Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Fungus Infections, Disease And Death Of Trees And Plants Globally - Global Warming

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Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Fungus Infections, Disease And Death Of Trees And Plants Globally - Global Warming

This article will discuss emissions from nuclear power facilities, focusing specifically first on neutrons emissions and then on radioactive carbon 14 emissions. All nuclear power plants release both neutrons and radioactive carbon 14.


The video above goes into general facts around 'legal' emissions that come from all nuclear power plants. Although the video above does not discuss Carbon 14 specifically, it helps to understand the fact that nuclear power plants are not hermetically sealed units, but rather are designed to release massive amounts of man made radioactive elements into air, water and soil, including neutrons.

Neutrons can go through miles and miles of solid rock, as if it was not there.. Where is the proof of this?

Could J Parc Neutron Beam Have Caused Fukushima Daichi Mega Nuclear Disaster?

Fast Neutron/Neutrino Emissions From Nuclear Power Plants, Mines, Recycling Facilities, Their Effect On Human Health And Climate; via @AGreenRoad

13 Neutron Beams Came Out Of Fukushima; Direct Evidence Of Holes In Reactors And Multiple Melt Throughs; via @AGreenRoad


Some pro nuclear experts will claim that neutrons have no effect on health, but the evidence is overwhelming in the opposite direction, especially when we are discussing neutrons coming from man made radioactive elements, and nuclear power plants. 

Wikipedia reports that; "Exposure to free neutrons can be hazardous, since the interaction of neutrons with molecules in the body can cause disruption to molecules and atoms…Some particular thought must be given to how to protect from neutron exposure, however. For other types of radiation, e.g. alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays, material of a high atomic number and with high density make for good shielding; frequently lead is used. However, this approach will NOT work with neutrons, since the absorption of neutrons does not increase straightforwardly with atomic number, as it does with alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Instead one needs to look at the particular interactions neutrons have with matter

"During the power production, a nuclear reactor emits a trillion-times-billion neutrinos every second. The measurement in the detector close to the reactor predicts how many reactor neutrinos should be counted in the other detector far from the reactor if there were no neutrino transformation. Comparison with the actual measurement in the far detector can determine how much the reactor neutrinos were transformed to other neutrinos, namely the smallest mixing angle."

We need to know how many neutrinos are coming from each reactor,” McKeown said. “The number of neutrinos is directly related to the amount of power generated. It’s not always constant, though.”

Via Wilhelm Horstmann; In a German report, a researcher documents that radioactive Carbon 14 and neutron levels have been rising since 1950 in the atmosphere.

Have you noticed that the growth of plants, or the total amount of fruit or produce has been reduced or compromised on your farm, or in your garden, or in your tree farm? Are the forests in your area growing weaker, more subject to disease, storm damage, and/or insects? Are the growth rings in your trees shrinking? Is the size of your fruit or vegetable harvest shrinking, such as the size of the fruit, the size of nuts, or the amount of produce per plant?

Of course, radiation damage can also result in gigantism, but that is due to mutation, via DNA genetic damage, which happens both in humans and in plant fruits and vegetables.


via Mack May 12, 2014  “Nuclear power plants operating under even standard conditions release annually about 92.5 X 10-to-the-10th-power Bq of radiocarbon (14C) to the environment for generating 1GW of electrical energy.” Multiply approx. 390 GW of annual nuclear energy by 92.5 X 10-to-the-10th-power Bq of radiocarbon and that's how much Carbon14 is released EVERY YEAR, from civilian nuclear reactors.

Arto Lauri describes what a nuclear reactor does to the trees that are around the nuclear reactor in Finland, as they absorb the radioactive and poisonous Carbon 14, released from a fission process. There are few insects, no frogs, and very little of the 'normal' life left in the area, that used to be there before the nuclear reactor came to town.


Let's add up the Carbon 14 released by nuclear accidents; 

 “Accidents in nuclear power plants cause emission of large amount of 14C, which is an integral part of the general radioisotope contamination.....Chernobyl NPP accident caused a discharge of radiocarbon as fine-grained reactor graphite and carbon dioxide..…Chernobyl-born radiocarbon may appear 1.26 times more detrimental to heredity of man than radiocaesium.....For all types of reactors except PWRs, most of the gaseous releases of 14C are in the form of 14CO2 (IAEA, 2004), which is assimilated by plants. As a consequence, increased specific activity of 14C may be found in surrounding plants and all other types of biota. In case of the Ignalina NPP, Lithuania, the importance
of 14C is also due to the huge total mass of graphite per reactor, which is more than 1800 tons, and consequently large 14C inventory in graphite (7.0×1014 Bq in all the irradiated graphite constructions of a reactor) (Maceika etal., 2005). Apart from 14C in CO2 and hydrocarbons forms, the contribution of 14C present in particulates from airborne release is also considered to be significant for certain types of nuclear reactors (AGRs, RBMKs) (Bush et al., 1984). ”

"The most comprehensive dispersion study of stack-emitted 14C02 was made by Otlet, Walker and Fulker (1990), who measured dispersion around the reprocessing site at Sellafield, in air, food and hawthorn berries. Levin et al. (1988) measured the environmental distribution of reactor 14CO2 around two German nuclear power plants, and compared measured dispersion factors with values calculated using a one-dimensional Gaussian plume model. Several researchers studied carbon dynamics in soils, utilizing the 1960s input of 14C to the biosphere during nuclear weapons testing (e.g., O'Brien 1984; Harkness, Harrison and Bacon 1986; Jenkinson et a1.1992; Trumbore 1993). ...Carbon-14 can also be produced by other neutron reactions, including in particular 13C (n,gamma) 14C and 17O(n,alpha)14C with thermal neutrons, and 15N (n,d) 14C and 16O (n,3He) 14C with fast neutrons.[14] "

Wikipedia; "The most notable routes for 14C production by thermal neutron irradiation of targets (e.g., in a nuclear reactor) are summarized in the table.
Carbon-14 may also be radiogenic (cluster decay of 223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra). 
14C production routes[15]
Parent isotopeNatural abundance, %Cross section for thermal neutron capturebReaction

As one can see from the EPA study below, the TMI normal emissions each year release 8 curies of Carbon 14.

In Life cycle and management of carbon-14 from nuclear power generation, the researchers report that Carbon 14 "is a radionuclide of considerable interest in nuclear power productionCarbon-14 is present in virtually all parts of nuclear reactor primary system and has a high production rate. It is released to the environment through gaseous and liquid discharges and through the disposal of solid radioactive waste. With its long half-life (5,730 years) and high mobility in the environment, 14C can be a nuclide of major concern after mixing with stable 12C 13C followed by the biological incorporation into biota, as carbon is the fabric of life.

Let's summarize what we have learned so far. There are many pathways that create man made radioactive Carbon 14 inside of ALL NUCLEAR REACTORS, whether they are research reactors, or power plants. The things that come out of all nuclear reactors 'legally', then interact with carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, to produce radioactive Carbon 14.  MASSIVE amounts of neutrons, neutrinos and antineutrinos are created and are emitted by all nuclear reactors, so this process is ongoing and never ending.


Next,  let's explore how and why the Petkau Effect works and the history of it, and then dive into the effects of radioactive Carbon 14 on plants specifically.


Wikipedia reports that "Carbon-14 goes through radioactive beta decay:

\mathrm{~^{14}_{6}C}\rightarrow\mathrm{~^{14}_{7}N}+ e^- + \bar{\nu}_e

By emitting an electron and an electron antineutrino, one of the neutrons in the carbon-14 atom decays to a proton and the carbon-14 (half-life of 5730 years) decays into the stable (non-radioactive) isotope nitrogen-14.

The emitted beta particles have maximum energy of 156 keV, while their average energy is 49 keV. These are relatively low energies; the maximum distance traveled is estimated to be 22 cm in air and 0.27 mm in body tissue. The fraction of the radiation transmitted through the dead skin layer is estimated to be 0.11. Small amounts of carbon-14 are not easily detected by typical Geiger–Müller (G-M) detectors; it is estimated that G-M detectors will not normally detect contamination of less than about 100 000 disintegration per minute (0.05 µCi). Liquid scintillation counting is the preferred method.[5] The G-M counting efficiency is estimated to be 3%. The half-distance layer in water is 0.05 mm.[6]


The video describes how scientists view Carbon 14. They always talk about how carbon 14 is produced in the upper atmosphere in small amounts, but almost never mention how nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs do the same thing, but in much higher amounts. Carbon 14 is present in Nature in VERY small amounts that normally cannot be measured. Scientists state that the Carbon 14 levels inside tissues of all living things will always 'match' what is in the environment.

In effect, they are proving that as radioactive Carbon 14 levels rise due to emissions from nuclear power plants, that animals, plants and trees absorb this higher level of this radiation as well. The radioactive and unstable Carbon 14 mimics natural carbon in the air, so the trees, plants, animals and humans absorbs radioactive Carbon 14. This absorption of radioactive carbon 14 is no different from other man made radioactive elements such as plutonium being a mimic for iron, or cesium being a mimic for potassium. 

After an animal or plant dies, the decay and half life of Carbon 14 in the bones or tree material can be measured and analyzed to figure out how old that animal, human or plant is today, and figure out when it died. Whether Carbon 14 is produced in the upper atmosphere or inside of a nuclear bomb/nuclear reactor, the process that happens next is also the same... Carbon 14 decays via a beta particle into Nitrogen.

Picture of Carbon 14 decaying into Nitrogen, via a beta particle.

Whether or not the Carbon 14 dating method is accurate or not is not the focus here. Radioactive Carbon 14 amounts are increasing year by year globally and plants do absorb this radiation, just like they absorb normal CO2.


Man made radioactive elements such as cesium, strontium, plutonium and tritium did not exist in Nature prior to the atomic age in amounts sufficient to be able to even measure them or find them.

Via Jebus October 18, 2014 "Actnides like cesium-137 and strontium-90 were not present in nature before 1945. Prior to the first nuclear bomb detonation in July of 1945, isotopes such as strontium-90 and cesium-137 simply did not exist in nature. They were created by the massive neutron bombardments that occur during a thermonuclear explosion. Since those isotopes didn’t exist in nature prior to 1945, paintings created prior to 1945 could not contain them originally.

550 nuclear bombs were detonated from 1945 to 1963, when most nations agreed not to test nuclear weapons any longer. The isotopes created during this period bind with the types of crops that are used to produce oil based paints. Therefore, oil paintings created after 1945 will contain trace amounts of these new isotopes.

Some pro nuclear apologists like to claim that all radiation is 'natural', so none of the man made radiation can harm anyone, since everyone has been exposed to it since life began. But that bald faced deceptive claim is not true, and any scientist can repeat the above experiment to prove this truth. Meanwhile, on the other side, the pro nuclear apologists point to Oklo and thorium deposits as 'proof' of their claim, but refuse to test paintings for man made radioactive elements, isotopes and actinides, comparing before the atomic age to after it. 


Man made radioactive Carbon 14 is emitted by all nuclear plants, and that radioactive carbon replaces the ordinary non radioactive carbon both in humans and in plants.


What is the effect of all of the man made radioactive elements (such as Carbon 14) emitted by over 400 nuclear power plants globally on life generally?

Petkau had been measuring, in the usual way, the radiation dose that would rupture a simulated artificial cell membrane. He found that 3500 rads delivered in 2¼ hours (26 rad/min = 15.5 Sv/h) would do it. 

Then, almost by chance, Petkau repeated the experiment with much weaker radiation and found that 0.7 rads delivered in 11½ hours (1 millirad/min = 0.61 mSv/h) also ruptured the membrane. This was counter to the prevailing assumption of a linear relationship between total dose or dose rate and the consequences.[3]

The radiation was of ionizing nature, and produced negative oxygen ions (free radicals). Those ions were more damaging to the simulated membrane in lower concentrations than higher (a somewhat counter-intuitive result in itself) because in the latter, they more readily recombine with each other instead of interfering with the membrane. The ion concentration directly correlated with the radiation dose rate and the composition had non-monotonic consequences." 

Quotes From Famous People About Nuclear Energy And Radiation Dangers; via @AGreenRoad

Ralph Graeub; The Petkau Effect, 1992
"A number of independent researchers have demonstrated that long-term, relatively low levels of radiation may wreak up to 1000 times more biological havoc than the currently accepted "risk levels" that are being used as reference points for decisions about licensing and operating nuclear plants."

In 1972, a researcher in Canada, Dr. Abram Petkau, found that when cells were irradiated slowly, a smaller total dose was needed to cause damage. Since this critical discovery it has been verified that a small dose of radiation over a long time is more damaging than one larger dose. Imagine the ramifications! This means that the small amounts of radiation that are released from the everyday operation of the world's 400 nuclear plants are doing much more damage than calculated

This discovery, known as the "Petkau Effect," showed that the amounts of radiation that are legally released from nuclear power plants, combined with the leaks, spills, and accidents, are a cause of extreme damage to our health because continuous low-level exposures produce hundreds to thousands of times more free radicals than the same dose delivered at one time, as in an X ray, for example. 


Dr. Ernest Sternglass, retired Emeritus Professor of Radiological Physics at the University of Pittsburgh and a pioneering researcher in the field of radiation health, explains in his 1978 book Secret Fallout the implications of this new understanding: "Doses of radiation delivered slowly and continuously over extended periods of time are hundreds of times as damaging biologically as short, high intensity exposures of the same total dose. This was made clear in 1972 by Dr. Abram Petkau who discovered that at low doses of radiation absorbed at low rates, the dominant biological damage is produced by highly toxic molecules called free radicals.

Low dose radiation shortens the life span of most organisms, according to Denham Harman in Free Radical Theory of Aging. Even at low levels, radiation may increase mutations of bacteria and viruses, as Andrei Sakharov described in his 1992 Memoirs

A 1966 report by the Atomic Energy Commission, The Genetic Effects of Radiation, concluded “there is no threshold on the genetic effect of radiation. There is no safe level of radiation insofar as genetic effects are concerned.” 

In his ground-breaking book The Petkau Effect (Four Walls Eight Windows, NYC 1992) Ralph Graeub describes the mechanism whereby small doses of low level radiation are far more damaging in their cumulative effect than previously thought. He says in the forward:

"The present book provides additional reasons why nuclear energy is not 'environmentally benign' so that the public that continues to be deceived by nuclear propaganda can make a more informed judgement as to whether it really wants a 'new generation' of nuclear plants for both bomb-making and civilian power generation. Among the most important of the recent scientific discoveries that have been successfully kept from the public is the Petkau Effect, the discovery that showed low-dose protracted radiation exposures such as those produced by radioactive fission products to be hundreds to thousands of times as damaging as the same dose received in a short medical X-ray...


The biological and genetic damage from low dose radiation is not confined to any one species or even humans. The Petkau Effect applies to other forms of life, from fish to birds and mammals, and even to our trees, vegetables, forests, fruit orchards as well as bacteria and viruses.

Some people claim that because Carbon 14 is 'natural', it has no harmful effect, much like radium, radon and uranium, which are also 'natural'. Actually, all radioactive elements are harmful, as proven by the Petkau effect. Radon and uranium dust both cause lung cancer, and radium also causes cancer, which for anyone who has any common sense, proves that even 'natural' radiation from sources such as uranium, radon or radium can and does cause cancer and other health issues. Why would the US government be paying former uranium miners for health damage caused by uranium, if it is so health promoting as the pro nuclear apologists claim? For those who need more proof, click on the following links... 

Radium; The Epic Story; via @AGreenRoad

Radon Dangers; Hormesis Explored; via @AGreenRoad


The following excerpt from The Petkau Effect explains why plants are so much more sensitive to air pollution than animals. Also look at photos of deformed plants from the Pennsylvania Three Mile Island nuclear power plant area in chapter 7. Extreme and numerous plant deformities were observed after the nuclear accident there in 1979. The downwind area around TMI is also the area with the highest cancer rate in the US. 

The decline of the forests has grown from a disturbing trend to a catastrophe of dramatic proportions. Hardly has one study on the subject been finished than it is surpassed by another bearing worse tidings. Not so long ago, the march of death was confined to certain species in certain locations - today it is a virtually global epidemic. Fruit trees are showing the same symptoms as those of the forest. 30 percent of the fruit trees in the Canton of Thurgovi in Switzerland are destroyed. Now they fear the vineyards will follow

“We now have proof of the risk of interrupting the very basis of the life cycle of plants, animals and man - in brief, photosynthesis on Earth is endangered

“There is a fundamental difference between plants and animals, and this determines why plants are so much more sensitive to air pollution. We animals need air for its oxygen, to burn our food so as to obtain energy. The plant, however, gets almost all of its nutrition in the form of carbon, which is contained in the air in the form of carbonic acid (C02) and is made available to the plant through the process of photosynthesis. The plant must take in MUCH more air than animals to get enough carbon.

The prodigious aeration of the plants explains their tremendous sensitivity to air pollution. The toxic effects of airborne pollutants show up earlier in plants than in the human.

A tree may be made up of 50% carbon by weight. As a tree or other plant absorbs radioactive Carbon 14, instead of the minerals that are normally available, this compromises the health of that plant or tree, due to the machine gun of radiation firing inside of it, killing and damaging cells all around each radioactive Carbon 14 particle. The tree must fight this damage, which also reduces it's ability to fight stresses, such as disease, insects, fungus, drought or storm damage. The death rate of trees from all causes increases, and more trees die than can grow to replace them. Gradually the forest thins out and eventually dies out completely, because no new trees can replace the dead and dying ones, due to excessive amounts of Carbon 14 and other radioactive elements. Some species of trees are more sensitive to radiation than others.


Carbon is used by all plants and humans as almost all life on Earth is based on the carbon cycle. Since all nuclear reactors and nuclear reprocessing as well as other facilities emit massive amounts of carbon 14, this man made artificial element has a negative effect on all living things.

In Life cycle and management of carbon-14 from nuclear power generation, the researchers report that Carbon 14 "is a radionuclide of considerable interest in nuclear power production. Carbon-14 is present in virtually all parts of nuclear reactor primary system and has a high production rate. It is released to the environment through gaseous and liquid discharges and through the disposal of solid radioactive waste. With its long half-life (5,730 years) and high mobility in the environment, 14C can be a nuclide of major concern after mixing with stable 12C 13C followed by the biological incorporation into biota, as carbon is the fabric of life.

Wikipedia; "The most notable routes for radioactive Carbon 14 is production by thermal neutron irradiation of targets (e.g., in a nuclear reactor). The above-ground nuclear tests that occurred in several countries between 1955 and 1980 (see nuclear test list) dramatically increased the amount of carbon-14 in the atmosphere and subsequently in the biosphere; after the tests ended, the atmospheric concentration of the isotope began to decrease. One side-effect of the change in atmospheric carbon-14 is that this has enabled some options (e.g. bomb-pulse dating[19]) for determining the birth year of an individual, in particular, the amount of carbon-14 in tooth enamel,[20][21] or the carbon-14 concentration in the lens of the eye.[22] ( This is proof that Carbon 14 is absorbed by humans and plants and that it can be measured.)

Carbon-14 atoms react rapidly to form... 14CO (radioactive carbon monoxide), which subsequently oxidizes at a slower rate to form 14CO2, radioactive carbon dioxide 14. The gas mixes rapidly and becomes evenly distributed throughout the atmosphere (the mixing time scale in the order of weeks). Radioactive carbon dioxide also dissolves in water and thus permeates the oceans, but at a slower rate.[10] The atmospheric half-life for removal of 14 CO2 has been estimated to be roughly 12 to 16 years in the northern hemisphere."

In the above section, we can see that the Carbon 14 emitted by all nuclear facilities is fairly quickly turned into radioactive CO2 14, which has a global warming effect, but it also is deadly radioactive. The carbon 14 emitted by all nuclear plants is NOT counted when the pro nuclear advocates calculate how much CO2 a nuclear plant generates, and this is cheating, wouldn't you agree?

The carbon content of woody matter (stem, branches and roots) and that of leaves is approximately 50% of their biomass. Multiplying the total biomass by the proportion of that biomass which is carbon gives an estimate of the total amount of carbon stored in the tree.... Each tonne of carbon equals approximately 3.67 tonnes of CO2.


“Radioactive Carbon 14 is produced in very miniscule amounts by cosmic rays, and in much larger amounts by nuclear bomb tests and nuclear power plants, as well as from the nuclear industry 'accidents' or spills."

What is the result of the nuclear industry generating massive amounts of radioactive Carbon 14?

Via geochronometria; "By 1963, Carbon 14 in the Northern Hemisphere had increased by 100 percent, and by 1984, about one decade later, it had increased another 25 percent. An increase in radioactivity of only one percent eventually translates into a decline in tree growth of about 18 percent. It is interesting to note that a global increase of radioactive Carbon 14 - one such as has never before been seen - parallels the slowing growth and the endemic death of trees from Lebanon to the Himalayas.

In a study supported by the IAEA, which is the marketing arm of the nuclear industry titled; CARBON-14 IN TREE RINGS IN THE VICINITY OF IGNALINA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, LITHUANIA, researchers found that "at the beginning of the nuclear power plant operations, that "the 14C excess was negligible whereas in 1996-2002, the 14C excess value compared to background (Varena tree) was the highest, reaching up to 5-11 pMC

Carbon 14 decays to Nitrogen 14. Carbon 10 decays to Boron 10.

“This is why we must give immediate priority to clarifying the influence of radioactivity in our environment.” 

Doctor Rosalie Bertell is a world renowned expert in environmental epidemiology, working in this field since 1969. She is the author of No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth and Planet Earth the Latest Weapon of War as well as hundreds of articles. She received the Right Livelihood Award (an alternative to the Nobel Prize) in 1986. In the following excerpts Dr. Bertell discusses the health hazards of low level radiation, confirming the Petkau Effect.

In The Petkau Effect, Ralph Graeub describes how radioactivity of all kinds, (not just Carbon 14) has harmed trees and forests: 

It is assumed that the decisive physiological damage resulting in current forest death must have begun during the 1950’s. This is depicted in a reduction in density and width of tree rings, and in reduced growth, which is true in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Himalayas....

Neither aging, location, nor climate can be considered as the possible sole cause of damage....The growth ring of a tree shows exactly what effects the tree has experienced, both in terms of time and seriousness....During the 1950’s and 1960’s, there was both a global wave of air pollution and radiation which caused the initial damage.”

The author speculates that it may not be just the usual chemicals which are so damaging to trees. And he notes that these trees are mainly within the 30th to 60th parallels of northern latitude. “This zone contains the most nuclear power plants -- over 300 -- and almost all nuclear reprocessing centers. Also, the vast majority of nuclear weapons tests occurred in this area.”

Yablakov also also confirmed and documented the damaging effect of low dose radiation such as Carbon 14 on trees in his book below.

Free Ebook; Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment; via A Green Road

Chernobyl Coverup And Denial Of 1 Million + Casualties; via A Green Road


Another effect that low dose radiation has on trees is that it slows or stops the decay process once a tree does die. It seems that bacteria and normal decay organisms are also affected by the radiation and cannot work the way Nature intends. If the trees do not decay and turn into soil, the whole forest becomes a dry, radioactivity filled tinderbox, spreading the radiation around the world every time there is a fire. Burning trees instead of decomposing them also increases global warming, because massive amounts of CO2 are released. Again, this is another subject that the pro nuclear apologists do not like to talk about or even admit. 

Photo: Dead radioactive trees not decomposing

All living carbon based creatures are either harmed or killed by radiation, just as trees and other plants are. So the reduction in plankton and trees is a direct consequence of nuclear power laying waste to the green oasis that is our planet, by reducing the amount of CO2 that the trees and plankton can soak up, as well as by directly poisoning them with low dose radiation of all kinds. 

This loss of both trees and ocean plankton due to the damaging or killing effects of low level radiation can be laid directly at the feet of nuclear power plants and other facilities. Radiation in a very direct way, accelerates global warming by killing or harming all green living things, including those green living things that create oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. 

For more on this subject, click on the following link...

Low Dose Radiation Causes Oxygen Depletion Globally, Kills Trees, Corals, Fish, Algae; via @AGreenRoad 


Beryllium is used in nuclear power plants as a part of fuel rod covers, along with zirconium. Beryllium is also used in nuclear bombs. Beryllium has a decay chain that goes down through carbon, which adds to the carbon cycle global warming tipping point.

Nuclear explosions also form 10Be by the reaction of fast neutrons with 13C in the carbon dioxide in air. This is one of the indicators of past activity at nuclear weapon test sites.[10] The isotope 7Be (half-life 53 days) is also cosmogenic, and shows an atmospheric abundance linked to sunspots, much like 10Be.

8Be has a very short half-life of about 7×10−17 s that contributes to its significant cosmological role, as elements heavier than beryllium could not have been produced by nuclear fusion in the Big Bang.[11] This is due to the lack of sufficient time during the Big Bang's nucleosynthesis phase to produce carbon by the fusion of 4He nuclei and the very low concentrations of available beryllium-8. (In other words, Beryllium 8 can produce Carbon)

The shortest-lived known isotope of beryllium is 13Be which decays through neutron emission. It has a half-life of 2.7 × 10−21 s. 6Be is also very short-lived with a half-life of 5.0 × 10−21 s.[14] The exotic isotopes 11Be and 14Be are known to exhibit a nuclear halo.[15] This phenomenon can be understood as the nuclei of 11Be and 14Be have, respectively, 1 and 4 neutrons orbiting substantially outside the classical Fermi 'waterdrop' model of the nucleus.

Thin plates or foils of beryllium are sometimes used in nuclear weapon designs as the very outer layer of the plutonium pits in the primary stages of thermonuclear bombs, placed to surround the fissile material. These layers of beryllium are good "pushers" for the implosion of the plutonium-239, and they are also good neutron reflectors, just as they are in beryllium-moderated nuclear reactors.[69]

Beryllium is also commonly used in some neutron sources in laboratory devices in which relatively few neutrons are needed (rather than having to use a nuclear reactor, or a particle accelerator-powered neutron generator). For this purpose, a target of beryllium-9 is bombarded with energetic alpha particles from a radioisotope such as polonium-210, radium-226, plutonium-239, or americium-241. In the nuclear reaction that occurs, a beryllium nucleus is transmuted into carbon-12, and one free neutron is emitted, traveling in about the same direction as the alpha particle was heading.

Such alpha decay driven beryllium neutron sources, named "urchin"neutron initiators, were used some in early atomic bombs.[69] Neutron sources in which beryllium is bombarded with gamma rays from a gamma decay radioisotope, are also used to produce laboratory neutrons.[70]

Beryllium has also been proposed as a cladding material for nuclear fuel rods, because of its good combination of mechanical, chemical, and nuclear properties.[5] Beryllium fluoride is one of the constituent salts of the eutectic salt mixture FLiBe, which is used as a solvent, moderator and coolant in many hypothetical molten salt reactor designs, including the liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR).[72]

Beryllium oxide is also being studied for use in increasing the thermal conductivity of uranium dioxide nuclear fuel pellets.[80]Beryllium compounds were used in fluorescent lighting tubes, but this use was discontinued because of the disease berylliosis which developed in the workers who were making the tubes.[81]"

Beryllium has the capacity to act as a neutron 'lens'. In other words, if gamma or Xray radiation is shooting through a beryllium layer such as when it is used around fuel inside a nuclear reactor or a nuclear bomb, it emits neutrons as that radiation hits it. Those neutrons emit from the Beryllium and go LONG distances, because neutrons are not blocked by anything.  Those neutron rays or particles then shoot out and hit other non radioactive elements, such as stable Carbon 12, making it radioactive, and turning it into Carbon 14, which then causes harm, just like radioactive strontium, cesium or plutonium. This is just another way that nuclear reactors add to the global warming tipping point, but actually make it much worse, because radioactive carbon 14 also harms or kills plants and trees. 


The article is titled Gulf War Syndrome, Depleted Uranium and the Dangers of Low-Level Radiation. It is available on the website of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, where you can find more studies relating to this topic. (

Because the nuclear industry has always maintained that the effects of low dose radiation exposure are so small that it is impossible to study them, they proposed extrapolating the effects from those observed at high dose, using a straight line to zero (zero dose, zero effect), together with "correction factors" for low dose/slow-dose rates

15 Million Deaths, 20 Fatal Cancers, Per Million People, Per Rad

The effect of this 'correction' is to reduce the fatal cancer estimates calculated by D.L. Preston, then Director of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation at Hiroshima, using the new dosimetry, from five fatalities to fifteen fatalities per million people per rad exposure. The corresponding estimates based on actually observed rates for nuclear workers is between ten and thirty fatalities per million per rad. Obviously, for the adult healthy male, the dose-response estimate should be about twenty fatal cancers per million per rad. 

“However, although we can make a strong case for increasing the 'official' estimates of harm by a factor of four, this fails to deal with non-fatal cancers, depressed immune systems, localized tissue damage (especially the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts), damage to skin, and reproductive problems. Radiation can cause brain lesions, damage to the stem cells which produce the blood and, when the radioactive material is carried in a heavy metal (uranium), it can be stored in bone, irradiating body organs and nerves within its radius.

Dr. Bertell points us to some supporting data:

“I would like to bring your attention to the following significant new reports on the effects of low-level radiation: 

• Health Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, Results of the IPHECA Pilot Projects and Related National Programs, Scientific Report, World Health Organization, Geneva 1996. 

• Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health, E.B. Burlakova, ed. Co- published by the Center for Russian Environmental Policy and the Scientific Council on Radiobiology, Russian Academy of Science, ISBN 5-88587-019-5, Moscow 1996. 

• Radiation Research 1994, Volume 137, which published for the first time the dose- response data on cancer incidence rate observed in the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Prior to this publication, only cancer death data was reported. 

• Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR V), U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington 1990. This provides new radiation risk estimates based on the newly assigned doses of radiation in this atomic bomb survivor study. “Also available now are the long term follow-up of workers in the nuclear industry. This industry has now been operating for more than fifty years in the United States and for about fifty years in the United Kingdom. These include:

• "Inconsistencies and Open Questions Regarding Low-Dose Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation", by R. Nussbaum and W. Kohnlein. Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 102, NO.8, August 1994. 

• RERF Technical Report TR9-87, by D.L. Preston and D.A. Pierce, Hiroshima 1987. 

• "The Effects of Changes in Dosimetry on Cancer Mortality Risk Estimates in Atomic Bomb Survivors" Radiation Research, Vol. 114,1988. 

• "Mortality and Occupational Exposure to Irradiation: First Analysis of the National Registry for Radiation Workers" by G.M. Kendall. British Medical Journal, Vol. 304, 1992. 

• "Mortality Among Workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory" by S. Wing. Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 265, 1991. 

• "Reanalysis of the Hanford Data, 1944-1986 Deaths" by G.W. Kneale and A. Stewart. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 23, 1993. The above is from: Gulf War Syndrome, Depleted Uranium and the Dangers of Low-Level Radiation, by Dr. Rosalie Bertell. It is available on the website of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Today, neither Petkau's work or a great body of research confirming it are known. The nuclear industry and regulators together still allow 'permissible levels' that are much higher than what is indicated by this research as being safe, and policy is being made with these levels as a reference point. Paradigm altering information is being ignored

Scientific research is done and public health policy is made, solely in the interest of military and nuclear industry/corporate profits. At the same time, honest scientists are marginalized by lack of funding and by lack of access to the mass media. So, today we have regulatory policy which is based on the supposedly harmless and 'negligible effects' of small amounts of radiation, when it is exactly these small amounts which are so damaging!"


RiskySeptember 17, 2014 "Did You Know this about Carbon-14 released from nuclear power plants:
:: “…a significant fraction of the carbon-14 taken in by either ingestion or inhalation is absorbed into the bloodstream, where it is transferred to all organs of the body. The health hazard of carbon-14 is associated with cell damage caused by the ionizing radiation that results from radioactive decay, with the potential for subsequent cancer induction.”

:: What percentage of Carbon14 released from a PWR plant goes to which body part:

Whole body 65.4%
Bone 71.7%
Lungs 46.7%
Thyroid 10.6%

:: What percentage of TRITIUM released from a PWR plant goes to which body part:

Whole body 26.2%
Bone 17.1%
Lungs 39.9%
Thyroid 29.1%


Radiation-eating fungi. They kill trees and they kill people
In 2002, a robot was sent inside the sarcophagus of the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and took samples of mold and fungi which were growing on the walls. Five years later, researchers from the Albert Einstein School of Medicine demonstrated that certain fungi “have the capacity to use radioactivity as an energy source for making food and spurring their growth.” With Fukushima Daiichi & the Japanese burning of tsunami debris spreading nuclear poison over the whole earth, we have a recipe for fat, healthy fungi and sick, dying people. These fungus species are known as radiotrophic fungi. They use the pigment melanin to convert gamma and beta radiation into chemical energy for growth.

Bottom line, as radioactive elements increase inside of living beings, radiotrophic fungi will also increase inside of those living things, and start eating those radioactive elements, because that is their job. However, these fungi have the undesirable effect of causing illness and deaths in the living organisms, such as trees, plants, fruits, fish, people and more. Click on above link for to get more in depth details about this.


Sting; We Work The Black Seam (lyrics) Mainly the song is about black coal, but it also specifically points at Carbon 14 and how the nuclear industry deals with radioactive waste. Radioactive carbon 14 is also released by burning all carbon fuels, which makes the problem of releases from Carbon 14 by all nuclear facilities much worse because they are added together.  

What is the take away? 

Radioactive Carbon 14 is emitted by all normally operating nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities such as reprocessing plants for example. Carbon 14 amounts have increased by orders of magnitude in the global environment. This radioactive carbon is then absorbed by plants, because carbon makes up about 50% of a tree's total weight, just to give one example.

As trees concentrate this carbon, they also concentrate the damaging effects of the radiation. Radiation can be seen as a machine gun firing bullets in all directions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on a cellular level, inside the plant, but also inside the human body.

Multiple man made elements are released from nuclear plants that then decay down into Carbon 14, via their decay chain, such as Berryllium for example. 

As radioactive carbon levels keep rising globally  due to nuclear accidents and normal emissions from nuclear plants, plant growth and CO2 absorption is slowing down more and more, which accelerates the global warming tipping point, specifically in relation to CO2. 

As this gets worse, more and more stressed trees and other plants will die off in larger and larger amounts. Mass die offs due to insect and disease attacks will become more and more common as stressed and radiation damaged trees and plants are affected with greater concentrations of radioactive Carbon 14 and other man made radioactive elements as well.. 

Nuclear Energy As A Direct Cause Of Global Warming; via @AGreenRoad

The nuclear energy industry is covering up and denying the fact that they are indeed among the largest contributor of global warming compared to all other carbon emitting industries. But the carbon fuel industry also contributes to the radiation load, because when carbon fuel is burned, it also releases radioactive Carbon 14 to some extent, so the carbon fuel industry contributes to the planetary effect that causes the dying of trees and plants as well.

In the link above, it also discusses the effect of Krypton gas which is also emitted from all nuclear plants, and which contributes directly to global warming, by causing increased droughts. All nuclear plants also emit radioactive Tritium, which is absorbed in liquid form by all living creatures, especially plants. Radioactive tritium also damages and weakens plants, and there is no way to filter it out of water or rain. Now add the other 1,100 or so radioactive man made elements and their harmful effects, and you may start to see how deadly dangerous the nuclear industry is for both humans, animals, plants and all other life on the planet. 

Bottom line, either humanity gets rid of all nuclear power and weapons, or nuclear power will get rid of all life on the planet. Humanity has to switch to carbon free, renewable energy sources, because what is happening now is no different than lemmings rushing towards a cliff, and diving off.

Only an immediate shutdown of all reactors can end the threat to our health and that of future generations. As well as health damage, The Petkau Effect presents a direct link between the death of the trees and plants and the effects of low level radiation.


Radioactive Carbon 14 From Nuclear Power Plants Causing Deforestation, Fungus Infections, Disease And Death Of Trees And Plants Globally - Global Warming

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