Fukushima Created Radioactive Sulfur, Acid Rain, Acid Ocean And Radioactive Chlorine, Which Reached The USA

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Fukushima Created Radioactive Sulfur, Acid Rain, Acid Ocean And Radioactive Chlorine, Which Reached The USA

Fukushima Created Radioactive Sulfur, Acid Rain, Acid Ocean And Radioactive Chlorine, Which Reached The USA


"Sulfur is an essential component of all living cells. It is the seventh or eighth most abundant element in the human body by weight, being about as common as potassium, and a little more common than sodium or chlorine. A 70 kg human body contains about 140 grams of sulfur.

In plants and animals, the amino acids cysteine and methionine contain most of the sulfur. The element is thus present in all polypeptides, proteins, and enzymes that contain these amino acids. In humans, methionine is an essential amino acid that must be ingested. However, save for the vitamins biotin and thiamine, cysteine and all sulfur-containing compounds in the human body can be synthesized from methionine. The enzyme sulfite oxidase is needed for the metabolism of methionine and cysteine in humans and animals."


Wikipedia; "Hydrogen sulfide gas and the hydrosulfide anion are extremely toxic to mammals, due to their inhibition of the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin and certain cytochromes in a manner analogous to cyanide and azide (see below, under precautions).

The burning of coal and/or petroleum by industry and power plants generates sulfur dioxide (SO2), which reacts with atmospheric water and oxygen to produce sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and sulfurous acid (H2SO3). These acids are components of acid rain, which lower the pH of soil and freshwater bodies, sometimes resulting in substantial damage to the environment and chemical weathering of statues and structures. Fuel standards increasingly require that fuel producers extract sulfur from fossil fuels to prevent acid rain formation. This extracted and refined sulfur represents a large portion of sulfur production. In coal-fired power plants, flue gases are sometimes purified. More modern power plants that use synthesis gas extract the sulfur before they burn the gas.

Hydrogen sulfide is as toxic as hydrogen cyanide, and kills by the same mechanism, though hydrogen sulfide is less likely to cause surprise poisonings from small inhaled amounts, because of its disagreeable warning odor. Though pungent at first, however, hydrogen sulfide quickly deadens the sense of smell—so a victim may breathe increasing quantities and be unaware of its presence until severe symptoms occur, which can quickly lead to death. Dissolved sulfide and hydrosulfide salts are also toxic by the same mechanism.
Effect of acid rain on a forest, Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic"


Early reporting raised concerns about the presence of phosphogypsum, gypsum formed as a by-product of processing phosphate ore into fertilizer with sulfuric acid. Phosphogypsum is radioactive due to the presence of naturally occurring uranium and radium in the phosphate ore. The substance has been banned for use in U.S construction since 1989.[38] Tests of drywall samples by the EPA and the Florida Department of Health showed some radioactivity, but at levels no higher than those ordinarily found in the natural environment.[39]

Moral of the above story? Test your drywall for radiation, especially if you think it may have come from China. 


On 3/11, several nuclear reactors melted down at Fukushima Daichi, because all power was lost due to the earthquake which also broke all cooling water piping going to the reactors. The tsunami damaged the complex even more.


Arnie Gundersen, chief nuclear engineer at Fairewinds Associates
When saltwater is hit by neutrons, it becomes radioactive sulfur and chlorine.
400 billion neutrons/sq meter measured AFTER units shut down
Sulfur report substantiates that reactors hadn't completely shut down.
There were recurring chain reactions after control rods were in place.
There were ongoing criticalities after the units shut down.
Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds' April analysis that the nuclear core at Fukushima Daiichi turned on and off after TEPCO claimed its reactors had been shutdown. 
This periodic nuclear chain reaction (inadvertent criticality) continued to contaminate the surrounding environment and upper atmosphere with large doses of radioactivity.

Via razzz April 10, 2014 "It is not so much about sulfur as it is about seawater interacting with nuclear melts. A drop of seawater contains every element known to man in trace amounts and a lot of salt. Seawater being bombarded with neutrons will make every element in seawater radioactive given enough time plus create new compounds as atomized nuclear elements interact with seawater elements. The new compounds can be used as markers to follow and study events. Another way to confirm what happened or is happening on a nuclear radioactive level.

Once the basements of the containments cracked and began allowing groundwater and saltwater to mix with the melted cores, it didn't matter if TEPCO used saltwater directly to cool the melts in desperation or not, saltwater would have found its way to the Daiichi melts anyway

Salts and radioactive elements, when they combine, aid a body in absorbing them more readily. A body requires various forms of salt on a regular basis to produce electrolytes which conducts electrical impulses throughout the body. Getting a dose of radioactive salts is going to play havoc with nerve and muscle functions. That is only one aspect of nuclear fallout mixed with seawater."

To find out more about what forms this radioactive sulfur, plutonium, uranium, and cesium took as they left the melted down and through reactors at Fukushima, click on the following links..

Fukushima Nano Bucky Balls Weaponized With Radioactive Sulfur, Uranium, Plutonium, And Cesium; via @AGreenRoad

What is the take away? It is important to understand from the above material there there is still an ongoing criticality happening at Fukushima. The molten coriums that exited the reactors burned their way through the concrete pads or spilled over the sides of them and ended up either in the basements or in the soil underneath the buildings. Either way, no matter where these 60 tons radioactive lava blobs ended up, they are interacting with seawater. Seawater enters into the basements through cracks due to tides pushing salty groundwater in and out of the basements. Seawater is also in the spent fuel pools and reactors as that is what they used to cool the reactors and spent fuel pools when everything else failed. 

Where are those coriums? TEPCO seems to not want to know, as they have made zero efforts to find them, and they have not reported on any efforts to locate them either. The plan seems to be to allow these coriums to just keep pouring radiation without any end into the air and the Pacific ocean. Meanwhile, the radioactive iodine, cesium, uranium, plutonium, sodium, chlorine just keeps on pouring out of the melted out reactors.

What does this radioactive sulfur and chlorine do in the body? Because the body needs elemental sulfur as a mineral, it thinks that radioactive sulfur is good for it, so it absorbs it and tries to use it. Radioactive sulfur enters the body chemical and hormonal pathways, but instead of building health, the radioactive sodium and chlorine do damage and cause havoc, much like someone with a machine gun entering your house and spraying bullets non stop, but on a cellular level.

The nuclear experts claim that sodium has a very short half life, so it should not be able to reach the US and be measured, but it did, so that indicates something strange is going on. Possibly chemical reactions with the seawater, neutrons and other minerals in the ocean are creating newer, unknown man made radioactive elements that have never been seen before, based on buckyballs and other exotic chemical reactions with the coriums.


Fukushima Created Radioactive Sulfur, Acid Rain, Acid Ocean And Radioactive Chlorine, Which Reached The USA

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