2014 - Record Level Of Dying, Sick, Injured California Seals And Sea Lions

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2014 - Record Level Of Dying, Sick, Injured California Seals And Sea Lions

The mass seal and sea lion die off of young pups in the Pacific ocean in 2014 is now in it's THIRD year, with the number of deaths equal to or worse than last year. The same external and internal body sores are showing up inside the animals, but there is almost NO research being done other than looking for virus or bacteria as a cause. Almost no one is looking at radiation, but in the single study that was done, radiation was found, and linked to the health issues in these animals. 

NBC: Record level of sick or injured California seals and sea lions turning up — “The numbers are extraordinary” — “Scientists worried… The worst kind of perfect storm” — Pups should be weighing 2 or 3 times as much, “severely malnourished” (VIDEO)

via Sparky April 19, 2014 Emaciated, exhausted and disoriented sea lion pup with open sores found wandering in Central California Almond Orchard on Tuesday. [Note: that's about 90 miles inland.]  “Hoppie” is now recuperating at the Marine Mammal Center, eating 5 pounds of fish per day and getting ‘round the clock care, soon to be released back into the Pacific Ocean. "Hoppie is a very lucky sea lion in so many ways"

Via Sickputer September 7, 2014  News from California about dead and dying sea lions… See 1:20 into this CBS report from Malibu Beach:

Yes... I am sure it did "kinda ruin your walk around the corner".....my 55-gallon fish tank just got decimated from a sudden death syndrome two days ago…all my fish even the algae eaters died in two hours of some sort of toxic shock. They had been fine since 2010."

There is something very strange about these reporters when they talk about this 3rd year of the largest ever die off of seals and sea lions in the 40 years of measurement. They report that algae blooms are the cause for both years. Why haven't there been ANY toxic algae blooms like this in the entire 40 years of record keeping before? Why are there so many animals dying this time around compared to the same typical algae blooms before? Algae blooms happen frequently, on a regular basis, so why is the death toll of seals and sea lions so much higher after 2011? Don't algae blooms normally happen in El Nino years? Last year the Pacific ocean water was colder than normal, and it definitely was NOT an El Nino last year, or in 2011, or in 2012. But the large animals, herring, sea stars,  kept right on dying and getting sick anyways.. all the way from Alaska to Mexico. As the aquarium keeper above knows, it does not take much to upset the delicate balance in the ocean. 

One of the reporters also blames the 'previous year' dead animals for this year's mortality event, as if the sick and dying seals and sea lions last year have come back and are now killing off the young animals this year. Is he saying that there are vampire seal ghosts and goblins that like to feed on live seal pups the year after they die? 

Are animals immune to radiation somehow? It is a well established fact that even low amounts of radiation in the ocean concentrate up the food chain. Why is there no radiation testing being done of these animals, especially the dead ones? Are these abcesses part of the normal response when algae is the problem? Why have all of these health issues never appeared before this? 

Plutonium And Cesium Bio-Accumulates Up To 26,000 Times In Ocean Algae, Up To 5,570,000 Bq/Kg in Land Algae; via @AGreenRoad

Low dose radiation affects not just animals, but also humans, and plants, insects plus fish. 

Animals and Low Level Radiation Effects

Maybe a majority of scientists and biologists believe that all life on Earth is immune and magically resistant to low doses of chemicals, hormones PLUS the radiation from Fukushima that accumulates in the bodies of apex predators such as seals, sea lions and killer whales (and humans). Just because radiation is invisible and one cannot see it under a microscope, does not mean radiation is not having a negative effect. Biologists and scientists seem to be having problems with finding invisible radiation, in part, because they do not have the equipment and/or training around this subject. 

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

Low Level Nuclear Radiation In Food And Water, Geiger Counters

Effects Of Internal Low Level Nuclear Radiation

Wouldn't you agree that it is so strange that the same animal symptoms and ocean animal deaths keep popping up all the way from Alaska to Mexico even in the winter when no algae blooms or viruses are around? Algae blooms are usually local, not something that happens from Alaska all the way down to Mexico, all at the same time, correct? 

What makes this even more unusual is that all of these problems started right after Fukushima melted down 3 reactors and multiple spent fuel pools on 3/11. These mass die offs have continued up to today, when nothing like this has EVER happened before, on the scale that it is happening now. Hmmm, if one were a true scientist, wouldn't low dose radiation be at least ONE of the things looked at, if one were an IMPARTIAL truly scientific researcher? What is the effect of plutonium on these animals, as Fukushima released 600 to 6000 pounds of it after 3/11?

What makes this smoking gun even more suspect is that the few researchers that looked for plutonium, actually found it, everywhere they looked, including inside of animals, plants and food items. 

How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

via Mack April 20, 2014 "This has been ongoing for 3 years now, so let’s nail down a timeline:


MARCH 2011
Japan has 3 nuclear meltdowns. The initial and the strongest radiation plume travels to Alaska

Fukushima Released Massive Amounts of Plutonium; Being Found In Japan, The Pacific Ocean And Inside Many US Cities; via @AGreenRoad

JULY 2011
Barrow Alaska – ringed seals washing up dead, lethargic, labored breaking, patchy hair loss, skin ulcerations. Then bearded + spotted seals and walruses are found with same symptoms in Bering Strait. 
(NOT testing for radiation)

2011 - 2013  Mass Die Off Of Starfish, Chitons, Abalone, Mussels, Sun Stars, Salmon In Pacific Ocean S California To Alaska; via @AGreenRoad

 JULY 2011
NOAA rules out virus being the cause. (but they never look for radiation)

- NOAA declares Alaskan Pinniped deaths an “Unusual Mortality Event”
- Walruses in Pt. Lay, Alaska and “Seals with sores have been reported from the North Slope Borough, Bering Strait, and Chukotka region of Russia”

- Dr. Stephen Raverty (Provincial Veterinary Diagnostic Lab-B.C.) – 18 pathogens tested for and all negative. Yeast, fungi and bacteria invaded the skin of seals. White spots on liver, hepatitis + fluid in lungs, abnormal growths in brain, undersized lymph nodes, bleeding/swollen internal organs. (same as seal pups in California in 2014, correct?) (but they never look for radiation)

John Kelley at the U of Alaska Fairbanks was sent tissue samples from diseased seals from St. Lawrence Island. Results will not be available for “several weeks” (no specific scientific report was ever issued that detailed what test was done, what they found, what part of the body was tested, how the sample was prepared)



- NOAA = test results show radiation levels are “within the typical background range for Alaska”
- NOAA does not release exact RAD numbers or radionuclides tested for, nor equipment used.
(what is 'normal' background radiation for Alaska? 1,000 Bq/kg?)

via jec April 20, 2014  "First point, NOAA commented on 'normal background radiation levels" in seals. They only reported on the HEALTHY seals tested (2012). Then silence after promising results on the sick seal studies in 'a couple weeks.' Secondly, recent queries to U of Alaska, Dr. Kelly, comment was made from the school, they did NOT have appropriate radiation testing equipment (too expensive). Therefore, real testing for radiation was NOT done in any cases..All part of the overall playbook as the 'dumb' public only pays attention to the first reports..and NEVER follows up."

MARCH 2012
Alaska Beaufort Sea polar bears reported with skin lesions and hair loss – pathology shows lesions similar to seal’s lesions. (but they never looked for radiation)

H3N8 bird flu not responsible for Alaska seal deaths (but still NOT testing for radiation)


- Record number of sick, starving, dehydrated 8-month old California sea lions washing ashore onto California coast
- Being cared for at Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro
- NOAA Seattle researcher Sharon Melin says don’t know why – could be mothers are dying of disease or are having trouble finding food (but still NOT testing for radiation)

MARCH 2013
- Bruce Wright – scientist with the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Associations theorizes seal illness due to sunburn/UV radiation
- Newspaper poses another theory – large algal bloom began in 2009 in Kotzebue Sound/Chukchi Sea
-Still no answers  (still NOT testing for radiation)

MARCH 2013
- Seals washing ashore on California coast worsens
- 948 seals to date
- Elevated sea lion pup strandings in Santa Barbara/Ventura/LosAngeles/Orange/SanDiego Counties
  (still NOT testing for radiation)

MARCH 2013
- NOAA declares Unusual Mortality Event for California sea lions in California from January 2013 on.
- NOAA says cause remains “a mystery.” (but they never looked for radiation)
- “Findings from dead seals have shown significant lesions in the skin, respiratory system, liver, lymphoid system and heart.”
- Testing ruled out “numerous bacteria and viruses known to affect marine mammals, including Phocine distemper, influenza, Leptospirosis, Calicivirus, orthopoxvirus, and poxvirus. Foreign animal diseases and some domestic animal diseases tested for and found negative include foot and mouth disease, VES, pan picornavirus, Rickettsial agents. Last month, preliminary radiation testing results were announced which indicate radiation exposure is likely not a factor in the illness.”
(but still NOT testing for radiation)

APRIL 2013

NOAA finds cesium137 in one healthy and four UME seals similar to “1990’s levels” (what does this meaningless finding mean? what did they test, with what kind of equipment? How did they do the test? Who did it, where? What was the actual amount found? Did they test for plutonium? If not, why not?)

via jec April 20, 2014  "First point, NOAA commented on 'normal background radiation levels" in seals. They only reported on the HEALTHY seals tested (2012). Then silence after promising results on the sick seal studies in 'a couple weeks.' Secondly, recent queries to U of Alaska, Dr. Kelly, comment was made from the school, they did NOT have appropriate radiation testing equipment (too expensive). Therefore, real testing for radiation was NOT done in any cases..All part of the overall playbook as the 'dumb' public only pays attention to the first reports..and NEVER follows up."

Reports of hairless seal in Shishmarek, Alaska — seal with white goo oozing around organs found in Eek, Alaska (but they are still not looking for radiation, as this is a taboo subject)

University of Alaska Fairbanks researcher Doug Dasher says they “didn’t see any radiation levels in the seal tissues that would indicate levels of radiation that should have caused the lesions and illnesses” 

via jec April 20, 2014  "recent queries to U of Alaska, Dr. Kelly, comment was made from the school, they did NOT have appropriate radiation testing equipment (too expensive). Therefore, real testing for radiation was NOT done in any cases..All part of the overall playbook as the 'dumb' public only pays attention to the first reports..and NEVER follows up."

Surprise surge in orcas, humpback whales, seals at Canada’s west coast


– Alaska Marine Science Symposium
Dr. Doug Dasher, John Kelley, Gay Sheffield, Raphaela Stimmelmayr 
–“Scientists present links between unusual Alaska seal deaths and Fukushima fallout — Skin lesions, hair loss, lethargy — ‘Pulsed release’ when built-up radionuclides were set free as ice melted”

– “Incidental Gross Necropsy Findings In Subsistence Harvested Ice Seals And Pacific Walrus” — “Conditions never seen before by scientists in Pacific seals and walrus — Thyroid cysts, lesions of reproductive system, retained placenta”

(This is the single study that linked Fukushima radiation to the seal, sea lion and polar bear deaths and diseases)
NOAA still testing for fungi, immune, toxins, contaminants, radiation. Ruled out: “Calicivirus, Morbillivirus, Pan-Picornavirus, Herpesvirus, Papillomavirus, Poxvirus, Parapoxvirus, Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, Foot and Mouth Disease, Circovirus, Influenza A/B, Arterivirus, Adenovirus, Coronavirus, Enterovirus, Flavivirus, Orbivirus, Orthohepadnavirus, Paramyxovirus, Rhabdovirus, and Papovavirus.” (but they are still not looking for radiation, as this is a taboo subject)

APRIL 2014
– Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito reports excess of pups – blames it on mothers not having enough to eat and older seals eating sick fish from demoic acid bloom
– Duane Tom, vet – California Wildlife Center: “We found a lot with abscesses — there were just large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body — whether it’s in their lungs, in their liver.”"
(but they are still not looking for radiation, as this is a taboo subject)

CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals; sea lions — Doctor: A lot with “large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body” (PHOTO  VIDEOS)

(but they are still not looking for radiation, as this is a taboo subject)

The biologists and pro nuclear apologists want everyone to believe that the above is what happens to animals who are ingesting toxic algae, all the way from Alaska to Mexico, for three straight years? Usually, these toxic blooms are local events, which do not last long. Now they want everyone to believe that these 'blooms' are happening all year long, for many years all the way from Alaska to Mexico. Really? 


Almost no media nor scientists dare to look at the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster and low dose radiation as a potential cause in depth. Certainly, almost ZERO investigative reporting is being done, and that actually is much more sad than the story of mass animal deaths. 

So called 'reporters' and national news casters seems to be little more than mouthpieces that repeat like parrots whatever they are told, while doing absolutely no investigating beyond that. When the truth is no longer of interest in the media, isn't that the end of democracy and free will choice of people, who are no longer hearing all of the information? Isn't the takeover of government and media what happened in Nazi Germany, fascism Mussolini led Italy and in Japan, where emperor worshiping was the rule? When scientists quit being scientific and stop looking at ALL causes, that is even more concerning. 

Bernie Sanders on Why Big Corporate Owned Media Shouldn’t Get Bigger; via @AGreenRoad


The sick and injured animals above were interviewed by Dr. Goodheart (he can talk with the animals) and here is their representative telling anyone interested what their response was.

Animals and Low Level Radiation Effects

For actual REAL studies around radiation's effect on animals, click on the link above. The almost 100% lack of any meaningful, real scientific research on any sick or dead animals is a testament to the complete coverup of the Fukushima mega nuclear disaster. It would be too big a stretch to think that biologists and scientists are really this ignorant about low dose radiation and the effect it has on animals, or humans. 


2014 - Record Level Of Dying, Sick, Injured California Seals And Sea Lions; via @AGreenRoad


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