Swarm Activism Model; Pirate Party Advocates For Reforming Patent And Copyright Laws To Open Source Commons Model

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Swarm Activism Model; Pirate Party Advocates For Reforming Patent And Copyright Laws To Open Source Commons Model

A swarm described by the founder of Pirate Party, and this is how the Pirate Party grew. We love the net, we love copying and sharing, and we love civil liberties. People call us Pirates for that but rather than being ashamed we embrace the concept. We have been rewarded seats in the European Parliament, seats in regional German Parliaments, over 200 seats in local councils across Europe, and we exist in over 50 different countries.

In a swarm the focus is on what all members in the group can do all of the time. How do you plant a seed that spreads to over 50 countries and changes the world? It turns out you can do that. Don't shoot for the moon. Shoot for Mars and social media do the rest. If you want to be a part of this, here is how you can be part of it. 

If a small percent of people are pissed off enough to do something, then that makes a huge difference. This swarm concept can totally change the world. How do you survive a huge swarm of activists joining? Let them self organize into sub groups, 30 people in each swarm, and divide it by geography. Elect a leader, then talk to the leader of that group. 

Build a scaffold and hierarchy, based on facilitating and making it all work. There is only a small percentage of the group that is skilled enough to do this initially. Work locally and coordinate all across the swarm. 

Leaders are responsible for flyers, folders, events, etc, so that activists can show up and take part. Create a tight inner working group core of 7 individuals, as the largest size possible in leadership core group. Anytime the group grows beyond this, create a new group and teach them to grow in size. 

Meetings have to be held once a month at a place where you have pizza and beer, informal, smiling, handshakes and as little as possible dogma, rules, etc. Meetings are held for one hour, period. Start on time, quit on time. Prioritize important things, and put off the rest until the next meeting. If 3 pirates are in agreement, then they have delegated authority of do things in the groups name. In practice, this was not abused in over 5 years and over an international organization. 

The diversity of individuals is important. The swarm is creative. One swarm does a good thing, so other swarms can copy something good across the organization, via a synergy, copying, remix and reuse. There is no one size fits all language, model or rules. Trust people to do the right thing, talk in the name of the group, and empower individual swarms to work in a creative manner, self organizing.

Democracy sucks in a swarm, so individuals act in a way that serves the group. No one can tell anyone else what to do. No votes are a hallmark of the swarm. Diversity is the key to activism, because no one is shot down and told what they can or cannot do. A majority vote shuts down a minority. 

Some things are not up for discussion. Don't discuss what the swarm is for, or debate it or try to make it a rigid structure with more rules, get voting involved, etc.. Some people will try to hijack the swarm and derail it. Climb up the ladder of activism. Is it easy or hard to find a meeting, get involved, or to do something. If you are colorful, controversial and bold, you should be in media, because that is what it is about. Publish media releases in a blog and then release them to the media. Keep it simple, keep it moving, keep it active, keep it simple. 


The Uppsala Declaration

At the 2009 conference of Pirate Parties International in Uppsala (Sweden), European Pirate parties agreed on a common declaration of the parties' goals for the upcoming election of the European Parliament.[14][15] Central issues of the declaration are:

reform of copyright, exemption of non-commercial activity from copyright regulation, reduction of the duration of copyright protections; banning of DRM technologies, opposition to media or hardware levies;

reform of patent law, particularly stating that patents on life (including patents on seeds and on genes) and software should not be allowed;

strengthening civil rights, transparent government, speedy and fair trial and freedom of speech; expansion of the right to anonymity in communication.

The Prague Declaration

At 2012 conference of Pirate Parties International in Prague (Czech Republic), European Pirate parties agreed to run in the elections to the European Parliament in the year 2014 with a common program as well as establish a European political party. The declaration[16] has been followed by conferences in Potsdam and Barcelona to work on the structure of the legal body to come and the statutes for it.


Wikipedia; "The Pirate Party (Swedish: Piratpartiet) is a political party in Sweden founded in 2006. Its sudden popularity has given rise to parties with the same name and similar goals in Europe and worldwide, forming the International Pirate Party movement.

The Pirate Party was initially formed to reform laws regarding copyright and patents. The party agenda includes support for strengthening the individual's right to privacy, both on the Internet and in everyday life, and the transparency of state administration.[2] The Pirate Party has intentionally chosen to be bloc independent of the traditional left-right scale[3] to pursue their political agenda with all mainstream parties. The party originally stayed neutral on other matters, but started broadening into other political areas in 2012.[4][5]

The Pirate Party participated in the 2006 Riksdag elections and gained 0.63% of the votes, making them the third largest party outside parliament. In terms of membership, it passed the Green Party in December 2008, the Left Party in February 2009, the Liberal People's Party and the Christian Democrats in April 2009,[6][7] and the Centre Party in May 2009, making it, for the time being, the third largest political party in Sweden by membership.[8] The Pirate Party's associated youth organisation, Young Pirate (Swedish: Ung Pirat), was, for a part of 2009 and 2010, the largest political youth organisation in Sweden by membership count.

The Pirate Party came 5th in the 2009 European Parliament elections with 7.13% of the vote and 1 MEP (increasing to 2 after ratification of the Lisbon Treaty).[9][10] Christian Engström became the first MEP for the party, and Amelia Andersdotter took the second seat on 1 December 2009.

Rick Falkvinge, founder of the party, stepped down on 1 January 2011 after five years as party leader, making vice leaderAnna Troberg the current party leader.[1]

Declaration of principles

The Pirate Party believes that people with an access to free communication, culture and knowledge grow, feel better and create a more enjoyable and humane society for everyone to live in. We see modern information technology opening up possibilities for people to take action for their own lives and participate in affecting the development of society. We see how a freer flow of information enables thoughts, cultural creation and the economy to grow.

The party advocates a severe reduction of economic sole right of copyrighted works, which today exist for 70 years after the creator's death. They also advocate releasing all non-commercial sharing of copyrighted material, which means that all films, phonograms and programs can be shared freely as long as the operation isn't run commercially.

The party also has personal privacy as a core value, and is critical towards laws such as ACTA, IPRED, the Telecoms Package, and the change in legislation regulating the National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA).

The party advocates strengthened individual privacy, are against the Data Retention Directive, wants to elevate secrecy of correspondence to general secrecy of communication, and create a constitutional right to privacy. The party also seeks to modify the laws of intellectual property (copyright and patent), but doesn't want to change the laws of trademarks or industrial design rights. The party views itself as a defender of the individual's civil rights especially with regards to surveillance, government accountability and political and business corruption.

Before the Swedish general election of 2010 the party stayed neutral in all other political matters, and could be considered a single-issue party. After 2010 the party started opening up for a broader political agenda. A new declaration of principles was formed in 2011,[4] and at the spring member meeting of 2012 several new political standpoints were decided on areas such as school, research and health care.[12][13]

Works related to Pirate Party Declaration of Principles at Wikisource

History and foundation

Rickard Falkvinge, founder and party leader from 2006 to 2011.

The website for the Pirate Party was launched on 1 January 2006 (at 20.30 CEST), marking the foundation of the Party. Six phases were presented on the website, with phase one being the collection of at least 2,000 signatures (500 more than required) to be handed over to the Swedish Election Authority before the 4th of February (the deadline for registering being February 28), so that the Party would be allowed to participate in the upcoming 17 September general election. In less than 24 hours after the opening of the website, the Party had collected over 2,000 signatures (2,268 at 16.05 CEST).

By the morning of the 3rd of January, the Party closed the signature collection. In about 36 hours, they had gathered 4,725 signatures. As signatories are required by Swedish election law to identify themselves when giving support for a new party, international media reported this as a significant feat, given the nature of the Party. However, signatures presented to the election authorities are required to be handwritten. The goal of at least 1,500 handwritten signatures was reached February 10 and the final confirmation from the authorities was presented three days later. The Party claimed to have recruited 900 members within the first month, each member paying a membership fee of 5 Swedish kronor (approx. US$0.69, c.2006),payable by SMS (The Party has since changed to free member registration).[14]

Phases two to five included registering with the Election Authority, getting candidates for the Riksdag, raising money for printing ballots, and preparing an organization for the election, including local organizations in all municipalities of Sweden with a population in excess of 50,000, which in 2005 meant 43 municipalities. During this phase fundraising was also started, with an initial goal of raising 1 million SEK ($126,409).

The sixth and final phase was the election itself. The Party, which claims that there are between 800,000 and 1.1 million active file sharers in Sweden, hoped that at least 225,000 (4% of all the voters in Sweden) of those would vote for the party, granting them membership in Parliament.

On 31 May 2006 Swedish police raided a facility hosting The Pirate Bay (and Piratbyrån, along with over 200 other independent site owners, hosted at the same facility), leading to a breakthrough for the Pirate Party in the public eye. Before the raid, the Party was steadily growing with some ten new members every day, but the raid caused a surge of 500 new members by the end of the day, with a membership count of 2,680. 

The next day another 930 people had registered membership, giving a total of 3,611 members, more than doubling their original number. During parts of 2006 Mikael Viborg, who is also known as the legal advisor of the popularBitTorrent tracker, The Pirate Bay was a board member of the Pirate Party.

On 3 June 2006, the Party performed a "pirate demonstration"[15] in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The demonstration was in collaboration with the youth sections of some other political parties (the Young Liberals, Young Greens and Young Left). Within a few days the file sharing issue had become the focus of national debate, followed by national as well as international media. Along with criticizing the approach to restricting Pirate Bay's file sharing by the Minister for Justice Thomas Bodström, the right to free information and rule of law became the Party's main standpoints.

In April 2009, after The Pirate Bay trial verdict, the Pirate Party gained 3,000 members in 7 hours, making it larger than 3 of the 7 parties in the Parliament of Sweden, by member count.[16] One week later it reached 40,000 members – compared to 15,000 members before the verdict – and now has more members than 5 of the 7 parties in the Swedish Parliament, with over 50,189 members as of 15 September 2009 making it the 3rd largest political party in Sweden.

On 18 May 2010, The Pirate Bay started hosting its site through bandwidth delivered from the Pirate Party.[17]

On 17 August 2010, it was announced that the Pirate Party will be hosting and managing many of Wikileaks' new servers. The party donates servers and bandwidth to Wikileaks without charge. Technicians of the party will make sure that the servers are maintained and working. [18]

On 1 January 2011, the party celebrated its five-year anniversary with a Bambuser live broadcast with party leader Rick Falkvinge and vice party leader Anna Troberg. Live in the video, Falkvinge sent a tweet saying he stepped down as party leader, and he announced that his successor would be Troberg. Falkvinge now works as anevangelist, spreading the politics of the Pirate Party in and out of Europe.[1]

On December 2011, the party launched Free & Social, a social networking/microblogging service.[19]

Media attention first week after founding

A Pirate Party banner at the demonstration held in Stockholm 3 June 2006.

Crowd at the 3 June demonstration.

Media quickly picked up on the movement. On Monday 2 January 2006, a large Swedish financial newspaper, Dagens Industri, produced a story on what was happening. By 3 pm, the media seemed irritated that no owner of the website was listed or easy to track down; some reports listed the website as not serious and a PR stunt. However, the largest Swedish tabloid, Aftonbladet, managed to track down the Party leader Rickard Falkvinge at work. Falkvinge, however, was unable to explain the Party's positions while at work, bringing this information gathering effort to an abrupt end.

On 3 January 2006, all the major Swedish news outlets had produced stories on the Party. Aftonbladet posted an online poll indicating that its readers gave the Party a 61% approval rating,[20] and IDG produced a longer front page interview with Falkvinge in the afternoon. IDG also posted an online poll similar to the first, with similar results.[21] The Party website was also slashdotted.[22]

The Pirate Party's web server received a million hits on its first day of operation, two million the next.

On 4 January, international media and radio stations picked up the story. A major Swedish radio station broadcast an interview with Falkvinge about the unexpected amount of attention the initiative received. More attention followed on Thursday, including coverage by the BBC World Service, the first global radio station to produce a story on the Pirate Party initiative.

At the end of the first week, the Pirate Party platform had been covered by over 500 English-language and over 600 Swedish-language media outlets.

1: Police raid on The Pirate Bay servers
2: 2006 General election
3: FRA bill passed the Riksdag
4: Events related to the trial of the founders of The Pirate Bay
5: Swedish torrent tracker Tankafett is shut down, referring members to the Pirate Party website

Sharp declines can be attributed to a one year renewal period, causing inactive members to be automatically removed

As of mid-2009, the Party had over 49,000 members, making it the third largest party in Sweden in terms of members.[24] Large increases in membership were associated with the controversiallegislative change regulating signals intelligence, IPRED law regarding copyright holder access toISP subscriber information and the trial against The Pirate Bay. On 17 April 2009 the court reached a guilty verdict in the Pirate Bay trial and on the same day and the day after a total of over 9,000 new members joined the Party.[23]

Since 17 April 2009 the Pirate Party has more than doubled in size, having over 50,000 members as of 1 August 2009, and is now the third largest political party in Sweden by member count. Pirate Party's youth organisation, Young Pirate, has more than 21,800 members, making it the largest political youth organisation in Sweden.[7]

On 30 April 2009, a newspaper election poll reported the Pirate Party vote to be 5.1% for the upcoming European Parliament election. Another more recent poll conducted by polling organization Demoskop for newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning gave the party 7.9%.[25] The party eventually received 7.1% of the vote in the 7th June election, and won a seat in the European Parliament.

Political impact

Less than a week before the 2006 elections, the Green Party shifted their stance on copyright reform.[26] Additionally, both the Moderate Party and the Left Party changed their stances on internet downloads,[27][28] and both prime ministerial candidates stated publicly that it shouldn't be illegal for young people to share files.[29] 

Several influential analysts have credited the Pirate Party and its rising popularity for this shift in the political climate; these include a panel of senior editors at International Data Group[30] and political analysts at the largest morning newspaper, Dagens Nyheter.[31] Additionally, the then Swedish Minister of Justice Thomas Bodström, announced on 9 June that he was willing to negotiate a possible revision of the law introduced in 2005 that made unauthorized downloading of copyrighted material illegal, introducing a new tax on broadband Internet access, but he later denied having changed his stance on the issue.[32]

After the 2006 elections the issue faded from the public debate.[29] In January 2008 seven Swedish members of parliament from the conservative Moderate Party, senior member of the governing Alliance coalition, authored a piece in a Swedish tabloid calling for the complete decriminalisation of filesharing. The Swedish members of parliament wrote that "Decriminalising all non-commercial file sharing and forcing the market to adapt is not just the best solution. It's the only solution, unless we want an ever more extensive control of what citizens do on the Internet."[33]


Officially registered pirate party
Active, unregistered pirate party
Discussed within PP-International
No pirate party

Outside Sweden, pirate parties have been started in some 33 countries,[34] inspired by the Swedish initiative. They cooperate through Pirate Parties International (PPI).[35]

The Pirate Party of Germany gained seats in the city council of Münster and Aachen in August 2009, and in the federal election a month later they received 2.0% of the party list votes, becoming the biggest party outside the Bundestag. In the election to the Abgeordnetenhaus in Berlin in September 2011, the Pirate Party received 9% of the votes and - for the first time in Germany - gained seats in a state parliament.

Free software

Richard Stallman has expressed concern that the Pirate Party’s goal of reducing copyright term to 5 years could harm the free software movement.[36] Many free software licenses, mainly the GPL, are based on long-term copyrights. Stallman argues that if copyright terms are reduced to 5 years, proprietary software vendors would be able to take free software and use it in proprietary software once the copyright expires. 

But proprietary software is restricted by EULAs in addition to copyright, and the source code is not available, rendering the proprietary software unusable for free software developers even after its copyright expires. Stallman suggests that under this new copyright law, proprietary software developers should put their code in escrow when the software's binaries are released and then release their software into the public domain immediately after their copyright expires.

Election results, voter base, 2006 Swedish general election

The Pirate Party attracted 34,918 votes in the Swedish general election of 2006, their first participation at an election for parliament since the founding of the party less than 9 months prior. With 0.63% of the overall votes, it became the 10th biggest party of more than 40 participating. However, a voting result of less than 4% of the total votes does not qualify the party for seats in the Swedish Parliament. Getting more than 1% of the vote would have granted the party financial assistance from the state for printing ballots which is costly in Sweden, while at least 2.5% would grant them state funds for campaigning in the next election. Despite the setbacks, Falkvinge began planning for the Swedish general election in 2010.[37]

2009 European Parliament election

In the first pre-election poll [38] before the 2009 European Parliament election, the Pirate Party registered at 5.1%, which would be enough to get a seat in the parliament. The support for the party was concentrated to younger voters, especially those of ages 18–29 (where it is the second largest party) and 30-44 (where it is the fourth largest).[39]

By 22 May 2009, a Demoskop poll showed a 7.9% support amongst Swedish voters, making the Pirate Party the third largest party.[40] A week later this had grown to 8.2% and a projected two seats in Parliament, with 21.8% support amongst people aged 18–29.[41] The party's top two candidates are Christian Engström and Amelia Andersdotter.

A model-based prediction for the 2009 European Parliament election by political scientists estimated on 4 June 2009 that the Pirate Party could be the third largest party from Sweden, gaining 2 seats.[42]

The Pirate Party got enough votes for at least one seat of the 18 available seats Sweden has at the European Parliament,[43] getting 7.1 % of the Swedish votes.[44] Following the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon, a second seat was given to Amelia Andersdotter on December 1, 2009. The Pirate Party joined The Greens-European Free Alliance group.[45]

The Pirate Party of Germany also participated in the European Parliament elections, which was their first participation in a nationwide election, and achieved 0.9% in Germany, getting 230 000 votes. They missed the 5% barrier by a wide margin but qualified for public funding.[46][47][48]

2010 election

In the 2010 general election, the Pirate Party increased their percentage of the vote by 0.02%, bringing it to a total of 0.65%, remaining under the required amount to gain a seat, but becoming the biggest party outside of Parliament.

Relations to other Swedish pirate organizations

There are three major pirate organisations in Sweden: the political Pirate Party, the now-defunct NGO Piratbyrån (Pirate Bureau), and the BitTorrent tracker The Pirate Bay. Of these three, Piratbyrån and The Pirate Bay share a common history but are now separate, whereas the Pirate Party developed on a completely separate and parallel track, founded by Falkvinge, and was initially unrelated to the other two. 

This was until 18 May 2010, when the Pirate Party became The Pirate Bay's ISP in response to an injunction that temporarily shut down access to The Pirate Bay, with the Pirate Party stating that “It is time to take the bull by the horns and stand up for what we believe is a legitimate activity.”[50]


Due to onerous copyright laws and interpretations of 'fair use' and/or creative commons licenses, Google deleted 1,300 AGRP videos for 3 alleged 'copyright strikes' despite the fact that the videos were within fair use boundaries and that AGRP had creative commons license 'permission' on most of those videos. AGRP is teaching the science of sustainable health, which asks the question; what works for 7 future generations without causing harm?  What is wrong with all of that? 

Facebook also deleted an AGRP group and profile, offering no explanation or reason, much less a warning. None of the material is being offered for sale, no money exchanges hands, but the whole educational, journalistic channel on both Facebook and Youtube was deleted with no notice, no specific justification/explanation, and no warning. Years worth of work and an online activism network disappeared in an instant. 

This is the downside of a for profit, top down corporate controlled model on the Internet. It seems to be 'free', but underneath, there is still the basic dynamic of 1% against the 99%, and guess who wins if someone complains? 

Google Owned Youtube Deletes All 1,300 AGRP Videos, Google Plus And Email Account, Facebook Deletes Group And Profile

These real life examples provide a reason why open source economy is important, and why no top down 1% authority should be in charge of deleting people or groups and telling them; you are now deleted' because we do not agree with what you are doing or how you are doing it, according to our very strict interpretation of the 'rules'. If you object, there is no way to do it, because that customer service channel is lacking. 

It is well known among activists and whistleblowers, that anyone who takes on large monopolies is subject to being 'disappeared' online, via an unannounced deletion of group, website, etc. AGRP is just another victim of many. Be warned, as it may happen to you and your group online. 

What is the answer or solution? Imagine a Facebook or Youtube powered by open source software, that no for profit organization controls and makes money off of. What does it look like? Torrent sites are like that, with no one in charge, telling everyone else what they can and cannot do, and then punishing them via an arbitrary system of deletion. 

The free, open source model works in personal and business software as well. Large corporations do not like this model because it is anti profit and anti monopoly.

How To Gain Access To Over 6,500 Free Open Source Software Packages - Business And Personal; via @AGreenRoad

What happens if open source videos and music are offered, free of charge to anyone wanting it, instead of being sold for the highest price possible and controlled by the 1% who make 99% of the profit from whatever is sold? 

Free Creative Commons License, Open Source Videos And Music; via @AGreenRoad


There are many possibilities in the world of open source software, as well as future potentials of a gift economy. The more you know about it, the more it can serve as a model or tool for you and your organization to use. AGRP is based on this model of offering everything for free, but asking for donations. Wikipedia and Gutenberg are another two models that work in this way. They are anonymous, crowd sourced, free and bottoms up oriented for the most part. Anyone can contribute or use whatever is there. 

A Gift Economy; What Is It? How Does It Work? What Is The Commons? via @AGreen Road Project

The answers are all there, but people have to choose to move in the direction of the sustainable solutions, and away from those things that do harm to this and 7 future generations. How and where do Google and Facebook stand on this subject? Deleting a group, profile and Youtube Channel that teaches the Science Of Sustainable Health does not bode well for their support and use of this concept. Does anyone value this science, or will it just be deleted and scrubbed from the web in favor of short term profits at any cost? Time will tell, but the trend so far is not positive.


The pirate political party story is important to talk about and share for many reasons, especially in the US, but also in all other countries. Why? It's birth and growth offer hope for peaceful democracy movements all around the world. Especially in the US, the growth of the Green Party and the Pirate party in terms of political influence and people actually making a difference by setting up policies that are more friendly and benign to future generations offers hope.

What happens when huge amounts of money are allowed to influence government plus own the mass media is things like funding of 100 global warming denialist groups who are regularly featured on the corporate owned mass media, presenting their quackery as truth.

Top 100 Global Warming Denialist Groups Are ALL Funded By HUGE Corporations; via @AGreenRoad

The mass media has to be nationalized and then policies have to be put in place to allow debate, discussions and airing of material that may not fit the corporate agenda. If corporations own the media, they screen out the anti corporate material.

If people in communities 'own' and citizens boards manage the media content in an inclusive manner, all of that changes. Why?  People want to know what is hurting or benefiting their community, and they want to debate about what is best. If corporations use the mass media and government as their megaphone, then democracy goes out the window, and so does any science, especially when politics is controlled and run by corporate money, as it is now. 


Swarm Activism Model; Pirate Party Advocates For Reforming Patent And Copyright Laws To Open Source Commons Model

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