How Man Made Radioactive Elements Corrode, Degrade, Embrittle And Erode All Matter And Living Creatures, Including Humans

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How Man Made Radioactive Elements Corrode, Degrade, Embrittle And Erode All Matter And Living Creatures, Including Humans

This article explains and explores how man made radioactive elements degrade, embrittle, and/or erode all matter and living creatures, including human beings, animals, insects and plants via Arto Lauri, providing an excellent video and pictures of the process. He does an excellent job of explaining how radiation decays, hollows out, degrades and embrittles all matter in a methodical, step by step process. 

Of course, the nuclear industry does not want you to know anything about this, so they hide this information and try to deceive people in many ways. Click on the link for more information..

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations, CIA, Journalism And The 1%, Whistleblowers, Voting, Elections And Solutions

The picture above is of a light filament, which made of tungsten steel, one of the strongest metals on the planet. Under stress, it deforms but does not break. You can stretch this wire and it still holds. The metal surface is shiny and new, with a glossy, reflective hard surface and atomic structure.

In the video above, Arto explains how radiation erodes matter of all kinds, through alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons and Xrays, which come off of man made fuel rods inside nuclear reactors. He uses a tungsten filament from a light bulb to give an example of how this radiation damages not only concrete, steel, wood, plants, insects, animals, birds and fish, but also human beings. 

The above picture shows what radiation does to matter. You can see the pitted surface of tungsten above, under a high power microscope. The steel at the atomic level has become brittle, eroded, full of pits, holes and fissures. 

You can see the surface of the tungsten metal is pitted, full of holes, fissures, caves, hills and valleys. This is also what happens inside of a nuclear reactor to uranium or plutonium, or anything else exposed to radiation.


The uranium or MOX fuel inside of any reactor is 'eroded' by the neutron, gamma, Xrays and other radiations, creating this same effect that you see in the tungsten above, but applied to a nuclear reactor's fissioning fuel rods. Of course no one in the nuclear industry wants you to know this simple basic fact. Why not? Because if you knew, you would probably ask some questions.

As the radiation 'eats' matter, the fuel rods become more like sponges, rather than hard objects. The sponge above illustrates what a fuel rod or anything else that is exposed to radiation turns into inside of a nuclear reactor, or outsides of it for that matter. The radiation weakens all objects exposed to this radiation, both from the outside and from the inside out, as radioactive elements are ingested via food and drinks. In humans 70% of all radiation is ingested via food and drinks. 

Arto explains that if a shock hits that object, it no longer has the strength of the original substance, whether it is metal, concrete, living tissue, a tree, a fish, a human, a dog, cat, zebra or whatever. The radiation has eaten holes in the material or the living tissue and it can no longer support as much weight, or resist forces such as bending, shocks, heat stress, viruses, bacteria, or whatever. 

The material or living tissue just becomes weaker and weaker, ending up looking like a sponge in the picture above, instead of hard metal or concrete. The surface is the weakest and it gets denser as you move deeper into it, due to radiation eroding the surface away, so the object ends up looking like the picture above, with no strength or ability to resist anything. If radiation hits ceramic objects, it weakens that too, so if it is exposed to a shock or stress, it just crumbles into dust.

Jebus November 21, 2014  It really isn't the cask that is the initial problem. That failure comes after the rods cladding becomes brittle, degrades and splits open, allowing the pellets to fall to the bottom… Embrittlement and DBTT of High-Burnup PWR Fuel Cladding Alloys

What happens to all of that missing radioactive metal? What happens if this same radiation gets out (which it does) and how does it affect living tissue, in children for example?


The decay process seen above in the tungsten metal is the same thing that also happens on an atomic cellular level when the body or the bones are are exposed cell by cell, to invisible man made radiation both from the outside in and from the inside out. The neutron, gamma, beta, alpha and X-ray radiation weakens the structure and damages the DNA and hollows out plus decays the bones, using this same radiation mechanism. In plants, the radioactive elements get inside the plant tissues and decay them from the inside out, killing them slowly, but surely over time. 

Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Fungus Infections, Disease And Death Of Trees And Plants Globally - Global Warming

The living cells can and do repair some damage, if the dose is very small, but not always correctly, especially on a DNA level. Sometimes, the damage is permanent, and the DNA becomes defective, but then it multiplies. The immune system is weakened, so all living things are more prone to infections, insect attack, virus, bacteria and fungus disease. The immune system strength is reduced the higher the dose of radiation.

If the radiation dose is large enough, the decaying process just accelerates and the bones plus other cells in the body degrade and fall apart, just like the tungsten metal above, or the following example of a Hanford worker. 

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

"With calm and dignity, but with tearful eyes, Anatoly's spouse reminisces about the terrifying acute syndrome of radiations which took her husband's life : "He was confined to bed during six months, and, you can put it this way, he decayed alive. Every part of him, his entire back … you could see his bare bones … I could extract bone residues... decayed bones, rotten." Doctors were helpless." (Help fund Belrad Institute by clicking on link)

Hanford; Lethal And Leaking; A Race To Armageddon?

Source; (Help fund Belrad Institute by clicking on link)

The decay of the DNA and the overall health of children in Belarus is seen at a glance in the chart above, showing the health of children going down drastically since Chernobyl. The red line indicates the unhealthy/diseased or deformed children rate going up to close to 90% of all children born in the region since Chernobyl. This same decay process will happen to children in japan due to Fukushima, and to children in Pennsylvania around TMI and any other nuclear accident sites. Nuclear radiation is anti life death, disease and decay promoting entropy energy. 


TV: US nuclear workers’ brains eaten away, hallucinating, mental capacity of preschooler — Wife films frightened, trembling husband on deathbed — It’s indescribable what they’ve done and they don’t care — They want you to die — Gov’t Experts: It’s allergies from cats or feathers… or B-12 deficiency — Doctor: Quit helping workers get help

November 21st, 2014 TV: US nuclear workers’ brains eaten away, hallucinating, mental capacity of preschooler — Wife films frightened, trembling husband on deathbed — It’s indescribable what they’ve done and they don’t care — They want you to die — Gov’t Experts: It’s allergies from cats or feathers… or B-12 deficiency — Doctor: Quit helping workers get help (VIDEO)

KING 5 News, Nov. 20, 2014: Steve Ellingson, a radiation specialist [at Hanford] sought treatment… after he inhaled toxic vapors… Penser North America [administers the DOE insurance system]… The physician paid by Penser… determined “there’s no evidence of work related impairment [and he] most likely encountered an irritating odor”… That physician is Larry Smick… He never met Ellingson in person… His conclusions were based on the review of his medical file… Smick has a longstanding history of dismissing Hanford workers.

KING 5 News transcript, Nov. 20, 2014 (emphasis added): In 2002, Steve Lewis, a Hanford electrician developed burning lungs, chronic nosebleeds… [Dr. Smick] concluded it wasallergies from cats or feathers… not vapors vented from the most deadly substance on earth. Did you have allergies before? “I’ve never had an allergy in my life.”… Dr. Smick left a trail of emails showing he was under pressure to keep contractors happy. In an email to his staff… he directed them to quit helping workers get help. “Please do not encourage workers to file compensation claims. We could be invited off the site if that behavior continues.”… A former medical provider that worked under Dr. Smick accused her boss of not putting patient health first, Smick responded… “Occupational medicine is not the same as other types of medicine. You have the business needs of the employer to consider.”

KING 5 News, Oct 14, 2014: Gary Sall… [worked at Hanford] for 28 years… 10 years ago… his brain function got worse and worse. Within 5 years he… could barely speak, hallucinated, and operated on the level of a 4-year-old… Doctors diagnosed him with work-related toxic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disorder… 

Barbara Sall, Hanford worker: “You totally lose everything… your memories, your mind… Everything’s gone, it’s just a shell… No one should ever see their loved one go through what he went through. It got very, very bad… Once you get sick they get rid of you, you’re no good anymore… [It's] undescribable what they’ve done to my family. They don’t care. They don’t even know we exist… Washington DC is turning its back on the fact that Hanford… is killing people.

Tri City Herald, June 8, 2011: “It’s an awful way to go,” [Sall] said. “It eats your brain away. It turns you into nothing.”… “How many people… have to die before [DOE] is held accountable for what it is doing to workers?” asked Lawrence Rouse, who has the [same] disease.

Al Jazeera, Oct 14, 2014: Terry Wattenburger [age 50]… a few years back, he looked like a football player… cancer and lung disease have taken a toll… [he dropped] to 106 pounds… doctors removed his entire stomach… He struggles with… neuromuscular disorder… stomach cancer… nerve damage… “My immune system is totally compromised”… Jerry Ferson [worked] at Hanford… for nearly 30 years… medical records show… brain dysfunction… toxic encephalopathy… neurotoxicity syndrome
What could be causing this nerve damage, brain damage, cancers and lung damage in the Hanford workers? 

Via OldFool November 21, 2014 "Radiation can cause temporary or longer lasting neurological effects, depending on the duration and dose. Sounds like gamma radiation or x-ray radiation. Bremsstrahlung x-ray photons created by betas hitting metal, from beta emitters, like Sr-90 or Yt-90, can be much more powerful than regular medical x-ray photons. They can approach the neighborhood of the lower level gamma ray photon energies. Hanford has many steel tanks, probably with some very strong beta emitters, one would imagine.

Bill Duff November 21, 2014  "Breaking Effect Gamma and XRAY from hitting water molecules in the human body. (Bremsstrahlung) Bremsstrahlung or Breaking Effect photons are caused by high energy Beta particles hitting water molecules or metals. A visible example is the cerulean blue light inside nuclear reactors. Fukushima water storage tanks emit Gamma Radiation and; X-Rays due to the effect. Internal Bremsstrahlung light, Gamma and X-RAYS occur when high energy Beta particles hit water molecules, metals or trace elements inside the human body.


For more information about how internal radiation affects the human body and all living things, click on the following links; 

Negative Effects Of Internal Radiation Exposure, Radiation Monitoring Networks

Children And Adults - Negative Effects Of Chronic, Cumulative Man Made Radiation Exposure

The above news accounts point at what happens to nuclear workers at Hanford. At WIPP, the same thing happened.


The following article points out how WIPP workers were not protected from harm. 

WIPP Did NOT Protect Workers or Inform Public About Plutonium Dangers Immediately After Radiation Disaster; via @AGreenRoad


After you read some of these articles, odds are that the conclusion reached will be, Fukushima workers and the public are not being protected from harm. 

Fukushima Workers 'Allowed' 250 mSv/yr, Compared To 20 mSv/yr For US Nuclear Industry Workers; via @AGreenRoad

4,000 Missing TEPCO Nuclear Plant Workers - Presumed To Be Dead via @AGreenRoad

Documentary Movie; "Nuclear Ginza" - Japanese Nuclear Industry Horrors; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Decommissioning Worker Conditions Deteriorating; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Lies Movie Part I and II; via @AGreenRoad

2014 - Japanese Government Moving People Into Areas with Up To 10 Times Maximum Nuclear Workers Annual Radiation Exposure Limit; via @AGreenRoad


After you read some of these articles, odds are that the conclusion reached will be, Chernobyl workers and the public were not being protected from harm and still are not protected from harm, as hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people live in radiation contaminated areas, eating radiation contaminated foods and drinks. 

The Chernobyl Sacrifice; 1 MILLION Liquidators; via @AGreenRoad

The Battle Of Chernobyl Movie; via @AGreenRoad

Free Ebook; Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment; via @AGreenRoad

Chernobyl Coverup And Denial Of 1.5 Million Casualties - Russian Academy Of Sciences; via @AGreenRoad

Low dose radiation dangers, lessons from Chernobyl

Radiation dangers in food and water

Low dose radiation causing changes in children


After you read some of these articles, odds are that the conclusion reached will be, neither nuclear workers nor the public were protected from harm at these sites. 

TMI Coverup

Los Angeles Nuclear Plant Meltdown; Completely Covered Up

Art And Science Of Deception; Global Corporations And The 1%, Whistleblowers, And Solutions


Nuclear workers are used up, thrown away and denied any compensation for exposure to radiation and/or chemicals and heavy metal poisons that make up the world of the nuclear industry. They do this to their workers, who they are 'closest' to. What do you think they would do to the public and to communities? What do you think they will do to the environment if they treat their own workers like this? Do you really believe that they give a hoot about anything other than short term profits and PR pro nuclear industry spin? Do you really believe that they are going to protect your children, your pets, or future generations? 

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How Man Made Radioactive Elements Corrode, Degrade, Embrittle And Erode All Matter And Living Creatures, Including Humans

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