List Of Communities Around The World Generating 100% Zero Carbon Sustainable, Renewable Energy Baseload Not Needed

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List Of Communities Around The World Generating 100% Zero Carbon Sustainable, Renewable Energy Baseload Not Needed

List Of Communities Around The World Generating 100% Zero Carbon Sustainable, Renewable Energy Baseload Not Needed


WashingtonsBlog; "Ben Elliston, Iain MacGill and I have performed thousands of computer simulations of 100% renewable electricity in the National Electricity Market(NEM), using actual hourly data on electricity demand, wind and solar power for 2010.

Our latest research, available here and reported here, finds that generating systems comprising a mix of different commercially available renewable energy technologies, located on geographically dispersed sites, do not need base load power stations to achieve the same reliability as fossil-fuelled systems. The old myth was based on the incorrect assumption that base load demand can only be supplied by base load power stations; for example, coal in Australia and nuclear in France. However, the mix of renewable energy technologies in our computer model, which has no base load power stations, easily supplies base load demand." For more, click on;


Two German towns are producing their own power from renewable sources. Feldheim produces enough 100% zero carbon wind power electricity to power their whole town. They sell their excess to the national grid.

Germany has announced that it will close all of it's nuclear reactors, on a timetable that extends out into the future. The nuclear industry has fought back, by getting the government to cut the solar subsidies by 30%, while boosting their own at the same time, just like in the USA. The cuts will strangle the renewable energy industry, and the dirty energy producers; coal, oil, gas and nuclear, all know this, which is why they are pushing these legislations in all countries. The dirty energy producers want to strangle any competition, and they are very good at pushing behind the scenes, to make this happen. These dirty energy producers want to keep people 'hooked' on dirty energy, just a drug addict wants his customers hooked on his drugs. 


Samso is another zero carbon energy self sufficient community, located in Denmark. 


A community in Kenya, Africa works with UN to produce a geothermal zero carbon energy plant for their community.  Maybe they followed the student's advice above?

Wikipedia; "So far, only Kenya has exploited the geothermal potential of the Great Rift Valley.[11] Kenya has been estimated to contain 10,000 MWe of potential geothermal energy[43] and has twenty potential drilling sites marked for survey in addition to three operational geothermal plants.[44]Kenya was the first country in Africa to adopt geothermal energy, in 1956, and houses the largest geothermal power plant on the continent, Olkaria II, operated by Kengen, who also operateOlkaria I. A further plant, Olkaria III, is privately owned and operated.[44][45]"

Wikipedia; "Batokunku (also spelled Batukunku) is a village located in Kombo South, one of the nine districts of The Gambia's Western Division. In January 2009, the village became notable as the location of the first wind turbine erected in West Africa. 

The 150 kilowatt turbine, a second-hand machine originally built by the Danish wind energy manufacturer Bonus, currently provides electrical power for the entire village.[1] The windmill is currently serviced/maintained by Global Energy (generator service) based in the nearby village of Tujereng in collaboration with Windstrom SH from Germany."

"According to the World Bank's latest data, Kenya's electricity net generation was 7.6 billion kilowatthours (KWh) in 2011, of which 68% derived from renewable sources (hydro, geothermal, biomass, and wind) and 32% from fossil-fuel sources....In 2011, geothermal accounted for 19% of Kenya's total electricity net generation, and geothermal installed capacity was 200 megawatts. The country has the potential to produce 10,000 megawatts of geothermal-powered electricity, according to Kenya's state-owned Geothermal Development Company."


Sonoma County Clean Power - One Of First In Nation To Offer 100% Zero Carbon, Zero Nuclear Local Energy Option To Customers


Illinois has 91 communities that have achieved 100-percent renewable energy, according to “Leading from the Middle: How Illinois Communities Unleashed Renewable Energy,” a reportreleased Friday by the Environmental Law & Policy Center, Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, LEAN Energy US, the Illinois Solar Energy Association and George Washington University Solar Institute. Each of the communities used group buying power to purchase electricity with renewable energy credits.


It is important to have a focus on the big regional picture, while still accommodating growth. This city is an example of how one town and surrounding area does green and sustainable planning.


BURLINGTON, Vt. — Vermont’s largest city has a new success to add to its list of socially conscious achievements: 100 percent of its electricity now comes from renewable sources such as wind, water, and biomass.


Greensburg, Kan., almost wiped out by a 2007 tornado, rebuilt with energy efficiency in mind. A 12.5-megawatt wind farm went online in 2009, producing electricity in excess of that consumed by the community of 850, said Administrator Ed Truelove.


Though Bhutan's many hydroelectric plants provide energy far in excess of its needs in the summer, dry winters and increased fuel demand makes the kingdom a marginal net importer of energy from India.[1][2] Bhutan remains overall carbon-neutral and a net sink for greenhouse gases.[7][8]


New Zealand has no operating nuclear reactors, and no research reactors. The country gets more than 50% of it's energy needs met with water power, so it among the most 'green' countries on Earth.
Allan Jones, City of Sydney's Chief Development Officer for Energy and Climate Change

Bob Dixson, Mayor of Greensburg, KS


Costa Rica receives over 90% of it's energy from water and wind sources, making it the greenest nation on Earth. There are no Costa Rica military bases. Approximately 25% of the country is made up of national parks. This is a favorite tourist attraction and many expats live here.


France is lauded by the pro nuclear experts as the example of virtuous nuclear power. Yet, the residents of France have voted to get rid of nuclear power completely. If nuclear power is so good, so cheap, so safe, so green, why would the people living in this theoretical paradise of nuclear power vote to get rid of it? Maybe the nuclear industry promised a lot of things, but then did not deliver on them. Maybe it is not as green or as safe as the nuclear experts promised. Maybe the citizens know more than anyone else, because they are living next door to these plants. Italy also had a voter referendum on nuclear power and said very clearly that they did not want it.

President Hollande made that clear in his environmental program, heavily influenced by the Green Party, two weeks ago. He plans to shut down the oldest reactor in France and to reduce nuclear energy from over 75% to 50% with the closing of 24 reactors by 2025.


"Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany has permanently shut down eight of its reactors and pledged to close the rest by 2022.[3] It has a goal of getting 80% of it's energy from renewables. 


Iceland today generates 100% of its electricity with renewables: 75% of that from large hydro, and 25% from geothermal. Equally significant, Iceland provides 87% of its demand for hot water and heat with geothermal energy, primarily through an extensive district heating system


As a result of these and other hydropower projects, almost 70 percent of Greenland’s electricity is now generated by emission-free hydropower.

"Storage would enable the distribution of energy to cities and settlements without local potential for renewable energy production," Mr Christiansen says, while adding that Greenland, with its natural resources, has the potential to supply 70% of Europe with renewable energy, mainly hydropower.

Nuclear is not the answer. It is not green, but is rather a greenwashing disaster. 

List Of Countries And Nations With NO Nuclear Power Plants Is Growing; Decline of Nuclear Power; via @AGreenRoad

What is the take away? Any city or country can develop or grow a self sufficient 100% zero carbon , zero nuclear renewable energy portfolio and still not need to use dirty, expensive and dangerous nuclear power. Every city, town, village or country has some renewable energy source that can be tapped and provide a self sufficient source of energy, anywhere on the planet. The important thing is to get started and set a goal. If these cities and countries can do it, anyone can. Get started today, and don't give up. Remember that it only takes small group of committed people, who don't give up. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one single small step.

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List Of Communities Around The World Generating 100% Zero Carbon Sustainable, Renewable Energy

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