Photons In Light, Photons In Nuclear Reactors And Photons In Nuclear Medicine; What Is The Difference?

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Photons In Light, Photons In Nuclear Reactors And Photons In Nuclear Medicine; What Is The Difference?

The atoms for peace campaign paid off in a huge way for the nuclear industry, because they found a way to sell poisonous heavy metal, radioactive elements that otherwise would cost a lot of money to guard and store as nuclear waste material. 


The nuclear industry is selling uranium as a 'peace' maker, thereby ensuring that as the low dose radiation spreads from both DU weapons dust and nuclear industry emissions, that cancer rates will rise on a global level, guaranteed. Depleted or enriched uranium dust is deadly dangerous. Just because uranium rocks are laying around does not mean that uranium is 'safe', as the pro nuclear apologists like to claim. Find out more via the following link...

Dr. Rokke Former Military Reveals Dangers Of DU Dust; via @AGreenRoad
Even 'natural' radioactive uranium emits photons. Uranium is also a direct heavy metal poison, just like all of the artificial man made radioactive elements. All man made radioactive elements are POISONS because they are heavy metals that the body cannot use. Those same radioactive elements also carry a PHOTON charge, which also harms or kills cells through gamma, beta, or alpha types of radiations. Marie Curie died of leukemia, and had to suffer a lot before she died from other health issues, because of this uranium photon energy that went through her body, as she 'experimented' with them. 

These poisons and radioactive cancer causing elements lead us back to the medical/nuclear industry complex again. This same man made radioactive element is supposedly a 'medicine' along with toxic chemicals that they combine together to form a cocktail that literally kills cells in the body's system. The radioactive elements used on the body keep changing over time.. Why is that? Radium used to be used and was called a 'miracle cure', until it was banned. How is radium any different from any of the other poisonous, radioactive man made elements? 

Radium; The Epic Story; via @AGreenRoad

Radium Girls And Radium Dials In Ottowa Illinois, Death City; via @AGreenRoad

Any man made radioactive source applied to the human body creates a long list of what are called 'side effects', or radiation 'induced' diseases. 

A simpler way of putting it is that radiation from man made radioactive elements creates DIRECT damage to the body, multiple diseases and cancers down the road, many years after the exposure, just the same way that low dose exposure to those same man made radioactive elements does over a longer period of time. 

List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation; via @AGreenRoad


The nuclear medicine industry relabels all nuclear poisons as 'photons'. Then they combine that label with the word medicine so that all of the man made radioactive poisons sound harmless and safe, just like the sun's light rays. So first, let's explore what a photon is, because most people probably have no idea what it is. What is a photon anyway? 

Very simply, photons are 'energy packets'. What is inside the packet makes all of the difference. Just like a cardboard box can contain a bunch of organic fruit, or that same cardboard box can contain 40 pounds of spent fuel that just came out of a nuclear reactor. If you eat the apple box contents, you get healthier as it consists of 'stored photon' sunlight energy in the form of apples. If you try to eat the contents or just carry the spent nuclear fuel box around, for even a minute, you die. The photon energy from just one dimes worth of spent fuel in that box will kill you and it will contaminate two square miles of land permanently, if you make it into dust and distribute it equally. 

The photon radiation in medical 'therapy' machines is just as deadly as the spent fuel in that box. When that man made radioactive isotope gets out, it kills people. There have been accidents involving medical isotopes all around the world; radiotherapy accident in Costa Rica,[12] radiotherapy accident in Zaragoza,[13] radiation accident in Morocco,[14] Goiania accident,[15] radiation accident in Mexico City, radiotherapy unit accident in Thailand,[16] and the Mayapuri radiological accident in India.[16]

Pathways from airborne radioactive contamination to human
Source and larger picture at;

If the photon 'medical' radioactive element inside the protective housing is released, that deadly radiation will spread via the air and contaminate large areas, as in the graph flow chart above. All paths lead back to humans.  Basically, all of these units are potentially dirty bombs, if the radiation inside of them gets out. 

The word 'Photon' is just another way of saying energy, and there are many kinds of energy. Energy can be in the form of sun light, infra red, x rays, gamma rays, beta rays, alpha rays, electricity, or etc.. Photons include all of these kinds of energy and many more. 

"In 1900, Max Planck was working on black-body radiation and suggested that the energy in electromagnetic waves could only be released in "packets" of energy. In his 1901 article [4] in Annalen der Physik he called these packets "energy elements". 

During a nuclear transition of a (man made radioactive) element to a lower energy level, photons of various energy will be emitted, from neutrons, to beta rays, to alpha rays, to gamma rays. A photon can also be emitted when a (man made radioactive) particle and its corresponding antiparticle are annihilated (for example, electron–positron annihilation).

This brings up another subject that is often misunderstood. Most pro nuclear apologists will try to make the false equivalency that these man made radioactive elements are 'natural' and that humans are exposed to them anyway, so why make such a fuss about them? Bottom line, there are no 'natural' fission reactions happening on Earth, and almost all of these man made elements were not present in Nature before the atomic age. For more details about why there is no natural fission and no natural plutonium, strontium, cesium, etc, click on the following link. 

Is There 'Natural' Plutonium And Are There 'Natural' Fission Reactions? via @AGreenRoad

All radioactive elements decay. The above description is pointing at how  (man made radioactive) elements decay from one thing into another. Radioactive Iodine decays into radioactive Xenon gas, which blows all over the world. Xenon gas then decays into radioactive cesium which settles on the ground or in your lungs, and so on, until it ends up as lead, which is also a toxic, poisonous heavy metal. All of this can happen just as easily inside the human body. The internal radiation decay chain happens just the same way as the external radiation decay chain and this is another thing that the pro nuclear apologists don't like to focus on. 


Now let's answer the next question that comes up in relation to nuclear medicine and photons. What is the difference between a sunlight photon of light and the photons that the pro nuclear medical people are talking about? First of all, nuclear medicine uses gamma or other radioactive rays as a way to destroy cancer cells via DNA disruption and actual killing of the cells by direct overwhelming gamma or other radiation amounts. These gamma or other rays/particles are ALWAYS made from man made radioactive elements that have a very high (and deadly) energy when compared to sunlight.

Via VanneV April 15, 2014  "What is the difference between a gamma ray photon and a sunlight photon?

A photon is a bundle of electromagnetic energy, and can be infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, gamma rays, or cosmic rays, depending on it's energy. A gamma ray is a photon with 100 thousand times more energy than light (so about a million electron-volts), a frequency that's 100 thousand times higher than light (about a billion trillion vibrations per second), and with a wavelength that's 100 thousand times shorter than light (size of an atom, equal to a picometer, or one-hundredth of an angstrom). Gamma rays are super energetic photons (compared to light photons)... but you'll only get exposed to gamma rays if you're around radioactive material or an astronaut in space.

“Are you sitting down”? Gamma rays seen in Fukushima footage — Appearing as out-of-focus streaks and flashes (VIDEO)
Gamma rays appear as streaks and flashes in the above video, taken inside of a broken Fukushima reactor. This gamma radiation will kill, and it is the same radiation used in hospitals. There is no difference between the two. 

It is very important for you to understand that there is no gamma, beta or alpha radiation in sunlight as it hits the Earth, despite some people claiming that it does, or Wikipediea entries showing pictures of sunlight with all kinds of radiation included.

Sunlight that hits the Earth contains visible light, infra red and ultraviolet rays  (UVA and UVB). Sunlight is something that the human body has been using and is very well adapted to because humans have been exposed to it for millions of years. These sun created photons actually trigger a reaction in the skin that produces Vitamin D.

Man made radioactive elements NEVER produces anything healthy like sunlight does.

With sunlight, any other harmful radiation has been filtered out by the protective layers of atmosphere and the magnetic shielding around the Earth. Yes, cosmic rays do come in, but that is not the sun we are talking about all by itself.

Sunlight photons are considered to be health promoting, and the only side effect is that one may get a sun 'burn' if one stays out too long in these health giving rays. Sunlight also act as a germicide, fungicide and bleach for clothing hung out in it, but without contaminating those things with radiation, as man made radioactive elements would. Sunlight photons also create useful energy when it hits solar hot water heaters and solar photoelectric panels, but without leaving any leftover radioactive 'spent fuel' that there is no solution for disposal of, as with man made radioactive elements and their photons.

There is no way to compare sunlight to gamma or other man made radiation used by the medical professionals, because man made radioactive elements and their gamma, beta, alpha, neutron and X rays do not act in a health promoting way. A more complete article and video about the difference between sunlight and man made radiation is available at this link...

Comparing Sunlight To Man Made Radioactive Elements; via @AGreenRoad

Medical professionals or pro nuclear scientists also try to claim that natural background radiation is just like man made radioactive elements, when nothing could be further from the truth. Background radiation is whatever humanity has been exposed to since the beginning of time to now, and that includes very small amounts of cosmic rays, parts per trillion of uranium in ocean water, and radon gas in homes, which should be avoided, by the way.

Humans have been genetically evolving to deal with background radiation for eons of time. Humans have NOT had to deal with man made radioactive elements such as plutonium, strontium, cesium, and tritium, which did NOT exist before the discovery of nuclear weapons. As a result of 2,400 nuclear weapons tests, leaks, accidents and emmisions, the background radiation has gone up 600% and continues to rise. This is causing huge problems for all living things that also did not have exposure to all of these deadly things for millions of years before now. 

Background Radiation Has Increased 600 Percent - 1 mSv In 1950 To over 6 mSv In 2014; Where Is This Coming From?

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad
The natural background radiation from before the atomic age, is different from the toxic, heavy metal, radioactive elements that have increased by orders of magnitude and are now floating around in the air, water and in the ground nowadays. Humans are not built to deal with these artificial man made radioactive poisons, which mimic natural minerals, but destroy the body when ingested or inhaled, from the inside out. More details are available at the following link...

How Poisonous And Radioactive Man Made Elements Mimic Natural Minerals Found In Nature; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium Mimics Iron In Body - 2 Million Times More Dangerous Than Uranium, MOX Planned For Use In All Future Nuclear Power Plants; via @AGreenRoad

There is another way that radioactive element photons cause deaths and disease, and that is by the inhalation or ingestion of 'hot' particles. Again, this is a subject that pro nuclear advocates like to either ignore or deny. Either that, or they launch into a personal character assassination as a defense against this basic fact of how man made radioactive elements work. Hot particles are very different from x-rays, radiation from air travel and sunlight. 

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Fukushima Hot Particle (Fuel Flea) Found 300 Miles Away, Measured At 40 Quintillion Bq/kg; via @AGreenRoad

Japan Radioactive Iodine 131 In Sewage Sludge Levels RISING Since March 2011 To 2014 - Why? via @AGreenRoad

Now add super duper genetic DNA breaking, disease causing, big C causing, catastrophic alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation to the above. Gee, is it any wonder why the children's cancer/leukemia/diabetes/thyroid problems/ADD/Autism, etc etc rates are  all increasing around the world, and are especially high around nuclear facilities and nuclear accident sites?

What is the take away? Photons of energy are good when they are coming from natural sources, such as from organic foods, grown in sunlight.

But photons of energy are deadly dangerous plus disease and death causing when they come in the form of man made heavy metals that are also radioactive, such as cesium, strontium, plutonium and tritium. These man made elements did not exist on Earth until the atomic age and secretive nuclear scientists. You do not need to know any more than this. Humans need to get rid of all things nuclear if they are to survive for much longer. 


Photons In Light, Photons In Nuclear Reactors And Photons In Nuclear Medicine; What Is The Difference?; via @AGreenRoad


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