List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation - Dr. Herring MD

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List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation - Dr. Herring MD

The medical profession used to require doctors entering the profession to repeat a vow, called the Hippocratic Oath, in which they swore to 'do no harm', above all else. But medical schools and hospitals no longer require doctors to say this oath, and it is no longer shown anywhere in the medical profession. Have you recently seen a hospital or clinic displaying this as a part of a logo or marketing piece? No, of course, not, because harm is caused by just about anything to do with radiation, chemo and drugs, only now that 'harm' is called by another name; side effects. The tendency is to downplay the side effects and minimize them, while promoting the positives for the short term. Let's take 'medical 'radiation; what does this cause as far as 'harm'? 

via razzz July 10, 2014  Radioactive poisoning is more than just carcinogenic. When radioactive elements enter your body, they begin overloading your kidneys and liver, affecting your heart, muscles, bones, eyesight, thyroid, lymphatic system, lungs, etc. and general overall well being, damage DNA and any cell growth. Radioactive poisoning causes disease that is never diagnosed as sourced from radiation and causes known and unknown birth defects. That can all happen before a cancerous growth ever appears.

Mammograms Are Biggest Cause Of Breast Cancer; via @AGreenRoad

Komen For The Cure Deception And Fraud?; via @AGreenRoad

Does Chemo For Cancer Cause More Harm Than Good? via @AGreenRoad

Research Shows Chemotherapy Promotes Cancer Tumor Growth; via @AGreenRoad

Lethal Dangers of CT Scans And X-Rays; via @AGreenRoad

The justification for using radiation, chemo and drugs is that there is no better, less harmful solution, but that is not true. It is only because the answers are less profitable or free. In a profit making disease care system, it means that there is no room for low cost or free modalities that actually work in a sustainable fashion.

After all, a surgery combined with chemo and radiation is much more lucrative financially speaking than non invasive, non harmful herbs, vitamins, diet and lifestyle change, which actually work much better, with no side effects, and while causing no harm. One will make profit over a lifetime on a cost of 1 Million dollars, while the other option may cost only $5,000. As a medical doctor desiring an expensive lifestyle, which option would you choose to recommend to your patient?

Holistic Living, Health, Self-Healing, Environment And Renewable Energy

Even when a less harmful treatment for disease is approved, such as the heart disease reversing diet, (discovered by Dr. Dean Ornish and proven by him to work) that costs $1,000 - $5,000 and that cures the disease permanently, it is not used very much, for the same reasons. 

Heart surgery is much more profitable at $50,000 each, despite it being only a temporary band aid, which will have to be repeated over and over again every 5 to 10 years. Herbs, diet and lifestyle change are not very profitable, so they are not part of the medical industrial model, nor are those who are experts at this inside of this system, for the most part. When was the last time you saw an herbalist, acupuncturist or chiropractor inside a hospital or clinic, for example? In China all healing modalities are provided inside of hospitals, including energy work, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, herbs, and more. 

As a result, in the US, everyone who goes to the medical industrial complex (a virtual monopoly by the way) has to deal with 'induced' diseases, otherwise called 'side effects'. This is a fancy word for 'causing harm', caused by invasive procedures, radiation, chemo and drugs. 

The above video goes into radiation induced diseases, by William Herring MD. The induced diseases are not repeated below, so one has to combine the above and those below to get a more complete list. Most of these radiation caused diseases are due to 'exterior' limited exposure radiation, which stops when the machine is turned off. But a few radiation procedures involve injecting or implanting short lived radioactive isotopes, and this is 'internal', which exposes more of the body to more harmful radiation.

The radiation received for a tumor will always have some effect on the surrounding tissues, and cellular structures. The larger the tumor or if it is in multiple locations, the more extensive the exposure to radiation for nearby body parts.  Iononizing radiation of one or another type is applied in a shape that is as close as possible to the size and shape of the tumor. Any organs, glands, nerves, blood vessels, bones, ligaments, skin, blood cells, or whatever else is in area will also be radiated. 'Collateral damage' from radiation is unavoidable.The only question is, how much damage will occur?

Another aspect of the profit motivated medical industrial complex is that it means applying huge amounts of pressure on those with insurance to pursue the very high profit radiation, chemo and surgery, as soon as possible, before a person even has time to think about it. If a person hesitates or even says no, it is not uncommon to get phone calls and visits, with a lot of pressure to 'sign up' right away. In some cases, force is used, and courts mandates plus police are used to 'force' treatments that end up costing a lot of money.


Per Wikipedia; "A whole-body exposure to 5 or more gray of high-energy radiation at one time usually leads to death within 14 days. Source;

The amount of radiation used in radiation therapy is measured in gray (Gy), and varies depending on the type and stage of cancer being treated. For curative cases, the typical dose for a solid epithelial tumor ranges from 60 to 80 Gy, while lymphomas are treated with 20 to 40 Gy.

Preventative (adjuvant) doses are typically around 45–60 Gy in 1.8–2 Gy fractions (for breast, head, and neck cancers.) Many other factors are considered by radiation oncologists when selecting a dose, including whether the patient is receiving chemotherapy, patient comorbidities, whether radiation therapy is being administered before or after surgery, and the degree of success of surgery. 

Follow-up after radiation therapy, epilation may occur on any hair-bearing skin exposed to doses above 1 Gy. Hair loss may be permanent with a single dose of 10 Gy, but if the dose is fractionated permanent hair loss may not occur until dose exceeds 45 Gy. The salivary glands and tear glands have a radiation tolerance of about 30 Gy in 2 Gy fractions, a dose which is exceeded by most radical head and neck cancer treatments, potentially causing dryness


Dry mouth (xerostomia) and dry eyes (xerophthalmia) can become irritating long-term problems and severely reduce the patient's quality of life.


Similarly, sweat glands in treated skin (such as the armpit) tend to stop working, and the naturally moist vaginal mucosa is often dry following pelvic irradiation.

A dose of 8 Gy or more to the ovaries generally causes permanent female infertility.[6]

Dose by source

In radiation therapy, the amount of radiation varies depending on the type and stage of cancer being treated. For curative cases, the typical dose for a solid epithelial tumor ranges from 60 to 80 Gy, while lymphomas are treated with 20 to 40 Gy. Preventive (adjuvant) doses are typically around 45–60 Gy in 1.8–2 Gy fractions (for breast, head, and neck cancers).

The average radiation dose from an abdominal X-ray is 0.7 mGy, that from an abdominal CT scan is 8.0 mGy, that from a pelvic CT scan is 6 mGy, and that from a selective CT scan of the abdomen and the pelvis is 14 mGy. [7]

The amount of radiation used in radiation therapy is measured in gray (Gy), and varies depending on the type and stage of cancer being treated. For curative cases, the typical dose for a solid epithelial tumor ranges from 60 to 80 Gy, while lymphomas are treated with 20 to 40 Gy.

Preventative (adjuvant) doses are typically around 45–60 Gy in 1.8–2 Gy fractions (for breast, head, and neck cancers.) Many other factors are considered by radiation oncologists when selecting a dose, including whether the patient is receiving chemotherapy, patient comorbidities, whether radiation therapy is being administered before or after surgery, and the degree of success of surgery.

Per Wikipedia, the acute side effects of radiation may be;


"As with any distressing treatment, some patients vomit immediately during radiotherapy....[36]


Damage to the epithelial surfaces[37]

Epithelial (skin) surfaces may sustain damage from radiation therapy. Depending on the area being treated, this may include the skin, oral mucosa, pharyngeal, bowel mucosa and ureter. The rates of onset of damage and recovery from it depend upon the turnover rate of epithelial cells.

Typically the skin starts to become pink and sore several weeks into treatment. The reaction may become more severe during the treatment and for up to about one week following the end of radiation therapy, and the skin may break down.

Although this moist desquamation is uncomfortable, recovery is usually quick. Skin reactions tend to be worse in areas where there are natural folds in the skin, such as underneath the female breast, behind the ear, and in the groin.


If the head and neck area is treated, temporary soreness and ulceration commonly occur in the mouth and throat.[38] If severe, this can affect swallowing, and the patient may need painkillers and nutritional support/food supplements. The esophagus can also become sore if it is treated directly, or if, as commonly occurs, it receives a dose of collateral radiation during treatment of lung cancer.


When treating liver malignancies and metastases, it is possible for collateral radiation to cause gastric, stomach or duodenal ulcers[39][40] This collateral radiation is commonly caused by non-targeted delivery (reflux) of the radioactive agents being infused.[41] Methods, techniques and devices are available to lower the occurrence of this type of adverse side effect.[42]


The lower bowel may be treated directly with radiation (treatment of rectal or anal cancer) or be exposed by radiation therapy to other pelvic structures (prostate, bladder, female genital tract). Typical symptoms are soreness, diarrhoea, and nausea.


Swelling (edema or oedema)

As part of the general inflammation that occurs, swelling of soft tissues may cause problems during radiation therapy. This is a concern during treatment of brain tumors and brain metastases, especially where there is pre-existing raised intracranial pressure or where the tumor is causing near-total obstruction of a lumen (e.g., trachea or main bronchus). Surgical intervention may be considered prior to treatment with radiation. If surgery is deemed unnecessary or inappropriate, the patient may receive steroids during radiation therapy to reduce swelling.



The gonads (ovaries and testicles) are very sensitive to radiation. They may be unable to produce gametes following direct exposure to most normal treatment doses of radiation. Treatment planning for all body sites is designed to minimize, if not completely exclude dose to the gonads if they are not the primary area of treatment. Infertility can be efficiently avoided by sparing at least one gonad from radiation.[43]


Late side effects occur months to years after treatment and are generally limited to the area that has been treated, due to damage of blood vessels and connective tissue cells.



Tissues which have been irradiated tend to become less elastic over time due to a diffuse scarring process.



Epilation (hair loss) may occur on any hair bearing skin with doses above 1 Gy. It only occurs within the radiation field/s. Hair loss may be permanent with a single dose of 10 Gy, but if the dose is fractionated permanent hair loss may not occur until dose exceeds 45 Gy.



The salivary glands and tear glands have a radiation tolerance of about 30 Gy in 2 Gy fractions, a dose which is exceeded by most radical head and neck cancer treatments. Dry mouth (xerostomia) and dry eyes (xerophthalmia) can become irritating long-term problems and severely reduce the patient's quality of life. Similarly, sweat glands in treated skin (such as the armpit) tend to stop working, and the naturally moist vaginal mucosais often dry following pelvic irradiation.



Lymphedema, a condition of localized fluid retention and tissue swelling, can result from damage to the lymphatic system sustained during radiation therapy. It is the most commonly reported complication in breast radiation therapy patients who receive adjuvant axillary radiotherapy following surgery to clear the axillary lymph nodes .[44]



Radiation is a potential cause of cancer, and secondary malignancies are seen. It usually occurs 10 – 30 years following treatment, although some haematological malignancies may develop within 5 – 10 years..... The cancer occurs within the treated area of the patient.


Heart disease

Radiation has potentially excess risk of death from heart disease seen after some past breast cancer RT regimens.[45]

Pulmonary fibrosis and pericardial disease

The third group consists of late complications such as cardiomyopathy


Cognitive decline

In cases of radiation applied to the head radiation therapy may cause cognitive decline. Cognitive decline was especially apparent in young children, between the ages of 5 to 11. Studies found, for example, that the IQ of 5 year old children declined each year after treatment.[46]


Radiation proctitis

This can involve long-term effects on the rectum including bleeding, diarrhea and urgency and is associated with radiation therapy to pelvic organs.


Several studies have investigated radiation effects on skeletal muscle, demonstrating that skeletal muscle damage after irradiation remains for many years. Adult skeletal muscle is considered to be radiation resistant, unless higher doses of radiation are applied.611 However, radiation directly inhibits muscle regeneration by damaging satellite cells, which can lead to mitotic failure and cell death.12 Impaired muscle regeneration following irradiation may thus be due to an insufficient number of activated satellite cells needed for fusion and repair of damaged muscle fibre. The lack of adequate muscle regeneration may also be due to impaired cytokine signalling and, finally, differentiation.13 This indicates that skeletal muscle is sensitive to ionizing radiation during development, that is why radiotherapy in childhood may induce muscular atrophy, a fact that is attributed to the large number of radiosensitive satellite cells during a child’s growth period.1

Rat study.. all rats developed muscle atrophy due to spinal cord radiation

Muscle atrophy and how it happens explained and explored in great details


Radiation injuries to nerves


Pelvic radiation therapy can also cause radiation cystitis when the bladder is affected


Cumulative effects from this process should not be confused with long-term effects—when short-term effects have disappeared and long-term effects are subclinical, reirradiation can still be problematic.[47]


Effects on reproduction. During the first two weeks after fertilization, radiation therapy is lethal..[48]


High doses of radiation during pregnancy induce anomalies, impaired growth and intellectual disability, and there may be an increased risk of childhood leukemia and other tumours in the offspring.[48]


Effects on pituitary system

Hypopituitarism commonly develops after radiation therapy for sellar and parasellar neoplasms, extrasellar brain tumours, head and neck tumours, and following whole body irradiation for systemic malignancies.[49]

Radiation-induced hypopituitarism mainly affects growth hormone and gonadal hormones.[49]

Changes in prolactin-secretion is usually mild, and vasopressin deficiency appears to be very rare as a consequence of radiation.[49]


Gastroparesis literally translated means “stomach paralysis”.


Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can also suppress the immune system, sometimes leading to immunodeficiency disorders.


Cataracts - "A single exposure between 200 and 500 rem could cause cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye). If an exposure took place over a period of months, however, it would take about a total of 1,000 rem to produce a cataract.

As the ICRP continued to re-examine its radiation protection principles, it noted that the eye is one of the most sensitive organs of the body, that the protection of the eye against the effects of ionizing radiation is designed primarily to prevent the formation of cataracts, and that the most sensitive part of the eye for cataract formation is the lens. Cataract formation falls under the class of radiation effects referred to as deterministic (or tissue reactions as used in ICRP Publication 103 (2007)). At doses above a certain threshold, the severity of cataract formation increases with dose, but the radiation-induced incidence of cataract formation below the threshold dose is believed to be essentially zero.


Sterility - In men, a single dose of 15 rem can cause temporary sterility, and a single dose between 400 and 500 rem can cause permanent sterility. In women, a total dose of 400 rem received over two or three exposures has been known to cause permanent sterility.


Fetal Effects - A number of threshold effects can result from high doses, depending on the stage of development of the fetus. Fetal death is most likely in the first 2 weeks after conception. During this period, a dose of 10 rem may increase the risk of a fetal death by about 0.1 to 1 percent. Cataracts, malformations, and mental and growth retardation can occur as a result of high radiation doses received 3 to 7 weeks after conception. These effects were not observed at doses of 10 rem or less. Exposures 8 to 15 weeks after conception may lead to mental retardation if the total dose is more than 20 rem. Also, a study of atomic bomb survivors in Japan showed that exposure between 8 and 15 weeks after conception resulted in lower IQ scores in the exposed children. It is estimated that an absorbed dose of 100 rads lowers the IQ score by about 30 points."


radiation-induced pneumonia and pleural effusion.  () (Table 1)


Radiation-induced osteonecrosis occurs due to vascular compromise with obliterative endarteritis and damage to osteoblasts and osteoclasts (10). To induce osteonecrosis, a dose greater than 6 Gy in adults is required and onset occurs more than one year after completion of radiation therapy. Findings include focal lucency, periostitis, sclerosis, insufficiency fractures and cortical thinning. Initially, a bone scan will show decreased uptake of radioactive material in the radiation field. In the late stage, radiation-induced bone fracture and increased radioactive material uptake are seen on a bone scan (Fig. 12). In addition, there is increased susceptibility of the irradiated bone to infection and an increased risk to develop bone sarcomas in the irradiated field (latency > five years).
59-year-old female patient who had undergone radiation therapy in right breast si


pericardial disease, consisting of viral or bacterial infections around heart, acute or chronic

For more information see;


Fat necrosis
"Breast fat necrosis exhibits various profiles according to the process of nonpurulent inflammation and absorption. Intimal arterial damage caused by radiation exposure combined with surgical damage may result in tissue necrosis directly or indirectly ().
Mammographically, the presence of a radiolucent oil cyst, round opacity, asymmetrical opacity, heterogeneity of the subcutaneous tissue, dystrophic calcification, clustered pleomorphic microcalcification or the presence of a spiculated mass is noted (Fig. 5). An ultrasound (US) examination can demonstrate the presence of a solid or anechoic mass with posterior acoustic shadowing or enhancement and can demonstrate the presence of a cyst with a mural nodule or internal echo or increased echogenicity of the subcutaneous tissue. On positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, fat necrosis may be seen with variable metabolic activities according to the process of inflammation. Therefore, a lesion with hypermetabolic activity can mimic tumor recurrence. As seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), fat necrosis is characterized by the presence of a fatty signal intensity mass, often containing a fat-fluid level that exhibits variable enhancement following the administration of gadolinium contrast material. The presence of central fat signal intensity is the key to differentiate fat necrosis from tumor recurrence, as breast cancers do not contain central fat."


Radiation-induced calcifications are benign dystrophic calcifications that are due to a combination of surgical trauma and radiation exposure (Fig. 6). The calcifications are generally large and irregular in pattern, with central lucency and calcifications that always occur at the site of surgery. In addition, it is common for sutures to calcify after radiation therapy. Calcified sutures are usually characteristic as the calcified sutures are equally spaced along the suture line and the presence of calcified knots is frequently evident.
Fig. 6
45-year-old female patient who had undergone radiation therapy in right breast one year ago are shown.


glandular atrophy


"majority of the cancer treatments cause mild/moderate to severe disfigurement."


Radiation-induced malignancies arise ten years following completion of radiation therapy


Although none of the usual sources talk about it, loss of quality of life is another aspect of chemo and radiation. When one considers that the side effects may involve such severe side effects and/or disfigurement that one can no longer live life normally, some people (especially those diagnosed with terminal illnesses) make the decision to not proceed with aggressive chemo and/or radiation, just because of this quality of remaining life factor, and nothing else. Getting hospice assistance and guidance to control the pain and living a close to normal life without all of the other collateral damage is a choice some people make, especially if they are older and have accomplished everything in life that they wanted to and there is no reason to spend a ton of money to get a possible short extension, along with the collateral damage. 

In a study entitled; Indian J Palliat Care. 2011 Sep-Dec; 17(3): 184–190. doi: 10.4103/0973-1075.92334 PMCID: PMC3276814
"Disfigurement clearly was a stressful experience for both sexes, but substantially more distressing for women. Majority of the patients experienced poor quality of life in all dimensions, namely, physical health, psychological health, social relationships, environmental health, and other sociodemographic variables.

Living with a disfiguring body which is visibly different is not always easy. A sudden change either due to cancer or its treatment or due to side effects leads to significant social maladjustment, elevated anxiety, depression, and poor quality of life among the cancer survivors with body disfigurement which calls for multiprofessional involvement in addressing various psychosocial issues.

Though modern medical treatments provide hope for thousands of cancer patients, cancer treatment may result in long-term physical and appearance-related changes such as removal of a body part or scarring, swelling, weight changes, skin color changes, sunburn, hair loss, and other side effects. Apart from physical and appearance changes due to cancer and its treatments which cause disfigurement, there are also some unpleasant side effects such as fatigue/weakness, infections, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, mouth sores, hot flushes, loss of fertility, interrupted menstrual periods, fever, muscle aches, diarrhea, and constipation. A majority of the cancer treatments cause mild/moderate to severe disfigurement."
We have classified radiation-induced complications into three groups based on the time sequence of occurrence (2) (Table 1). The first group is composed of early complications that arise during the weeks to months following completion of radiation therapy including breast edema, fat necrosis, dystrophic calcifications, radiation-induced pneumonia and pleural effusion. The second group is composed of intermediate complications that arise during months to years following completion of radiation therapy including breast fibrosis, glandular atrophy, lactational difficulty, overlying bone fracture, pulmonary fibrosis and pericardial disease. The third group consists of late complications such as cardiomyopathy and radiation-induced malignancies that arise more than ten years following completion of radiation therapy


The above list is not a complete list, but it gets the process started. Now let's compare these 'high dose' radiation induced diseases from mainly a limited time dose that results from exterior high doses of man made radiation which stops after the machine is turned off, to low dose radiation induced diseases from internal low dose radiation that never stops because it is inside the body in the following materials, and see if we notice anything..

Dr. Helen Caldicott goes into great detail about the relationship between low dose radiation and disease in her book, Nuclear Power, Radiation And Disease,  which is highly recommended. 

Part 1/2 Dr. Chris Busby And ECRR Versus Dr. Jack Valentin And ICRP from A Green Road Project on Vimeo.
Dr. Christopher Busby talks about the dangers of low dose radiation specifically in the above video. The pro nuclear folks dismiss it as 'harmless' and actually health promoting via the hormesis theory, or false equivalencies to 'natural' radiation.

This leads to the next question... what is the INTERNAL health effect of hundreds of man made toxic heavy metal elements and low level radiation inside the body, and concentrating more and more to higher and higher levels, as radiation is constantly moving up the food chain and in drinking water, as well as air?


In a long term study of veterans exposed to atomic bomb fallout; "Recent analyses of data from the ABCC-Life Span Study (LSS) have revealed a statistically significant dose response for deaths from diseases other than cancer. The most recently published noncancer findings deal with follow-up from 1950 through 1985. The analyses are currently being extended through 1990. By the end of 1990, among the 50,113 LSS survivors with, 15,633 noncancer deaths had occurred, excluding deaths attributed to diseases of the blood, which are analyzed separately. Circulatory diseases account for nearly half of these deaths, with digestive diseases, including liver disease, and respiratory diseases each accounting for about 10% of the total.

Aside from diseases of the blood, the number of noncancer deaths associated with atomic-bomb radiation exposure is estimated to be about 140. The death rate following exposure to 0.2 Sv (the mean radiation dose for survivors with significant exposures) is increased by about 1% over normal rates. This is less than the death rate for solid cancersfor which the corresponding increases are 7% for men and 15% for women following atomic-bomb radiation exposure at age 30....  

The excess risks do not seem to be limited to any particular disease. In particular, studies of the incidence of myocardial infarction and chronic liver disease in the ABCC-RERF have shown radiation effects that are consistent with the mortality data."

Compare the above list to the list of symptoms that a 'medical' use of radiation causes, to the negative health impacts that low dose radiation exposed victims suffer from. Do you see or notice any differences or similarities?

Symptoms Of Low Dose Radiation Exposure; via @AGreenRoad 

Depleted Uranium, X Ray's, Low Dose Radiation, And Effect On Health, Aging, DNA, RNA, Future Generations; via @AGreenRoad

Bura Bura Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Radiation Fatigue (CFS/ME/PVFS/CFIDS) via @AGreenRoad

Low Dose Radiation Dangers/Symptoms For Children And Adults

The Petkau Effect And Low Dose Radiation Harm Caused To Humans, Plants, Animals; via @AGreenRoad

Mutagenesis; Dangers Of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

What you probably noticed by reading even one or two of the above articles is that the list of low dose radiation diseases and symptoms corresponds almost exactly with the list of high dose radiation diseases and symptoms, wouldn't you agree? 

What is the take away? Man made radioactive elements are ALL deadly dangerous. Even in just super low hot particle amounts that cannot even be measured, just one hot plutonium particle can kill a person via lung cancer or cause all kinds of problems with a fetus.

There is no safe dose, and there is no safe amount that anyone can be exposed to. These deadly man made elements kill both because they are heavy metals, but also because the body absorbs them, because they mimic the normal health building minerals, such as calcium, potassium and iron. On top of that, these man made radioactive elements also emit alpha, beta, gamma and neutron rays, which destroy or damage cells and DNA. Imagine a machine gun firing inside your body on a cellular level, without ever stopping and you may start to get some inkling of what damage is caused, and why all kinds of diseases appear, in addition to cancers and genetic defects. 


List Of Radiation Induced Diseases Caused by Low Dose And High Dose Radiation; via @AGreenRoad

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