Nuclear Plant Workers And Public Not Protected From Radiation And Negative Health Effects; Hanford, TMI, Fukushima, WIPP, Chernobyl, Rocky Flats

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Nuclear Plant Workers And Public Not Protected From Radiation And Negative Health Effects; Hanford, TMI, Fukushima, WIPP, Chernobyl, Rocky Flats

JAPAN: Fukushima workers not well protected against nuclear radiation - ABC

A simple explanation of how and why man made radiation causes workers to suffer all kinds of health problems is detailed in the following article. This article explains the degrading, eroding properties of the various radioactive man made elements in an easy to understand manner. 

How Man Made Radioactive Elements Corrode, Degrade, Embrittle And Erode All Matter And Living Creatures, Including Humans

It is not just one article that provides the evidence needed of a coordinated effort by the nuclear industry to minimize, deny or suppress damages caused by radiation. It is the numerous articles, videos, lawsuits and stories of workers at many different sites, locations, times, dates and places that forms the pattern. The patterns of evidence paints a picture of the nuclear industry and it is not a pretty picture, but decide for yourself by diving in and exploring the common theme that is found anywhere the nuclear industry goes. See if a pattern emerges for you. See if you form any conclusions about the nuclear industry after you look at the different locations and stories of nuclear industry workers. 

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks

Radiation In Food/Water/Products, Geiger Counters, Dosimeters, Test Labs, Radiation Readings, Conversions


After you read some of these articles, odds are that the conclusion reached will be, Fukushima workers and the public are not being protected from harm. See if you agree with this conclusion by reading and watching some videos below. 

Fukushima Workers 'Allowed' 250 mSv/yr, Compared To 20 mSv/yr For US Nuclear Industry Workers; via @AGreenRoad

4,000 Missing TEPCO Nuclear Plant Workers - Presumed To Be Dead via @AGreenRoad

Documentary Movie; "Nuclear Ginza" - Japanese Nuclear Industry Horrors; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Decommissioning Worker Conditions Deteriorating; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Lies Movie Part I and II; via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad


After you read some of these articles, odds are that the conclusion reached will be, Hanford workers and the public were and still are not being protected from harm. See if you agree with this conclusion by reading and watching some videos below.

Hanford - Multiple Secret Green Runs Released 685,000 Curies Radioactive Iodine On Washington And Oregon; via @AGreenRoad

Hanford; Lethal And Leaking; A Race To Armageddon? 60 Minutes - Hanford Released 1 Million Curies Radioactive Iodine So Far; via @AGreenRoad

Hanford - Leaking Radioactive Fluids Into Columbia River Since 2002; via @AGreenRoad

Oceania - foreknowledge of pain December 1, 2014 "Hanford has a documented history of deception, neglect and covering up with rigged studies. DOE once funded an $18 million HEDR study, they also funded another $ 60 million study regarding a lethal thyroid cluster. The end result was a finding that there was no correlation between estimated doses and thyroid disease. The finding was it was not possible to be harmed by the plant because “on average” the doses were within PERMISSIBLE LIMITS.The DOE still uses the same script at WIPP, at Hanford and Fukushima.

A later CDC study of HEDR determined that HEDR was designed for “ Litigation Defense” The study omitted the records of the most directly exposed workers, women, temporary, part time and contractor employees. Please read “ Plutopia “ by Kate Brown. The lies, the techniques and denial are all formulated DOE, AEC, etc standard procedure for sixty plus years. Humans are not as important as the power and greed that needlessly takes millions of lives every year. This book attacks the nuclear industry in Russia and the USA. It is the same song and dance globally."


The following article points out how WIPP workers and the public were not protected from harm. See if you agree with this conclusion by reading and watching some videos below. 

WIPP Did NOT Protect Workers or Inform Public About Plutonium Dangers Immediately After Radiation Disaster; via @AGreenRoad

WIPP - Illegal High Level Waste Documentation Plus Evidence; 'Dirty Bomb' Nuclear Waste Container Burned And/Or Exploded

Radiation levels spike 7,000% at US nuclear site — Coming from Plutonium, Uranium, Americium, or other alpha emitters — AP: Workers shelter in buildings

WIPP Expert: Nuclear waste is getting out above ground — Plutonium / Americium found in “every single worker” on site when leak began — New Mexico officials ‘totally unsatisfied’ with lack of info from Feds — “We don’t know how far away it’s gone” — Continuing threat for long time to come (AUDIO)

The Failed Germany Asse Salt Mine, Turned Nuclear Waste Dumping Into Never Ending Financial And Radioactive Nightmare Both At Home And Abroad, With Help Of Mafia


Dr. Kristen Iverson - Rocky Flats Accidents Exposed Downwinders To Plutonium; via @AGreenRoad

Under The 'Plutonium Shadow' Of Colorado's Rocky Flats; via @AGreenRoad

Dr. Kristen Iverson - Rocky Flats Accidents Exposed Downwinders To Plutonium; via A Green Road

SEC Radiation Exposure Compensation For Former Nuclear Facility Workers; via @AGreenRoad

Plutonium Dangers Detailed; Evidence Of 2 Major Plutonium Fires And Other Rocky Flats Health and Safety Violations Around Lawsuit

Rocky Flats Former Workers And Lawyer Caron Balkany Interviewed, Grand Jury, Lawsuit, Rule 6e, DOE, Dept. Of Justice Lying

Rocky Flats Former Workers And Lawyer Caron Balkany Interviewed, Grand Jury, Lawsuit, Rule 6e, DOE, Dept. Of Justice Lying, Beryllium

The HUGE scope and scale of the coverups around Rocky Flats and involvement of the US government agencies charged with investigating Rocky Flats is outlined by the lawyer above. 


After you read some of these articles, odds are that the conclusion reached will be, Chernobyl workers and the public were not being protected from harm and still are not protected from harm, as hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people live in radiation contaminated areas, eating radiation contaminated foods and drinks. 

Chornobyl Museum - Kiev "Lybov Kovalevska was the editor of the Pripyat newspaper. In March 1986 - one month before the explosion - she wrote a major critique of the Chornobyl Plant, warning of a coming disaster....Vladimir Privak, commander of the fire crew in charge of the Chornobyl plant, arrived first on the scene. He knew his team was too small for the fire, and sent a message for backups throughout the whole Kiev region. While his crew battled the fire in the machine hall, he joined another team battling the fire in the reactor. He fell in hours, while the reactor burned furiously for days.... One doctor, only in his thirties, had willingly gone to the disaster site to rescue others. For his selfless act, he suffered large black blisters, ulcerated skin, and red weeping burns that put him in pain beyond the reach of morphine. He died twelve days after the explosion. 

Five days after the disaster - when senior Communist party officials in Kiev who knew the gravity of the situation had sent or taken their children to Crimea or to their resorts in the Carpathian mountains - the same party leaders assured the people of Kiev that they were not at risk, and children flooded the streets of Kiev to take part in the annual May Day parade."

"Unwilling to acknowledge the scope of the disaster, Soviet authorities initially made no public announcement about the explosion. It was 36 hours before the people living in the shadow of the reactor were evacuated, a week before a wider ring of towns was alerted. Perhaps most cynically, Communist Party officials ordered Kiev's children to march in the annual May Day parade while quietly sending their own safely out of the danger zone. The explosion not only changed the way people around the world thought about nuclear power, making the name Chernobyl synonymous with all its flaws, it exposed the deep rot inside the Soviet system and contributed to its ultimate demise in 1991.....At an international conference last month in Belarus, scientists claimed 33,000 cases of leukemia among the 800,000 cleanup workers."

The Chernobyl Sacrifice; 1 MILLION Liquidators; via @AGreenRoad

They could only work 40 seconds at a time receiving their lifetime dose of radiation and sometimes 5 to 10 times more in only a few seconds. These dosage numbers were based on Soviet classification that were already several times higher than what was believed to be safe.

Proof of government and nuclear industry cover up at highest levels

The Battle Of Chernobyl Movie; via @AGreenRoad

Free Ebook; Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment; via @AGreenRoad

Chernobyl Coverup And Denial Of 1.5 Million Casualties - Russian Academy Of Sciences; via @AGreenRoad

Low dose radiation dangers, lessons from Chernobyl

Radiation dangers in food and water

Low dose radiation causing changes in children


After you read some of these articles, odds are that the conclusion reached will be, neither nuclear workers nor the public were protected from harm at these sites. 

TMI Coverup


Would you believe that a sodium cooled plutonium fired nuclear plant melted down not once, but twice in the Los Angeles California area, and no one was warned, no one was evacuated? 

Los Angeles Nuclear Plant Meltdown; Completely Covered Up


Nuclear Power Plant Threats, Accidents, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Movie Reviews, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Terrorists

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure


TV: US nuclear workers’ brains eaten away, hallucinating, mental capacity of preschooler — Wife films frightened, trembling husband on deathbed — It’s indescribable what they’ve done and they don’t care — They want you to die — Gov’t Experts: It’s allergies from cats or feathers… or B-12 deficiency — Doctor: Quit helping workers get help (VIDEO)

If a person is working for a company that has set up the 'health plan' to mandate that workers are forced to see an 'Occupational Medical' doctor, that spells doom for them. Why? 

Dick Shenary November 22, 2014 "Dr. Smick – “Occupational medicine is not the same as other types of medicine. You have the business needs of the employer to consider.” So it seems that occupational medicine doctors are very similar to HR workers. HR (human relations) workers represent the total interests of the employer and not the employees. These occupational medicine doctors must have taken an alternate Hippocratic Oath by swearing service to the company profit motive. What kind of doctor is paid to ignore health problems or worse yet come up with plausible false diagnosis? These would be profit protecting atomic doctors like Dr. Smick and in my opinion – scum of the Earth."

Via MochiMadness November 22, 2014 "I agree 100% with your assessment of Smick. Unfortunately, I've had several encounters with OccHealth and have asked the very same questions regarding care. How can a physician bound to certain principles look an employee in the eye, knowing an occupational incident occurred, and basically just lie?

It has to do with the burden of proof for malpractice and negligence. They do know that they are lying, don't get me wrong. They may even feel distant pangs of regret for what they're doing–I don't think so, but it's possible. There is no rule that says doctors must be honest and good and empathetic. We see deliberate malfeasance all the time in medicine. It's the way that the public is taught to view those in medicine that is the problem–accept that there are bad actors in every walk of life, and you're ahead of the game.

Back to malpractice/negligence. You have to prove intent in malpractice. It is SO DIFFICULT to prosecute, most lawyers, unless there is an enormous payout for them, will touch it. Negligence is the same–nebulous, subjective, "did Smick do what a dr. with his training and background would do" type thing. You can't win. So people give up.

Suing OccHealth docs is an exercise in insanity. The worker's comp laws are written by businesses for businesses. They find drs who are willing to sell out (and there are many)–they've got money and time…injured workers do not. You see how that ends."

The only chance workers have to win in this rigged system is to belong to a union and have a good lawyer who refers them to medical professionals that can actually find out what is really going on and hopefully get them some help, or least gather enough evidence for a lawsuit. Workers who try and fight to win a legal case against DOE are fighting the equivalent of trying to swim up Niagara Falls if they try it completely on their own, without any help at all. 


There is no 'safe' nuclear anything. Even small doses of radiation have cumulative effects and lead to increased risk of cancer, future genetic damage, and worse. The nuclear industry has been involved in a concerted effort to cover up the dangers, minimize the health damages and suppress information via the mass media and government. 

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions

As the above examples prove, cover ups are common around anything nuclear or radioactive. Lawsuits by former workers are common. Lawsuits by surrounding communities should also be common, for the same reasons outlined above. For more specifics around lawsuits against the nuclear industry specifically, in many different areas, click on this link...

How Can A Radiation Exposure Victim Get 10 Million Dollars As Compensation For Health And Property Damage? via @AGreenRoad

Lawsuits, Aging Nuclear Reactors, Recertification, Music, Lyrics, Poetry


Nuclear workers are very commonly used up, thrown away and denied any compensation for exposure to radiation and/or chemicals and heavy metal poisons that make up the world of the nuclear industry. The nuclear industry does this to their workers, who they are 'closest' to.

What do you think they do to the public and to the communities downwind of nuclear facilities? What do you think they will do to the environment if they treat their own workers like this? Do you really believe that they give a hoot about anything other than short term profits and PR pro nuclear industry spin? Do you really believe that they are going to protect your children, your pets, or future generations? Is this information worth bringing out into the light and offering to more people? If yes, please support his important whistleblowing work and investigative reporting. This work cannot happen without your help. 

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Nuclear Plant Workers And Public Not Protected From Radiation And Negative Health Effects; Hanford, TMI, Fukushima, WIPP, Chernobyl, Rocky Flats

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Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks

Radiation In Food/Water/Products, Geiger Counters, Dosimeters, Test Labs, Radiation Readings, Conversions

Animals, Insects, Birds And Plants - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation

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Individual Radioactive Elements/Isotopes, USA Radiation, Radiation Exposure Prevention, Reversal, Chelation

Lawsuits, Aging Nuclear Reactors, Recertification, Music, Lyrics, Poetry

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