Google Owned Youtube Deletes All 1,300 AGRP Videos, Google Plus And Email Account, Facebook Deletes Group And Profile

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Google Owned Youtube Deletes All 1,300 AGRP Videos, Google Plus And Email Account, Facebook Deletes Group And Profile

Youtube gave no explanation about why all 1,300 creative common licensed videos were deleted for the 4rd time in several months at the AGreenRoadProject video channel on Youtube, other than claiming a copyright violation. Since the AGRP email, google plus and youtube channel were all deleted, along with all contacts and email addresses, there is no way to complain or even to ask what happened. There is no customer service number to protest or ask what happened. 

What is known is that at least one person was contacting people who had creative commons licensed videos on the AGRP youtube channel, and suggesting that they issue a copyright violation. In at least one case, the owner of one of those videos contacted AGRP and confirmed this, but declined to issue a copyright violation.

In other words, just having a creative commons video on your Youtube channel does not mean you are out of danger in terms of copyright violations and having your Youtube channel deleted.  The owner of a creative commons licensed video can change the status back to standard license. The person owning the video can make it private or pull the video completely.

There is basically no defense against a copyright claim, even if you initially got permission via a creative commons licensed video, to copy and put a video on your youtube channel.


Here is another example of how easy it is to lose all of your Youtube videos.

A Green Road Project not only had all Youtube videos deleted in early December of 2014, Google also deleted the email account and a Google plus account, in addition to all of the connections, email addresses and contact names, again with no explanation.

Just because you have an email account and a google plus account does not give you any rights. Both can be deleted with no notice or warning. Be warned, and do not rely on Google to provide interruption free service. Email and Google plus accounts can be deleted at any moment, with no warning. Backup your friends email names and addresses, because they could disappear in the next five minutes. 

Is this just an isolated incident, or is there something more sinister going on? 

Truthiums And Factiums Made Illegal By Dr. Yamashita, Prime Minister Abe - Denial And Lies Via Nuclear Experts, Secrecy Law Prevents Truth Telling; via @AGreenRoad

A researcher was sentenced to eight years in prison (on trumped up false charges) after trying to make his findings on low doses of radiation on children of Chernobyl public.


bo December 11, 2014  "The blogger for 真実探すブログ ('Blog for Searching Truth' – a very popular anti nuclear blog) woke up on 12/10 to find, without warning, that his page had vanished overnight. The other blog that vanished was 放射能とたたかうブログ ( 'blog for fighting radiation')

Many others who had websites set up by this provider 'ameba' ( kind of like Japan's wordpress ) noted either they cannot update their page anymore, or their page disappeared altogether. The blogger for 'Blog for Searching Truth' had his main site ( which is the link above ) from a different provider, so he recorded all these claims he heard  saw compiled on this page. It could be just a provider issue that happened, coincidentally on 12/10/14."

Tagged as the “Japanese Banksy,” he is an unlikely manifestation of Japan’s shredded identity: a contemporary artist of dissent in a country that rarely tolerates protest and barely supports modern art. ....Anti Nuke is an active Twitter user, but when he first started posting his art, he received death threats so virulent that last year he temporarily took down his Twitter and Facebook accounts and started hiding all of his personal information. Even now, his Web site is often hacked.

Journalist Files Lawsuit Against Japan Secrecy Law, Nuclear Industry Controls/Censors Mass Media, Insurance Inadequate; via @AGreenRoad

May 10, 2012, YouTube has removed the account Tokyobrowntabby. Using this name was a resident of Tokyo who was broadcasting videos about Fukushima, with English and Japanese subtitles. 

We also remember the disappearance of Alex Counts, a French expatriate who was making almost daily video reports of the nuclear disaster ...

Kna60, who also suffered restrictions on YouTube, explains this phenomenon perfectly control of large firms on videos. Incidentally, there are two videos made by Alex in 2011 that are worth a visit if you've never watched!

90+ Methods And Lies Nuclear Industry Uses To Cover Up The Fukushima And Other Nuclear Disasters


ENENews has also suffered numerous hacker attacks, plus the whole site and everything on it was completely erased and deleted for at least a day. A backup copy had to be used to put everything back in place. Enenews is a site that has some similarity to AGRP, in that it uses a number of news sites and videos to create an article and title. It features energy related news that the nuclear industry does not want the public to know. 

Via Pu239 September 15, 2014 Seems the verdict of history is a very sensitive topic: Japanese Newspaper Retracts Fukushima Disaster Report and Fires Editor


Arnie Gunderson at Fairewinds is an anti nuclear expert, and his site has been attacked as well. 


Anyone who gets public attention and is anti nuclear ends up being smeared, attacked and dismissed by the nuclear industry experts. Dr. Busby's wikipedia entry is constantly 'attacked' by those trying to smear and libel him for just about anything he says or does. 

Busby: We are going to take some kind of libel action against George Monbiot’s advisers and Imperial College (VIDEO)

Maybe all of these instances are purely coincidental and have nothing to do with active suppression and scrubbing of the web. Maybe the nuclear industry and the powers that support them are very loving, accepting of dissent and whistleblowers. Maybe they can listen to critics and respond fairly.

But then again, maybe that assumption is not reality, and these attacks, suppresions, deletions, firings, disappearings, deaths and more are all real efforts taken by the nuclear industry to keep the whole mess under wraps and out of public sight. 


Get 3 copyright strikes on Youtube, and you lose all your videos too. They restrict you so much after the first copyright strike, you might as well not have a youtube account anymore. The only way to avoid copyright strikes is to create all your own stuff on video, and not use ANYONE else's stuff, even if they are labeled creative commons license.

Why? Because you don't know if that creative commons license is 'legal', and you also don't know if they followed copyright law before they stuck the creative commons license on the video. So you are not protected against copyright strikes even if all of your videos are creative commons licensed.

Plus, the author may decide to change the license, and then complain about your video and that also generates a copyright strike. Bottom line, you have no defense and lose everything, unless you create 100% of your own videos and make all of your own music. 

Don't use any music unless you create it originally. Or use only music that is provided by the owner with a creative commons license on it, in writing, direct from the owner of the music.  This is another way that you can get copyright strikes on your creative commons licensed videos on Youtube or anywhere else. 


This is another way that Youtube videos are removed, and/or you get copyright violation strikes or 'content inappropriate' claims against you, via false claims.  Anyone can file a copyright claim against anyone else, with absolutely no repercussions. If someone is jealous about your success, they can take you down. If a competitor does not like you, they can get your channel deleted. If an industry sees you as a threat, they can take make a 'hit' on you, just as easily as a person squashing an ant on cement.

When the Youtube channel was first started AGRP was contacted a number of times, suggesting that videos about Dr. Busby on the AGRP channel be deleted, because he was a quack, fraud and loony toons. 

In at least one case, AGRP discovered someone going around to the original video holders of creative commons licensed videos, and that person was trying to get those individuals to file a copyright strike against AGRP. What lengths would the nuclear industry go to get an AGRP video channel 'off the air' because it was pointing at many things that the nuclear cabal would rather the public never knows or hears about? Would they hire someone to get people to file copyright strikes against AGRP? 

Why would Youtube delete the entire AGRP channel multiple times before any copyright strikes were even filed? 


Try an experiment. Try going to Youtube and search for; 'Fukushima spent fuel pool melted out' or try searching for 'hormesis theory' or 'hormesis theory debunked'.

You will not find anything that is anti nuclear, right? AGRP had the only videos that had these and other anti nuclear titles on them. Now they are all gone, with no record that they ever existed, along with all of the evidence that a spent fuel pool melt out ever happened.

The nuclear industry is VERY happy. They can stick with their original story that nothing melted out at Fukushima. Now there is nothing left on Youtube to dispute the 'official' story that nothing melted out. 

What is the takeaway? AGRP's conclusion is that maybe Google and Youtube are against anything green and possibly anything anti nuclear. The AGRP video channel consisted of creative commons licensed videos that teach how to live a green lifestyle, without harming 7 future generations. Many of these videos featured anti nuclear industry experts. 

Youtube deleted all videos in the AGRP channel over and over again with no explanation. What does that mean, especially when no copyright strikes were involved at the time? It took a lot of time and effort to get Youtube to restore the channel and make it visible again.

Thanks again to Facebook, Youtube and Google, for helping to speed up the insane race towards extinction of all life on the planet, while offering less than zero support to prevent this from happening. 

AGRP recommends avoiding Youtube to any organization or individual that is promoting a green lifestyle and/or warning about the dangers of nuclear, and/or wanting good customer service from a video hosting provider.


Even large, robust and profitable organizations using Youtube seem to be having this problem of having their entire video channel arbitrarily deleted.

The following links provides evidence of this deletion with no notice, no reasons given before deletion, are happening to other people as well.!topic/youtube/fcIHszsPDoU

"Re: All my Channels Deleted, Fuck your Christmas Youtube
Youtube is just not worth it anymore. It takes you ages to build an empire of dozens of videos, promote and boost them, rank them, and profit off of them. Then one day you wake up and all is gone."

comment under above link; via Phil Steele "YouTube similarly banned one of my photography education videos for no reason that they would divulge, just saying it was "inappropriate content." The video was a comparison of Canon flashes, similar to approximately 30 other educational videos I have on my channel. There was nothing remotely inappropriate about it. You can view it for your self on my site here and see:
When I had the nerve to appeal their deletion of the video and ask why it had been removed, they slapped me with a six-month probation as a result of my appeal. Never did I get an explanation of what was supposedly "wrong" with the video. Never any contact with a real human being...YouTube is a monster when it comes to this kind of automated ban-and-punishment system with no explanations. And for those of us who use it to reach our audiences, it can be a nightmare."

What is the take away? Beware.. if you use Youtube, all of your work may go up in a puff of smoke in less than a nano second, even if you own all of the rights, created the videos all by yourself, and you violate no laws. Especially if your video goes 'viral' and gets featured on many news shows and takes off on it's own so that it gets many views, it can be deleted for no reason at all, as the last link above shows.

There is nothing you can do to 'appeal' the deletion, and no one you can go to, to reverse anything once a decision has been made by the Youtube 'authorities'. If you use Youtube, just know that everything you worked on for months or years can disappear, never to be seen again. Of course, since the hosting is free, there is no reason to complain. It is best to back up all of your work via the video method above, and keep an archive, even if you keep using Youtube for whatever reason. That way, if what you created and put up does disappear, you have an original copy and can go put it up somewhere else, and start over.

At the very least, back up every video loaded on Youtube and save it on your hard drive, so that if and when it happens, you at least have something left.. You have been warned.

If you accidentally deleted your videos, here is another method to recover them. 

For those who want a more customer 'friendly' video service, it may pay to check out alternatives to Youtube, such as those listed here;


List Of Video Hosting Services;


As if it was not enough for Google and Youtube channels, plus email and Google plus accounts to be deleted, Facebook deleted the profile of A Green Road Project and the group created under that name as well. Of course, since Facebook is a privately owned service, it can do whatever it wants to do. All that is left of A Green Road Project is a Facebook page, and given the track record, AGRP does not think that has a very good chance of being around much longer as well. Even the blog is subject to being deleted without notice, just like the blogs above.. There is no repercussion and no one to go complain to, because there are no easy to find customer service numbers for these 'free' service providers. 

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Green Road Project; Teaching the Science of Sustainable Health. Keep asking - what works for 7 future generations without causing harm?


Google Owned Youtube Deletes All 1,300 AGRP Videos, Google Plus And Email Account, Facebook Deletes Group And Profile

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