shocked; via @AGreenRoad

KI Iodine Pills Not Distributed To Residents During Exposure To Fukushima Radiation: NHK Documentary: "Their Fate In Their Hands"; via @AGreenRoad

Tokyo; is it safe to live in or visit? via A Green Road 

Even if somehow the Fukushima disaster happened and then ended, it gets worse from there. Japan has decided to burn radioactive waste from Fukushima all over Japan, thus spreading the hormesis health giving radiation benefits all over the country. There is a dark sinister motive that may be behind this, if you care to read about it.. Bottom line, there is low dose Fukushima radiation all over Japan, and that source has not ended yet, it continues spewing out into the air via those incinerators, all over the country. 

Japan Suffered 3 Mega Disasters, Now Suffering From 4th Mega Nuclear Disaster, USA Will Be Next; via @AGreenRoad


Pro nuclear government, school, nuclear and medical authorities all claim that low dose radiation is harmless and 'safe', in amounts less than 100 Bq/kg in food/drinks or 300 Bq/kg interior body dosage. In the US, this limit is set at 1,200 Bq/kg. But does the research on low dose radiation exposure back up these assertions of safety and no harm?

Low Dose Chernobyl and Fukushima Radiation Dangers To Children, Starting At 10 Bq/Kg; Via @AGreenRoad 

Dr. Conrad Miller MD - How Radiation Concentrates Up The Food Chain To Human Beings - 10Bq/Kg Unsafe; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Low Dose Radiation Causing Unusual Changes in Children; via @AGreenRoad

Residents who were evacuated are being 'encouraged' to go back to Fukushima province, or have their government funding cut off. Pregnant women are being offered free homes, just to move back. But once they move back, there are consequences.

June 1 2014 - Fukushima town plans evacuees' return next year

Fukushima Residents Report Various Radiation Caused Illnesses.. via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad

229 millisieverts/year of cumulative radiation in town outside exclusion zone — Exposure limit for ordinary people is 1 millisievert/year

But it is not just people that are being affected in the very large area of radiation contaminated Japan. Both animals and plants are also being affected by the low dose radiation contamination. Just the same as animals, insects, birds and plants, so humans are also being affected in a negative way. There is no way to undo the DNA breaking mechanism that man made radiation causes. This DNA breakage is invisible and silent, not sensed by humans. Even if the present generation does not feel it, the next generation will experience it. 

‘Anomalies’ in plants and animals documented by Fukushima residents, some severely deformed — Scientists: Genetic mutations observed in Fukushima include trees with peculiar distortions, insect abnormalities, tumors in birds, more (PHOTO)http://enenews.com/fairewinds-video-anomalies-in-plants-and-animals-documented-by-fukushima-residents-some-severely-deformed-scientists-genetic-mutations-observed-in-fukushima-include-trees-with-peculiar-disto

Even after the above, parents may still decide to send their children over to Japan, but may require them to have a radiation dosimeter that is turned on at all times. But this is not going to disclose all of the risks or even show what the true level of radiation is. In addition, the risk from plutonium will not show up on either a dosimeter or a Geiger Counter, especially in the form of 'hot particles'. 

Dosimeters Only Measure 1/7th Of True Radiation Levels On Average; via @AGreenRoad

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

GlowInTheDark September 8, 2012 This is a radiation level of Kitashiobara village where the children in the video had visited. I wonder if parents were shown a similar graph before making a decision to send their children to highly contaminated place. I think the radiation levels in the graph is average and 60% less than the actual figures since the data comes from government installed fake monitoring posts."http://ma-04x.net/image_png/fukushima/graph_mext_7402.png

How much do you trust the Japanese government, nuclear industry and medical authorities? Do you trust them to tell you the truth about man made radiation coming from nuclear plants? Do you trust them to warn you if dangerous radiation is coming towards you, as a result of a nuclear accident? Do you trust the medical authorities to give you KI tablets, which block radiation's harmful effects on you and your kid's thyroid glands, if and when they are needed? Sadly, it almost never happens that KI tablets are handed out when they are needed after a nuclear disaster, as the Fukushima, Chernobyl, TMI and other disasters examples illustrate via the articles at the links below. 

MD Gives Quack Science Speeches - Claims Smiling Is Protection From Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

KI Iodine Pills Not Distributed To Residents During Exposure To Fukushima Radiation: NHK Documentary: "Their Fate In Their Hands"; via @AGreenRoad

Govt. Had 1 Million Potassium Iodide - KI Pills Available, But Refused To Hand Them Out After 3/11 Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad

38,000,000 Bq/Kg Radioactive Iodine 129 Found On Leafy Vegetables, 59 Km From Fukushima Daichi; via @AGreenRoad

You have learned that the government and medical experts gave pro nuclear propaganda speeches to residents DIRECTLY affected by radiation from the Fukushima disaster. These same authorities did not warn residents during the worst of the nuclear disaster, and kept saying that nothing bad was happening, while giving out no meaningful radiation numbers that would have warned people to evacuate immediately. These same pro nuclear 'experts' also blocked people from taking a needed preventative medicine in the worst time of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. This same thing happened in the US, in Russia, and other countries as well, after nuclear accidents there. 

If these government and medical professionals can do this to their own people and children in the worst time of a mega nuclear disaster, how much trust are you going to put in their actions and words after the worst of the disaster is over, now that the threat posed to you and your children 'only' consists of low dose radiation?

The equivalent is like the recent South Korea ferry sinking with hundreds of children aboard, who drowned, because the captain and crew told the passengers to 'stay put' in their cabins and that everything was 'safe'. The lifeboats were never launched. Life preservers were not used. The captain and crew escaped, but a majority of the children died. How is the nuclear industry lack of warnings about dangerous radiation levels and not handing out KI tablets any different from the captains inaction above? Instead of hundreds of children dying on the ferry, TENS OF THOUSANDS of children died in the next several months after Fukushima, as a direct result of that accident, and the lack of warnings by the nuclear industry, government and health professionals. 

Fukushima; Today's Titantic and Costa Concordia; via @AGreenRoad

These supposed nuclear 'experts' and the Japanese government could not warn their own citizens and give them a simple tablet to prevent harm from HUGE doses of radiation. They are sending kids and pregnant moms back into highly radiation contaminated areas. Are you going to trust this same nuclear industry to inform you as an exchange student or as a tourist of the dangers and hazards posed by low dose radiation?

How safe is the food in Japan? What if the farmers that grow the food refuse to eat it? Would you still believe the government that your food is safe to eat?

Fukushima Farmers Growing Food In Radioactively Contaminated Lands, Then Exporting It, Won't Eat It Themselves; via @AGreenRoad

Young Turks shares some information sent by an engineer who went into the Chernobyl exclusion zone, to help cleanup the site. She shares some advice for people around Fukushima.. This short video is well worth listening to both by residents, tourists, and students thinking of going to Japan, anywhere north of Okinawa.

Bottom line, this engineer's advice to anyone living in ANY radioactively contaminated area in the globe is 'RUN AWAY, as fast as you can. The government lies, because the nuclear/military industry is so powerful."

Students Sent To Radiation Contaminated Fukushima Province Via 'Exchange' Program From All Around The World; via @AGreenRoad

Bottom line, even though the pro nuclear 'experts' keep claiming that everything is safe in the land of the rising sun, and that no one died or will die from radiation, you may want to consider the actual facts, rather than the empty assurances of safety that are designed to protect the nuclear industry appearance. As the old saying goes, "Even if you put lipstick on a pig, you still have a pig".


Fukushima Caused Tokioma To Become A Ghost Town, Just Like Pripiat Near Chernobyl; via @AGreenRoad

For more articles; 

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults 


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