Soul Versus Ego; What Is The Difference? Do Everything With No Attachment To Outcome

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Soul Versus Ego; What Is The Difference? Do Everything With No Attachment To Outcome

Soul Versus Ego; What Is The Difference? Do Everything With No Attachment To Outcome

How do you know when you are acting from a soul perspective and focus? How do you know when you are acting from an egoistic belief system? How do you define ego or soul? What is the difference? How does acting from one or the other affect the outcome of actions taken and our personal lives? Are thoughts related to ego or separate from it? Do miracles exist? Is there a Higher Power? 


Some people are stuck with very hostile and angry thoughts or energy. Some people are stuck in life denying, critical and/or selfish thoughts and belief systems. This system of thoughts is actually attacking the self of that person. Ultimately, all those stuck in ego attack and destroy both self and the world. There are many people who teach and believe that there is no Higher Power, no God, and nothing after the physical body dies. Ayn Rand teaches this belief system. She believes that religions or belief in a Higher Power is a sign of 'weakness'. Find out more about what she teaches via the following link.. 

Professor Wilhelm Wundt also taught that God and Higher Power does not exist, as do many scientists in schools, universities or colleges. 

Selfishness Versus Selflessness; Book Review Of Ayn Rand's “Atlas Shrugged”, Galt's Gulch Project And Film Review Of Movies Based On Book

Bottom line, the question at this point is; are we our thoughts, or beliefs? 

Do we end/disappear when our thoughts end and/or the body dies? 


Do we end when our body dies? Can another person who died and then came back teach us anything by example? 

Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience And Healing Of Terminal Cancer, Miracles Can And Do Happen, Daily; via A Green Road


If we can grasp the concept that maybe there is something after death, and that maybe there is a God or a Higher Power, then we are also ready to start learning about the difference between ego and soul. There are many parts to humans, such as these; conscious, unconscious, super conscious. Even children can understand that there are two parts to every human being, as outlined in the story about two wolves. 

The Story Of Two Wolves On A Green Road
On a simpler level; there is a huge difference between acting from a soul perspective and a ego belief system. Here is a good picture that provides an at a glance comparison....


To avoid suffering, don't do anything of or for your ego self. Practice and work on coming from a perspective of soul, rather than ego. Watch your reactions to people, situations and issues. Notice when you exhibit the 'ego' symptoms above, and notice when you exhibit the 'soul' qualities. Set a goal and work on shifting the balance to more soul qualities and less ego manifestations.  The consequences that happen when living selfishly are demonstrated in the world, by countless numbers of people trying to live and teach this as the ultimate and best way to live. 

Selfishness Versus Selflessness; Book Review Of Ayn Rand's “Atlas Shrugged”, Galt's Gulch Project And Film Review Of Movies Based On Book

It may help to try and do it another way. Set a goal of doing whatever it is you do with no regard for the outcome, and leave the rest up to a Higher Power or God, whatever your understanding of that is. There is judgement, no blame, no guilt, no shame, no fatalism when it comes to God or a Higher Power. Surrender everything to a Higher Power and ask for help, assistance, guidance, protection, teaching, or whatever else you may feel a need for. 


Only the ego needs to feel it is making a difference. Only the ego thinks about loss or winning. Only the ego judges things based on physical appearance. Only the ego believes in 'giving up' or fatalism. Fatalism is not a spiritual attribute. 

Don't do anything of yourself or for purely selfish ego based reasons.  Do whatever it is you do with no regard for the outcome, and leave the rest to everyone else to 'try' or 'force' something to happen through threats, sheer will power and determination or violence.. There is no judgement, no blame, no guilt, no shame, no fatalism if you do things in the name of a Higher Power and for the benefit of 7 future generations. Operating from this surrendered soul perspective is very freeing and liberating.

When you operate from a soul perspective and stay in your heart, you win, no matter what happens, because you are on the winning soul 'side' rather than being stuck in ego and feeling the consequences that result. On one level, it is much easier and more pleasant to leave all of the ego baggage at the door and act as a soul, with no regard for the outcome, sides, rules, norms, or expectations. Do your best and that is all that means anything. 

Even if it looks like what you are fighting for is 'losing' or not making any difference, that is just the physical appearance here and now. On a spiritual level, just doing the right thing means more than giving up and/or doing the wrong thing. The scales of 'justice' here on Earth are much different from the spiritual scales of 'justice' on other levels. It is very important to NEVER give up. Giving up means that you have become a cynical person who no longer believes in a higher self or God. 

There is no losing in this 'game' if seen from a higher perspective, because all humans are souls, which cannot be destroyed. The 'winning' that egos like to focus on is actually 'losing' on a soul level, because almost always, one has to separate from soul and the Source in order to accomplish 'winning' on a physical level in war, profit making corporations, or secret CIA secret activities kinds of things. Those who think they are 'winning' on the physical level are often 'souled out' on a spiritual level, and are going backwards in the eternal sense of 'judgement'. 

The master chess player can see the moves light years ahead, so leave it in that Higher Power's better hands. Do whatever is shown to you to do or say from the heart, in the moment, with no hesitation or interpretation, judgement, blame or guilt. Work on reducing the negative impact of ego, and enhancing soul qualities. 


It may not be necessary to 'kill' the ego, but it is required on the spiritual path to harness ego and control it, not in a negative punishing way, but more on the order of training a wild horse to be harnessed and obey the commands of a soul directed human body. A wild horse is almost useless to do work. A wild ego is more or less the same, it is out of control and will break, wreck and destroy things of value, such as relationships, community, environment, etc.

The true place of ego is to be underneath and subject to soul, but part of it. Ego is also personality, so killing ego completely produces a person with no personality, and that is quite boring, wouldn't you agree? Why produce billions of ego less clones of One soul? 


Every religion believes in a Higher Power, but the definition may change, depending on the religion or belief system.
There's A Higher Power (song) - Buddy Miller


Wikipedia; "Higher Power is a term coined in the 1930s in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and is used in other twelve-step programs.[citation needed] It is also sometimes referred to as a power greater than ourselves and is frequently abbreviated to HP. The term sometimes refers to a supreme being or deity, or some conception of God.

(No twelve step program tries to 'define' what a Higher Power is, and each person defines that for him or her self. A person may believe that a Higher Power is expressed through Nature, animals, water, trees, stars or any number of other beliefs. No one can say that what a person believes a Higher Power to be is right or wrong.)


Sources that may have contributed to the adoption of the term in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the first twelve-step group, include spirituality, New Thought and the work of William James.[1] James, who wrote "The only cure for dipsomania is religiomania" in The Varieties of Religious Experience, is cited in the 'Spiritual Experience' appendix of Alcoholics Anonymous (also known as the "Big Book").[2]

Correlates of belief

Sociologist Darren Sherkat researched the belief of Americans in a higher power. He based his research on data from 8,000 adults polled by the Chicago-based National Opinion Research Center between 1988 and 2000. Among his findings were that 8% stated "I don't believe in a personal god, but I do believe in a higher power of some kind." This is the same figure as found by the 1999 Gallup national poll of Americans. Sherkat also found that 16% of the Jewish people surveyed agreed with the statement about a 'higher power', while 13.2% of liberal Protestants and 10.6% of Episcopalians also agreed with it.[3]

An empirically based recovery framework likened faith in a higher power to motivation for personal growth as described by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.[4]

Definition and usage

In current twelve-step program usage a higher power can be anything at all that the member believes is adequate. Reported examples include their twelve-step group,Nature, consciousness, existential freedom, God, science, Buddha. It is frequently stipulated that as long as a higher power is "greater" than the individual, then the only condition is that it should also be loving and caring.[5][6]
Alcoholics Anonymous[edit]

The terms 'higher power' and 'power greater than ourselves' appear in the "Big Book", on three occasions:

"Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." [7]

"The alcoholic at certain times has no effective mental defense against the first drink. Except in a few cases, neither he nor any other human being can provide such a defense. His defense must come from a Higher Power." [8]

"Follow the dictates of a Higher Power and you will presently live in a new and wonderful world, no matter what your present circumstances!" [9]

Brahman and Atman

Two words that are of paramount importance in grasping the Upanishads are Brahman and Atman.[54] The Brahma is the ultimate reality and the Atman is individual self. Differing opinions exist amongst scholars regarding the etymology of these words. Brahman probably comes from the root brh, which means "The Biggest ~ The Greatest ~ The ALL." Brahman is "the infinite Spirit Source and fabric and core and destiny of all existence, both manifested and unmanifested and the formless infinite substratum and from whom the universe has grown". 

Brahman is the ultimate, both transcendent and immanent, the absolute infinite existence, the sum total of all that ever is, was, or shall be. The word Atman means the immortal perfect Spirit of any living creature, being, including trees etc. The idea put forth by the Upanishadic seers that Atman and Brahman are One and the same is one of the greatest contributions made to the thought of the world.[55][56][57][58]

The Brihadaranyaka and the Chandogya are the most important of the mukhya Upanishads. They represent two main schools of thought within the Upanishads. The Brihadaranyaka deals with acosmic or nis-prapancha, whereas the Chandogya deals with the cosmic or sa-prapancha.[4] Between the two, the Brihadaranyaka is considered more original.[59]


The Upanishads also contain the first and most definitive explications of the divine syllable Aum, the cosmic vibration that underlies all existence. The mantra Aum Shānti Shānti Shānti, translated as "the soundless sound, peace, peace, peace", is often found in the Upanishads. The path of bhakti or "Devotion to God" is foreshadowed in Upanishadic literature, and was later realized by texts such as the Bhagavad Gita.[60]


There are many names for God, and different names are attached to different cultural ideas about God's identity and attributes. In the ancient Egyptian era of Atenism, possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion, this deity was called Aten,[3]premised on being the one "true" Supreme Being and Creator of the Universe.[4] 

In the Hebrew Bible and Judaism, "He Who Is," "I Am that I Am", and the tetragrammaton YHWH are used as names of God, while Yahweh, and Jehovah are sometimes used in Christianity as vocalizations of YHWH. In Judaism, it is common to refer to God by the titular namesElohim or Adonai, the latter of which is believed by some scholars to descend from the Egyptian Aten.[5][6][7][8][9] 

In Islam, the name Allah, "Al-El," or "Al-Elah" ("the God") is used, while Muslims also have a multitude of titular names for God. InHinduismBrahman is often considered a monistic deity.[10] Other religions have names for God, for instance, Baha in theBahá'í Faith,[11] Waheguru in Sikhism,[12] and Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism.[13]

The many different conceptions of God, and competing claims as to God's characteristics, aims, and actions, have led to the development of ideas of omnitheismpandeism,[14][15] or a perennial philosophy, which postulates that there is one underlying theological truth, of which all religions express a partial understanding, and as to which "the devout in the various great world religions are in fact worshipping that one God, but through different, overlapping concepts or mental images of him."[16]


This article and videos have explored; 

How do you know when you are acting from a soul perspective and focus? How do you know when you are acting from an egoistic belief system? How do you define ego or soul? What is the difference? How does acting from one or the other affect the outcome of actions taken and our personal lives? Are thoughts related to ego or separate from it? Do miracles exist? Is there a Higher Power? 

Doing things with no attachment to outcome relieves a HUGE burden. Carrying the burden of doing things from an ego perspective is so stressful that people get burned out and give up. Giving up is one step on the road to surrendering to a Higher Power. Doing things from a soul perspective is very light, and there is no burden or 'stress' in an ego based way. It is much easier to carry on as a soul, doing things from the heart and practicing the 'discipline' of being a light to the world. 

The soul is in essence within the silence; where inner light or love rule/exist. By acting from this center, there is no judgement, no blame, no shame, no fear, no anger, and a much higher vibration or consciousness. The outcome does not matter in the physical world, because it is the eternal soul that really matters and goes on, no matter what happens here on this physical plane. 

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

The important distinction to understand is that soul never gives up, because it cannot be destroyed, defeated, or lose. Because soul is not ego and does not get 'attached' to a specific outcome, it can continue on no matter what the physical appearance may look like, and no matter how 'dark' it gets. 

Be the light! Be the Love, and never give up! Develop as soul, because that eternal and you can take that with you to enjoy forever and ever. Any efforts devoted to illusions such as money, power, ego, violence, war and force are wasted time, nothing more than illusions. 

Illusions cannot be taken with you and do not get any credit in the eternal dimensions of soul. Maybe this is why people eventually feel empty and void after achieving what the world sees as success and 'winning' and give it all up? 

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Soul Versus Ego; What Is The Difference? Do Everything With No Attachment To Outcome

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