Introduction To Book Of Life, Akashic Records (AR) For Self Awareness, Spiritual Discernment, Human Destiny, And Increasing Consciousness

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Introduction To Book Of Life, Akashic Records (AR) For Self Awareness, Spiritual Discernment, Human Destiny, And Increasing Consciousness

Introduction to Book Of Life, Akashic Records (AR) For Self Awareness, Spiritual Discernment, Human Destiny, And Increasing Consciousness


Most people know about or use intuition, despite the fact that invisible things like love and intuition cannot be proven scientifically. Most people know that invisible things like love and intuition exist and that they can be experienced, by those who seek it out.


The name of the records comes from the word Akasha.
Akasha (or Akash, Ākāśa, आकाश) is the Sanskrit word meaning "aether" in both its elemental and metaphysical senses

In simpler terms, the word Akasha means primary source or record, from which all things are formed. 

The Book of Life

Wikipedia; "In Christianity and Judaism, the Book of Life (Hebrew: ספר החיים, transliterated Sefer HaChaim; Greek: βιβλίον τῆς ζωῆς Biblíon tēs Zōēs) is the book in which God records the names of every person who is destined for Heaven or the World to Come. According to the Talmud it is open on Rosh Hashanah, as is its analog for the wicked, the Book of the Dead. For this reason extra mention is made for the Book of Life during Amidah recitations during the Days of Awe, the ten days between Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, and Yom Kippur, the day of atonement (the two High Holidays, particularly in the prayer Unetaneh Tokef).

In the Old Testament

In the Old Testament the Book of Life - the book or muster-roll of God - records forever all people considered righteous before God. God has such a book, and to be blotted out of it signifies death.[1] It is with reference to the Book of Life that the holy remnant is spoken of as being written unto life[2] in Jerusalem;[3] compare alsoEzekiel ix. 4, where one of the six heavenly envoys "who had the scribe's inkhorn upon his loins" is told to mark the righteous for life, while the remainder of the inhabitants of Jerusalem are doomed. 

The Psalmist likewise speaks of the Book of Life in which only the names of the righteous are written "and from which the unrighteous are blotted out".[4] Even the tears of men are recorded in this Book of God.[5] "Every one that shall be found written in the book . . . shall awake to everlasting life".[6] This book is probably identical with the "Book of Remembrance" in which are recorded the deeds of those that fear the Lord.[7]

Book of Jubilees

The Book of Jubilees[8] speaks of two heavenly tablets or books: a Book of Life for the righteous, and a Book of Death for those that walk in the paths of impurity and are written down on the heavenly tablets as adversaries (of God). Also, according to ib. xxxvi. 10, one who contrives evil against his neighbor will be blotted out of theBook of Remembrance of men, and will not be written in the Book of Life, but in the Book of Perdition. 

In Dan. vii. 10 and Enoch xlvii. 3 "the Ancient of Days" is described as seated upon His throne of glory with "the Book" or "the Books of Life" ("of the Living") opened before Him. So are, according to Enoch civ. 1, the righteous "written before the glory of the Great One," and, according to Enoch cviii. 3, the transgressors "blotted out of the Book of Life and out of the books of the holy ones." To this Book of Life reference is made also in Hermas (Vision i. 3; Mandate viii.; Similitude ii.); in Rev. iii. 5, xiii. 8, xvii. 8, xx. 12-15, where "two Books" are spoken of as being "opened before the throne, the Book of Life, and the Book of Death, in which latter the unrighteous are recorded together with their evil deeds, in order to be cast into the lake of fire." 

It is the Book of Life in which the apostles' names are "written in heaven" (Luke x. 20), or "the fellow-workers" of Paul (Phil. iv. 3), and "the assembly of the first-born" (Heb. xii. 23; compare I Clem. xlv.). To these Books of Records allusion is made also in Enoch lxxxi. 4, lxxxix. 61-77, xc. 17-20, xcviii. 76, civ. 7; Apoc. Baruch, xxiv. 1; Ascensio Isa. ix. 20.

References in the New Testament

The Book of Life is referred to six times in the Book of Revelation, one of the books of the New Testament, attributed to John of Patmos. As described, only those whose names are written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, and have not been blotted out by the Lamb, are saved at the Last Judgment; all others are doomed. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15, King James Version). 

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. (Rev. 20:12, King James Version)

The Eschatological or Annual Roll-Call

While the prevailing tendency among apocryphal writers of the Hasidean school was to give the Book of Life an eschatological meaning—and to this inclines also Targ. Jon. to Isa. iv. 3 and Ezek. xiii. 9 (compare Targ. Yer. to Ex. xxxii. 32)—the Jewish liturgy and the tradition relating to the New-Year's and Atonement days adhered to the ancient view which took the Book of Life in its natural meaning, preferring, from a sound practical point of view, the this-worldliness of Judaism to the heavenliness of the Essenes

Instead of transferring, as is done in the Book of Enoch, the Testament of Abraham, and elsewhere, the great Judgment Day to the hereafter, the Pharisaic school taught that on the first day of each year (Rosh ha-Shanah) God sits in judgment over His creatures and has the Books of Life together with the books containing the records of the righteous and the wicked. And out of the middle state of the future judgment (see Testament of Abraham, A, xiv.) there arose the idea of a third class of men who are no longer held in suspense. 

(Benonim, the middle), and of a corresponding third book for this all (R.H. 16b). In Tos. Sanh. xiii. 3, however, the annual (Rosh ha-Shanah) judgment (Yom ha-Din) is recognized (compare Tos. R. H. i. 13, R. Jose's opinion in opposition to that of R. Akiba and R. Meïr, which has become the universally accepted one).

The origin of the heavenly Book of Life must be sought in Babylonia, whereas the idea of the annual Judgment Day seems to have been adopted by the Jews under Babylonian influence in post-exilic times. The Babylonian legends[9] speak of the Tablets of Destiny; also of the tablets of the transgressions, sins, and wrongdoings, of the curses and execrations, of a person which should be "cast into the water"; that is, to be blotted out.[10] 

As to the resemblance of the Babylonian Zagmuku or New-Year to the Jewish New-Year see the art. Rosh ha-Shanah. The living are the righteous (second half of the verse),[11] who alone are admitted to citizenship in thetheocracy. The wicked are denied membership therein: they are blotted out of God's book (Ex. xxxii. 32 et seq.). The figure is derived from the citizens' registers.[12] The life which the righteous participate in is to be understood in a temporal sense. In Dan. xii. 1, however, those who are found written in the book and who shall escape the troubles preparatory to the coming of the Messianic kingdom are they who, together with the risen martyrs, are destined to share in the everlasting life referred to in verse 2. 

The eternal life is certainly meant in Enoch xlvii. 3, civ. 1, cviii. 3, and frequently in the New Testament (especially in Revelation). The Targum (Isa. iv. 3; Ezek.xiii. 9) speaks of the "Book of Eternal Life." Temporal life is apparently prayed for in the liturgical formula: "Inscribe us in the Book of Life" (see Atonement, Day of). The Mishnah tells us that the deeds of every human being are recorded in a book (Abot, ii. 1; see iii. 16). The Sefer Ḥasidim (xxxiii) pointedly adds that God is in no need of a book of records; "the Torah speaks the language of man"; i.e., figuratively.


A book of life motif is frequently found in Jewish houses of worship. It is both a decorative feature and fundraiser. Enterprising men—one example was Lazarus Morgenthau—raised money by selling congregation members on having their name included in the book of life on the wall.


The evolution of humanity involves accessing 'special' knowledge that only the priests had back in the Middle Ages. For example, back then, the Catholic Church did all services in Latin, and only the priest could talk to God on your behalf. There were 'rules' for everything and the church controlled every person's life from to death and beyond. Special financial rules applied to every person and the afterlife, and all of that was also controlled by the priest/church.

Nowadays, the rules have been relaxed a little bit in most countries at least. People have more choices and freedoms today, with less control by the church or other organizations. How have things changed over a longer period of time? Let's go into a few historical examples...

The Holy Books are now written in English or other easy to understand languages.

Any person can now access God directly, without going to a priest.

It used to be that women could not wear pants, make up, go to movies, own property, vote, watch TV, have an abortion, have sex outside of marriage, or date someone without a chaperone.  Smoking much less drinking alcohol was a strict not allowed rule, especially for women, who always had to wear a hat, have long hair and obey the man in all situations. The general trend globally has been to more freedom and choices, not less. Accessing the Book of Life could be seen as a next step in that trend of people accessing spiritual information that was not previously 'allowed' or available, due to 'rule's' against it.


There are many levels of intuition, from basic to advanced. One way of accessing intuition is to sit in silence and focus on breath, with a goal of not thinking. It is difficult for most people to not think for even a second. But entering into the silence or spaces between thoughts may be one way of accessing the source where intuition resides. To get an experience of this, attend a Quacker worship, as one possibility, or seek out a meditation group, which sits in silence. Of course, anyone can sit in silence at home, at any time.


The 'reading' or accessing of the Book Of Life as it is called in the Christian tradition, otherwise known as the Akashic Records in the Eastern religions, could be considered to be an advanced level tool for someone who has had some experience with intuitive abilities and experiences. However, even a beginner can access the Book Of Life, given proper instruction, and if they are open to the experience. The primary block to having access to the Book Of Life is self imposed.

The mind does not like parachuting out of a normal airplane that is safe and secure. Why take the risk of doing something different and new? The parachute, like the mind, works best when kept open when leaving the safe limits of normalcy and orthodoxy.

Most people fear change and something new or different more than death itself.  Fear of learning about the Book of Life would be like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute, because one does not wear a parachute in normal everyday life. Accessing and using the Book of Life to answer questions is no different than going up in an airplane and jumping out of it with a parachute, only on a spiritual level. It helps to keep an open mind. Eventually the process may become so easy, it may be compared to riding up an elevator in a shopping mall. There is nothing to be afraid of, except fear itself.


Wikipedia; "Readings of the akashic record were central to theosophist writings, but also appear in writings of other related figures. Among the former, Leadbeater's book Man: How, Whence, and Whither? claims to record the history of Atlantis and other civilizations as well as the future society of Earth in the 28th century.[3][6] Rudolf Steiner referred to the Akashic Records and reported about Atlantis, Lemuria, the evolution of man and earth, et cetera.[7][8]

Alice A. Bailey wrote in her book Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 3 - Union achieved and its Results:

The Akashic Record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. 


Levi H. Dowling's Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ offers a version of the youth of Jesus Christ ostensibly based upon akashic record material.

In The Law of One, Book I, a book purported to contain conversations with a channeled "social memory complex" known to humans as Ra, when the questioner asks where Edgar Cayce received his information, the answer received is:

We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the "Akashic Record" or the "Hall of Records".[9]"


The Book Of Life is held in 'trust' for everyone's highest good. The Book is 'facilitated' by spiritual beings who help individuals that want to access them, much like a librarian will help individuals who are looking for specific information in a library.  

The complete and entire records in the Book Of Life can be accessed on a daily basis by anyone wanting to get spiritual discernment either for themselves or for others. Since all emotions, knowledge, thoughts and records are present, including the records of all previous lifetimes lived, any larger questions of life can also be answered.  This is an important point or distinction to understand. At any given moment, there are choices that any person can make. That one very small choice can influence many future generations and result in very large changes in the future. An article related to this subject is linked to below. 

Benjamin Franklin; For Want Of A Nail, The War Was Lost Story

Once any choice is made, it sets in motion a whole host and cascade of other events that go far off in the future. Even something as small as planting a tiny seed the size of a tomato seed, can have huge positive impacts in a future that is still thousands of years away, or an eternity in human terms. Some life forms on this planet live for what seems like an eternity to humans. What would it be like to live for thousands of years, like a redwood tree? What if humans are also eternal, and not really limited to this human form which goes back to dust in a few dozens of years?

Eternal Life And Lessons From The Tallest, Largest, Oldest Life On Earth; The Redwood Tree


The Book of Life is much more than a computer with a database. A Google type search engine can search and find facts or information that are stored on servers or computers all around the world. But it CANNOT find the absolute best information and words to say for your spiritual development in this present moment. Google can also not give you a direct inner experience. 

Accessing the Book Of Life can do much more than Google ever can, because it combines not just a super computer of all knowledge, all wisdom and all information that is beyond time and space plus all of the man made laws, it is also offers a certain knowledge of the future, plus the best possible action to take at any given time, for the highest and best spiritual reasons, which leads to the best possible future. 

There are also invisible 'helpers' who are called the Book Of Life keepers. They know more than Google search ever will, because the keepers of the Book Of Life have spiritual discernment for each individual, for each specific moment in time. A Google search engine does not a clue about this, other than to look for your search/browse history. Google cannot foretell the future, much less give you insight into what the best future is for you spiritually at this moment. 

A Google search engine can provide almost infinite amounts of facts, videos and virtual experiences, but it cannot give anyone a direct experience of anything. All Google does is give a virtual experience of whatever the searched for subject matter is, via videos for example. Google may help provide more general information, but it cannot give specifics to a very individual person who is in a very specific and individual situation.

A Google search engine may be smart, but it knows nothing about spiritual laws and spiritual growth, much less spiritual powers, laws, intuition, wisdom, love, mystery, inner light, inner peace, inner joy, inner bliss and/or sacred truths. Science can be seen to be much like Google when compared to the Book of Life. 


The process of accessing the Book Of Life is not difficult, but one has to be willing and able to get beyond the self imposed doubts, fear and blocks imposed by self, 'normal' society rules, peers, friends, scientists, organizations or family.

Anyone who follows 'rules' that limit or do not 'allow' access to things like the Book of Life will not be able to go there. To access the Book of Life, one must let go of or go beyond the limiting rules, dogma or beliefs. Because free will cannot be violated, no one can be forced to access the Book of Life. Access to the Book must be chosen, through free will. 

The basic purpose of the Book of Life is to help a soul accomplish it's purpose. Everyone is a soul inhabiting a human body. Everyone has free choice. That free choice includes believing in God, spirit, love, intuition or not believing in them. 

Soul Versus Ego; What Is The Difference? Do Everything With No Attachment To Outcome


The best reason to access the Book Of Life is not for person selfish gain, such as asking where the lost gold from some pirate is located. Even though this knowledge is present in the Book, it is not available, because it violates a spiritual law, but that is another subject. The Book of Life in it's highest form and purpose, leads a soul to the concept and then experience of unconditional love.


There are some guidelines involved around accessing the records and it helps to approach the subject with knowing the following key guidelines, which outline what the Book Of Life is NOT about:

No assumptions
No lies to self or others
No personal 'selfish' gain and/or taking from others by stealing, force, misinformation or deception
No blame, guilt or shame
No anger or rage
No drugs or alcohol (they tend to block access)
No 'rules' that limit spiritual development and growth
No harm to self or others
No fear
No judgement
No resistance 

Now that you know what the Book of Life is NOT about, doesn't that make it seem to be a very safe and loving and also encouraging environment? To have the best chance of a very deep and meaningful connection plus experience when accessing the Book of Life, it is helpful to not take any alcohol or mind altering drugs for at least day, possibly longer, depending on how long it takes to detox and eliminate the 'foreign' mind altering substance. 


The best reason to access the Book Of Life is to get the best possible assistance with spiritual discernment. In other words, what is the best way, path or action for a specific individual in a given situation, at any given moment of time? Any question can be answered, but it is important to ask the right question in order to get the best possible answer. 

Any question can be answered, as all answers are available in the Book Of Life, but what is the use of asking about historical events, when the way forward is not known or asked about? Even the Book Of Life can be used to waste time and/or lose one's way, if misused or abused for purely selfish or greedy purposes, with no regard to other people or harm caused to 7 future generations.


There is no need to suffer in this lifetime. Most if not all suffering is due to self imposed thoughts, beliefs, rules, emotional baggage, misinformation and/or blocks, just to name a few things. Accessing the Book Of Life and asking about how to move beyond these things may be helpful.


The Book Of Life can be used to find and then remove the root causes of all kinds of things, including the negative impact(s) from previous life 'imprint's on this lifetime or traumas experienced in this life. Google cannot tell you about previous lives, or other people's previous lives, but the Book of Life can. What is this information worth? It depends on the person, but for some people this can change their whole lives, especially if something from a past life is holding them back or blocking them in this lifetime. It may take awhile before a person is brave enough and has enough trust in the 'process' to ask a question that leads into a past life, but this arena is also open.

Is There Life After Death? Has Reincarnation Been Scientifically Proven? via @AGreenRoad

Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience And Healing Terminal Cancer; via @AGreenRoad


Healing can be one of the results of questioning and accessing the Book of Life. Help with living life and making the best possible decision is another potential with asking questions of the Book Of Life.


The nature of accessing the Book Of Life means that one is increasing in awareness and consciousness, because that is one of the purposes for being a human being. As a person accesses and uses the Book Of Life, the natural tendency is to grow and mature spiritually. 

Allegory Of The Cave, Analogy of the Cave, Plato's Cave, Parable of the Cave Story

Yes, there are spiritual babies and there are spiritual teens. Because people mature in a spiritual way, just like they mature physically, mentally and emotionally, there are also people who are spiritually mature. It is all about free choice, free will and what one wants to do in life. If you desire to evolve spiritually, just set the goal, ask the questions and the door will be opened.

Dr. Emoto On Vibrations, Water, Energy, Consciousness And Healing; via @AGreenRoad

Wayne Dyer; The Power Of Intention Program; via @AGreenRoad

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Introduction To Book Of Life, Akashic Records (AR) For Self Awareness, Spiritual Discernment, Human Destiny, And Increasing Consciousness

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