Fukushima Coriums Melted Through The Concrete Base Mat Under Multiple Nuclear Reactors In 18 Hours, According To NRC Study

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Fukushima Coriums Melted Through The Concrete Base Mat Under Multiple Nuclear Reactors In 18 Hours, According To NRC Study

Via rogerthat January 2, 2015 "Molten fuel might be already outside of the concrete base and damaging the vulnerable part of PCV (Primary Containment Vessel) in Reactor 1." On 9/10/2014, IRID (International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning) announced it in the meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan…


It took TEPCO many months to admit that 100% of the fuel in 3 reactors melted out of their metal containers onto the concrete pad below them. But they then claim that NONE of those melted out coriums penetrated more than a few centimeters into the concrete base mat (in the video above). The nuclear experts are all still sticking with this story, despite 'not knowing' where the coriums are. During a 100% melt out of all of the fuel from a nuclear reactor, what actually happens according to the NRC? 

The NRC reactor safety study below points out that with a 100% melt out, the concrete base is penetrated within 18 hours after melt out, and then goes on down into the ground up to 50 feet or so.


Maybe there is a really good reason that this mega nuclear disaster is being denied whitewashed. Could Fukushima be a huge coverup? For more details on the multiple melt outs and explanation about what a corium is, etc, click on; 

At Fukushima Daichi, 3 Coriums Melted Out Of Containment, Compared To 1 Melt Out At Chernobyl ; via A Green Road

What would happen if the world finds out that there were 3 complete melt outs into the ground plus a plutonium explosion from #3 reactor, plus radioactive fires in one or more spent fuel pools? Knowing all of this, plus possibly more, would mean that Fukushima would be the first Class 8 or 9 nuclear disaster in history. The nuclear industry cannot afford a mega nuclear disaster on their books like that, as it would spell their absolute and complete demise.

So far, Fukushima has been classified as being 10% of Chernobyl, but both are a Class 7 nuclear disaster. That classification only happened after a lot of pressure was applied and months of slowly raising the severity level. The 'experts' knew within 48 hours that the cores had melted out 100%. There was no need to wait several months to make that announcement.

What follows is the NRC official report about nuclear reactor melt downs, and what happens to the corium......


"All About Meltdowns, Excerpts from the Reactor Safety Study (WASH-1400) (commonly known as the Rasmussen Report) published by the  US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1974


"The processes by which the molten core interacts with the concrete floor of the containment building are very complex and not fully understood. In the absence of definitive experimental information it is only possible to estimate approximately the time required for penetration of the containment floor by the molten core.

When the molten fuel (together with molten zirconium, zirconium oxide, steel, iron oxide, etc.) falls onto the concrete, vaporization of free water below the surface will cause spalling of the concrete and result in a very rapid penetration rate of the melt into the concrete.

Based on the vaporization of the free water, initial spalling rates are calculated to be 15 to 30 feet per hour. As the concrete heats up it will give up its water of hydration at about 900 o F; then, at 1400 o F to1600 o F, the limestone will decompose into CO2 [carbon dioxide] and CaO [calcium oxide]. It is expected that the water vapor and carbon dioxide would escape from the melt.

As the products of concrete decomposition are absorbed and/or dissolved by the melt, the melt temperature will decrease until constituents of the mixture begin to precipitate. It is estimated that by the time the melt has penetrated through 1 1/2 feet of concrete, UO2 [uranium oxide] would begin to precipitate from the multicomponent mixture.

From this point on the progress of the melt through the concrete is controlled by the rate of decay-heat generation; i.e., the quantity of concrete penetrated is directly proportional to the energy available to decompose the concrete and raise the temperature of the products [of such decomposition] to the temperature of the melt.

After the initial rapid penetration of concrete by spalling, the melt is expected to remain relatively viscous, decomposing and dissolving concrete at a rate compatible with decay-heat generation. Because the silica and calcia that are introduced at the lower surface are less dense than the body of the melt, convection currents that should be established will [by effectively "stirring" the melt] prevent the center of the melt from reaching very high temperatures. Also, the carbon dioxide and water vapor released by the concrete, and/or their further decomposition products, will provide additional agitation as they rise [as bubbles]through the melt.

The upper surface of the melt is likely to be covered with a solid crust and to be radiating heat to the remains of the pressure vessel and to the walls of the reactor cavity. If there is water in the cavity it will be vaporized by the melt, but even the continued addition of water would not avert containment melt through since the geometry of the molten mass is not favorable for effective cooling. If the structures above the melt reach elevated temperatures, they could fall into the melt."


(Michio Kaku tells the public many months after the 3/11 melt down, that Japan finally admitted and confirmed in public what they had known since day 1, that three nuclear reactors had melted down 100%, with 100 tons of fuel each. He claims that water saved the day, but this NRC study says that pouring water on corium makes no difference, once the corium is melted out..)


NRC Study continues:

"That at least part of the mass of fuel, structural, and other material remain molten is required by heat-transfer considerations.

If this mass should solidify at some point during the accident, then the only mechanism for dissipating decay heat would be conduction. For conduction to transfer the decay heat out of the largely low conductivity mass of material involved, temperatures at the center of the mass would have to exceed boiling points of some and melting points of all the constituents.

Hence the conclusion that at least some of the mass will remain in a fluid state for considerable time, with convection within the melt tending to maintain the melt temperature near the effective melting point of the mixture. It is recognized that as the size of the melt increases and the heat-generation rate per unit volume decreases due to dilution, solidification must eventually occur. Solidification is not, however, expected to take place prior to the penetration of the containment foundation mat.

In estimating the time required to penetrate the 10-foot-thick foundation mat, three different configurations were considered for the quantity of concrete decomposed by the molten core:

a 15-foot-diameter, 10-foot-high cylinder;

a 10-foot-radius hemisphere; and

a 32-foot-diameter, 10-foot-high cylinder.

The first case assumed that the melt progressed downward through the concrete faster than it did horizontally. The second case assumed equal rates of progress of the melt downward and horizontally. The third case assumed that the molten core materials spread within the confines of the reactor cavity and then attacked the concrete at equal rates in the downward and horizontal directions.

Because the carbon dioxide and water vapor produced by the decomposition of the concrete would tend to sparge the melt of fission products, the decay heat utilized for this analysis corresponded to 60 percent of that at the time of LOCA [the original loss-of-coolant accident]. This implies complete loss of the volatile fission products and fractional removal of some of the less volatile [radioactive] species from the melt [and into the reactor containment area].

Assuming all the decay heat goes into the concrete, the times required to penetrate the concrete and bring the entire melt to 4000 o F will be 7, 9, and 36 hours for the three cases considered. These times are based on contact of the concrete by the molten core at 2 to 3 hours after the start of the accident.

(The above picture shows what a corium does to a concrete base mat, click on the following link for source.)

newsblackoutUSA February 12, 2014 here are some pictures….


Making an allowance for heat losses from the upper surface of the melt, the best estimate for the time required to penetrate the containment foundation mat is 18 hours.

More rapid meltthrough of the concrete than calculated could occur if the spalled pieces of concrete were floated to the surface of the melt without undergoing dissolution and being elevated to the temperature of the melt.

[ from p.VIII-66 . . . ]

After the molten material has penetrated the concrete floor, the melt front will proceed into the underlying gravel and possibly into the earth.

The ultimate extent to which the molten zone can grow depends upon the heat removal processes at the upper and lower surfaces and the chemical and physical processes within the melt. Estimates have been made of the ultimate extent of the growth of this region. Assuming that heat removal at the surface is limited to conduction, the maximum radius of molten sphere has been calculated to be 30 feet and 50 feet for growth into media of limestone and dry sand, respectively (Ref 14).

The analyses of Jansen and Stepnewski (Ref. 12) for basaltic concrete indicated a maximum radius of 38 feet for a molten hemisphere. Since the ground underneath containment is well below the level of the water table, conduction heat transfer at the surface of the melt should be augmented by steam generation and convection.

It is therefore likely that the melt will not proceed more than 10 to 50 feet below the bottom of the containment building. Greater depths could only be achieved if the core material were able to melt through the underlying material without mixing and being diluted by the products of decomposition.

Although it has been predicted that small pellets of solid UO2 could travel some distance before being dissolved into the molten products of the medium being penetrated (Ref. 14), good mixing should occur between molten UO2 and the products of decomposition of concrete or soil in the configurations expected in the meltdown accident."

End of NRC study...



Nuclear Expert: Fukushima is a pretty close approximation of ‘The China Syndrome’; Melted fuel cores burned through containment vessels and material is below reactor structures mixing with groundwater — Essentially it’s a machine that’s washing radioactivity into the sea (AUDIO)

US gov't analysis says Fukushima is more serious than 'China Syndrome' -- Destroyed reactors suffered worst type of containment failure (PHOTOS)

Japan Journalist: Melted nuclear fuel going through Fukushima containment vessels, they don’t even know where the 3 reactor cores went — Senior Scientist: I’m being told Japan may never be able to remove radioactive materials from site; ‘Solution’ may be to leave it in place (AUDIO) June 10, 2014


What is the take away?

Fukushima had 3 or more nuclear reactor 100 ton fuel contents melt down, and then melt through the concrete based, exiting containment. Where did the multiple coriums end up going after that? No one knows, and TEPCO has made no efforts to find out.

3 reactors melted down and out.

#3 Building had a MOX fuel explosion that scattered screaming hot nuclear fuel fragments for miles around the site, including the Pacific ocean.

#3 Building had a melt out from either a spent fuel pool or the reactor.

#4 Building equipment pool melted out of Building #4 and into the ground.

Multiple spent fuel pools caught on fire. For more details on the above, click on the links below...

What Really Happened At Fukushima Reactor And Spent Fuel Pool #3? via @Green Road

TEPCO/Fukushima Lies Exposed Around Building #4, SFP, Core. Equipment Pool, Melt Out; via @AGreenRoad

Radioactive Smoke/Steam Coming Out Of Ground And #3 Reactor Building At Fukushima 2011- 2014 via @AGreenRoad


TEPCO is still claiming as of 2014, that Fukushima Daichi is in 'cold shutdown', and it is no more than 10% of Chernobyl. In other words, nothing bad happened; almost all of the radiation was contained and almost nothing came out of the reactors, and zero radiation came out of the spent fuel pools. The nuclear industry is desperate to hide this mega nuclear disaster that is just starting, because the pressure would intensify to shut down all nuclear reactors globally. So far, there is no way to 'shut off' those three or more underground out of control 100 ton nuclear fires, and it is getting harder and harder to hide their negative effects.

The movie China Syndrome covers what happens when a corium leaves a building and goes down in the ground. This mega nuclear disaster has just started, and it is not over by any stretch of the imagination. Groundwater is moving past these underground 100 ton out of control corium lava fires and polluting plus slowly strangling the life out of everything in the Pacific ocean via 'diluted' low dose radiation. Add this radiation to the estimated 80% of radiation that was dumped into the Pacific initially, compared to what was deposited on Japan landmasses. But the peak amount as measured by scientists can tell us all something, without knowing anything else. For more details, click on the following link. Is it any wonder that multiple species are experiencing mass die offs already?


Event                                                                     Peak Radiation Reading In Bq/m³

2,400 Nuclear weapons testing peak -                                                        100 Bq/m³
Chernobyl caused a peak reading of -                                                      1,000 Bq/m³
Fukushima caused a peak reading of  -                                          180,000,000 Bq/m³ 

Chernobyl was around ten times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.
Fukushima was around 180,000 times worse than 2,400 nuclear bombs going off.

2014 - Fukushima Ocean Radiation Compared To Chernobyl and 2,400 Open Air Nuclear Bomb Tests; via @AGreenRoad


Via Nuda Waya P.S. "IAEA ratings scale tops out at 7....The IAEA never thought they would need to go beyond 7 as that was global involvement, Chernobyl was and is a global calamity to this day. Here is your corium, essentially:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGJ2jMZ-gaI

The above scenario could be what the 3 separate 100 ton coriums look like underneath the ground on a very small, miniature scale. But no one really knows for sure, until TEPCO decides to start actually looking for them. This amount of aluminum is just a pound or so.. Imagine this amount multiplied by 2,000 times, then again by another 100 times, and that is just one 100 ton corium burning underground even TODAY. These 3 100 ton corium lava blobs are constantly fissioning, releasing radioactive iodine, cesium, xenon gas, tritium, strontium, and 1,000 other deadly life extinguishing man made elements into the Pacific ocean and the air, without end, basically forever.


The evidence is all there, but the mass media refuses to look at it and report it. The nuclear industry does not want you to see this. Most people are in total or partial denial and believe the nuclear scientists who are lying and deceiving the whole world. It is time to wake up. Denial is not an option when all 7 million species of life on Earth are being threatened with extinction. 

Titantic and Costa Concordia - Example of Normalcy Bias In Fukushima Mega Disaster; via @AGreenRoad


2014 - Fukushima Getting Worse And Worse, Iodine 131, Cesium, Strontium Levels Spiking Up; via @AGreenRoad

10,000,000 Bq/L Fukushima Strontium Bone Cancer Causing Radiation Levels in Groundwater Monitoring Well - Going Into Ocean - Feb. 2014; via @AGreenRoad

The nuclear industry does not care about you, your kids, or your community, from their beginning to now. They don't care whether you live, get cancer or die from their spreading totally invisible and undetectable poisons globally. And if you don't care and do something to stop this, no one else will either. No one seems to be interested in even finding out where the these three melted out coriums went, or discovering what effects these invisible radioactive poisons are having.


Where are these coriums TODAY? What are these underground coriums doing, TODAY? The above reports and articles provide evidence of these coriums fissioning underground. And the public keeps on sleeping, while this ongoing out of control mega nuclear disaster just keeps on getting worse and worse and the corporate controlled mass media refuses to cover it. Here is yet more evidence of the coriums burning underground....

Radioactive Smoke/Steam Coming Out Of Ground And #3 Reactor Building At Fukushima 2011- 2014 via @AGreenRoad

The radiation levels going into the ocean and the air and into all life on the planet, keep going up and up, with no end in sight.  Meanwhile, the incubation time clock is running on the cancers and other diseases that will become even more evident, very soon. TEPCO and the nuclear industry keep claiming no one died, and no one will ever die. Do you still believe the TEPCO and nuclear industry experts fairy tales about cold shutdown, no deaths ever, and 'decomissioning'?


How Dangerous Is 400-6000 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima? Via @AGreenRoad

The secrecy, lies and deception lid cannot keep the truth covered up much longer around Fukushima. There will come a time when these multiple underground out of control coriums will make their dark and life extinguishing aliveness known for all the world to see, and it will not be pretty. The death count has already started, the bell tolls for these young innocents murdered before they even had a chance at life, by invisible nuclear poisons, more deadly even than cyanide...

14,000 US Infant Mortality/Deaths From Fukushima Nuclear Disaster - Peer Reviewed Study; via @AGreenRoad


To end on a positive note, TEPCO could face reality, find the coriums, dig them up and put them in a safe storage. The Soviet Union sacrificed their nuclear scientists, plus 1 million people during their nuclear disaster in order to save the world and find the corium, plus prevent it from reaching groundwater. Maybe they have already been found, but the results are being covered up. 

US Military Has 9 Satellites That Can Find Or Locate Melted Out Coriums At Fukushima Daichi, Muon Detector Results Covered Up; via @AGreenRoad


The Japanese seem content to press homeless volunteers and the mentally ill into service, to build tents and make the place look nice for the cameras, partially filter some water, fiddle with equipment, drones, and robot boats, while doing absolutely nothing about finding the coriums and then digging them out of the ground.

Mentally Ill And Homeless Being Pressed Into Servitude At Fukushima, End Up With No Pay Or In Debt To Gangsters; via @AGreenRoad

TEPCO needs to get serious and real around this ongoing out of control emergency mega nuclear disaster. This time around, the whole world and all life on the planet is at risk from Fukushima. Doing the right thing will not mean making claims of zero deaths to try and look good, while keeping the whole world in denial.


Getting real will mean Abe has to be a REAL leader, instead of just posing as one and pretending. He has to get the whole country to tackle this crisis head on. He has to get the military to order and call up all able bodied men, just as Gorbachev did in Soviet Russia around Chernobyl. Japan will have to sacrifice a large part of their population to save the world. Gorbachev said it well when he identified the Chernobyl nuclear disaster as the real cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

Gorbachev; Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Was Real Cause Of The Collapse of Soviet Union; via A Green Road

Because Fukushima is many, many orders of magnitude worse than Chernobyl, it will probably take 3 million people, and maybe more, to get at and retrieve those coriums both underground and whatever small pieces are left inside the reactors. It will take 1 to 10 Trillion dollars to get real and tackle the very difficult issue to finding and securing the melted out coriums, maybe more. 

Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster Total Cost $1 - $10 TRILLION Dollars - Will Bankrupt Japan; via @AGreenRoad


This article provides a very sobering, but realistic view of this mega nuclear disaster. The sooner this very difficult situation is faced, the better the outcome, and the more life will be left on Earth. Leaving it alone and making it all look good for the TV cameras and people who don't know anything won't work much longer. Chernobyl has caused many more casualties than the nuclear industry admits. Chernobyl was a very tiny, tiny nuclear disaster compared to Fukushima, and it involved almost no plutonium, which is orders of magnitude more lethal and dangerous, compared to uranium. 

Chernobyl Coverup And Denial Of 1 Million Casualties; via @AGreenRoad

Fukushima Daiichi Equals 50 Plus Chernobyls; via @AGreenRoad


Trying to save money on Fukushima by using the equivalent of baling wire, garden hose type pipes, duct tape and temporary water tanks that are constantly leaking high level nuclear waste, will only ensure the worst possible outcome for the whole world and all 8 million species of life on planet Earth. Dana is a futurist, and is predicting what will happen soon, as well as what is happening now, to many species, in the short video below.


Spiritually, humanity is at a crossroads. This is the darkest moment in history, but it is also potentially the brightest moment. Spiritually, every problem or calamity also contains a gift that is equal to or greater than the disaster or misfortune. If the human village pulls together to respond to this mega disaster with TRUTH, love, light, international cooperation and healing, it may yet be possible to solve this crisis and come out victorious, thus ensuring a bright and wonder filled future for all living things and people on the planet. There is no order of difficulty when it comes to miracles. We are all destined to move mountains and perform miracles of love. Our destiny is definitely not about rolling around in viper pits and hiding deadly, greed filled secrets, while living in fear or anger. 


Fukushima Coriums Melted Through The Concrete Base Mat Under Multiple Nuclear Reactors In 18 Hours, According To NRC Study

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What is Needed? Top Down Champions Of Sustainability With $; via @AGreenRoad


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